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Recover Older File Versions
Both our recommended backup regimens for files and folders come with an added benefit: you’re not just storing the latest version of your files, you’re saving different versions, too. Sometimes, data loss isn’t the complete loss of a file, but the fa
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BEST FREE SOFTWARE To Stay 100% Private Online
Privacy is such an important aspect of our online lives that it’s often exploited to promote software that’s not private. ‘Keep your privacy under control’, says the download page for Chrome, despite Google being court-ordered to destroy user data it
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Potent PC Part Picks For Premium Performance Time and time again, we keep coming back to the Intel Core i9-14900K, and with good reason. At its core, this build is the very heart of the Maximum PC testbed. It’s our go-to chip for GPU, RAM, and SSD testing, and delivers incredible
