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Written by Don Brown

Narrated by James Adams

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The stakes are high . . . and the entire world is waiting for the verdict.The Navy has uncovered a group of radical Islamic clerics who have infiltrated the Navy Chaplain Corps, inciting sailors and marines to acts of terrorism. And Lieutenant Zack Brewer has been chosen to prosecute them for treason and murder.Only three years out of law school, Zack has already made a name for himself, winning the coveted Navy Commendation medal. Just coming off a high-profile win, this case will challenge the very core of Zack’s skills and his Christian beliefs—beliefs that could cost him the case and his career. With Diane Colcernian, his staunchest rival, as assistant prosecutor, Zack takes on internationally acclaimed criminal defense lawyer Wells Levinson. And when Zack and Diane finally agree to put aside their animosity, it causes more problems than they realize.
Release dateDec 2, 2008

Don Brown

Don Brown is the author of Thunder in the Morning Calm, The Malacca Conspiracy, The Navy Justice Series, and The Black Sea Affair, a submarine thriller that predicted the 2008 shooting war between Russia and Georgia. Don served five years in the U.S. Navy as an officer in the Judge Advocate General's (JAG) Corps, which gave him an exceptional vantage point into both the Navy and the inner workings "inside-the-beltway" as an action officer assigned to the Pentagon. He left active duty in 1992 to pursue private practice, but remained on inactive status through 1999, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He and his family live in North Carolina, where he pursues his passion for penning novels about the Navy. Facebook: Don-Brown  

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Rating: 3.6489361106382976 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this author's fast-paced, thought provoking story line of how Muslim terrorists infiltrate the Navy Chaplain Corps. It kept my attention and had me reading till late at night to see how it would all end.The Navy uncovers a plot by radical Islamic clerics to infiltrate the Navy in key positions, which will cause death and destruction. Three key leaders are caught and Lieutenant Zack Brewer has been asked to prosecute them for treason and murder. Zack is only 3 years out of law school, but he is quickly making a name for himself. Zack requests his staunchest rival, assistant prosecutor Diane Colcernian, to work together with him to defend their country from these terrorists. They go up against a highly acclaimed criminal lawyer who has never been defeated. Zack and Diane will work together and change their attitudes about each other. But more important than the "romance" part of this story, is the evil and hateful things those who hate America do - all for Allah. This was a well-told and sobering story of the evil that exists in our world and how it can infiltrate in ways I would not have thought. Looking forward to reading book two in this series, "Hostage".
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    So, so, so, so badddddddd!!!! I ended up speedreading the second half of it just because I wanted to see how this trainwreck of a book would end. I was put off by the cramming of Christianity down the throat of the reader, but I was downright offended by his characterization of Democrats as being the shady actors while Republicans were pure as the driven snow. And the horrible, horrible, horrible xenophobia, racism and religious intolerance against Muslims (apparently they're all terrorists, ya know) was disgusting. But what bothered me more than all of that was the baddddddddddd writing. You're going to spend 3 or 4 days preparing for the prosecution of three terrorists and the trial lasted 3 days?!? In what universe would that EVER happen? And in what universe would two relatively inexperienced JAG officers handle the prosecution. It was just total complete horse$hit. And holes you could drive a truck through, including dropping the story line of a wrongful conviction (but I guess since the guy was Filipino that was cool with this racist author). Good grief!! I recently read one of Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan books and that was MUCH MORE BELIEVABLE than this piece of garbage. I'm so glad that I got it for free. Honestly, Brown should have paid me to read it.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Onward Christian (Sailors)...if you believe that Muslims are crazy eyed, martyr seeking kitten strangling psychos, then this book is for you. It even contained a (Christian) sermon. In this high-profile case, our hero is confronted with political influence that would strike any case down, down,down. The reader, one James Adams, has a Brit accent that significantly degraded credibility of the book's theme and grated on my American brain. That said, the plot grabbed me--a supposition that any US military service could be infiltrated extremists--why not? The characters, even our hero, seemed pretty believable for a 20 something. Court room drama, tinctured with an investigation mistake and our hero's professional future and romance in question--pretty good characters. All through the book, I kept wondering why I should listen to this, again....maybe I will try book #2. Maybe not.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book starts with a wow in the prologue. It begins with some facts and the idea that some have come to fear with terrorism. If our enemy blends and looks and acts like us how do we know the difference? That is what the new generation in this story intends to do. They intend to blend so well that we never question them. They will infiltrate out defenses and stand to defend our country until they are called to turn against us. We follow the plot through these events and find that three Muslims get charged with treason of course and they get tried in Military Court.

    I liked the writing as it was very realistic. My only concern is that sometimes when people read things that are so similar to current events they start looking for ���demons behind every bush���. They see bad people everywhere and things can get out of hand. People come from many different religious backgrounds and they don���t all want to kill Christians and Jews. However for those that do this story is a highly likely aspect that could occur. I gave it four stars instead of five just because the plot isn���t too original as other movies and books have dove into this same arena. However the writing is good and keeps you intrigued until the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There were two story lines in this Christian Thriller. In one, the military is infiltrated by Muslim clerics, who recruit from within to perform terrorist activities. Three of them are arrested and tried for their crimes. This was done well. The second is about the trial of a Navy Seal enlisted man accused of raping an officer and the niece of a powerful Senator. The first story line is carried through and done well. I felt that the second story line was left hanging, however, and was simply forgotten. The characters are interesting and well developed. All in all I enjoyed the book but because of it's unfinished business, I could not rate it higher.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Navy has uncovered a group of radical Islamic clerics who have infiltrated the Navy Chaplain Corps, inciting sailors and marines to acts of terrorism. And Lieutenant Zack Brewer has been chosen to prosecute them for treason and murder.Only three years out of law school, Zack has already made a name for himself, winning the coveted Navy Commendation medal. Just coming off a high-profile win, this case will challenge the very core of Zacks skills and his Christian beliefsbeliefs that could cost him the case and his career.With Diane Colcernian, his staunchest rival, as assistant prosecutor, Zack takes on internationally acclaimed criminal defense lawyer Wells Levinson. And when Zack and Diane finally agree to put aside their animosity, it causes more problems than they realize.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The plot grabbed me but the ending was a serious disappointment. Brown left major elements unresolved. It actually made me angry. The protagonists are in the JAG Corps and profess to be principled and hold Justice dear, but the conclusion of the novel is totally inconsistent with this theme. The other theme of Christianity woven here and there in the story seems out of place, just inappropriate. I'm only happy that my copy is a library book so I can return it. This one doesn't belong in MY library.