AQ: Australian Quarterly


When is Enough, Enough? Squirrel Wheel Economics and the need for Countervailing Power

1. Galbraith, J.K., 1958/1999. The Affluent Society. Penguin, London.

2. Ibid.

3. Chang, H.J., 2014. Economics: The User’s Guide. London: Penguin Books.

4. Veblen, T., 1899/2007. The Theory of the Leisure Class. Oxford University Press.

5. Galbraith, The Affluent Society.

6. Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class.

7. Costanza, R., 2023. Addicted to Growth: Societal Therapy for a Sustainable Wellbeing Future. Routledge.

8. Smith, P.E. and Prahalad, V., 2023. Making sustainability laws work while treating our addiction to growth: an application of scarcity multiplier theory. Australian Planner, 59(2), pp.117-131.

9. United Nations, 2019. SDG12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

10. Haberl, H., Wiedenhofer, D., Virág, D., Kalt, G., Plank, B., 15 (6), p.065003.

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EDITOR: Grant Mills ASSISTANT EDITOR: Stephen Burke DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: Art Graphic Design, Canberra PRINTING: Newstyle Printing, Adelaide SUBSCRIPTIONS: ENQUIRIES TO: Stephen Burke, General Manager AIPS BOARD
