More from AQ: Australian Quarterly

AQ: Australian Quarterly1 min read
AQ: Australian Quarterly
EDITOR: Grant Mills ASSISTANT EDITOR: Stephen Burke DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: Art Graphic Design, Canberra PRINTING: Newstyle Printing, Adelaide Stephen Burke, General Manager, AIPS Leon R Beswick (co-Chair) Andrew Goodsall Maria Kavallaris (co-Chair) P
AQ: Australian Quarterly7 min read
Combatting Sepsis, the Biggest Killer in Intensive Care Units
Vulnerable populations, especially in low-income and developing countries are disproportionately affected by this devastating disease. Due to an ageing population and an increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the annual incidence of sepsis,
AQ: Australian Quarterly11 min read
Watt Equity?
Within the energy industry there is a popular, feel-good refrain that the energy transition will deliver a system that is ‘democratised’, in addition to being ‘decarbonised’, ‘digitised’, and ‘decentralised’. Here democratised is used as an umbrella

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