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Motorcycle Sport & Leisure4 min read
Back In The Day...
David Minton, who passed in late 2022, was a frequent and valued contributor to Motorcycle Sport in the old red-bordered cover days. He was a favourite on both sides of the Atlantic. I became aware of his work through the Four-Stroke Singles Owners C
Motorcycle Sport & Leisure4 min read
Legal Eagle
Q. I’ve worked for the council for over 20 years and never had a day off sick, until I got smashed off my bike two years ago. To be fair, liability was admitted pretty quickly; the third-party insurer fixed my bike within a few weeks, and then funded
Motorcycle Sport & Leisure4 min read
A Confession
From my first off-road ride in Wales on an F650GS, 20-plus years ago, to spending almost four weeks on an F800GS in Vietnam, I have never come away excited by them. Capable and competent, yes; exciting and exceptional, mah. To be fair, the Vietnam ex