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Crazy Dangerous
Crazy Dangerous
Crazy Dangerous
Audiobook8 hours

Crazy Dangerous

Written by Andrew Klavan

Narrated by Andrew Kanies

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Do right, fear nothing.

Sam Hopkins is a good kid who has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Hanging around with car thieves and thugs, Sam knows it’s only a matter of time before he makes one bad decision too many and gets into real trouble.

But one day, Sam sees these friends harassing an eccentric schoolmate named Jennifer. Finding the courage to face the bullies down, Sam loses a bad set of friends and acquires a very strange new one.

Jennifer is not just eccentric. To Sam, she seems downright crazy. She has terrifying hallucinations involving demons, the devil, and death. And here’s the really crazy part: Sam is beginning to suspect that these visions may actually be prophecies—prophecies of something terrible that’s going to happen very soon. Unless he can stop it.

With no one to believe him, with no one to help him, Sam is all alone in a race against time. Finding the truth before disaster strikes is going to be both crazy and very, very dangerous.

  • Thrilling young adult read
  • Stand-alone novel
  • Book length: approximately 75K words
  • Includes discussion questions for book reports
PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateJan 5, 2021
Crazy Dangerous

Andrew Klavan

Andrew Klavan is an award-winning writer, screenwriter, and media commentator. An internationally bestselling novelist and two-time Edgar Award-winner, Klavan is also the host of a popular podcast on, The Andrew Klavan Show. His work has been made into films starring Clint Eastwood, Michael Douglas, and Michael Caine. His essays on politics, religion, and culture have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, and elsewhere.

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Reviews for Crazy Dangerous

Rating: 4.279660957627119 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book very good ending with good points remember reading as a kid
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sam Hopkins, a PK (preacher's kid) and self-professed good boy, becomes entangled with three hoodlums and learns the bittersweet appeal of occasionally doing something wild. He also befriends (and, ultimately, the protectorate of) Jennifer. Jennifer has demonic visions... is she schizophrenic or is evil really afoot? Action and plot twist make this tale a page-turner.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Life is all about perceptions. There is a fine line between what one might consider prophetic and what one might consider crazy. Which one of those categories does Jennifer fall into? Maybe the answer is both.

    We find a character who is completely batty, in the eyes of everyone around her. But somehow, Sam was able to see past that. He was able to put the fractured pieces together and find the truth.

    This book skirts around some issues that face us all. When is it okay to not do the right thing? How do you know what the right thing is to do? How do you know for sure that what is happening is a message from Higher Up that we are supposed to follow, or learn from, or find solace and direction in?

    Do Right, Fear Nothing. That is the message that this book conveys. Do the right thing, no matter what the consequences might be, and the rest will be taken care of.

    I could relate on a very personal level to this story because I have had moments where I felt like the universe was pulling me in a direction that made no sense, and it sometimes takes a long time to get the pieces to click into place, and sometimes no one else seems to understand.

    Overall, this story is one of hope and guidance, urging the reader to understand that just because something is difficult, does not make it the wrong thing to do. In fact, usually what is right is the hardest path to choose.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and hope to read more of this author's work in the future. Anyone who has struggled with doing what is right really should read this one.

    I received a copy of this book via Booksneeze in exchange for a fair and honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is one you will not want to put down. It's drama is both fast-paced and slow and back again, from beginning to end. Just when you think you have it all figured out, Klavan goes and changes that. It will keep you guessing until the bitter end. Five stars!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    As a PK Sam Hopkins is stuck in a rut. He ventures out to the bad boy side of the world only to find that it wasn't his thing. He saves a girl, finds good new friends but is dragged back into the bad boy side of things. What will he do? Can he do right?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book does not quite rise to the awesomeness that was the Homelanders, but I'm pretty sure it would pass the author's drop-the-video-game-to-read-this test. The characters are fairly well developed for a story of this length, the action is non-stop, and there's Klavan's trademark mix of noir and optimism that has earned him so many fans of all ages. The Christian theme is clearly there, although in a more subtle way than some of Klavan's recent work, and there's a mini-twist at the very end that, to me, is very reminiscent of Dean Koontz in his prime. It does not tread on completely new ground, but it entertains and leaves you with something to think about. Just like with Homelanders, the author provided a Group Discussion guide that's worthy of reviewing even if you are reading it on your own. The only reason I didn't give this book a full 5 star rating is because IMO it could have been longer and delved a little more into the story, in particular with different POV's. Klavan is so good at creating different character that the reader wants to know more about all of them instead of sometimes just catching a passing glance. That having been said, the story is complete and satisfying as it is. I'm looking forward to more YA from Mr. Klavan in the future.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A quick read with interesting characters and a good plot.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Intrigue, insanity, and danger make this a thrilling adventure novel with a Christian twist. Sam Hopkins is a preacher's kid who is tired of everyone feeling like they have to be perfect around him and when circumstances put him together with a bully, who wants to be his friend because he stands up to him, Sam decides to fall in with the wrong crowd. Jennifer, whose older brother Mark is a track star, is insane. When Sam stands up to his bullying friends to protect her, he becomes her hero and her "magic friend". This story is believable with unexpected plot twists that keep you reading to find out what is next. To be honest, I thought the disappearance of the angel statue was a bit too much and it tipped this book into the land of corny Christian fiction. I think it would have been just as good if the statue really did exist and the old man remained as a mysterious figure. However, for the most part, this novel really was fantastic and I totally enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sam Hopkins is a pretty good kid. The son of a preacher, he has lived a fairly normal life. He has always wanted to get a little more attention though. One day he starts to get that attention, but not from the people he probably should. When Sam starts to feel a that he's in a bit over his head, he decides that now would be a good time to get away from his new crowd. Things go terribly wrong when a strange girl from his school crosses his path. Jennifer Sales is the sister of one of the most popular guys in school, but she is very strange. Some say she's crazy. Sam can't quite get all the things Jennifer tells him out of his head though, and he soon discovers that Jennifer's crazy may be the key to averting disaster.I went into this book thinking it would be one thing, and it was a different thing entirely. It's hard to describe the plot of this book, and I certainly don't want to give away certain aspects of the plot. There were some huge surprises. I really felt for Sam. He was a in general good kid, and he definitely had a good heart. You couldn't help feeling worried for him though. I actually felt my heart racing at times as if I were watching an action movie. It's always exciting when a book can evoke that much emotion from me. The author is able to really make you see things unfolding so clearly. I found Jennifer to be a particularly interesting character. The things she sees and hears make you so sad for her. She has to deal with so much. I want to say a lot more about her, but I don't want to spoil anything. I guess that is all I will say about that. One of the things that drives Sam throughout the book is a statue with a phrase that translates to, "Do right, fear nothing." At times I was amazed at the lengths Sam went to in doing right, but it was also a pleasure to see. I highly recommend this book.I think it reads well for both younger and older readers. There is enough action to appeal to everyone. It also makes you think about how doing right and fearing nothing could be applied in your life. This book was really enjoyable. I probably would have read it all in one sitting if I could have. I certainly did not want to put it down at times. Definitely check out this book!Galley provided for review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the first Andrew Klavan book I have read, but it certainly won’t be the last. He begins Crazy Dangerous with a creepy description of a vision that Jennifer is having. This vision does not get explained until later on in the story, but it definitely sets the stage for the trouble Jennifer and Sam will get into.Throughout the entire story, I kept guessing what would happen. Would Sam choose right from wrong? Would he be able to save Jennifer? Would Sam get caught? Not until the end, where the author wrapped everything up neatly with a bow, was I able to discover just how much of a hero Sam was.This is a wonderful story for teen boys. One that shows right from wrong with out preaching. One with mystery and adventure. A clean story without language and sex! One that teens are guaranteed to love!5 out of 5 stars!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sam Hopkins is a preacher's kid, who just wants everyone to accept him for who he is, not for who his father is. Most of the book is narrated by Sam, whose inner dialogues are hilarious. I really liked Sam. He has a funny, charismatic personality, and he doesn't take any crap from others. The rest of the book is from Jennifer's point of view. She is a mentally ill teenager, who is having disturbing visions. As you can read in the book description, Sam is one tough little dude. After a run-in with three hoodlums, Sam ends up becoming friends with them....not a wise decision. They teach him how to break into cars and how to pick locks. One evening he ends up running into Jennifer, and she tells him about her visions. Sam knows she is a little off, yet he can't help but feel that there is more truth to what she is saying than just the rantings of some crazy person. His hoodlum friends show up and end up trying to hurt Jennifer. Sam ends up punching Jeff, the leader, and telling Jennifer to run. He then ends up getting beaten-up pretty badly. Unbeknownst to Sam, one of the hoodlums filmed the whole thing on his phone and posts it on Facebook, only it backfires on him, and Sam ends up being a hero at school. At this point in the story, things get even more interesting as the plot thickens.When I first started reading Crazy Dangerous, I immediately liked Sam Hopkins. It took me a few chapters to really get into the book, but once I did, I was anxious to see what was coming next. Jennifer was portrayed as mentally ill, but Sam believed there was more to her visions, and almost felt they could be prophetic in nature, like something in the Bible. Needles to say, everyone thought Sam was crazy for even thinking along those lines, even his father, yet Sam couldn't put the things Jennifer said out of his mind. The story is mysterious and filled with twists, turns, mayhem, and murder. I didn't know what was going to happen next, and I couldn't wait to find out. It also advocates good morals, love, and truth, while bringing to light the turmoil those with mental illnesses face. Andrew Klavan has done an outstanding job in writing this YA thriller, which depicts the age-old struggle of good versus evil. The story is suspenseful, has an element of horror, and a hero to boot, and it is definitely an good read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This story is really action packed. I adore each turn of the page, a new mission to be had.Now, I was never a pk (preachers kid) but my family has a long legacy of godly people. My grandma runs a church, my uncle is a pastor and my husband is the worship leader of the church we attend. So, I understand what its like to be under the scrutiny of the church. Being in Sam shoes felt refreshing. To get a whole new prospect of what he sees and feels, made me giddy. I liked that he is not perfect. He is human and made lots of mistakes. What showed more is his heart in fixing what he done wrong. That I truly admire.The Lord is always searching for that one guy to do his work. The Lord never picks anyone perfect but someone who is...well normal. Sam fits this part perfectly. Lost in who he is, Sam takes on a mission of helping a girl who everyone believes is crazy. I like that Sam had faith in her when no one else did. Sam saw beyond what other saw and knew exactly what to do.The ending is really explosive. With a dangerous plot to kill hundreds, Sam rushes to stop the plan. He helps others even when he is pursued and accused. He stops at nothing to fulfill the mission that is given to him. Sam is selfish in his action that make me admire him more.Crazy Dangerous is an amazing action story that keeps the reader entertained till the last page. Soaring with crazy thoughts, of others you thought to be normal, it makes you think twice of what you really know about the person. Crazy Dangerous is an ambitious story that make me want more.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Crazy Dangerous was nothing like I was expecting. The first half or so is really a look back. Sam is retelling what happened to lead up to the point he begins telling the story. This was where I was very hesitant with the story. The style wasn't something I was particularly comfortable with, though looking back I can't really pinpoint what it was that made me feel that way. The second part is told after the beginning. This part worked much better for me and it's where I really started to connect with Sam and Jennifer.Sam is a typical teen boy, without really being typical. Klavan was able to show the pressure Sam felt being the preacher's kid, as well as showing how Sam struggles with understanding how faith and God work in the world. Sam's got a sense of humor and he's pretty mouthy, which gets him in a bit or trouble.Jennifer was really intriguing. I know very little about schizophrenia so I don't know how accurate her portrayal is, but she clearly suffered from a mental illness. I loved how she latches onto Sam as her magical friend, that she sees him as the one person who can save her. I cried near the end when she turns around and tries to save Sam. There is a line near the end which I won't do an exact quote on because it would spoil the story, but it makes reference to how being mentally ill doesn't cause someone to be evil, that there must be something else inside them.Klavan throws in some great twists and I didn't figure out who the villain was until right before Sam did. But once Sam figures it out and connects all of the pieces he's been given, I had one of those 'slap my forehead' moments for missing all the clues. There's lots of action and although this is Christian fiction there is some violence and dark elements. This is a pure good versus evil story and how evil can hide in the most unsuspecting places. It is about how friendship requires faith and how believing in someone sometimes means believing in a higher purpose.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I LOVED this book. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next and yet the closer I got to the end the less I wanted it to end. Sam is just a normal kid. Not really outstanding at anything. He's a preacher's son and stays out of trouble. But then he starts hanging with the wrong crowd and starts to get into trouble. I didn't feel bad for Sam, as I think what he was going through was fairly normal - the feelings of wanting to fit in and being awed by a lifestyle that he wasn't used to. I think he knew what he was doing was wrong and yet he did it anyway. But he absolutely got more than he bargained for. And once he befriends Jennifer he appeared to be way in over his head. Even though Jennifer is portrayed as being "crazy" I kind of liked her. She had mental problems, but what was going on to her was as real as it could be. It was Jennifer I felt sorry for. She just kept getting blown off because she was a bit weird and the way she was interpreting what was going on to her seemed too odd to be true so no one believed her. I loved the story. I was drawn into the story immediately. Jennifer's abnormal way of describing what was going on was a neat idea. Jennifer was telling us what was going to happen, but it took a bit to "unscramble" what she was saying. Plus the story just goes, there's a few slow parts but for the most part this one keeps moving right to the end. It wasn't the kind of fast paced story that drains you, but it does move pretty quickly. I would say that even though this is a YA book that it would be enjoyable for anyone to read. The writing was good and I didn't feel like it was being dumbed-down to meet the younger audience. It was just a good story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't keep my hands off this book! I'd put it down and have to pick it back up again. I had to get to the end and find out what all happened.I really can't decide if I like Sam or Jennifer more. Both characters, different in their own ways, were both delightful, wholesome, loving characters. They had personalities that were personable and made you want to get to know them.The morals that came across in this story, like love, trust and acceptance, were told solidly. It will continue to resonate through me for some time.I think lots of people will enjoy this book. Even Stephen King fans. It has a pretty groovy, scary element and suspenseful feel throughout that horror and thriller fans will greatly appreciate.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fast-paced, humorous, with the flippancy that only a teen-aged boy narrator/protagonist can pull off, "Crazy Dangerous" is one of the best YA novels I've read in ages with a male at its heart. For those reasons alone anyone would enjoy this book, but there's so much more to it! A sort of John Green meets James Patterson... Andrew Klavan, an Edgar Award-Winning author lives up to hisreputation with this one...and I can't wait to read his other books. As our famous Stephen Tyler of American Idol and Aerosmith fame said this week:"Courage is fear that's said it's prayers."And Mr. Klavan said:"Do right. Fear Nothing."Both quotes close to Scripture and honest truths played out in "Crazy Dangerous."The inspirational aspects of the book have to do with following what we know is the right thing despite all the outward pressures we have surrounding us to do otherwise. This is a lesson any of us can learn and relearn at any age.That's what makes this book the perfect cross over fiction. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey, the laughter over the spunky protagonist, Sam, the seriousness of helping those in dire need, and the reminders...You decide if this is an awesome thriller, or not once you've read it. I rate it 4 stars.