More from Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly

Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly4 min read
Is Our Practice Enough?
AS A BUDDHIST and an economics professor, I continually aspire to integrate my spiritual practice and my economics work, with the intention of creating a better world for all beings. Today, we face a number of interrelated crises on a monumental scal
Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly11 min read
Discernment Guided by Compassion
IS IT RIGHT SPEECH to speak up for the truth if others find your words controversial, even offensive? Presumably, Buddhist practitioners endeavor to avoid falsehood, malicious or divisive speech, harsh or abusive speech, and even idle chatter or goss
Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly5 min read
Moving Through the Three “Karma Doors”
THERE’S A HELPFUL formula to keep in mind when considering our actions and their effects on us and the world: what we think is what we say, is how we act, is where we live, is who we are. In other words, how we understand ourselves and the world shap
