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Bound by Night
Bound by Night
Bound by Night
Audiobook10 hours

Bound by Night

Written by Larissa Ione

Narrated by Amy Landon

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Nicole Martin was only eight years old when the vampire slaves rose up in rebellion and killed her family. Now she devotes her life to finding a vaccine against vampirism, hoping to wipe out her memories-along with every bloodsucker on the planet. But there's one thing she cannot destroy: her searing, undeniable attraction for the one man she should hate and fear the most.

A member of the renegade vampire MoonBound Clan, Riker is haunted by demons of his own. When he recognizes Nicole and remembers how her family enslaved his loved ones, his heart burns for vengeance. But when he kidnaps Nicole and holds her in a secret lair, his mortal enemy becomes his sole obsession, his greatest temptation, and, perhaps, his only salvation-a hot-blooded lover who could heal him with her touch . . . or bury him forever.
Release dateMar 31, 2014

Larissa Ione

Larissa Ione is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the Demonica and  connected Lords of Deliverance series, as well as the MoonBound Clan Vampire series and other contemporary novels. An Air Force veteran, she traded in her career in meteorology to pursue her passion for writing. She lives in Wisconsin with her US Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, Hexe. Visit her at

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Reviews for Bound by Night

Rating: 3.9850746238805974 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title intense and captivating, with a wonderful narrator who brings the characters to life. The author skillfully explores the theme of good and bad people across different races, nationalities, and species. Although it may not have as much detail, violence, or sexual content as some readers prefer, it still offers a great plot. Larissa Ione's storytelling creates a world that readers can fully immerse themselves in.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Talk about intense, this story grabbed me from the first chapter to the last. The narrator did a wonderful job of breathing life into the various characters.

    One of the things that spoke to me was how the author showed that no matter the race, nationality, or species each group could have both good and bad people.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received a free copy of Bound by Night through Pocket Books and Edelweiss, and was thrilled beyond words. I have been wanting a chance to try this author out. My local library has never had any copies of books written by this author, so I haven't been able to ever try her out, until now. I didn't know how much I would enjoy her, but I have been craving for a stimulating vampire romance, and Bound By Night won me over completely. I loved her writing style, very provocative and in depth that stirs the reader up from the beginning. Nicole has always despised vampires, especially a certain vampire that killed a woman she loved dearly, when she was but a little girl. Now she has to live with a illness, that will kill her one day. Riker, is part of the Moonbound Clan, and still aches for his wife that he lost years ago. Now it is up to him to kidnap Nicole, who is a scientist, and hopes to trade her in for a woman her company are holding hostage. When Nicole finds herself being kidnapped against her will with her worst enemy and greatest fear coming to life, she has no idea if they plan on killing her in the end or not. Despite her fears, she is drawn to Riker, who is irresistible and can't resist his powerful aura that only captivates her more. Despite the misunderstandings, and mistrust between each other, an flaring passion builds between them.Overall I loved every part of Bound By Night. As this is the first of Larissa Ione's books, I was a little apprehensive, hoping I would love this story just as much as I have heard so many good things about her. I knew I just had to give her a chance. Bound By Night is the first in the series, and is part of her most recent series she has just created. There was a bit of a darker side to this story, which can happen with vampire romances from time to time. But what I found interesting is how this author blended it quite harmoniously with the other aspects of the story, so that there was just a hunt of it, and didn't overtake the story. It is a bit richer that what I am normally used to, not much lightheartedness or fun, but I would say that is one of the many things I enjoyed about Bound By Night. It was unique and original and a very moving emotional roller coaster, thoroughly satisfying till the end. Definitely can't wait to get my hands on more books by this author. I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys a thrilling paranormal romance!! You are in for a delectable story that will win you over.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book! I simply love Larissa Ione, she never fails to tell a story that creates a world to become a part of and get totally immersed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It was a very good start for a series, not as detailed and sexual as I generally like and not much violence but a very good plot
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Although there were moments when the writing got a little heavy-handed, this was a nice, fun escape, and exactly what I'm looking for when I pick up paranormal romance. The story-telling had enough darkness and stakes that I couldn't stop turning pages when I picked the book up--especially once the story got going--and the romance hit all the right beats you'd expect. In the end, I enjoyed it enough that I was disappointed to learn that there are only a very few books in the series, unlike the author's other series, but I'll certainly be picking up more of Ione's work at some point.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Bound by Night
    3 Stars

    After witnessing the massacre of her family at the hands of their vampire servants, Nicole Martin swears to do everything in her power to eradicate vampirism and destroy every last bloodsucking fiend on the planet. Unfortunately, she cannot extinguish the intense attraction she feels toward Riker, the vampire that she despises most, and who has sworn vengeance against the woman he blames for the death of his mate. As Nicole and Riker struggle against hatred and temptation, circumstances force them to work together or lose everything.

    Larisa Ione's take on vampires and vampirism is original. However, there are some illogical elements in her world building, and the romance between Nicole and Riker does not ring true.

    The idea that humans have enslaved vampires is interesting, yet Ione fails to explain how exactly the physically weaker race of humans managed to subjugate the stronger species. It also doesn't make sense that people would allow beings that they fear and abhor to serve them as domestic servants.

    Moreover, Ione does not provide sufficient details on the exact origin and nature of vampires. There are numerous rumors and stories, but the actual explanation only comes at the end and it is hinted at rather than fully outlined.

    Nicole and Riker's relationship is just as confusing. They go from hating the sight of one another to falling in love in the blink of an eye. One night out in the woods on the run from poachers and they get over decades of prejudice and mistaken beliefs. I don't think so!

    The chemistry between the couple also feels forced and their moments together lack true intimacy and emotional connection.

    There are just as many inconsistencies in the development of the secondary characters. Hunter, the leader of the MoonBound clan, is a born or pureblood vampire (is this even the same thing), who is more interested in playing video games than solving his clan's problems. Katine, the only female warrior, is initially kick-ass an threatening, but deteriorates into a gossip mongering matchmaker. Myne, the defanged and tortured vampire eager to kill any human with a pulse, seems to accept Riker's fascination with Nicole without any qualms. Lucy the mentally simple clan member who prefers candy to blood is sweet, yet she disappears 1/3 into the book and never returns.

    The villains in the piece are just as one dimensional. Whether it is Nicole's scheming brother Chuck whose evil machinations are obvious from the start, or Kars, the misogynistic leader of the rival clan, whose threat is never fully developed. There is little development or follow up on these points and one can only hope that the next book with provide some resolution.

    All in all, this is not one of Ione's better books. Nevertheless, there is a lot of creativity and potential in the premise and I'm willing to give book #2 a chance to compensate for the shortcomings of this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First off I've got to say that I love Larissa Ione's books, every one I've read has been really good if not great. I'm so excited for this series because Bound by Night is a really good start with fabulous world building. It is hard in the world of PNR to find something really different and Ione is really good at coming up with something unique. And this story is not like anything else I've read.

    In Bound by Night vampires have been made into slaves who serve humans and have little to no personal rights. Riker is a member of one of the free vampire clans that are hiding out while fighting back. It's easy to feel for the vampires and their plight in this dark, bleak world. Nicole is on the other side in the beginning, coming from a family that has made its money from these slaves. After her family was slaughtered in a vampire uprising she's left terrified of them. Both characters were interesting and the side characters were equally captivating. I'm actually looking forward to seeing some of them get their own books.

    The story was really good, with only a few minor things I didn't like. The main problem I had with the book is that Nicole seems to fall for Riker so quickly. It should have taken her a while to come to terms with her fear of vampires after living with the anxiety her whole life, but shortly after Riker kidnaps her she begins to want him. I do get it though, they sort of have some history, and it didn't however stop me from really liking the book, but the beginning was a little crazy. It is an excellent start to the series though and I'm dying to read the second book, Chained by Night!

    ***Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review***
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I started the book really really not liking it. It's nothing against the writing or the author. I just don't like books where one side is killing and enslaving the other and vice versa. I like my romance books to be more light and upbeat. However that said, I couldn't put this book down. I read it in one evening. It was a quick enjoyable read. I love the authors Demonica series. I'm just not sure if I want to continue with this one or not. I still suspect the rest in the series will be just as good as this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Welcome to Larissa Ione's latest vampire series! An interesting story of slavery, loyalty, revenge and a hot 'n sexy romance.

    Nicole is a human woman and New-found CEO of Daedalus Corp. She inherited the company from her parents who were massacred in a vampire rebellion attack when she was a young girl. Her illegitimate half-brother, Chuck, has been ruining it in her place until she was ready to take the reins. But what she thinks she is getting may be more than she expected.

    Daedalus Corp is a scientific companies working on vampires. TO create vaccines, to understand them, breed them and worse... Nicole only knows some of what the company is. But when a few vampires, Ryker and Myne, kidnap her and demand she release a certain vampire, her rose colored glasses are finally removed...

    Now I am not sure if this book is a futuristic book or just an alternate timeline but regardless, in this reality most vampires are slaves to humans. Often collared, De-fanged and used however humans see fit. Yet there are still free vampires out there who are fighting back.

    Nicole grew up thinking as vampires are the enemy and Ryker thought the same of humans. Both share a past with Terese who was Nicole's nanny and Ryker's mate. Nicole is about the learn how much more there was to her death, her families company and vampires in general. And Ryker needs to learn that not all humans are that bad.

    While I liked all the characters, Myne is probably one I wish we had gotten to know better and hope to learn more in future books. Bastien has me very curious about with his ability and we even had a mad scientist in this book with an affinity for kool-aid!

    Nicole sort of annoyed me at times. While I like how she presents herself and is strong in many ways, she is also lived a naive life. I kept wondering why she never question the attack, or how she thought vampire experimentation is okay. She'll confront a wrong if shoved in her face but otherwise seemed to have her own interests at the forefront of life. She never questioned the order of vampire exterminations that her company obeyed, in which her signature was on the order. I mean, if you didn't sign it, WHO DID? I would have thought she would have realized things were wrong and need her attention. But it took a kidnapping to get her to wake up. Sad

    Ryker I loved. Ryker with a good heart but a few too many chips on his shoulder. He loves sticking his foot in his mouth on areas that quickly come to bite him in the butt all too often.

    I was not a big fan of the Indian backround for the creation of vampires. and The end did nothing to fix that. While I am curious enough to continue the ending alone almost cost this 1/2 a star. It just doesn't seem necessary and it's overkill. I will leave it at that.

    So overall enjoyable. Some very steamy, almost rough sex scenes so this is very much adults only. Bit of intrigue and science blended in. The characters are well done and each unique. The slavery aspect is new but I wish I knew a bit more of what is going on there.

    **I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.**
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Bound by Night by Larissa IoneBook #1: MoonBound Clan Vampire SeriesSource: NetgalleyMy Rating: 4/5 starsMy Review: Nicole Martin has dedicated her life to solving the problem of vampirism. As a helpless child, Nicole was powerless to save her family as they were slaughtered by their vampire slaves but as an adult with advanced study and degrees in vampirism, Nicole is no longer helpless. As the head of her family’s multi-million dollar company, Nicole has dedicated her adult life to using vampires and their blood to heal humans and discover new ways to rid the world of what many consider to be a plague.As a member of the Moon Clan of vampires, Riker has dedicated his life to fighting humans, saving vampires in captivity and, protecting his clan. Since the day his mate died, Riker has channeled his anger and become a fierce warrior and somewhat reckless on occasion. He is respected among his peers but everyone knows that Riker is dedicated to the warrior life and has little to no time for intimate relationships. In fact, since his mate died, Riker has not taken a single woman to his bed. The day he encounters Nicole Martin is the day Riker has to rethink everything he knows about humans. Kidnapping Nicole Martin is the last thing Riker and his group wanted to do but when their plans go horribly awry, taking Nicole is the only option available. Forced together by circumstance, Nicole and Riker feel an instant attraction to one another but their respective experience tells each they cannot trust the other. Nicole’s time with the Moon Clan completely changes her perception of vampire’s and though she is being held against her will, she jumps in and helps where she can. Riker takes every opportunity to “educate” Nicole on the plight of vampires and what they have experienced at the hands of human like her. Getting Nicole back to “civilization” becomes more urgent as the days pass for several reasons: 1) the Moon Clan has no interest in keeping a human no matter how helpful she is; 2) returning Nicole means the Moon Clan gets one of their own back in a prisoner exchange and; 3) the longer Riker and Nicole are near one another the stronger their attraction becomes. To say these two are facing monumental obstacles doesn’t even come close. As plot continues to unfold both Nicole and Riker are surprised by one another the lengths each is willing to go to in order to make a really craptastic situation right. The Bottom Line: Larissa Ione has brought something new to the world of vampires and I am all over this!!! The Moon Clan Vampire series does a couple of things I am very intrigued by: 1) in this universe, vampires are still hot and sexy but they are also slaves and; 2) the vampires and their origins are tied to both demons and Native American tradition. I am loving the fact that Ione’s vampires are not just removed from society but actually in hiding from humanity as this creates a far more intense read. Riker and his clan is full of interesting personalities from their leader right on down to the mad scientist who is consumed with finding the right flavor combination of Kool-Aid. Nicole’s transition from the human world into the vampire world creates a wonderful sense of tension and drama and when she and Riker finally give into their extreme desire well, the book gets even better. I always like it when an author trots out something new and as soon as I finished this read, I trotted right on over to Amazon and bought book two in the series, Chained by Night.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good Adventure, nice erotic parts. Different take on the vampire mythology.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was actually impressed with this one. I've been on a bit of a vampire reading kick lately despite many that I come across being mediocre at best. I didn't have high hopes for this one either but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Her writing style was clean and the plot flowed nicely. No insta-love which is one of my biggest pet peeves. And the characters were believable and mostly likeable.

    I liked the idea of vampires being tied to Native American roots and having separate clans. The whole Moon blood thing was a little weird to me but at least it had a point and wasn't just a random excuse for sex.

    Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good vampire story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: Vampires are the slaves of humans. The CEO of the company that promotes this slavery is kidnapped by a clan of rogue vampires. They need her help to rescue a vampire from a lab within her company. This is bound to go well…Opening Sentence: The vampires were behaving weird today.The Review:As much as I love Larissa Ione’s other series, I was a little nervous about starting this one because I’d seen a lot of Goodreads friends say they had a hard time getting through it. Thankfully, I had no such problem. In fact, I read it in one day because I just could not bear the thought of putting it down. Coming from someone who’s had a hard time keeping up with her reading because of morning sickness issues, that is high praise indeed!Humanity discovered the existence of vampires many years ago. When confronted with beings that are physically strong and age much slower than humans, someone inevitably thought of a way for the existence of vampires to benefit humanity: slave labor. Thus, vampires began being captured, defanged, and put to work in rich households. No one imagined that one day, their docile servants would rebel. But rebel they did. Twenty years ago, life started out normally for 8-year-old Nicole. She thought some of the vampires had been acting strangely, but no one else seemed worried. Then she heard the screams. As the vampire who had cooked meals for her all her life steadily approached her, she knew her life was about to change forever.It’s now 20 years later. Restrictions against vampires are stronger than ever because of the rebellion. Nicole is back in the States after spending years in Paris. She’s now expected to take the reins of her father’s company, which is seen by many as being the primary facilitator of vampire slavery, as well as research done on vampires. Little does she know, her life is about to change again.Unknown to humans, vampires who have avoided slavery live in clans. One such clan is MoonBound Clan. MoonBound Clan has a problem: a midwife from another clan was taken by Nicole’s company while she was under MoonBound’s protection. They must retrieve her or risk going to war with her clan. One of MoonBound’s members, Riker, has a plan: capture Nicole and use her to ensure the midwife’s safety and escape. As war draws closer, both Nicole and Riker will have to put aside their preconceptions about each other in order to work together. Will they find the midwife in time?Nicole is another great Larissa Ione heroine. She’s strong and capable and surprisingly open minded given what happened to her as a child. Many times, she proves herself to be not quite what Riker expected, and that is a joy to “watch” as a reader. Riker has been through a lot in his long life, and has the issues to prove it. It makes him a little hard to like/connect to at first, but as he starts to open up, he becomes much more relatable. He might not be my favorite Ione hero, but he certainly made me warm up to him after a rough start.The one thing that holds me back from giving this five stars is I did sometimes have trouble suspending my disbelief. If I thought about it too hard, I found myself questioning the plausibility of humans being able to enslave vampires. Luckily, I found the story so engrossing that I didn’t get too hung up on it, but it’s a factor that some readers may not be able to overlook. Overall, I found this book a joy from start to finish. I’m very excited to read book 2 later this year!Notable Scene:Panting, she crouched in the very spot where, just six months before, her vampire nanny had died, her unborn baby with her. Nicole shivered at the memory.She’d been so excited about Terese’s baby. Terese had been the best nanny ever, always teaching Nicole new things, reading to her, asking her opinion on things as if Nicole were a grown-up. Terese would have been a great mommy to the baby. Secretly, Nicole had sometimes wished Terese were her mommy, too.Tears stung Nicole’s eyes as she reached up and wrapped her necklace around her fingers, bringing the ring Terese had given her to her lips.It’s a secret ring, Terese had said as she pressed it into her small hand. You can hide things inside it. I want you to have it. And remember what I said. Be a good girl and a good adult. You’ll have a lot of power someday. Use it well.I love you, Nikki.Terese had been killed half an hour later…by her own mate.Riker.The very name struck fear into Nicole’s heart.Terese had loved him, trusted him. And he’d driven a blade into her throat.Nicole would never forget Terese’s broken voice as she pleaded with him. She’d definitely never forget his face. His glittering silver eyes. His sandy hair that Terese said was silky-soft. His fangs that had been longer than Nicole’s finger.All of it haunted her nightmares.FTC Advisory: Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Bound by Night. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    **Review written for an originally posted on my blog, Book Bliss.I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased and honest review**Review: 5 starsGeneral: Oh my gosh there are not enough positive words and phrases out to express my love of Larissa Ione’s newest series and book! Can we make a new scale with more than 5 stars? I was as excited for this book as I was leery – Demonica/LOD is my favorite series and Larissa my favorite author. I was concerned this series wouldn’t be as good or that it would draw her attention away from the one I loved. Goodness I couldn’t be more wrong! Bound By Night takes vampire mythology and turns it on it’s head while delivering some of the sexiest, darkest and most dramatic plot and characters I’ve read yet!Larissa Ione weaves absolutely fantastic world building. I purposefully didn’t read the blurb so I wouldn’t know anything and not once was I lost or pulled form the novel. From the first time we meet Nicole to the epilogue with Hunter I was 100% drawn in completely following. I do not wish to give anything away so I won’t go into details as to just what makes this world so fantastic. But picture a society where the vampires aren’t the badasses that go bump in the night – well they are but they’re tamed and pissed. That’s the backbone of the series and such a wonderful twist and a refreshing read.Each and every scene layered upon the first to make me fall further and further into the world. The plot was wonderful and had not 1, but 2 arcs in it. The characters introduced weren’t many, but the ones that were we perfect and had me in a mix of laughter, tears and desire for them to get their act together. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book!Characters: Nicole- Nicole is certainly a high ranking female character for me. She was absolutely perfect. We see her as a child and then a scene that traumatizes her. The trauma shapes her into many things – nervous, cold, intelligent. Then we meet Riker and she changes again. Feisty, sure of herself, sexy. She changes in so many ways and I don’t want to give up the why/how of it but it’s wonderful! Then there is her and Riker….she is a vixen. Downright fierce and hot as hell when they are together. I think they may be one of the best couplings I have ever read.Riker- Riker, Riker, Riker. Where on earth do I start? I have only ever truly loved two book characters – Hunter from Cate Tiernan’s series Sweep , as a child, and Strider from Gena Showalters LOTU series since 2007. Riker kicked Strider so far out of that spot his head would be whirling. Riker has it all; strength, torment, power, loyalty, and flaws up the wall. Seriously this males flaws made him the exact character he needed to be and honestly he has some serious hangups when it comes to Nicole and it was heartbreaking and wonderful. He didn’t do anything remotely sexual for the first 1/3 of the book and I was still ready to jump him and claim him for my mate LOL. The amazing cover model provides the perfect backdrop to place all the emotion and tension in.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Riker is a member of the MoonBound Clan; A group of renegade vampires that live in a world were vampires are enslaved by humans. An interesting twist since they are the stronger species. Nicole Martin was a child, eight years old, when the vampires revolted killing her family. It has become her life mission to develop a vaccine to cure vampirism to eradicate the creatures.Riker kidnaped Nicole in an attempt to barter her in exchange for a captured vampire. The two should hate each other, but as they get to know each other, feelings develop.Larissa Ione does a phenomenal job in the development of this story. There are so many interesting twists and turns that you will not want to put the book down.This was an excellent start to the MoonBound Clan Vampire Series. I can’t wait to read what happens in the next book of the series, Chained by Night, expected to be released on August 1, 2014. ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When humans learn of the vampires existence - they enslaved them. Nicole was 8 years old when the enslave vampires in her household rebelled, killing almost everyone. By a miracle somehow she survived. From that day on Nicole has hated vampires. She has spent the years since studying vampires physiology. Nicole is about to become the CEO of her family's company. But before that can happen she is kidnapped by vampire, Riker. A vampire that still causes her fear, and he hates her on principal. But they both find that they are attracted to each other.I was excited to hear Larissa Ione had a new series coming out. This was an excellent read. I loved Nicole and Riker. They both come into this relationship with preconceived notions of each other. It was great watching them being blown away. Bound By Night is a dark, sexy action filled story. Beautiful world building that doesn't drown the reader in info. I have no doubt that fans of Ione's previous series will devour this one just the same.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I received this book through netgalley in exchange for a honest review.When I first began the book I wasn’t sure where it was heading. usually happens when the past is looked at and than we fast forward but this past just didn’t make sense. Sure it let me know Nicole was a cute little kid but really not sure what else when I began. It takes you awhile to see why it is significant. For Nicole it is a half truth of her past that eats at her and fills her with hate. For Riker it is the same but for different reasons and with justification.Riker poor guy. He has guilt over his past but his guilt stems far beyound loss. It stems from not feeling something he feels he should so this leads to remorse as well. Riker’s guilt though blinds him and holds him back from living. That is until Nicole wiggles her way into his life. Nicole who he despises and wants dead. Nicole who he wants revenge on. And let me tell you Nicole hates him to. She hates all of his kind. Her hate though stems from a) a misunderstanding and b) an event so horrific that it makes you sad for her. Riker though helps to break down her walls and as she sees a different light and begins to feel for him she is awash with guilt and remorse. Even puts herself on the line for his clan. Riker and Nicole have attraction but dang Riker cannot get past his guilt. As he struggles to he hurts Nicole without meaning to.guilt a powerful weapon that can paralyze you as Riker sees. But riker is a loyal and beautiful man (warrior but still beautiful and kind) who does eventually admit to himself what Nicole knows all along. It may be to late though for Riker is selfless and does such a noble gesture it will make you cry.A story of love and guilt. About seeing being the haze of anger and realizing that not all is what it seems. It will open your eyes to a world that is fascinating to read about but also have you rooting for Riker.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read for Review (Edelweiss)Overall Rating: 4.50Story Rating: 4.50Character Rating: 4.50First Thought when Finished: Bound by Night is how you start a series! Plenty of character development to go with that world building-I APPROVE!Story Thoughts: To start with, I put off reading this because I wasn't sure if I was up for more vampires right now. I love them but lately I have been in a shifter mood. However, this delivered with the kind of action and in-depth storytelling that I have come to expect from Larissa Ione. The romance didn't really click for me until halfway through but I am guessing that was by design. The story was strong enough that the lack of romantic feel didn't bother me at all!Character Thoughts: Nicole & Riker were very similar characters in some ways: had skewed views of each other, had hard lives, and were both brilliant at what they do. I think Nicole was more open than Riker but the slow burn romance helped them work through that. I was impressed that Larissa let the love build while acknowledging the attraction and the lack of wanting that attraction. Side characters (future leads) rocked. I could wax poetic about the next couple but I think I am going to let you experience that on your own :)Final Thoughts: Now I need the second book! :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Chelle:*eARC received from EdelwiessI love delving into the imagination of Larissa Ione, and having a new world and new characters to get lost in was amazing. Did I love it as much as Demonica or Lords of Deliverance, no, but did I thoroughly enjoy it? Absolutely!!Bound by Night has alpha males with attitude & snarkiness that we've come to know and love from Larissa, strong females, a world built on intricate history, a story rife with tension, emotion and drama... It was all there and more. Plus I absolutely loved how Larissa drew on her Native American roots with Vampires, when we generally only see that with Weres & Shifters. All in all, my first impression thoughts here, I really enjoyed Bound by Night and will certainly be looking forward to the coming books of the series - there was so much opportunity set up in book one for some truly incredible characters' stories, it will be a joy to take their journeys when the time comes. Definitely recommended and I am certainly looking forward to August of 2014 for Chained by Night, Hunter's book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Larissa Ione has been my on must read list for entirely too long, but I was unwilling to get entangled in an existing series so when Bound by Night became available I didn't want to miss out.Larissa Ione's new MoonBound Clan series doesn't seem to stray far from familiar ground for the author, it is a steamy paranormal romance featuring pairs of star crossed lovers. In Bound by Night Nicole Martin, has recently inherited the role of CEO of her family's corporation, a global company built on the exploitation of vampires, to be used as, amongst other things, house servants and medical test subjects. When her company captures a female vampire with a highly prized talent, the members of the MoonBound Clan are desperate to retrieve her and kidnap Nicole intending to torture her to reveal the location of their missing vamp. Nicole is terrified, recognising MoonBound Clan warrior Riker as one of the vampires that was involved in the slave rebellion that slaughtered her entire family as a child. Riker has been dreaming of revenge on the Martin family for years but Nicole is not what he expected and neither, Nicole learns, is Riker the monster she has feared for years.I liked the world building by Ione, here vampires have been known to the world for around sixty years and have been enslaved by humans. Largely vampires are viewed by society as murderous animals and afforded very few rights. There are small clans of rebellious vampires doing their best to avoid capture, forced to compete with each for scant resources, it is to one of these - the MoonBound Clan - that Riker belongs. Ione's vampires are not mindless killers though they are more than capable of it. They can be born, or turned - a process not all survive, and have enhanced abilities such as speed and strength and may have a special power. And in an original twist on Vampire myth, they are said to descend from a Native American legend but their true origins, which very few know, can be traced to a curse laid by a demon.The plot itself is fairly predictable for any romance, distrust and anger slowly give way to mutual understanding and cooperation, with the hum of irresistible attraction ever present. In terms of story this means Nicole and Riker find common ground when they learn more about each other and their prejudices are challenged. There is plenty of action in addition to the romance, kidnappings, battles between vampires and hunters and between vampires from rival clans, putting Nicole and Riker alternately in jeopardy and the tension leads to a fast paced read.I enjoyed Bound By Night, it is pretty much what I expected from my reading within the genre but also offers its own small unique touches. It's likely I will pick up the next installment to see how Hunter escapes the predicament he finds himself and how Nicole and Riker are faring with their HEA.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the few books i have read in Larissa's Demonica series so when I was asked to review BOUND BY NIGHT I had no problem saying yes. Nicole grew up with vampire slaves as servants. They were her cook, her nanny, her gardener, you name it they did it until they day they rebelled and she almost died. Since that fateful day she has devoted her life to finding vaccine against vampirism. Riker hates the Martin family with everything in him. When Nicole comes home to take over the family business he sees it as the chance to wreak vengeance on the family once and for all. Unfortunately his plan does not play out as planned.I enjoyed the pacing and writing style of BOUND BY NIGHT. You can not help but feel invested in the outcome of the storyline and the characters. Nicole knows who she is and does not try to push what her faults on others. She does not back down easily and pushed for what she felt was right. Riker, Riker, Riker. Ugh he is a pain in the butt but you can not help but fall for his alpha male attitude. Both Nicole and Riker are beyond stubborn. They truly fit together but each one has moments of cowardice, idiocy or the like that keep them at each others throats for most of the book. The world is a bit crazy. The humans think they are superior and do anything in their power to control Vampires. We get just enough out world building so that we understand what is going on but I think there is much more world to explore.The Moonbound Clan Vampires series will be like her others and will feature new main characters with each book but I can not help but want to stick with Nicole and Riker. There is so much more of them I want to see. I will have to grab book 2 just so I can see how they are doing and what happens with the new characters though. Sigh I'm invested =)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Bound by Night was set in the world where vampires are slaves to mankind and the story set around Nicole who own the corporation that trade domestic vampires but choose to study vampire vaccine because of her past when her family was killed and nearly left her dead. On the other hand, Riker was the husband of Nicole’s maid who died and seeking revenge against Nicole and kidnapped her as a ransom for the corporation to release a vampire female in captive.

    I do love Larissa Ione’s Lord of Deliverance series and was looking forward to this latest instalment of hers. But I couldn’t find myself enjoying the vampire story as I should be. I think it because I do have a medical science experience to dispute and make fun of the science in this book and that to a degree, the book is frankly unbelievable and similar to the mess of Christine Feehan’s medical vampire science. I mean, there’s fertility problems with the vampires and there’s the magical female main character who is a vampire researcher and also the owner of the evil vampire corporation who was lead by her half brother who want to kill her and there’s vampires turning on their kinds and there’s romance and sex and I couldn’t help but thinking I’m rereading the Dark Carpathian series again but thats even better with dark magic soil parasite making everyone sterile.

    The dialogues are witty and creative but Nicole is a special snowflake or perfect circumstance woman trope and apparently everyone is okay that she was responsible with multiple of vampire cruelty with her ignorance. Of course there’s a scene where she was blamed to order a massacre in one of the laboratory and of course, the book evaded to the fact that while she crying out that she’s innocent due to her ignorance and have been trying to change the vampire rules to the better, But I can’t seem to buy her sudden lapse in judgement particularly when initially she’s a vampire hater and treat vampires like laboratory animals even worst that I did. She did admitted doing experiments on vampire corpse because she’s a researcher and I am legally trained biomedical researcher and NEVER even touch a real corpse in the name of science and I was baffled by her sudden development with an MD in vampire medicine and can do vampire first aid and end up solving some of the vampire medical problems. As far as realism goes, this is more than being far-fetched.

    I even couldn’t quite buy into the romance aspect of the novel. Both of the characters essentially hate each other. Riker hated Nicole and her family for enslaving the vampires and killing his wife while Nicole hated Riker for killing her friend and hated the vampires for killing her family. Apparently mutual sexual attraction develop into love story in this book. Of course, the male main character couldn’t handle his feelings for his hated enemy and things even goes more downhill from there.

    I couldn’t buy the final scene of this book (and I couldn’t emphasize more without it being a spoiler) but I do end up liking the MoonBound Clan’s Hunter who is a first born vampire (and work as a bridge between the Demonica series) and he will be in ‘Chained by Night’ when he was forced to mate with one of the rival clan’s daughter and there’s a prophecy and something. But The other book will be out August 2014 and it will be a long wait until then. Was this book a must read? For fans, of course but for casual vampire romance readers, this book can be campy and like I said, the nearest you can get from reading Christine Feehan’s books.

    The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a really good start to a new series. It was completely different from her previous series and so I wasn't sure what to expect, but based on how much I liked two of her series I was excited to read it. I'm really happy I got a chance to an ARC and from reading this book I'm gonna say that I'm definitely gonna be hooked on this series. I'm already pacing around waiting on news to when the next book, which I'm guessing will be Hunter's (the epilogue) will be for sale. The world that this is set in is a world of pain, torture and slavery but it's also a world of honor, brotherhood and passion. The humans are jerks and rival clans are ruthless but somehow the Moonbound Clan has been able to hold their own and carve out a somewhat normal life for themselves. A life I can't wait to read more of.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Nicole Martin’s family is involved in the business of vampires; particularly experimenting, brainwashing and making servants out of them. This is great for the humans and has made her family rich, but isn’t especially appreciated by vampires. Most of her family is wiped out during an uprising when she was 8 and the company is led by her half brother until she’s old enough to take over. But does she want to?Riker, a member of the renegade vampire Moonbound Clan kidnaps Nicole in the hopes of using her as collateral for the release of a female vampire recently captured. A war will break out between renegade clans if this gifted vampire isn’t released. Nicole is vastly surprised by what she learns both about her company as well as about vampires. She and Riker are shocked to discover how drawn they are to the other.As always, the author does a great job of creating the culture and characters while telling a story that immediately grabbed me. And I was along for the emotions and tensions felt by the heroine. The story moves along at a good clip, and partway through it I had to call a friend and tell her about this book.First book in a new series that gives us a very unique culture when it comes to vampires. I haven’t seen read anything else like it. It appears that each book has a couple du jour and this one sets up the situation for the next book in the series.Read as an ARC via Edelweiss.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    THE MOON ISN’T ONLY FOR SHIFTERS!Edit“BOUND BY NIGHT” is the first in the MoonBound Clan series by Larissa Ione. As you may remember from an earlier post, Larissa Ione is part of the writing team that makes up Sydney Croft. Now, I realize that I normally don’t like many of the variations of vampire novels out there, but when I had the chance to read & review the advance copy of “Bound By Night” and saw it was by Larissa Ione, I wanted to give it a try. I AM SOOOOO GLAD I DID!In this new series world of Larissa Ione’s, some vampires have been enslaved by humans and used as servants… and more deviously and viciously, as “research subjects”. Head of the company that does all the testing? Nicole. As a youngster, her family was caught up in a vampire rebellion and a household slave/servant tried to drain her, leaving her scarred both physically and emotionally. One of the vampires around at the time of the rebellion, who’s mate was killed? Riker. They have every reason to hate each other, but circumstances force them to reconsider their notions about each others’ cultures and trust in each other for their survival. The story, mythology & character development is riveting, as is the foundation in Native American lore.Like I said – I normally don’t seek out the vampire stories – but this is definitely a series I will keep an eye on for the future stories! If you are a true paranormal romance fan, she also has a full series (10-11 books at this point) called the Demonica series. While I’ve not yet read one, I do have a few on the hold list now from my library! If you really like the paranormal / vampire-themed romances – DEFINITELY check out this MoonBound Clan series! (And can someone just give up a “YAY!” for the cover model?) THUMBS UP!