Your Mid-Year Stars


MAR. 20–APR. 18

MONEY There could be some financial challenges in the second half of this year but overall, you’re in a lucky cycle for cash, so any upsets that come along now are meant to teach you a lesson so you can become more reliably abundant. August and December are the focuses for the lessons – in between times, you should be feeling more optimistic about cash than you have done for some time.

HEALTH With detox planet Pluto in your Health Zone throughout the second half of the year, it’s very much time to have an honest look at what you’re putting into your body and how much rubbish you can remove from your diet. You can’t expect to function at peak performance if you don’t take care of this aspect your life! You’re reading this for a reason. Get rid of the gunk from your life.

HAPPINESS The way to happiness for you during this cycle is through loving yourself, but also being with people that are right for you. The more you value yourself, the more others will too – and if they don’t, that’s their problem! You also need to work through your fears between now and the end of the year. They are not going away by themselves! Your love life could be amazing.


APR. 19–MAY 20

This can and should be one of the most abundant times of your life, as the lucky planet Jupiter goes through your Money Zone. This only happens around once every decade or so and is

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