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Post South Africa1 min read
The Circus Is In Town
The McLaren Circus is in Durban for the June-July holidays and is based at the circus site near SunCoast Casino. There is a new 2024 circus programme that features local and international acts, including the Wheel of Death and the Globe of Death. ​
Post South Africa2 min read
City Commissions Vital Projects To Improve Water Supply
AIMED at addressing the ongoing water outages in Verulam and surrounding areas, the eThekwini Municipality’s Water and Sanitation Unit has begun with the commissioning of two vital projects to improve water supply. Gugu Sisilana, the city’s spokesper
Post South Africa4 min read
‘The Family Is The Bedrock Of Our Nation’
I CALL my nephew in Paris, who is a young father with a two-year-old son. His mother is in Dublin on a work project and his father is rushing home from work on the express train. Little Basil is waiting eagerly to be picked up from the crèche at 6pm
