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ClayCraft4 min read
Kitchen Scoop
DIFFICULTY RATING ■ Clay of choice – earthenware or stoneware■ Rolling pin, roller guides (no thicker than 5mm), plastic sheet■ General tools and ribs■ Decorating medium of choice – slip, underglaze, glaze Draw and cut out a template circle on paper
ClayCraft4 min read
Sgraffito Bud Vases
DIFFICULTY RATING ■ Clay of choice, earthenware or stoneware, preferably a smooth type for this particular decorating technique■ Rolling pin, roller guides (no thicker than 3-5mm), plastic sheet■ General making tools and ribs■ Slip or underglaze colo
ClayCraft4 min read
Dressing Table Tidy
DIFFICULTY RATING ■ Paper, pencil and ruler to make a template■ Clay of choice – earthenware or stoneware, colour of choice■ Rolling pin, 5mm max thickness roller guides, plastic sheet■ General ribs and tools■ Glaze of choice We are making quite a la
