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Brightness Reef
Brightness Reef
Brightness Reef
Audiobook25 hours

Brightness Reef

Written by David Brin

Narrated by George Wilson

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

David Brin, the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Sundiver, crafts Brightness Reef, a luminous gem of SF literature. Persecuted refugees from six separate alien races have migrated to the idyllic planet Jijo. And despite their incredible diversity, the inhabitants live together in blissful harmony. However, settlement on Jijo is illegal-and it's only a matter of time before the residents of this forbidden paradise are discovered by the galactic powers-that-be.
Release dateJul 17, 2009

David Brin

David Brin is a scientist, public speaker and world-known author. His novels have been New York Times Bestsellers, winning multiple Hugo, Nebula and other awards. At least a dozen have been translated into more than twenty languages. Novels include bold and prophetic explorations of our near future, including The Postman, Earth and Existence.His ecological thriller, Earth, foreshadowed global warming, cyberwarfare and near-future trends such as the World Wide Web. A movie, directed by Kevin Costner, was loosely based on his post-apocalyptic novel, The Postman. David's novel Kiln People has been called a book of ideas disguised as a fast-moving and fun noir detective story, set in a future when new technology enables people to physically be in more than two places at once. A hardcover graphic novel The Life Eaters explored alternate outcomes to World War II, winning nominations and high praise.David's science fictional Uplift Universe explores a future when humans genetically engineer animals to join our civilization.

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Reviews for Brightness Reef

Rating: 3.7191118984555986 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A confusing mess, but despite this Brin takes us into new worlds and acquaints us with all sorts of new species and so it slips into a 3-star.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I admit I had some difficulty getting into this. I was fascinated by the characters and the world, but that's not quite the same thing as being engaged and understanding it all. Despite this being the first book in a new Uplift series--and perhaps my problem is that I hadn't read Brin's earlier Uplift books, though I'd been told I could enter into this one instead--it really felt like I was entering into the middle of a series. The learning curve was a big one, and although I could get wrapped up in scenes and characters' stories easily enough, the larger picture was never easy to grasp. And, truth be told, I'm sure I missed quite a bit. I'd like to say that I'll go and read the earlier Uplift books and then re-read this one, but that's a big ask for a 700 page book which left me wishing that there'd been a bit more clarity and story included, vs. all of the incredible world-building (because world-building and character-building alone don't make books).I am going to try to move into the next book in the series at some point, though I need a break before then. I'd recommend readers not enter into the Uplift universe through this book, though--I was told I could, but I suspect that wasn't an ideal choice.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Brightness Reef is the fourth entry in Brin's Uplift series, but it is quite a departure from the other books in the series. Instead of being about humanity's integration into the wider (and far more advanced) galactic civilization, this is about life on a backwater planet where galactic politics is only a distant memory. A number of races, including humans, have made a tenuous peace on this planet, and humans even seem to have a bit of technological superiority. The main action occurs as foreign humans with possibly-nefarious plans (and much better technology) land and upset the peace. While this wildly-different setting does take some getting used to (especially as parts of the story are told by aliens), the story itself is interesting, though not nearly as compelling as in his previous works. My main complaint is that practically none of the major plot points is resolved by the end of the book, including how this story fits in with the larger galactic picture (and there are plenty of hints that it does). The story ends very suddenly, and with a bit of a cliffhanger. I suspect things will make a lot more sense after the next book, but I do with that some things got wrapped up here.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This review covers all three books in the 2nd Uplift Trilogy, (Brightness Reef, Infinity's Shore, and Heaven's Reach).At the end of the day, this rather long story, (nearly 2,000 pages over three volumes), is a good book that leaves some big openings for more adventures in the Uplift Universe. With that said, I really enjoyed the first three Uplift books, (Sundiver, Startide Rising, The Uplift War), more than I did this second trilogy. I think that is due to the stand-alone nature of the initial three volumes. I liked that each of those books told a relatively complete story that was set against a larger backdrop that stayed mostly in the background. Further, this fourth installment, (again, I'm talking about three books here), could have stood some editing. There is quite a bit of repetition of information - and not all of that can be attributed to getting the reader up to speed with what happened in the preceding volume. Rather, it sometimes felt as though Brin had lost some threads and was reminding himself, (and the reader), of where things stood. At times, he was (validly) revisiting a situation from the perspective of a different character - but often it felt like redundant info-dumping. Yes, we know most of the Galactics are against the upstart human 'wolflings' and their client species, the neo-chimps and neo-dolphins - please stop hitting us with that particular truncheon!On to the good things: The overall story is really pretty great. As an unabashed and unapologetic Space Opera tale, this 2nd Uplift Trilogy does not disappoint. Throughout these Uplift books, Brin has taken a 'kitchen-sink' approach to the science, (he even says so in the afterword). He throws one big idea on top of another on top of third and a fourth. And then keeps doing it! His position as consultant for NASA is showing here in a big way - and that's a good thing because the ideas are grand and he does a good job of laying it out for us lay-people. Among all that science and big ideas, there are also a wide variety of characters to track - and there is a fair amount of head-hopping as a result - but Brin is a talented enough writer that he pulls off that aspect quite well. Helping to ease the transitions, most perspective shifts happen at logical chapter breaks. Now, with such a large cast of players, some are bound to be more interesting than others and a handful of characters do seemingly get short shrift - but I can see where Brin might re-visit some of them in order to explore their stories in greater depth. There are also other characters from the first three books that don't show up here at all, (most notably the ones left behind on Kithrup at the end of Startide Rising - which was, for me, the standout book of the entire Uplift series). I hope Brin's future plans include coming back to tie up some of those loose ends.Having finally finished this trilogy, I feel like I have completed a marathon. Not that I've ever run a real marathon! LOL! Still, with the unrelenting onslaught of difficulties that every character seemed to be going through, always battling uphill against incredible odds. Facing implacable enemies. Managing one hair-breadth escape after another... it's nice to call this one done - at least for now.Next up, I might have to try a nice post-apocalyptic story - just to lighten the mood! ;)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book takes place on an abandoned world intended to be natural and develop its own races, who would hopefully be available for uplift. A small population of each of six races, in turn, have landed small colonies on the world. Their intent is to devolve and be re-uplifted, and hopefully to avoid attention and possible punishment from the stellar community. Humans are one of the six. These races have ancient antipathy for each other. And each brings unique skills and histories. They have overcome their differences, and their are pieces of culture of each that has worked its way into the others, yet they do maintain separate communities. The story revolves around the arrival of a spaceship or renegade humans. Their intent is unknown, and seems sinister. They aren't an official envoy, so they shouldn't be here, either. This story shows us a different side of each of the races, including the humans. It maintains its suspense on the invaders, and latent tension among the six races. Unfortunately, this book mostly sets up the series and doesn't resolve much of anything. The story is interesting, and a must read if you're interested in the Uplift series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Brin is an excellent writer, no matter that his cosmology and worldview is upwhacked. In particular, the Uplift series of books are especially inventive and entertaining.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It was a book that was really hard to get into.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Unlike the previous book which focused solely on human civilization, this book deals with how mutliple races can co-exist on an isolated planet - or not. Mixed in is the misfit human/chimp/dolphin civilization that always seems to find trouble, somehow. Really excellent.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this series, but the first book is realy slow as the author sets the stage for the later books. I kept having this feeling that I should be able to predict the ending and wasn't overly suprised by it. Unfortunately, it had been a while since I had read Startide Rising and could not remeber the character so I was always a little annoyed.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The first of Brin's second Uplift trilogy has a slow start, but the complex array of characters do become quite gripping and the five or so parallel plot lines are handled well.Set on Jijo, a reserved fallow planet, humans and other sapient species have established an understanding until a spaceship lands on the planet.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Uplift Trilogy, Book 1/3. This one is only about the group of sonner races who've settled on a forbidden world. Excellent.