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Audiobook11 hours


Written by Ryan La Sala

Narrated by Michael Crouch

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Inception meets The Magicians in this wildly imaginative story about what happens when the secret worlds people hide within themselves come to light.
All Kane Montgomery knows for certain is that the police found him half-dead in the river. He can't remember anything since an accident robbed him of his memories a few weeks ago. And the world feels different?reality itself seems different.
So when three of his classmates claim to be his friends and the only people who can tell him what's truly going on, he doesn't know what to believe or who he can trust. But as he and the others are dragged into unimaginable worlds that materialize out of nowhere?the gym warps into a subterranean temple, a historical home nearby blooms into a Victorian romance rife with scandal and sorcery?Kane realizes that nothing in his life is an accident, and only he can stop their world from unraveling.
Release dateDec 3, 2019

Ryan La Sala

Ryan La Sala grew up in Connecticut, but only physically. Mentally, he spent most of his childhood in the worlds of Sailor Moon and Xena: Warrior Princess, which perhaps explains all the twirling. He studied anthropology and neuroscience at Northeastern University before becoming a project manager specialized in digital tools. He technically lives in New York City, but has actually transcended material reality and only takes up a human shell for special occasions, like brunch, and to watch anime.

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Reviews for Reverie

Rating: 3.6685083093922652 out of 5 stars

181 ratings15 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be an extremely creative and beautiful book. The concept of dreams and reality is explored in a unique and captivating way. The inclusion of queer characters and their experiences is fundamental to the narrative, adding depth and authenticity. The reveries and their mythos are fascinating, and the dialogue within them is powerful. The characters, love stories, and antagonist are all well-developed and engaging. While some readers found it hard to pay attention at times, overall, this book is a satisfying and wonderful read.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was good and unique but I found myself not paying attention. That might be due to Michael Crouch’s narration as I’ll always think of him as Simon.

    Seriously, this world is so unique. I just wasn’t paying attention for it.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I loved the dream/reality concept. An extremely creative book but not in a comfortable way.. A lot was going on.. I know how unfocused dreams generally are but it was A LOT to take in from a single book, A LOT!!!!
    There was magic, sci-fiction, fighting, space, superpowers, sibling love, family issues, evil drag queen, psychology, gay love, dream, reality, rescues, memory loss, crime, friendship accident and whatnot.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is utterly beautiful. Also painful in how much it strikes at the heart of what everyone wants.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Just wonderful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??? I really enjoyed watching the concept come alive
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such an Amazing story!! I can’t wait to read it again and again. It was such a satisfying read with beautiful characters who are more than what they seem.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I started this book because I saw it in one of Sasha Alsberg’s lists but instead of she talking about it she just said it was from a fellow youtuber and that was it... no summary, nothing. I thought it was a bit unfair so naturally, I picked it up after reading the blurb. Now, Inception was really hard for me to get into so I knew what I was signing up for and fortunately this did not disappoint. Sure, the descriptions of the reveries could improve and the characters at the beginning could have been given more of a back story (only Ursula had one) but I guess being in the same boat of the MC discovering they already were close group but not actually feeling it (just telling him) was an interesting experience. I preferred Dean’s approach though (chef’s kiss). 3.5 because MC was a brat sometimes lol (understandable, but still).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a beautiful and relevant story. The narrator was perfect too!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    by Ryan La Sala
    YA Fantasy
    Scribd Audio

    The story opens with a teenage boy, after his father's car along with an abandoned building destroyed by fire and him found in the nearby river half-dead, his head burned, but he doesn't remember what happened, he doesn't even remember much of the last year. All he does know is that his life feels different.

    For the first hundred pages or so, this story had me snared as Kane, the MC, tried to figure out what happened to him, but as the pieces came together, for me the story started to fall apart, reversing into more of a child's story than one for teenagers.

    It was a good story, imaginative, vivid, wonderful descriptions, and a wide variety of characters, who were all well done, but I lost a lot of interest in it as the mystery was solved, the who, what, and why were explained. It wasn't a 'bomb' of a revelation, instead, it was disappointing, in an 'oh that's all' sort of way.

    3 Stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Queer characters? Rainbow magic? Drug queen sorceresses? Dreamt-up world's? Check, check, check, check.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    -One thing I absolutely adore is how queerness is at the center of this narrative. I love how the fact that the characters are queer are fundamental for how they see the world. I love that. In a way, it did to me the same thing The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo did, which is to show how much being queer in this world is a fundamental part of your being, and not an afterthought.

    -The reveries themselves were some really cool mythos.

    -The DIALOGUE in the reveries!!! When people are acting out their feelings, when the world around them is a reflection of their lives... Knocked me out in the best way. Some amazing things there.

    -LOVED the antagonist. All the characters in general, all the love stories. Amazing amazing!

    -Narrator did a great job, imo!

    The thing that made me not give this a higher rating was the structure, which felt a bit ? crazy/weird at times, but it clearly wasn't intentional to reflect the nature of reveries
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Reverie is a fantasy YA novel that follows Kane Montgomery, a gay high school student who was involved in car crash that somehow gave him long-term amnesia. The story starts off with the reader being just as confused as Kane is as he's trying to piece together what exactly happened to him.

    I enjoyed this book. Though, I felt like I would get lost in the Reveries too much. La Sala did an WONDERFUL and AMAZING job at descriptions, but I would sometimes get lost in that world and then not fully understand what was happening with the characters.

    I'm still a bit confused as to how the Reveries happen and manifest. It was explained in the novel, but I think I missed most of it? I just couldn't wrap my head around them well enough to enjoy the story. It was difficult for me to connect with the characters as well. I don't know if it had to do with being just as confused as Kane was or if it was just too much information for me to gather.

    Either way, this YA queer fantasy book is not like any others - and that's kind of hard to find nowadays isn't it?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I decided to round this up on here, but for me personally this was a 3.75. I really enjoyed it, but it isn't one that I would likely read again. It was, however, lots of fun to read. This book was like going from one fever dream to another to another quite literally! Reveries are daydreams/fantasies that people have but that come to life and everyone around them is sucked into their reverie and take on their parts to play not realizing that this isn't how the world is supposed to be. Our main character is a gay boy but that doesn't really play much into the actual storyline, though one reverie does take them to a planet "full of the gays". There are a group of teens that somehow are lucid during these reveries and have special powers to use during them and they try to ensure that the reveries come to a conclusion and no one gets hurt or remembers it after the fact. Also there is a mystical drag queen throughout the story, and it is just a wild ride!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book that I borrowed from the library. Story (2/5): This book was kind of a mess. I liked the idea behind it but the writing was pretty bad; the story jumps all over the place. Everything felt very disjointed and we never got a good explanation of how the reveries work...which is weird because there is a lot of discussion about the reveries but it felt inconsistent and inconclusive. Characters (3/5): I never engaged with the characters and just couldn’t relate to any of them. I loved the kind of magical drag queen that shows up initially but was pretty disappointed at how flat that character felt for me. This book is very proudly queer which I really applaud, those portions were well done and even had some fun humor to them. It was fun to read a YA fantasy that is so solidly proud of its own queerness, but disappointing that the characters felt so blah. Setting (2/5): Much of the story takes place in a contemporary setting. Some of the settings within the reveries were intriguing but poor description and confusion around how the reveries works left me more confused than enamoured with these magical settings. Writing Style (2/5): The writing style was very inconsistent, we would jump from dreamy imagery in the real world to battles in a reverie and it just felt so jerky. I keep reading it because I kept hoping for it to be something wonderful, it just never got there for me. I wanted to love this but it just felt so sloppy and confusing to me.Summary (2/5): Overall I wanted to love this but it just missed the mark for me. The idea behind the story is unique and I thought some of the blatantly queer magical powers were fun. However, the confusing concept of reveries and the jerky, sloppy writing style made this hard to follow and enjoy. I won’t be reading future books by this author.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not a book that I loved—too much imagination and scene hopping for me—but appreciated because of how it will make some teen feel represented.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A one sitting read for me. I liked the concept and the way the story unfolded. Two things detracted from my overall enjoyment. First, as a part time editor, there were several instances where whoever proofed this before publication dropped the ball. Those types of errors jump out at me and break my concentration when I'm immersed in a book. Second, I really came to dislike Kane. I can understand him and empathize with him, but the longer he acted the way he did, the less I liked him.