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A Name Unknown
A Name Unknown
A Name Unknown
Audiobook15 hours

A Name Unknown

Written by Roseanna M. White

Narrated by Liz Pearce

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

She's Out to Steal His Name. Will He Steal Her Heart Instead?

Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins who helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they are no longer pickpockets—instead they focus on high value items and have learned how to blend into upper-class society. Rosemary is beginning to question whether she can continue in this life when she's offered the challenge of a lifetime—determine whether a certain wealthy gentleman is loyal to Britain or to Germany. After all how does one steal a family's history, their very name?

As Europe moves ever closer to World War I, rumors swirl around Peter Holstein.

Awkward and solitary, but with access to the king, many fear his influence. But Peter can't help his German last name and wants to prove his loyalty to the Crown—so he can go back to anonymously writing a series of popular adventure novels. When Rosemary arrives on his doorstep pretending to be a well-credentialed historian, Peter believes she's the right person to help him dig through his family's past.

When danger and suspicion continue to mount, both realize they're in a race against time to discover the truth—about Peter's past and about the undeniable attraction kindling between them.
Release dateJul 4, 2017
A Name Unknown

Roseanna M. White

Roseanna M. White ( is a bestselling, Christy Award-winning author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she's homeschooling, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books . . . . to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It’s May of 1914 and Rosemary, a London thief, has been offered an unusual job -- uncovering evidence of a reclusive Cornwall man’s ties to Germany. Armed with false references, she applies for a job in Peter Holstein’s household as a librarian. It means leaving her large, loving found-family but with younger siblings to help support, Rosemary is desperate for this job to go well.Peter’s stammer means he’s more comfortable writing letters to socialising, and he doesn’t want to risk revealing his identity as the adventure novelist Branock Hollow. But with England on the brink of war, he knows he needs to prove his loyalty before he is arrested.I enjoyed this, even though it is -- well, I’ve decided that “idealistic” is a more apt description than “cheesy”. I also appreciate that it's less preachy than it easily could be. Peter’s earnestness is wel established as just part of who he is. And I like that although Peter is influential (and arguably helpful) in Rosemary's journey to faith, he's not the only one she has important conversations with.(A couple of quibbles: Rosemary and Peter get to know each other by exchanging notes, and I would have liked if more of them had been included, I feel like White seriously underestimated the appeal of an epistolary romance.I was surprised and disappointed, when they went on a trip to St Michael’s Mount and the scene ended once they arrived. I expect, and indeed want, fiction to show me the sights -- and to make it interesting!)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Will a master thief have her own heart stolen and find a lasting and life-changing faith along the way? "A Name Unknown" is the stellar beginning to author Roseanna M. White's "Shadows Over England" series. Set in early 1900's England, with the threat of looming world war casting an ominous shadow over all, this intriguing inspirational Historical Romance features an unlikely heroine whose family is a band of street survivors who have graduated from pick-pocketing to relieving the upper echelon of society of their valuables, which may just include vital, secret information. Rosemary Gresham, one of the older "sisters" in the family receives an assignment which will pay her more than she has ever earned through her own particular skill set: She must infiltrate the realm of a certain writer of German descent to learn if his true loyalties lie with England or Germany. Peter Holstein pens his best-selling adventure novels under a "safe" pseudonym, and while he is a man of means and has friends of influence, he remains awkward in his personal life. Suffering from stuttering, Peter feels that he best communicates through his writing. Rosemary enters his life in the guise of an historian of esteem, she seems just the person to help him sort out his lineage and social standing and help him silence dangerous gossip-mongers. Neither of them is prepared for the relationship which grows between them, and their involvement brings unexpected personal and spiritual growth to them both. In such a time when suspicion and fear bring great change to everyday life, is there a chance for Rosemary and Peter to find the love of a lifetime? "A Name Unknown" is a marvelous treat for lovers of history and romance.Book Copy Gratis Bethany House Books
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 SHINING stars!

    *NOTE: please excuse the fangirly review; believe me, I tried to write something professional and coherent . . . but it didn't work.*

    Oh. My. Goodness. Y'all. This. Book. This is simple loveliness. From the cover, to the characters, to the writing style, to the history . . . just all of it!

    Ms. White is an incredible author. This is exactly the kind of book and kind of writing style I LOVE to read, and would read all the time. (Only problem is, I'd run out of books. :/) Her poetic, yet down-to-earth writing style is so lovely and engaging, and the history she mixes in throughout is neither dull nor boring, but really quite fascinating. I love a book that can teach me something without detracting from the story. The salvation message was woven through brilliantly, and even made me cry. Sometimes the faith message ends up feeling shoe-horned in, but not so in this case. Just lovely!

    The characters were literally the best ever. Rosemary was witty, sweet, smart, and flawed enough to made her perfect. I was so attached to her character in only a few chapters, that I just HAD so see how her story ended. I felt her pain, her joys, her frustrations. And then Peter. OH MY WORD! I am not the kind of person who gets a crush on every nice fictional (or real, for that matter) guy, but I'm just going to admit it: I kinda have a tiny eensy weeny crush on Peter . . . He has a stutter, and can hardly speak; is a writer and gets so lost in his fictional words, that he can hardly be disturbed, even if you were to shout fire. (Which believe me, did happen and it didn't work. :P) He's just so incredibly NICE and polite and chivalrous; his relationship with God, and his faith throughout the book was just beautiful and inspiring. And, *cough cough* he has a cleft in his chin . . . I MEAN WHAT EVEN!?! But anyway; I shall stop going on about him now. He's just the perfect character - because he wasn't perfect.
    Of course, the secondary characters, like Penrose (HA! He's hilarious and annoying all in one!), Mrs. Tegue, Treeve, the other servants, Mr. V, Willa, Barclay, Georgie . . . all of them were so fantastic!

    The story was just amazing. The mystery was intriguing and fascinating, and that plot twist at the end . . . WHOO! You basically had to completely rearrange your view on the story. The romance was SO beautiful! Slow, sweet . . . perfection! The action was fun, and helped to keep my interest.

    And the ending . . . *cackles* SHE STOLE A HOUSE!!!! *giggles gleefully* And his name. :D :D :D And Barclay's reaction to finding out she married Peter, and that he was actually Branok Hollow . . . HILARIOUS! <3

    All in all, this was an amazing book! I did dock 12 a star, because it did get slightly boring in the middle, and I kinda lost interest. But the rest was amazing, so don't let that scare you off! ALL Y'ALL! Go find a copy of this book and READ IT!

    Content: There was basically nothing. A few sweet, pure kisses, a bit of mild attraction (not graphic at all!), and a bit of action, guns, punches thrown, that kind of thing. All very mild. I'd recommend this for ages 15-16 for interest level.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Every time I read a book by this author, I think Oh this is my favorite. To say I enjoyed this book would be putting it mildly. I love everything about the way Roseanna M. White writes. This is the first of her new series, Shadows Over England. I won't go into the plot of the story, you can read that from the publishers description above. Roseanna has written a page turner. You will not want to put this one down. It contains spy's, traitors, a beautiful and talented thief, along with her unusual street family. Not to mention a recluse of a mystery writer. As with her other books, Roseanna weaves her faith and moral lessons into the story so naturally. I found myself laughing at parts and tearing up at others. I highly recommend this wonderful book. I can't wait to read the others and learn more about this usually family.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White is the first installment in her Shadows Over England series. What a beginning! Rosemary Gresham is a thief from the streets of London, hired to determine if wealthy Peter Holstein is loyal to England or Germany. She poses as a librarian to gain access to his home. It’s the start of World War 1 and tension is running high. Ms. White wove a highly entertaining story. I loved the fact that it was set in a huge home library. I would love to spend my days there. I stayed up late to finish the book. Peter was the perfect hero. I loved how he interacted with the other characters. And when he finally convinced Rosemary that God loved her was the perfect ending. I can’t wait to read the next book. I highly recommend anything written by Ms. White.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Title: A Name Unknown (Shadows Over England #1)Author: Roseanna M. WhitePages: 429Year: 2017Publisher: BethanyHouseMy rating is 4 out of 5 stars.Peter Holstein is a wealthy recluse who spends his time tapping away on his typewriter locked up in his study all day. What is he typing all day? Subversive letters against England and pro-Germany in these days of 1914 when countries are bristling against one another and on the brink of war? That’s what Rosemary Gresham wonders upon first meeting him. He has hired her to organize his extensive library and find certain documents that will prove his loyalty to England. Rosemary has been sent by the mysterious Mr. V to find out if Peter is truly loyal to England or putting words in the King of England’s ear and is really embracing his German citizenship. Rosemary faces a daunting task as she has had no formal education and is a child of the streets who has become an expert thief. She is undercover to earn money for her large family that could feed and clothe them for a long time. She is there to do the job and leave, but she soon finds herself enjoying her written exchanges with the quiet manor owner. She knows he prefers writing due to his stuttering, so she adopts his method and writes back to him. They soon form a friendship, but Rosemary must search for the truth without Peter knowing it or Mr. V will turn her in to the police for her thieving. She begins to realize she is going to have to make a choice, one that will change many lives.There were some very tender moments in this story, causing me to tear up occasionally. The romance is gentle, but the faith revealed by Peter Holstein is wonderful! He lives his faith daily and isn’t afraid to let others know of his beliefs. He thinks of others first and tries his best to give godly advice and guidance. He has a sense of humor, too! He was my favorite character, although Rosemary ran a close second. She is witty, scrappy, gritty and compassionate. She stands up for those who need protection or those who have been wronged and she isn’t afraid of what anyone will think of her doing so. She knows right from wrong, but has made some wrong choices out of necessity. She realizes her life needs to change and makes the change needed without hesitation. The book was a bit too long for me, but that is the only negative thing I found. The scene where the Prince of England visits was just precious!Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love historical fiction. It is interesting to me that as society, some people many of the same thoughts, ideas, and prejudices that were found in the past. I would have hoped that we would have learned acceptance, rather than using fear to cast judgement.The most striking idea in A Name Unknown was that Peter was held under a microscope because he was of German descent. The time period is just before WWI, and Peter is a citizen of England, with German ancestors. The book is mainly about him trying to prove his loyalty to his country, while others are trying to prove that he is a traitor to England. (I find the parallels to the political situation today startling.) He is greeted with distrust, vandalism, and hate. All the while he is a loyal Englishman who is endearing. He stutters, he does better with the written word, and he has a good heart.Rosemary was hired, by some 'not so nice men', to dig up proof that Peter is not loyal to the English crown. Peter hired her to look for proof of his families love for England and organization of his library. Rosemary is a woman who is loyal to her family of 'street rats' and will do anything to provide a better life for them. She is an admirable lady, who has not been corrupted by her circumstances.The book is well written and interesting. The characters are memorable and likable. The book has Christian themes that are not "preachy". This is a great book to pick up! Source: I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The author gives a glimpse into the life of those that are unseen in London, those that have fallen through the cracks, the street urchins, and the year is 1914, and war is looming.One of those urchins has grown up to be a professional lock picker, pick pocket, and now a librarian, huh? Yes, she is being paid megabucks, at least for her, to be a librarian for a wealthy recluse, and of German ancestry, and that is why Rosemary is there.The recluse is Peter Holstein, and he has many secrets, but he sure does seem to be a loyal Englishman, but why is he constantly in a room typing?Then we have some people, these exist everywhere and at any time, that feed on hate and evil, they are here and causing all kinds of problems.With her family, and you will be surprised at the use of the name family, depending on her Rosemary takes her job to heart and tries to find out if Peter is loyal to Germany. What she finds is going to surprise everyone, and then there is more to come, things are not as we perceive, and surprises abound.Loved how we are brought into the time and period of just prior to WWI and watch as known events unfold in their everyday life.Keep reading there is a lovely epilogue at the end, and enjoy!I received this book through Lit Fuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Think of Downton Abbey with a very likable character who’s a tough cookie but yet can crumble like a marshmallow when it comes to matters of the heart. There’s an element of mystery, romance, and a feel good story all wrapped up in this book. Now it make take a bit to get used to, but you do see a mini little sub plot in there where you’re dealing with Peter and his moments of creativity. At first it may seem confusing at first but it’s just Peter thinking aloud. Once you get used to the flow of the book you actually find that Peter’s own stories actually do sound rather interesting (would be nice for a spin off on those.)Now. Aside from Peter’s creativity and a mini novel within a novel itself, there’s a mystery aspect and the romance aspect of the book. I rather wish there was more intrigue and mystery to the story because it certainly had the potential to it, but what’s really central to the story is in fact, the romance between our two main characters: Peter and Rosemary. I love them both. They’re both opposites in a way, Rosemary is tough considering where she came from and loud and aggressive when push comes to shove. Peter on the other hand, is quiet, but has many strengths to him as well, he’s just more of the subtle more quiet type. Now this doesn’t mean that Rosemary overshadows Peter. In fact they both rather complement each other. They’re both strong characters, they just have different ways of expressing these strengths. I also enjoyed Rosemary’s character development. One can certainly understand from her background, why she had particular beliefs and thoughts. As you progress throughout the novel however, you notice this changing and eventually although she was not a bad person to begin with, she does change her view of the world, which does enable her to not only love others but also love herself. This was by far, my favorite part of the book, watching Rosemary’s thinking change gradually as she sees Peter as not one of the typical high society. It was a joy to read this book. For once, I actually preferred reading the romance aspect (I’m not a romance fan) instead of the mystery. All I wanted was to read about Peter and Rosemary and their chemistry come together. It certainly was a feel good fuzzy hugs type of novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rosemary is quite a character as you will find in this enchanting story. She is not the typical young woman that men swoon over. She is pretty enough but she has this little secret that could make her not so appealing. Rosemary is well how should I put it? I will just blurt it out and say she is a thief. She does it to help support her family so surely that must be alright. I did like the tightknit "family" Rosemary was a part which consisted of orphans that have decided that they will stick together and run the streets of London. I loved the description of the era and loved London with all its royalty and parties they gave. I wasn't sure if I was going to like Peter at first. He seemed so unsure of himself and a bit standoffish almost to the point of being arrogant. I did like the fact that Peter was a stutterer. I have read of different afflictions that characters have , but this one was a nice surprise. The author delt with it in a very graceful way and helped me see Peter in a more everyday person and not so much as a stuck up royal snob. Someone is spreading rumors that Peter is not loyal to London and could be helping the Germans. Rosemary has somehow found her way into the manor where Peter resides. He is in need of a librarian to help him get the library in order. He is also hoping to find documents that will prove his loyalty. Will Rosemary be able to help him? Why is she really there at the manor? I loved how the author slowly developed their characters by writing notes to each other everyday. I found it to be enduring and almost a bit romantic.There are definite secrets that Peter is keeping that could have consequences. Will he confide in Rosemary? What will happen if Peter finds out that Rosemary is a thief and is out to steal something very valuable from him? I loved the way the author blends prayers into the story in a way that shows the characters need for help from God. I was captivated by the intrigue and twists that the author placed subtlety in the story. It kept me wanting to read without stopping. You don't want to miss this story that deals with forgiveness and trust. I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I could not put this book down. This has been one of my favorite books this year or even ever. This is the first book of a new series(Shadows Over England) and I can't wait for the next book in this series. I loved the characters in this book, especially Rosemary and Peter. I learned some history in this novel. I loved the twists and turns. This is a great story. I received this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A Name Unknown is the first book in Shadows over England series by Roseanna M. White. We are taken back to 1914 when tensions are on the rise throughout Europe (war has yet to break out). Rosemary Gresham is a thief in London who helps support her “family”. The group consists of twelve orphans who have banded together and become a family. Rosemary has done two previous jobs for Mr. V and now he is offering her a third with a handsome payout. Mr. V wants Rosemary to find documented proof of Peter Holstein’s loyalties. He is loyal to England or Germany? Peter is of German descent and has the ear of the King of England, George V. War is sure to be declared soon and time is of the essence. Peter has just returned home to Kensey Manor from London. He is happy to be away from the crowds and return to his writing. Peter needs important documents to be found in his library or what his friend, Gryffyn calls the cave. With troubling times coming, he needs the documents that prove his nationality (his loyalty). Rosemary arrives as a librarian to apply for the position Peter has available (to sort the items in the cave). As time passes, Peter’s character is revealed to Rosemary. He is a kind, Christian man, but few people get to know Peter because of his stutter. Will Rosemary find the documentation she needs to complete the job? Or will she find a far greater prize in Cornwall?A Name Unknown is set in beautiful Cornwall. I thought the story idea was interesting (and the cover is just lovely), but the execution (for me) was lacking. The book starts out with a good pace, but then it slows down to a crawl. The story gets bogged down (too much detail), and I felt like I was sinking in quicksand (I kept looking to see if I was any closer to the end). A little rewriting and editing would have made a significant difference. My rating for A Name Unknown is 3 out of 5 stars. The Christian element is moderate (just the right amount). Peter is a Christian man who prays and leads by example (many people look up to him and correspond with him). I particularly enjoyed Rosemary finding comfort in the Bible and God (becoming a Christian). It was the best part of the book. The mystery element was not complicated, and I easily identified the culprit. The mysterious Mr. V was an intriguing figure, and I believe people will be surprised by his motives. The romance plays out slowly over the course of book and had an expected outcome. A Name Unknown does have a charming ending. A Name Unknown has some good elements, but I was not wowed. It needs some reworking to improve the flow and eliminate the extraneous (it is too long).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White is an amazingly captivating World War I romance. Rosemary Gresham is a young woman who has grown up on the streets of London in a survival of the fittest kind of life. She provides for her family of twelve urchin orphans by being a thief, a good thief, one of the best in England--blending in and taking things from the 'rich blokes'. With the promise of a large sum of money, she has been commissioned as a librarian to basically spy on Peter Holstein, a rich bloke with a German name. Can she find evidence to name him a spy? As the storms of war between England and Germany gather, an Englishman having a German name and ties with Germany is a suspicious individual. Will his silver spoon protect him when war breaks out? If he is a spy, he is a master at it. Why does he have access to the king? What is the secret he desperately tries to keep from all but a chosen few? What will he do when he finds out who she really is? The author has given her vibrant characters depth and realism and portrayed their inner feelings profoundly allowing those emotions to resonate within the reader. I love how the author has Rosemary and Peter communicating through daily written notes even though they see each other all throughout the day. Rosemary sees how Peter believes in a God who hears prayers. Would God ever listen to her prayers or does he only answer the prayers of the rich? The journey of faith depicted is genuine, realistic and clear. Will Rosemary be able to learn that she alone cannot fix everything? The tidbits of the history of the WWI era expertly threaded through the book are an interesting addition. The story moves quickly with twists and turns to the plot and lots of action--finishing the book kept me up til the wee hours of the morning. I am really looking forward to the next book in this Shadows Over England series. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers via CelebrateLit. A favorable review was not required and opinions are my own. This review is part of a CelebrateLit blog tour.