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New Idea1 min read
That’s a WRAP
Keep things simple with a scarf loose over both shoulders. No need to tie it in place, just let it hang over the top of your outfit for easy layering. To try this sleek trend, keep your scarf loose and wrap so that both ends sit over opposite should
New Idea1 min read
Sacha’s Ring Mystery
Sacha Baron Cohen was spotted last week wearing his wedding ring, which comes two months after announcing the end of his marriage to Isla Fisher. The 52-year-old actor wore the gold band as he took a stroll in London. The jewellery sighting comes as
New Idea3 min read
Terri’s Tassie L♥ve Story
Tasmania is best known as a place to reconnect with nature, so it’s little wonder Wildlife Warrior Terri Irwin has put the impossibly beautiful island at the top of her most favourite places on Earth. Now, after decades spent visiting the Apple Isle
