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Rib Ticklers
Q: HAVE YOU HEARD THE JOKE ABOUT THE SKUNK? A: NEVER MIND, IT STINKS. Q: WHAT IS YELLOW AND STUPID? A: THICK CUSTARD. Q: What award does the Dentist of the Year receive? A: A little plaque. Q: What happened to the cold jellyfish? A: It set. Q: WHY DI
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Krash News
Australia/NZ July - 2024 Edition 246 A man has travelled down the Tumut River in the country’s current largest pumpkin. After securing a blue ribbon at the Royal Easter Show for the 407-kilogram vegetable, Mark Peacock was approached by his friend, A
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Tacky Toys
These plush toys are designed to help kids with potty training but why you’d want to make them comfortable with playing with pee and poo is too scary to think about. Surely teaching children that handling poo is okay can only lead to messy regrets?
