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Hallowed: An Unearthly Novel
Hallowed: An Unearthly Novel
Hallowed: An Unearthly Novel
Audiobook10 hours

Hallowed: An Unearthly Novel

Written by Cynthia Hand

Narrated by Samantha Quan

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

For months Clara Gardner trained to face the fire from her visions, but she wasn't prepared for the choice she had to make that day. And in the aftermath, she discovered that nothing about being part angel is as straightforward as she thought.

Now, torn between her love for Tucker and her complicated feelings about the roles she and Christian seem destined to play in a world that is both dangerous and beautiful, Clara struggles with a shocking revelation: Someone she loves will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.

In this compelling sequel to Unearthly, Cynthia Hand captures the joy of first love, the anguish of loss, and the confusion of becoming who you are.

Release dateMay 22, 2012

Cynthia Hand

The Lady Janies are made up of New York Times bestselling authors Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows. They first met in 2012, when their publishers sent them on a book tour together, and they hit it off so well they decided to write My Lady Jane so they could go on book tours together all the time. Between the three of them they’ve written more than twenty published novels, a bunch of novellas, a handful of short stories, and a couple of really bad poems. They’re friends. They’re writers. They’re fixing history by rewriting one sad story at a time. Learn more at 

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Reviews for Hallowed

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'll be honest, I wasn't going to finish this series but it was at the library staring at me. It had sat on that shelf for so long, untouched, I felt bad for it.

    All I can say is, no wonder.

    I must have been exceptionally disappointed with Unearthly as I struggle to remember anything from it? Normally, after a break in a series, I can start reading and the concepts of the book come flooding back. Not with this one.

    It was boring and I think I struggled with all of the characters. No one them were particularly unique o intriguing. I can't even remember anything remotely interesting even happening in this one. You could have cut book to 50 page of what you actually needed to know.

    Overall, pointless.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hallowed was definitely an amazing sequel to Unearthly. Yet again, the author built an incredible plot around Clara, her friends, family, and the angel-bloods. It’s hard to describe what I loved about this book when I could just say I’ll try listing instead:1. The setting--breath-taking descriptions of the mountains2. The new characters & character development--learning about Clara’s dad, seeing why Jefferey is always so angsty, learning about her mom’s past, meeting the other angel-bloods...and the boys, of course.3. Speaking of the boys...whose team are you on? Sash & I absolutely disagree...big time...*heated conversation ensues*. I think Christian & Tucker change a lot throughout the “team” allegiance is different from the book before.4. Foreshadowing--the author did an amazing job of keeping the readers & Clara in the dark...I loved not being able to guess what was going to happen! Too often do I read books that I could tell you exactly what was going to happen about 50 pages into the book...this was NOT one of them.5. The ending...oh...the ending. Lots of sobbing, heartache, but also strength. Cynthia Hand makes it so easy for her readers to not only sympathize with her characters, but empathize as well. Putting myself in Clara’s shoes was painful, but enlightening.I think this series has a really empowering and spiritual theme overall...I love stories about angels and Nephilim...but this is definitely one of my favorite because it is less about the love triangle or high school...and much more about fulfilling one’s purpose in life.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I know I'm going to be in the minority on this one, but I find the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand a bit of a slog. I read Unearthly because reviews were so positive and it seemed like an interesting concept. I've really been enjoying angel books recently and the idea of descendents of angels having a set purpose that they must carry out seemed like a neat spin on the norm. And the concept is good. I managed to get through the first book and wanted to know what happened next, so I purchased Hallowed shortly thereafter. I got through about 4-5 chapters when I realized the concept wasn't going to be enough to keep me reading - I gave up (which I've only done twice in recent years).

    My two biggest problems with the book have to do with technique and character. The narration is done in first-person present tense ("He curls and uncurls his fingers around mine") which, it turns out, really irritates me. I find I prefer first-person past tense ("He curled and uncurled..."); I think it flows better. I made it through Unearthly since it had new characters and a slightly different concept. But now that I am comfortable with the story and characters the technique is taking front-and-center. I also find it very frustrating that the author has Clara's mother refuse to teach her anything. Clara is supposed to find things out for herself when the time is right, but it doesn't make sense to me that when you have a font of information right next to you in the form of a family member "God" wouldn't want you to take advantage of it. People don't live their lives in vacuums. The author's technique might not have been as big of a problem for me if it hadn't been for the second issue - character. Clara is boring. She is not nearly as interesting as Tucker, Christian, or Angela, and lacks charisma. A character that leaps out of the page can hide a multitude of problems.

    One smaller issue I had was with the term "Black Wings." These are the fallen angels seen in the series, and the term was used frequently in the first chapters of Hallowed. However, I've read Kim Harrison's Madison Avery trilogy where the term is also used, and whenever I saw it in Hallowed it threw me out of the story. All I could think of was how Madison was a much more interesting character than Clara and that the Black Wings in Harrison's stories were a bit more menacing (they actually eat the souls of those who do not die in a state of grace).

    This book gets two stars for a unique take on angels, but loses three for the issues I've listed. I'm sure other readers will not have any problem with this series, but I've determined it is just not for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The series continues to be amazing, and to make me want to flail my hands. All the characters continue to be real people, with real talents and flaws, regardless of whether they are angels or humans. And I want to run around saying "This is not your mama's Angel Stories" and that says something coming from the girl who avoids them (...and drug herself, unhappily through the second half of A Need So Beautiful...).

    But I am ecstatic about this series. And the big twists in this one were BIG. The serious one at the ending literally tore at my heart. I want to know where everyone is going and what is going to happen to them. Parents. Ex's. Friends. Everything. Radiant was waiting to be devoured right after this one, and Boundless needs to happen, oh, NOW.

    Also. All those warnings about needing tissues for this book? People weren't wrong. Even having predicted who and how and what from chapter two, I was so near to tears so many times. It was just done so well, I felt it slamming me as it slammed Clara.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hallowed picks up not long after the events of Unearthly. Clara's having to deal with the consequences she made regarding her purpose on the day of the fire. She's started having new visions and these tell her that somebody she loves is about to die in the very near future. On top of that, Clara's struggling with her feelings for both Tucker and Christian.

    I felt like Hallowed really kicked up the intensity on all levels. I wanted a little bit more action and clarification on some issues. I was impressed that Hand was able to make me indecisive on my feelings between Tucker and Christian. Maybe I'll be able to make up my mind before the end of the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really, really enjoyed!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    After failing to fulfill her purpose, Clara finds her world turned upside down and doesn't know what’s going to happen next. She begins having visions in the form of dreams, only to realize that someone close to her is going to die.

    This was a perfect follow up to Unearthly. You learn a lot more about the differences between White Wings and Black Wings. There is also a huge surprise. I know I wasn’t expecting it. This novel was extremely emotional, and had me in tears by the time I finished it. I haven’t had a book move me in such a long time. I even woke up the other half to tell him how great this book was, and that he should pick up reading as a hobby. To that, he said don’t think so and went back to sleep. :P I highly recommend this series. I rated it 4/5 because I think at times Clara is extremely self-centered, and that kind of annoyed me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow. That about sums it up. I wasn't even going to read this book after reading Unearthly so I'm glad that I decided to go ahead and do it. Don't get me wrong, I liked Unearthly, I felt that the story had great potential but the writing wasn't grabbing and keeping my attention. The story did however so I embarked upon Hallowed and am so thankful that I did. I must have cried several times throughout the story. My heart broke for Clara, even when she was being a self-centered teenager. I feel such compassion for Jeffrey and can't wait to see where he goes and what he does in the next book. Which I can't believe is the last one!?! My sincerest hope is that she writes Maggie and Samjeeza's story and I hope that Michael puts in an appearance, which he most certainly must! Until then, I'll do what I most normally do NOT do and buy the novella about Clara and Angela's time in Italy as soon as it becomes available, in fact going to go to amazon and pre-order right now!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    **I shan’t spoil this.

    Oh, Cynthia Hand. You wily author, you.

    I find this book hard to review, as there’s little I can say without giving all of it away. Hallowed picks up right where Unearthly left off. You remember Unearthly. How swoon-worthy it was and how you knew throughout that everything, at least romance-wise, was right with the world? Yah, well prepare to have your Unearthly world turned upside down.

    It’s the sign of a very talented author to be able to manipulate/coerce her audience to agree with her storyline’s every whim. I know that not everyone will jump ship, but be honest – you, at least, got your feathers ruffled. If I sound vague, it’s cuz I’m not in the business of spoiling books, but everyone who has read it knows what I mean. That’s all I will say on the matter.

    Lies. I will also say this on the matter: Tucker, who? Haha. J/K!, sike, and all that. I love Tucker, but let’s be honest – he hasn’t come to terms with the fact that Clara is a frikkin ANGEL and I dunno if he ever will. He wants to be there for her, but I’m unsure if he’s capable, being a mere human and stuff.

    Hand is tricky, tricky lady, though, no? After book #1, I didn’t even LIKE Christian. He was annoying and stalkerish to me. By the end of Unearthly, I could not fathom ever coming to like him over Tucker for Clara. So, I applaud you Hand, cuz I’m officially on the fence now. Dude. When Christian sat outside her window for HOOOOURS? That shit made my heart clench. It was poignant. He gets her. He totally gets her and doesn't push her to be that which she is not. Isn’t that a building brick of a stable foundation for a healthy relationship? It doesn’t negate all the wonderful things about Tucker-n-Clara, but it’s amazing how easily we’ve been led to see new possibilities. Bravo on that curveball, I say. What now? (bites nails)

    Clara’s dad… I simultaneously like and dislike him. He’s awesome in many ways, but I don’t like how he’s just dropped into the story. He spent all those years away from the kids and trying to protect them, but then he comes back and just starts glory-ing people and introducing his glory-ful self to everyone as Clara’s dad? Nah. Too easy.

    After Hand’s master manipulation (I mean that in a really good way), I dunno where we’re all going, but the anticipation is killing me. Book #3 can’t come soon enough.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful. That’s the best word I can use to describe this book. I know many of my friends found Hallowed less captivating than Unearthly, and I do see why, but I absolutely loved this book for it’s writing, it’s emotional intensity, and Clara’s growth. As the summary says, someone Clara loves dies, and she KNOWS it’s going to happen. So much of this book is Clara dealing with her grief while wrestling with her identity as an angel-blood.

    There’s quite a bit more in that area as well. I can’t talk about it for fear of spoilers, but let me just say there were things I did not see coming, and plot twists that I really loved. I think Hallowed managed to strike the balance between setting up this story arc perfectly for the third book while also not suffering from second book syndrome. Quite a feat.

    The Tucker/Clara/Christian love triangle was just as present in this book. It began to tire me out a little during Hallowed, but it’s still one of my favorite love triangles. I really like how both Tucker and Christian appeal to different parts of Clara. Tucker is the down-to-earth cowboy who lets Clara just be for a while, to be completely comfortable with who she is and where she is. On the other hand, I feel that Christian, appealing to Clara’s angel side, urges Clara on to higher aspirations, and keeps her working towards a purpose. Both of these things are important for Clara, and it’s not clear-cut who is the “right” side in the love triangle. Sure, my favorite hasn’t changed(Tucker), but I think it was a little more balanced in this book.

    Clara’s grief towards the approaching death in the book is dealt with in a way that is almost slightly muted, which really serves to actually amplify the grief factor. I loved this part so much, even as I hated what was happening to the characters I came to love. I just thought it was so well-written. It wasn’t overly sappy, as story lines like this one sometimes become, but the grief felt very raw and very real.

    I thought Clara had developed quite a bit as a character as well. She’s still the same Clara from book one, selfish sometimes, not always the most caring, but she’s matured at the same time. I think her character has great potential to become a favorite in the third book.

    Final Impression: A second book that I liked even better than the first, Hallowed left me with no complaints. I loved Clara’s character development, and the way grief was handled in this book. It was so raw and real, I felt for the characters SO SO much. This one’s a winner.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    And now I'm sad, because it's time for the long wait until book 3 comes out. This was a really good book! I love it when an author doesn't shy away from the tough journey. Things are definitely not easy for Clara in this one. It all starts out well, which of course is the first sign that things are about to get miserable. The changes are poignant, never sappy, and quite moving. I'm moving book 3 to my "eagerly anticipated" shelf, because I really want to know what happens next.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't know if I'm just really emotional right now, or what, but the death stuff made me weepy. I thought those parts were beautifully written.

    Saw some things coming, but who cares. :) I'll be interested to see where this goes in the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I finally finished this book. But I am just now being able to do a review because I've been busy.

    But this book for me was between 4/5 because it was such a slow read for me and didnt pick up until a little over 100 pages in (at least for me it didnt pick up and make me want to stick with it until then)

    Of course, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough, but just wasnt as good as the first.

    Although I like Tucker, I am and have always rooted for Clara and Christian to be together. I always thought they should be the ones that needed to be together and were meant to be together.

    I do kind of see where Jeffrey may be going in this series..And I would be surprised if he didn't get into some serious issues in Boundless. (No, I have not read it yet and I don't consider my last comment a spoiler). I am still not totally sure about Angela and I still find her utterly annoying..Along with Wendy.

    And the surprise about someone in the book was amazing to me and I loved it! I wasn't expecting that little twist she had in here.

    Its good to see that Clara and Jeffrey finally found some people who she could go to beyond Angela for advice and some actual truth about what it is to be an Angel-Blood.

    So, I am nervous about Boundless but also excited because I want to see what happens next.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hallowed picks up where Unearthly leaves off, as Clara deals with the repercussions of how she handled her angel purpose. Now, a new purpose-like dream materializes that has her worried about someone close to her. As Clara’s focus is pulled into the angel world, where does that leave her relationship with Tucker? And when tensions heat up with the Black Wings, Clara finds herself right in the middle of the conflict.

    This is a more melancholic book than Unearthly. Clara has a lot of sadness around her that weighs her down, not least of which is the awareness that she is about to lose a loved one. She has angel growing pains as she learns more about her powers and how much others are relying on her. She is learning more about her purpose and how her choices make it evolve. There is the question of fate, and how she can choose to accept or ignore the path that she is destined for. So, this is a turning point sort of time for Clara.

    Another small problem competing for Clara’s attention is the growing love triangle. Cynthia Hand pokes fun at love triangles in general in the book, and even with a nod to Twilight. It seems that Christian fits perfectly in her life, and the only problem is that her heart belongs to Tucker. I found myself tugged in both directions in regards to the love triangle, and I’m not sure it’s over, no matter how things left off.

    In addition to the angel revelations and matters of the heart, I was also really interested in the character relationships. In particular, Clara’s brother Jeffrey, and friend Angela have me very intrigued. I was glad to see Jeffrey with a meatier role in this installment, but it left me wanting even more answers. New characters and surprise appearances in the book also provided some of the back-story I craved.

    Hallowed is a very worthy follow up to Unearthly, and an emotional, heart wrenching read. The series is well written and addictive, and even has a sense of humor that can win over paranormal weary readers. I can’t wait to find out what’s in store in the next installment!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Slower than the first book but still very enjoyable. There's a tug of war love triangle which isn't of the eye rolling kind. Am interested in how the story will end. There is a war but they haven't expanded on that yet because the only threat seemed to be Samjeeza. About to start on Boundless in 30 seconds :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Clara is part-angel, torn between Tucker and Christian and both of them do have their merits, my vote would be for Christian, as she can be herself with him, hiding nothing, while Tucker has issues with some of the aspects of her angelic self. Still she loves Tucker and while she has feelings for Christian she really needs to make her mind up and stick with it. As well as the relationship drama we also learn a bit more about her family and about the part-angelic people and there is a bit of heartbreak going on.It's an interesting story, I had some quibbles with it and the lack of understanding for grey issues. There is trouble ahead though for Jeffrey. I can see issues going to make themselves felt in the last book. This was very much a bridging book, setting a lot of things up that will have to be resolved in the last book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.Quick & Dirty: Great sequel filled with great romance, heartbreak, loss and adventure. It was one of my favorite reads from 2012.Opening Sentence: In the dream, there’s sorrow.The Review: Clara and everyone she loved survived through the fire. She fulfilled her destiny right? Turns out there is more that is required of her. She gets a new vision where she is at a funeral of someone she really cares about, but she doesn’t know who. She soon has a visit from her long time absent father and she finds out that her mom and dad kept a lot of secrets. As she struggles to figure out what her vision means, she has to figure out what she is really meant to do with her life.She is also torn between two amazing guys. She is madly in love with Tucker and they are really happy, but she fears that being part angel may tear them apart. Tucker is totally human and at times Clara feels that he deserves to live a normal life with a normal girl. Then there is the mysterious Christian, her vision didn’t quite turn out how she expected. She has always been drawn to Christian, but she can’t help that she is in love with someone else. This doesn’t stop Christian from trying to win Clara’s heart. He cares about her deeply and feels that she is his destiny, so he will try everything to make her see that he is the right guy for her. As Clara struggles with the pending doom of losing someone she loves, she soon realizes that her life is going to be full of hard choices that she’s not sure she is ready to make.Clara really grows throughout Hallowed. As her heritage starts to unfold Clara realizes that being an Angel-blood isn’t exactly what she thought. There are some amazing things and some really hard things that come with the job. As she struggles to deal with her pending loss she starts to shut down and push people away. Soon she realizes that letting people in will help her to deal with the pain and loss she goes through. She also needs to figure out what is worth fighting for and what she needs to learn to let go. She is an amazing character and I am excited to see where her journey leads her.Christian has become a more constant figure in Clara’s life. As she gets to know him better they become friends. He understands Clara on a level that others will never understand. He is also an angel-blood and their destiny is intertwined. As you get to know Christian better that awkwardness that I felt between him and Clara in Unearthly starts to disintegrate. Christian really comes to care about Clara and he puts up a pretty good fight for her. I think that he is a sweet guy, but in the end I still feel that they aren’t right for each other.I really can’t say enough good things about Tucker. I mean honestly, I have said this before but he really is perfect. He is just a good person all around. He loves Clara unconditionally, even though she is different. Clara starts to push Tucker away because she is worried that it’s his funeral she is attending in her vision. She knows that it is dangerous for humans to get too close to angel-bloods, but she loves Tucker. Clara has to decide if she is willing to risk Tucker’s life for the chance to be with him. Tucker is an amazing guy and I really hope that he and Clara end up together.Hallowed is an amazing sequel to Unearthly. The character development was so well done and the plot got more intriguing. Hand answered a lot of questions, but she also posed a lot more. The flow was great and honestly I couldn’t put the book down. The book had great romance, heartbreak, and some good action. I really can’t wait to finish out the series. I would highly recommend this series to anyone that enjoys YA Paranormal, it will not disappoint.Notable Scene:All I can do is stay along for the ride and observe. Now that I know this is a cemetery, that this is a funeral procession, it seems so obvious. Everybody’s wearing dark clothes. I notice gravestones scattered around the trees. I try to pay attention to more than the grief raging in my head, my own grief, I think, not Samjeeza’s.It’s spring, I quickly figure out. The leaves on the trees, the grass, are new green. The air has that fresh-washed smell that comes after a spring rain, where you can still smell a hint of snow. There are the beginnings of wildflowers on the hillside.It’s going to happen in the spring.I can clearly make out Angela walking way off to the side, wearing a long violet dress. There’s Mr. Phibbbs, my English teacher. Come to think of it, I recognize a lot of people from school, maybe because school is the only place in Jackson where I know anybody. I see Mrs. Lowell, the school secretary, and her redheaded daughter, Allison. Kimber Lane, Jeffrey’s girlfriend. Ava Peters. Wendy, walking next to her parents, clutching a white rose to her chest. I see a flash of her face, which is paler than usual, her blue eyes all red and puffy. She doesn’t have a problem crying.Who’s missing?Warm fingers enclose mine. I look up at Christian. He squeezes mu hand. I shouldn’t be letting him hold my hand, I think. I belong to Tucker.You can do this, Christian says in my head. There’s no doubt in him. No hesitation. He’s not worried that Tucker’s going to show up and have a problem with him holding my hand.The bottom of my stomach drops out.Tucker.FTC Advisory: Harper Teen provided me with a copy of Hallowed. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OH. MY. GOSH.

    That's all I can say right now.

    I'm always a little wary of second books in a series, because what if they end up being the Return of Jafar of the group!? That would be atrocious. Second books/movies sometimes just don't end up doing what they're supposed to do. Luckily, that's not the case here. No sequel slump.

    I really, really liked Unearthly and I was anxious to see where the story would go from there. What's going to happen between Christian and Clara? What about Tucker?!

    There were a lot of things going on here, things that I never saw coming. I usually pride myself on being able to pick up on 'the twist' well in advance, but I admit...I was blindsided by things in this book. Not in a bad way, just in a surprised way.

    I like that Hallowed carries on so well where Unearthly left off. Sometimes a middle book kind of goes off in its own direction and you're left with a 'huh' feeling.

    I'm still totally liking the characters. They've developed nicely here, and give more insight into who they are and why. I like the new ones introduced as well. They're cool people!

    In fact, everything that I loved about Unearthly carries over into Hallowed.


    One thing I'm vexed about: WHAT ON EARTH WAS ALL THAT ABOUT TUCKER?!?! WHY?!?!

    If you've read the book, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven't, well, you need to start with Unearthly and get going, because you simply MUST know. You need to get to know Tucker so that you can love him too. And wonder WHY!!!!!

    In the spirit of awesome second bookedness, I'm giving Hallowed a 'Pick Me' rating for not disappointing at all!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Well, I have to say I was more disappointed with Hallowed than I was with Unearthly. I decided to continue the series because I felt that there was some major potential with the first book and I hoped that Hand could move the story along. However, I just felt that didn't happen. My biggest issue with Hallowed is how freaking predictable the entire plot was! SPOILERS: I knew the minute Clara started having visions of the funeral that it was her mother's. How could she NOT see that right way and immediately think it was Tuck. I mean SERIOUSLY. Her mother had been showing signs of illness. Additionally, I knew that her father was an angel in the first book and I also had a feeling that he was a pure angel so that didn't come as a shock. Which means, I also knew that Clara was more than a 4th angel and that was probably the reason her mother protected her so fiercely from the truth of her identity. The only real conundrum (that came out of the blue, in my opinion) is her brother starting the fire and trying to save Tuck because its his purpose. Where did that come from???

    My second big issue in this book is the love triangle. Lord, the love triangle. I was very annoyed when Clara decided she was going to become a stalker and hide outside Tucker's window. SHE HID OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW! Haven't we been through this before in YA literature?? It doesn't matter if you are male, female, angel, or vampire it's not okay to watch someone sleep without their position. It's creepy and troubling. Additionally, I might be one of the only readers that kind of likes Christian. I think he understands Clara in a way that will only help her discover more about herself and her power. Tucker is an amazing guy but she can't stay with him. She is going to age so much slower than he is and Tucker wants to stay in his hometown! It's just not going to work and I just don't think love can conquer everything. You shouldn't have to compromise so much of yourself for another person. Sometimes we have to make the best decisions for the people we love that might not always be the easiest. I know this is a YA romance and that I most likely need to get off this tangent, but what started out as something resembling a healthy relationship has now spiraled out of control.

    Overall, as you can tell, I'm frustrated with this book. I wanted it to be good especially since so many people on Goodreads like it. However, I had such a hard time getting over the flaws that were glaring at me to notice them. However, I stand by the fact that there is potential with this story. I just wish we could focus on on Clara becoming a stronger angel and what that means.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Well, honestly, the book did started of like any other embellished teenager tv series or book series does, like... go to school, boy problem and such and honestly, I don't even LIKE these kind of stories but weirdly enough I do read through it since its such an emotional ride.

    From the first book, we get to know... errr.... ok.. here's the problem with first person novels, I ALWAYS forget the main character's name. ok.. Clara, an angel who saved her boyfriend Tuck in a forest fire and then found out that Christian is an angel like her. Then there's Angela's club and etc...

    The book made me cry nonstop half of the storyline and there's the whole Angel things, a fallen angel in love with Clara's mother, stalking and etc. Honestly, its a good story.. but kinda being whitewashed like The Vampire Diaries. I wonder if that even make sense.

    I'll rereview the book since I had bakery class after this.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wow. Another great book from Cynthia Hand. This one really gripped me, and I did not want to stop reading!

    Hallowed starts off about 3 days after the end of Unearthly, as Clara and Tucker survey the damage the fire did. Immediately, you get the feeling that things aren’t going to stay happy and easy between them. Right from chapter 1, Clara is keeping secrets from Tucker. However, it also picks up with some questions that are left over from the previous book, not answering them right away, but just reminding you that they’re there.

    At the same time, Clara starts having a recurring dream that may or may not be a vision, and she’s still very confused about her relationship with Christian. School starts up again, and it becomes very difficult for her to avoid him. Once Clara confides her dream/vision to Angela and Christian, the story really picks up and runs off.

    This book is full of wonderful twists and turns. Just when you think what’s going on, a curve ball comes, and you find you really have no idea. There are so many surprises, both wonderful and heart-breaking, that this book just really kept me guessing. We really get to see Clara grow and come into herself more in this book. She learns more about her status as an angel-blood and other things that will help her on her way.

    Unfortunately, while Hallowed really is an amazing story that kept me guessing, there were some heart-wrenching scenes that just made me too sad. There was one thing toward the end that I wasn’t really happy with it, though I saw it coming, and that’s why I took a way half a star. Overall, though, this was an absolutely wonderful book, and I would definitely recommend it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Whoever has the 3rd book out from the library needs to hurry up and finish it so I can get it. Looking back, not a lot actually *happens* in this book, but that's OK. I really enjoyed getting to know more of the backstory and having more character development.

    There wasn't nearly enough Tucker, though....
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    VOYA Rating: 4Q4PHighly Recommended This is the 2nd book in the Unearthly trilogy. The relationship between Clara and Tucker continues, but Clara keeps developing her angel abilities. This will begin to affect her relationship with Tucker and Christian is really one of the few people who will understand these changes. Christian feels that it is his duty to protect Clara. He is there for her all the time. Clara begins to find out that there are a lot more angel bloods in her small town in Colorado. Her friend Angela, her brother, her AP English teacher and more. Besides the romance, another major conflict in the story is that Clara feels she has not fulfilled her purpose. Now she is getting visions that someone close to her is going to die. More secrets are unveiled about her father and about angel bloods in general.This paranormal romance was an unexpected tear jerker. Clara discovers the reason her father has not been in her life, she learns about the sacrifice that her brother, Jeffery, has had to make and then she finds out her mother is dying. Angels, who are only half angel, live for 121 years. Then they die. The reader feels the grief and loss that Clara is experiencing. While Clara got to say goodbye to her mother, it was a tragic twist in the story. The cover story was that Clara’s mom has cancer and that she is dying. No one in the town knew that Clara and her family are angel bloods. Clara meets her father for the first time because he was permitted to come from heaven to bring his wife back with him. Clara finds out that she is actually 2/3 angel instead of ¼ and her power is much greater than anyone expected. The love, loss, romance and action keep readers hooked for the whole book. Lots to think about in terms of destiny and free will. I definitely recommend it for the paranormal loving crowd. I can’t wait until the third book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hallowed by Cynthia

    Hollowed is a YA Paranormal novel, Cynthia’s writing style was easy to read her words flowed well. The descriptions were excellent and you felt emotional at times reading her words. The characters were well developed and you ended up really liking them.

    When you read Unearthly you know Clara’s vision didn’t turn out the way she thought it would. In Hallowed this is more about her finding her purpose and understanding what she wants out of her life. And the love triangle in Hollowed is fantastic first I wanted Clara and Christian, and then I wanted Clara and Tucker. Then I was yes Tucker. This book is fantastic and the writing was so easy to read that you are at the end of the book before you know it.

    I’ve said it before but it takes a truly great author to make you feel actual emotions and Cynthia’s writing did that in spades.

    I would recommend this to anyone who loves YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy novels its one of the best I’ve read in awhile.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    I need to read book 2.5 and book 3 now just so I can find out what happens in the end.

    It's so not fair making her choose between Christian and Tucker though, they're both really nice. In the first book I was leaning more towards Tucker but now I think I'm more Christian...hmm :/
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As the second book in the Unearthly series, I was a liiiitle wary to read this. Second books have been disastrous before, and although I've been proven wrong on many other occasions, I always worry a little. Especially with a book I enjoyed as much as Unearthly :) Anyhow, it was a stupid concern because this book pulled me in and didn't let go. And although I don't go searching for books that make me sob like a small child, when it happens, it's a good sign. (Okay, I'll admit that I'd rather laugh in a book, but whatever, that's cool). Anyhow, yeah, I bawled in this one. And I loved it. And I still think Tucker is awesome--even more so in this book. Don't get me wrong, I like Christian quite a bit, even more so in this book than the last, but Tucker is just so yummy. Like, wholesome yummy (why I'm thinking freshly baked wheat bread with butter and jam is beyond me, but it actually kind of fits. Or I'm just hungry). Anyhow, now I'm going to have to wait for-EH-ver for the next book. Which is sad. But worth it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book I love the way Ms.Hand writes.I loved the book,the way Clara struggled I could feel her loss her joys and I loved Christian he is just awesome sorry guys but Christian all the way!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After Unearthly, I was excited about the direction of the series. Hand had developed her angel mythology well and I expected book two to begin exploring the long term endgame. But throughout Hallowed, I felt directionless. The plot sputtered. Future plot points were planned, of course: 1. something dire is up with Clara’s mom 2. something is fishy with Clara’s brother 3. and there is something unexplainable to solve about Clara and Christian’s failed purposes. But instead of advancing these plots continuously throughout the book, Hand vaguely introduces them only to address them at the end.

    You know how artists are decried for stocking their albums with “filler” songs? Like they create an entire record for the sole purpose of releasing two dynamite singles and the rest is immaterial? That’s what Hallowed was for me: a filler novel. I call shenanigans on any series with only three books having a filler novel. Actually I call shenanigans on any series, no matter the length, having a filler novel. Having read the final book in the series, I wonder why it even had to be a filler novel since my complaint about the final book is that Hand crammed too much into it. Couldn’t some of that content be used in Hallowed?

    Another metaphor in an attempt to express my disappointment: you know how when you start dating someone you think that person is, like, the most awesome ever? But then, after a couple months, you become less charmed. The way he constantly tries to carry your heavy bag is chivalrous at the beginning. But you slowly begin to think, “Hey, sometimes I just want to carry my own bag!” So it was with Hallowed.

    In the first book, I found Hand’s unornamented prose authentic to teen speech, unchallenging, and soothing. Now in book two, I found the prose boring and uninspiring. In the first book, I was excited about the prospect of the angel mythology. What did the angels’ purposes mean? How is the angel hierarchy structured? After book two, I’m stuck in that vortex one is hap to fall into if she overanalyzes a piece of fiction focused on the supernatural. How do these purposes even work? Aren’t they simply self-fulfilling prophecies, not divine messages from God? Where’s the fun in a story that essentially tells you “This is going to happen because a character saw it in a vision and will consequently make it happen”?

    By the end of Hallowed, the only reasons I was compelled to read Boundless were 1. a desire to know the conclusion to the love triangle 2. I already had a copy after festering on the library’s holds list for months. Not very convincing reasons, unfortunately.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Title : Hallowed

    Series : Unearthly #2
    Author : Cynthia Hand
    Pages : 401
    Release Date : Jan 17th 2012
    Publisher : HarperTeen
    Format : Hardcover
    Source : Library - Borrowed

    My Opinion :

    *This review may contain some spoilers if you haven't read Unearthly*

    Hallowed is the sequel to Cynthia Hand's 2011 debut novel, Unearthly. It follows not long after Unearthly's gripping end.

    Hallowed was a great read, although it took me TWO days for me to finish (and that's a lot for me, I normally take one day, or one day and a half to read books :S). And so, I wanted to finish it quickly. The first 200 pages were a little slow for me, and so that's why they took me a long time to read, but afterwards, the book just flew by. The pages turned and turned easily.

    In Hallowed, many secrets are revealed. Big ones. Like they have a gay dead parrot (just kidding, but seriously, LOADS of things get revealed in the book. Read it now if you had a bunch of questions back when reading Unearthly). Tucker and Quarterius (quarter-angel) Clara are together (I was Team Christian before reading this, but now I'm Torn (with a capital T) between the two guys, although Christian is winning by a tinsy little bitsy). They meet a Dark Wing... there is a funeral (I am not telling who's).

    This book was really great, and I don't want to describe it too much, in case I give any spoiler, but it was a great read overall.

    The characters did grow up a lot and got to know more and more about themselves as the book continued. Some stuff was really impressing and surprising, which I really liked!

    I didn't like Clara as much as I did in the first book. But, I did still really like Christian :D And I started liking Tucker, although... Christian... and Tucker.. and ughhhhhh.... I LOVE THEM BOTH (although... Christian...)

    Anyways, a good angel read. I you read the first book, you absolutely need to read Hallowed!

    I love the cover :D

    4 roses!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I laughed through the first book, cried through this one. They were both amazing....