More from Mornings with Jesus

Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Independence Day, Thursday, July 4
TODAY, A PARADE WILL MARCH down the streets of my town. My family will gather at my house to grill burgers, churn homemade ice cream, and play cornhole. Then we'll join our community at the park to enjoy live music until it's time for the fireworks d
Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Monday, July 22
I HAVE A HUGE WATER jug that I fill up in the morning and keep on my desk to sip from throughout the day. It's marked with various encouraging words at two-hour intervals, starting with “Good morning!” at 7 a.m., “That's it!” at 3 p.m., and finally,
Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Monday, August 12
SOMETIMES I JOURNAL MY PRAYERS, pouring out my heart on paper to Jesus. Writing my worries and cares somehow frees them. Afterward, I sit quietly—a huge challenge—and listen to Jesus. But yesterday He interrupted me. I'd asked the Lord for deliveranc
