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Classic Boat2 min read
The gargantuan Type 41 Royale limousine, of which just six were built, is considered to be Ettore Bugatti’s great white elephant. Rather rarer is the Bugatti Type 75 You-You, a yacht tender produced in Paris in the early post-WW2 years as the once pr
Classic Boat3 min read
What a thrill it was to open June’s CB at page 54 and find myself staring at a deeply atmospheric photo of a vessel which had effectively been my home for a while in the mid ‘80s. I had the great good fortune to live and work aboard SV Golden Hinde I
Classic Boat4 min read
Remembering d Day
Jim Radford is well known to Classic Boat, having led everyone singing at the CB Awards ceremony at the Royal Thames in 2019. He was famous for being the youngest D-Day veteran, and later that June even more so, as the shantyman who denied Justin Bie
