
Will changes to this year’s presidential debates matter?

Do presidential debates still matter? How will tweaks to the debates' format change their impact? An expert digs in.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump stand at podiums facing a debate moderator.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to square off in the first of two scheduled presidential debates on June 27.

While presidential debates are already some of the most anticipated campaign events, several features of this year’s debates—scheduled much earlier than normal and planned in an unconventional way, along with earlier access to ballots among voters in many key states—have led many to wonder just how much of an impact the debates will have.

Dustin Carnahan is an associate professor in the communication department at Michigan State University’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences whose expertise focuses on how people engage with political information and how that engagement influences their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Here, Carnahan answers questions about how much debates matter and the potential impact of the new format this year:

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