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Ashes of Midnight
Ashes of Midnight
Ashes of Midnight
Audiobook9 hours

Ashes of Midnight

Written by Lara Adrian

Narrated by Hillary Huber

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

As night falls, Claire Roth flees, driven from her home by a fiery threat that seems to come from hell itself. Then, from out of the flames and ash, a vampire warrior emerges. He is Andreas Reichen, her onetime lover, now a stranger consumed by vengeance. Caught in the cross fire, Claire cannot escape his savage fury-or the hunger that plunges her into his world of eternal darkness and unending pleasure.

Nothing will stop Andreas from destroying the vampire responsible for slaughtering his Breed brethren...even if he must use his former lover as a pawn in his deadly mission. Blood-bonded to his treacherous adversary, Claire can lead Andreas to the enemy he seeks, but it is a journey fraught with danger-and deep, unbidden desires. For Claire is the one woman Andreas should not crave and the only one he's ever loved. A dangerous seduction begins-one that blurs the lines between predator and prey, and stokes the flames of a white-hot passion that may consume all in its path.
Release dateDec 14, 2010
Ashes of Midnight

Lara Adrian

Lara Adrian is the New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of the Midnight Breed vampire romance series, with nearly 4 million books in print and digital worldwide and translations licensed to more than twenty countries. Visit her online at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lara Adrian does a great job of bringing the Midnight Breed Word to life. We get suspense, passion and romance in every book and Claire and Andreas' story is no different.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really wasn't sure about this book going in, since the summary made it seem like something I didn't really want to read. They've been together before and are going to find each other again in this book (I don't like second chance romance), she's mated/married to someone else and the summary made me think he'd kidnapped her or something.Thankfully, none of these really bothered me after starting the book. Yeah, it's second chance but they haven't seen each other for 30 years and he left to protect her from him (well, his powers, stupid man). I don't mean to say it was okay that he left, but it's been 30 years so the hurt had faded but she still loved him (and he her, even if he wasn't sure if he should say it or not).Her being mated/married to someone else was an issue, but since Andreas wanted to kill him anyway, not really a big issue overall. Well that and his and Claire's mating wasn't a love match. She even called it a business arrangement at one point (that's what it was really). He didn't kidnap her. Not really much else to say but that about this issue. Maybe I read the summary wrong? *checks* Maybe it was the pawn comment that made me think that? Who knows.All of that being sorted as the book progressed, I loved this one. I even liked both Andreas and Claire (although her name being Claire seemed really wrong to me, since Claire is in the Outlander and those are very different from these. it confused me some, which is really odd since names don't tend to affect me that much). Normally, I like one of the MCs and hate/not care about the other so it was nice to like them both
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Okay I'm not sure why this entry into Adrian's Midnight Breeds series got such bad press- I think this one is one of my favorites!AOM not only had the typical thrilling suspense we've come to expect in Adrian's popular pnr series, but also some uber romantic elements, I find myself helpless to resist.Not only linked by the fact they are tied to a race of Alien progeny, Andreas Reichen and Claire Roth have a history together. Long ago they fell in love, only to be parted by unforeseen circumstances, secrets and misunderstandings. In fact Claire thinks Andreas is dead, burned up in a firey explosion at his family compound in Germany.Far from dead he's bent on vengeance toward the one who caused the accident- Claire's mate, the less than noble Wilhelm Roth. When they are thrown back together, Andreas has to decide what's more important- the love he still harbors for the woman who makes him complete or continue on the destructive path he has no choice but to follow.Andreas, despite the fact he's yet another tortured hero with an axe to grind, ends up being deeply moving in his love and desire to keep his heroine safe and Claire demonstrated many qualities I like to see in a heroine- mainly the self-sacrifice she displayed in her desire to keep Andreas safe from the evil man she finds herself irrevocably mated to.The arching plot of a fellow Breed- the vampiric descendants of an Alien race who wrecked havoc on the human race oh so many years ago...(still amazes me how much that otherwise silly backtwist works!!)- building an army to make war on the Warrior caste Andreas is now a part of, continues on, providing a dramatic backdrop for the pair of lovers who should never have been parted in the first place.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    For some reason, I just couldn't really get into this one.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    1.5 stars

    After finishing Veil of Midnight and thoroughly enjoying it, I was looking forward to reading Ashes of Midnight. However, I thought it was astoundingly bad. It was so bad, that I consider it to be the worst book I've finished so far this year. There was no saving grace to this story at all. Claire had to be dumbest person alive. The things she said and did were absolutely ridiculous. I mean, seriously, her mate had everyone in Andrea's Darkhaven murdered and she couldn't seem to grasp why he might want revenge. I'm sad to say that Andreas wasn't much better. He was so consumed by his rage, he couldn't see anything else. Their romance was anemic and there was way too much angst going on, especially concerning Andrea's ability. The storyline did progress, but I stopped caring. I highly doubt I will continue with this series as I no longer have any interest in what happens in Adrian's world.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ashes of Midnight
    3.5 Stars

    Once a civilized Breed, Andreas Reichen is now a vampire consumed with the desire for vengeance and he will do anything to get it including using the only woman he has ever loved as a pawn.

    An intriguing plot in terms of the overall story arc with an exciting twist at the end. However, the romance is weak and unappealing.

    Andreas’s character has been building up over the series and I was eager to read his book but ended up being disappointed. To begin with, his character does a complete about face and transforms from a civilized and intelligent social creature into an uncontrollable and dangerous warrior bent on vengeance. This transformation is logical in terms of plot development but it takes some getting used to.

    Andreas’s relationship with Claire is where the book takes a turn for the worse as their connection falls flat and fails to resonate. Their interactions are lackluster and borderline boring. The previous books emphasize the significance and strength of the blood bond, thus the fact that she is bonded to one of the villains, despite her claims to have loved Andreas wholeheartedly, undermines the romantic aspects of the story. It is a pity that Adrian couldn't find a way to work around this.

    Speaking of Claire, her character comes across as selfish, vapid and disloyal. Some of her actions are extremely irritating and contradict her own internal dialogue. Moreover, the way in which she and Andreas ultimately resolve their issues comes across as absurd and uninspired.
    To be honest, Roth’s character is far more interesting and impressive. He is manipulative, arrogant and sadistic – all of which make for one of the more compelling villains in the series.

    The scenes between the other warriors and their mates, and the development of the Dragos storyline are some of the few saving graces of the book.

    In sum, the world that Adrian has created is exciting and entertaining, which more than compensates for the unremarkable romance in this installment. Moreover, Andreas is not one of the core brotherhood of warriors, and he and Claire may not take a central role in books to come. For these reasons, I will continue with the series despite the failings of this one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars.( first book i've read in the series) I started out really liking this authors work, then it slowly started to get very familiar and predictable... no surprises. : (
    I enjoyed the story and the characters but it was too similar to another series the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward. Breed men are Alphas, they must find their Breed mates, females that they bond with and need to drink from. There is an evil, who uses/imprisons many Breed Mates experimenting and impregnating them to make and evil army. The group called the order must fight this evil while dealing with the bonding of Breed/mates as well.
    Even with the overuse of this storyline I am going to read the next book, just incase she steps out of the box.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Paranormal Romance. Midnight Breed 6. Claire Roth on the run. Caught by Andreas Reichen. I block bought all these midnight breed when they were on offer and found them to be a bit of a slog. OK- 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked it, but I didn't love it. Reichen and Calire were a very cute and sometimes hot couple, but I think things just took too damn long to get a move on and by the end of the book I was pretty much fed up about the whole thing. Not to say that that part where I still was interested in the story wasn't good, but the overly explained things started to chafe a little.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    With the way that VEIL OF MIDNIGHT ended I thought that this would be Andreas Reichen's story. I wasn't quite prepared for the depth of evil that is put forth in this book. It is bad enough that Dragos’ is a psychopath bent on world domination but you add in Wilhelm Roth and the evil just pours out of the pages. I can see that things are going to get much worse both they get better and that worries me no end. I would hate to see any of the current characters killed. I have come to enjoy each couple as they get their happily ever after and all the glimpses that I get with each new book. Ms. Adrian makes you feel like you are part of the Order’s family. You grow to care about what these people are going through and the danger that they are always in. I wish that there was a better path for all these people. I feel like I do when I read Lora Leigh’s Breed series. There is this evil that is hanging over both group’s head. The more they try to escape the stronger the evil seems to become. Andreas is a playboy that has never let anyone close to him. He has never taken a mate. When he loses his family and Helene he really does lose an important part of himself. He is a strong, honorable man that has a terrible talent that he really hasn't learned to control. He also has an enemy that he has no real idea how he came to be. It was wonderful to get a look into Andreas' past. He has gone through a lot of pain and anguish. His need to seek vengeance on Roth is almost his undoing. I was glad that he found Claire and he pulled him back from the cliff he was teetering on.Claire is a stubborn, strong willed woman. She has lived a quiet life of doing charity work and being eye candy for her mate Wilhelm. She is also a dreamwalker. For all her intuition she is still naive where her mate is concerned. She has no idea what Roth has been up to since before she became his mate. One of the things that I loved about her is that she doesn't hesitate to take an active role in taking Roth down once she learns how evil he really is. It is a little sad that she doesn't have more confidence in Andreas and in herself. So much of the problems between the two could have been avoided if they had just been more willing to communicate.This is a complex story with the overall plot advancing as well as the plot for Andreas and Claire’s story. Dragos is really a demented individual that thinks he is smarter than everyone else. That is the mark of a serial killer I guess and yes that is what Dragos is down to his very expensive shoes. I was disappointed that the Order didn't catch him in this story. He deserves a slow and torturous death at the hands of the Breedmates that he has held captive and abused. It will be interesting to see what happens in later books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent book in the Midnight Breed series. While I adored Andreas and Claire, I also liked having the rest of the Order back on the pages. They're slowly building their family while fighting horrible evil. The duplicity of it really intrigues me. And the larger story arc of the series is sweeping along at a wonderful pace. As much as I love the individual atories and seeing how they find their loves, the overall tension from the search for *the thing* keeps me more than motivated to continue.

    4.5 stars - excellent!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is probably my least favorite in this series. I am not 100% sure why. I really did not like either of these characters. Which is kind of funny because I liked Andreas in the other books. I guess I like him as more of a supporting character than a staring one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This picks up right where the last book left off. Andreas Reichen returned to his Darkhaven to find his entire family had been slaughtered and his human lover, Helene had been turned into a minion. Now he's back, he's mad, his power has resurfaced and he wants revenge. He's a man on a mission: to destroy the person responsible for his tragedy - Wilhelm Roth. To see justice served, Andreas won't let anything stand in his way, not even Roth's mate, Claire. The only problem is, Claire was once Andreas' one and only love. Will he use her to get to Roth and can he stand by and let her become collateral damage?

    Claire Roth has been mated to Roth for over three decades, but she never forgot about Andreas. When he shows up one night looking for Roth, she's shocked to find Andreas is indeed alive and that he's hunting down her mate and why. As she struggles to comprehend how she could be mated to someone accused of such cruelty, she agrees to follow Andreas to find some answers. It soon becomes clear that her mate isn't who she thought he was, and now the hunter has become the hunted and Claire is caught in the cross fire.

    Andreas has had several appearances throughout the series, and I find him to be a very likable character. I always thought he'd make an excellent warrior if he decided to join the Order. As a Breed male he has a special power, which he has tempered for most of his life. It was that destructive power that drove him away from his once lover, Claire, out of fear of inadvertently hurting her. As his lust for vengeance mounts, so does his power and it threatens to consume him.

    This story was action-packed, the rekindling of their love was at times heartbreaking. I'm also noticing a steady trend of the male drinking from the female at some point so that when things go south, he'll be able to sense her and come to her rescue. I suppose in a way this predictability is necessary, since it's around that time in every story when the breedmates use their special abilities to aid the Order, while getting into a bit of trouble. This installment also pushed the story along and brought a new disturbing development to light, so I'm already eager to get the next book.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I swear, these books keep getting better and better. When i read the first, i liked it but i wasn't too hooked; now i can't put them down!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ashes of Midnight is the sixth book in Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed paranormal romance series. This book in the series continues as The Order gets confirmation of their worst nightmare, an Ancient (one of the original aliens) thought long-dead but actually hidden by this society for the purpose of breeding a new race of unstoppable killer vampires. Andreas, has crossed the path of this secret society and lost his whole family as a result. Bent upon revenge he has nothing left to live for - except the death of his enemies. Claire is the lover from his past, now the Breedmate of his mortal enemy, who has the task of pulling Andreas back from the brink of self-destruction. I found the story of the struggle to determine and announce their love for one another an "I can't put the book down" piece. It was amazing how much the two cared for each other yet were hell bent on not moving from their original position on who does what and who goes where. I would definitely recommend this book to any who enjoy a good love story with some elements of surprise and some mystery and action involved.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Andreas Reichen is exacting his revenge, attacking the people who destroyed his home. Claire Roth is in his path, the wife of his enemy and his old love. Andreas has found an affinity with flames, an ability to project them and to use them, but Claire is distracting him, causing him to wonder about his slightly suicidal mission.It's not bad but sometimes the characters make choices that don't seem to have as many consequences or cause them to think again about what they're doing. Not bad but I've read better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ok I have to say I was a little disappointed that this was not about one of the warriors though he is almost one of them. I do like how the story is progressing with Dragos and the Ancient. I like how all the characters are important to the progression of the story and how you get little updates as they go along. I really am looking forward to the next book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked the whole series. I enjoyed getting to know Andreas better and liked this darker side of him. I read this book in one day and look forward to the next in the series. I love the whole warrior aspect of these books but I must say that I prefer J.R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood better!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I did not find Ashes of Midnight to be as entertaining as previous books. The characters have grown increasingly flat as the series continues, and the plot drags from the very beginning. The Midnight Breed series has lots its momentum.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hmmm. "Ashes of Midnight" is book six in Lara Adrian's 'Midnight Breed' series. I have to say that it wasn't my favorite. I also have to say that it follows very well on the heels of book five, "Veil of Midnight", since events here pick up where it left off. This series is about Adrian's version of vampires (there's good ones and bad ones) and the good guys' fight to save humanity. Claire never knew she was special--until Wilhelm Roth saved her from an attack and through him, she met the love of her life, Andreas Reichen. But though she thought Andreas loved her too, he just up and disappeared one day...and she allowed Wilhelm to comfort her and ended up married and bonded to him. They've long since settled into a marriage of strangers and when Claire heard about the recent death of Andreas, she was just glad to be able to greive alone. But now something isn't right and Wilhelm's properties are coming under attack...and that includes Claire.Andreas WILL have his revenge on Wilhelm Roth. He knows Roth was the dastard (G-rated review folks) who ordered the cold-blooded killing of Andreas' entire family...and soon Roth will know that Andreas is still alive. Because Andreas intends to take from Roth just what Roth took from him...everything.The overall plot of the series doesn't advance too far in this book, but I enjoyed it all the same. Andreas has been an interesting character for me from his first appearance and I wondered about the reasons for his demeanor and distance. Claire was (eventually) strong in her own way, even though she did have a few TSTL (too stupid to live) moments and needed to shed the overly naive outlook she had on life. By the end of the book, she was a good match for Andreas and the passion and strength of their love made for a powerful ending.I will warn that if you don't like Andreas, you probably won't like this book. Although there are scenes with other characters, the story still firmly revolves around Andreas and Claire. There is a bit of an interesting development (for the next book I'm guessing) towards the end and a possible expansion on the current series' storyline. That's all the hints I'm willing to drop...if you want more, read the series. It's a darn good one. Her next book, "Shades of Midnight", is scheduled to release at the end of December 2009 and it's already on my list.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Definitely got to know Andreas Reichen character better. This was a darker side to him that we didn't really know was there before...he always seemed so nice and helpful. The plot thickened a bit too which added to the book.