estled beneath the bustling thoroughfare of Oia’s Nikolaou Nomikou Street and perched above Ammoudi Bay is Santo Pure, the first of three gorgeous sister properties by the Santo Collection offering globetrotters a fresh taste of the Cyclades’ most famous island, Santorini. Set against the backdrop of the Caldera, Santo Pure invites patrons to savor the island’s enchanting sunsets from the privacy

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Madame johnson
You may think you have a handle on Dakota Johnson. Perhaps you think of her as the Stanford student who confidently wins a charisma battle with Justin Timberlake in David Fincher’s The Social Network, or as the humble, blunt-banged bookworm Anastasia
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In Picasso’s Presence
Sophie Calle’s À Toi de Faire, Ma Mignonne at the Musée Picasso in Paris (on view through January 2024) is not only a mise en scène of works and themes from throughout her career—it was also an opportunity to empty her house in Malakoff, in the subur
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Crafting resplendent jewels that transcend time has long been a guiding principle at Harry Winston; this year’s opulent High Jewelry collection, Royal Adornments, is a testament to the house’s unwavering commitment. Widely recognized as the “King of
