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A Dirty Job
A Dirty Job
A Dirty Job
Audiobook11 hours

A Dirty Job

Written by Christopher Moore

Narrated by Fisher Stevens

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy with a normal life, married to a bright and pretty woman who actually loves him for his normalcy. They're even about to have their first child. Yes, Charlie's doing okay—until people start dropping dead around him, and everywhere he goes a dark presence whispers to him from under the streets. Charlie Asher, it seems, has been recruited for a new position: as Death.

It's a dirty job. But, hey! Somebody's gotta do it.

Release dateMar 28, 2006
A Dirty Job

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore is the author of eighteen previous novels, including Razzmatazz, Shakespeare for Squirrels, Noir, Secondhand Souls, Sacré Bleu, Fool, and Lamb. He lives in San Francisco, California.

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Reviews for A Dirty Job

Rating: 4.030364285314685 out of 5 stars

2,717 ratings181 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a quirky and entertaining book, with a funny and engaging narrator. The humor is sometimes crude, but overall it is a delightfully funny read. Some readers found the ending unsatisfying and felt that there were too many stereotyped characters. However, the majority enjoyed the book and found it hilarious, scary, heartwarming, and thrilling. They appreciated the unique perspective on the serious topic of death and praised the author's imagination and storytelling skills. Overall, it is a must-read for fans of dark humor and offbeat stories.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It was a lot of fun. It was entertaining even if I found it had too many stereotyped characters for my taste.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I finished this one on the plane to the ALA conference, and I have to say... I didn't love it. It had uproariously funny moments, and I did kind of like the characters, but far too often the humor attempts just fell flat. For instance, I got annoyed by the constant references to the Beta Male thing; they did not impart enough humor to justify the constant repetition. I wonder if I'd like something else by this author better. I'm willing to try, anyway.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a really funny book and I will never look at Pawn Shops the same way again. The story is unusual and is full of crude humor. If your offended by the F word - avoid. For me the strength of the book was the characters. I mean who will ever forget Minty Fresh and the adorable Sophie with her hell hounds. Even if the humor didn't always work for me, the characters were always consistent and twisted. Good fun.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first quarter or so of the book was pretty tough to get through, but once the plot managed to progress beyond "haha, this guy doesn't know what's going on!" it got much, much better.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love this book. The story is only something Christopher Moore could write. The narrator is great, he keeps you engaged from the first word to the last!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book from the first paragraph on. Hilarious and creative.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Book source ~ PurchasedCharlie Asher, normal guy, is about to have his life turned upside down with the birth of his first child, Sophie. Things start going sideways before he can even get his kid home from the hospital. After that, poor normal and very Beta Male, Charlie has things to deal with that no one should. And then it gets weirder.This is great read, or listen, in my case since I have the audiobook. It’s supernatural, and it’s spooky, and altogether kooky…wait. That’s not, I mean, yes it is, but, ok, it’s not the Adams Family. It’s definitely weird and humorous and creative. Very entertaining. The plot is okay. It’s probably the weakest part in my opinion. The world building is pretty good. I had no problem picturing it or keeping track of things. The characters are the best part. I love them all. I know it’s about Death, but if you’re looking for something a bit different that’s not all gloom and doom then this tale is worth your time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hilariously dark humor. I love all his books. I can't recommend them enough
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A must read! Hilarious, scary, heartwarming and thrilling. You learn to love the characters and it had me on the edge of my seat.(which was sketchy, since I listen to audiobooks while I drive) ? Christopher Moore has yet to disappoint.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I really couldnt listen to this audio book. I think the way its presented makes it quite irritating. But maybe the actual book is okay, and i will give it ago another time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Moore's storytelling is so masterful and captivating. The light drama and keen metaphysical humor consummate to shape an amusing, ingenious fantasy. Fisher Stevens' masterful performance compliments Moore's sharp and witty prose, making the audio book - A Dirty Job a delightful adventure.

    It is an innovative, offbeat story that was a joy to experience. I've recommended it to friends and I look forward to more of Moore's chronicles as well as well as Fisher Stevens' performances. Bravo!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Equal parts annoying and entertaining. It felt like it took FOREVER to get through it. I'm not sure what I think of this author.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Charlie is a beta-male. He's not strong or assertive, but he's got quite an imagination. This comes in handy when his wife dies shortly after the birth of his daughter and in a strange turn of events, Charlie becomes Death. Shackled with crippling grief, a new infant, and the responsibilities that come with the transfer of souls after death, it's no surprise that Charlie feels like his life is spinning out of control. With the help of his gothic employee, his ex-police friend, his lesbian sister, and his crazy neighbors, Charlie has to conquer his fears and take on the afterlife. Not to mention the specter of parenthood.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hilariously funny and in its second half also a bit bizarre this book is first class and comparable as well as somewhat similar to some of Terry Pratchett's better works.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An oddly hopefull and very funny story about death - and what happens after that.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this quirky and entertaining book! This makes me eager to read more of the author's work.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! This was a fabulous book. It was just so much fun! We start with an incredibly exciting and delicious demon story complete with hellhounds and The Morrigan. Then Moore has added an element of humour that is unmatched in anything I've read before; the only thing I can think of to compare it to is Monty Python humour. Very dark, dry, non-PC and sent me into occasional giggle fits. The characters were pure joy. I really enjoyed Lily the goth girl. As I read this book I actually pictured it as a movie in my head. Maybe Joss Whedon could direct? I read this in just over a day and could not put it down. I cannot wait to read another Christopher Moore book and if it's anywhere close to as good as this one, I know I will be reading all of his books. In fact, I'm going to go buy a copy of this book (this is a library copy) so I can read it again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Soo much fun!! Make sure to read the second book as well.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In High School I really ate up all of the Piers Anthony books I could and I particularly fell in love with "On a Pale Horse" a book about the Incarnation of Immortality--Death. A guy becomes Death. I loved it.

    Fast forward to College and I discovered this amazing HBO show "Dead Like Me" about a bunch of people who become reapers. They get the first name of the person who is going to die on a POST IT NOTE and have to claim the soul before they die.

    Fast forward to me reading this book. Kind of disappointed. The similarities to "Dead Like Me" (come on, Moore! Seriously!) and "On a Pale Horse" I had to force my way through the beginning. This is my problem with Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse. Love Sookie and Love True Blood but Twilight just isn't different enough to make me interested in it.

    The premise of "A Dirty Job" is different enough that it can exist on its own but unfortunately for me I think that I've spent far too long in the realm of Literature and had a hard time taking the book lightly. It's difficult for me to let go and just enjoy a good "fluff" book.

    That being said, I enjoyed reading it even though it was a struggle and I would highly recommend this to anyone who is not a boring book snob like myself. At the end of the day it's hilarious, a light read, and a fun one at that. :)
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One too many Asian stereotype jokes from a white guy author for me. They weren’t even funny to begin with. Same old racist material always used (eating dogs, me-love-you-long-time, etc.). Also the whole beta male thing is very cringe. Find another book worth your time. Would not recommend.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun book marred by a sad and bizarre end. I love Christopher Moore's characters, but I don't think I fully get his sense of humor - or perhaps I am held back by my bourgeois need for a happy, everybody-rides-off-into-the-sunset-style ending. If you want to know what this book is like, think mystery/humor in the vein of Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman, with less social commentary than Pratchett, and less straightforwardness.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A lot of heavy topics wrapped around a very light hearted tone. Found myself laughing out loud many times throughout this book, one of the best I've read in a long time. Think I just found a new favorite author.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Humm...somehow this book wasn't as funny or as good as Lamb, Fluke, or The Stupidest Angel. Having said that, it did make me laugh. If you haven't read any Christopher Moore, think of a Terry Pratchett/Douglas Adams/Neil Gaiman sort of vibe, add loads of cussing and a very acidic tone and you've got the general idea of what to expect from these books. Christopher Moore is a marvelously guilty pleasure, despite all those high falutin' comparisons to Vonnegut or Swift that are on the back of this book. :-)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wow, this is the first Christopher Moore novel that I've digested and it sure was a 5 course meal. It's laugh out loud funny yet it still deals with serious life issues mainly, death. Charlie Asher, pawnshop owner, lives a normal life but on the day his daughter Sophie is born, his life experiences more changes than he could have imagined. On top of becoming a new father, it appears that Charlie Asher has been recruited for a new unpleasant and unwanted one.... I'm not going to tell you more because it will ruin the experience for you. I'm glad I didn't read all the reviews prior to listening to the audiobook because too many reviewers forget to warn readers about spoilers!
    Christopher Moore has a great imagination & certainly gives readers/listeners a unique perspective on what is normally a serious topic. Some individuals may be turned off by his treatment of the subject matter but I thought it was a quirky and very different approach to dealing with serious topics including death. It was witty and the narration is very well done. Get ready to laugh & cheer for the good guys. Just enjoy listening to the novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    all Christopher Moore's novels are fantastic, funny, laugh out loud - Dirty Job is no disappointment, but still my heart goes to Lamb and the Stupidest Angel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a funny read! While crude at times, it was a delightfully funny crew of people.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It was an amusing book. But, the ending wasn't very satisfying, and a lot of the humer edged just a little bit too far into offense for comfort.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I thought this book was interesting. It had an interesting premise and did a decent job of building up the mythology and background. However it seemed as if the author got half way through writing the book and realized that he had a page limit. The book went from a slow build up of characters and suspense to throwing in new characters that are some how very important with no real explanation and the final battle was a bit of a let down. I was disappointed with the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Geeky, morbid and fun. Laught out loud several times. The narrator was great.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I adore Christopher Moore's books. Something about the juxtaposition of absurd and sublime is very satisfying. The only problem I've had is that he doesn't always seem to know how to end his books, and that can be hard when the story up until that point was fabu. *Lamb* just kind of ends. Same with *Fool*. With *A Dirty Job*, though, the end is satisfying. Also, on top of the typical fun plot and crazy dialog, we get to revisit with a lot of the best supporting characters from some of Moore's other books - like Bummer the Boston Terrier. Love that little dog.