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Fill Me In
WIN £100 Puzzle 14 The Verkhovna Rada is the parliament of which European country? Solve the puzzle by following the arrows and writing in your answers. Then read down the letters in the shaded squares to find the prize answer.
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Evil On camera
It was a tiny device, no bigger than a postage stamp. Yet the digital memory card handed to police in the city of Anchorage, Alaska, on 30 September 2019 contained unimaginable horrors. Labelled Homicide at Midtown Marriott, the SD card stored 39 pho
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Over To You
Can you set a puzzle in this format? Send it, with a photo of yourself, to the address on p5. There's £20 for every one we use! This week's puzzle was compiled by Mitra Diana Zehtabi, Bristol WIN 5 x £20 Puzzle 6 1 On your own, single 2 Long poem or
