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Audiobook11 hours


Written by Shay Savage

Narrated by Chris Chambers

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

It's said that women and men are from two different planets when it comes to communication, but how can they overcome the obstacles of prehistoric times when one of them simply doesn't have the ability to comprehend language?

Ehd's a caveman living on his own in a harsh wilderness. He's strong and intelligent, but completely alone. When he finds a beautiful young woman in his pit trap, it's obvious to him that she is meant to be his mate. He doesn't know where she came from, she's wearing some pretty odd clothing, and she makes a lot of noises with her mouth that give him a headache. Still, he's determined to fulfill his purpose in life-provide for her, protect her, and put a baby in her.

Elizabeth doesn't know where she is or exactly how she got there. She's confused and distressed by her predicament, and there's a caveman hauling her back to his cavehome. She's not at all interested in Ehd's primitive advances, and she just can't seem to get him to listen. No matter what she tries, getting her point across to this primitive but beautiful man is a constant-and often hilarious-struggle.

With only each other for company, they must rely on one another to fight the dangers of the wild and prepare for the winter months. As they struggle to coexist, theirs becomes a love story that transcends language and time.

Contains mature themes.
Release dateJul 18, 2018

Shay Savage

Shay Savage is an independent author from Cincinnati, Ohio, where she lives with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. Her hobbies include off-roading in her big, yellow Jeep, science fiction in all forms, and soccer. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.From the author: “It’s my job to make you FEEL. That doesn’t always mean you’ll feel good, but I want my readers to be connected enough to my characters to care.”Savage’s books many books span a wide variety of topics and sub-genres with deeply flawed characters. From cavemen to addicts to hitmen, you’ll find yourself falling for these seemingly irredeemable characters!

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Reviews for Transcendence

Rating: 4.198324134078212 out of 5 stars

179 ratings12 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title truly transcendence and unique. The story is intriguing and the author's choice of POV is difficult but great. It is an entertaining and easy to listen to romance that is different from the norm. Overall, readers had a wonderful time with this truly unique romance.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! Amazing!!
    What a unique and difficult POV the author chose to take, and what a great emotional and intelligent way to deliver the story.
    Second read for me, and just as amazing as the first time!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Unique. Entertaining cave man->modern woman romantic saga. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Do sequel too!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a truly unique romance. I had such a wonderful time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This story is truly transcendence. It’s one of those stories you’ll never forget because it’s so unique and intriguing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Why am I crying?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ehd is a Neanderthal who is living by himself in a cave. He lost his family and tribe in a forest fire several years before and has been alone since then. He has become so lonely that he contemplates laying down and never getting back up. But, he decides to try just a little longer. He leaves his cave to check his pit trap to see if any animals have been caught there. No animals are in the pit trap, but a young woman is trapped there. He knows almost immediately that she is meant to be his mate. She makes many sounds and gives Ehd a headache, she is dressed oddly, and has add mannerisms, but still he thinks he'll keep her. She tries to tell Ehd that her name is Elizabeth, which he translates to Beh. He wants to give Beh a baby, but she keeps rebuffing him. She does however seem to like him and his company, so he will still keep her. I was so very impressed with this book. It is so different than what I have read in the past. There is almost no dialogue and yet the story is full and expressive. I loved it and hope the author has more like this in the works!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is my first experience with Shay Savage's writing and I'm quite impressed with her creativity. Ehd's story grabbed me from the very first chapter and I fell through the pages as he and Beh began their journey together. Ehd is a caveman, who's entire tribe was wiped out in a tragic forest fire. He's lived alone for years and is almost ready to give up on living when he discovers a strange woman (Beh) in a pit used to help him trap animals for food. He's never seen a woman like this before, strangely dressed and making odd sounds. It's clear to the reader that Beh is from the future. What follows is a unique love story that I couldn't seem to put down.

    I thought the author did a great job with Ehd's thoughts and reactions to Beh. She tells the story from Ehd's POV and does so in a way clearly reflects the emotions and experiences of both characters. There were many humorous moments as the couple learned to communicate and a few scenes really tugged on my heartstrings. I found that I liked Ehd...despite his views that women have very limited roles. I couldn't be too hard on him. Tthis is the caveman era after all. At least he was a very devoted "mate" and an exceptional provider who was very sweet to Beh.

    The ending was beautiful and brought a tear to my eyes. I could've done without so much sex in the story, but that's more a personal preference than a critique on the writing. I tend to get bored with it after awhile. What really drew me in were all the quiet moments, the little miscommunications, and the way Ehd and Beh eventually come together and compromise.

    If you're a stickler for realism, this might not be the book for you. Ehd's pretty intuitive about women for a caveman. If you can suspend your belief and just go with it, you'll probably find this is a sweet and enjoyable story. I plan to check out more of Savage's work.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an entertaining and easy to listen to romance different from the norm!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well done, taking into consideration the forewarned artistic license the author needs from her readers. Other reviewers have written good summaries in their reviews and I will not repeat what others have written well. I must add that while Ms. Savage did a good job describing the caveman era through Ehd, (primitive, non-speaking but by no means ignorant or illogical), she did use some non primitive terminology that I thought was not in keeping with our caveman. I can buy into the fact that Ehd has no name for objects invented or created millenniums after is death (buttons, books, shoes, pants, bra and panties). I love that Beh taught Ehd how to make a fire from the flint and the hard, round shiny piece from her leg coverings, made rudimentary pots and plates, and introduced Ehd to other interesting positions to put a baby in her.

    I was unwillingly jolted back to reality with Ehd's use of various anatomically corrects words ("afterbirth", "areola", "glans" and "penis"). While Ehd knows what a foot covering is because they would have been made and used in cold weather, he isn't given the modern word, rather uses a rudimentary identifier of "foot covering"? I'm good with this -- it seems in character.

    I also accept Ehd as an intelligent, logical, problem-solving survivor. He simply hasn't learned (hasn't developed the ability) speech. I'm good with this artistic license. I assume Ehd, in his tribe and with his parents, understands the anatomical body parts, but I expected Ms. Savage to give Ehd rudimentary words for these anatomical parts of the body. She gave him the words hyenadon, hair carving, and flat curved bone rather than hyena, comb and spoon. She did not give him the words bath or bathe (even though he did this in warm months prior to Beh's arrival), masturbation (even though he spoke of doing this before Beh) and sometimes he refers to his hardened manhood as what was "under my furs", this all makes sense. What does not make sense IMHO are the reproductive system anatomically correct words -- simply out of character.

    Otherwise? Loved the love story! I would recommend to anyone enjoying romance novels. I hope this remains a stand-alone story. It is a complete story and I fully appreciate this single book story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't sure I would like a story set in prehistoric times. But, the manner in which the author handled it made all the difference. We see the whole thing through the eyes of Ehd, a young man who's been all alone since fire took his entire tribe. When Elizabeth is suddenly transported there from our time, he believes she is to be his mate. The only problem is (well, ok, there are several problems!) he doesn't have the ability to communicate verbally. It makes for some very interesting predicaments, to say the least. :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Transcendence was a truly original read and I really liked it. I like the idea of a caveman love interest. There were a few times that I got annoyed with Ehd's character because he was back-and-forth a lot. She likes me, she doesn't.. she wants me, she doesn't. I also didn't like the idea of him not being able to learn any better way of communicating, not even with pictures like the cavemen of the past (but like Savage says.. creative license). Other than that, the survival reading was great! The "seed planting" was even BETTER!! There was also a high level of angst, especially towards the end, when there are situations that Ehd doesn't understand.

    I am almost certain I would have been in total love with this book if it had a duel POV, or if this would have been a companion novel to Elizabeth's novel. But like I said, it's refreshing to read a POV that you're not used to, an atypical alpha. A heroine that you have no IDEA what she's saying, and can only grow to like based upon her actions. You have to imagine yourself in her shoes.

    Though it was long, for having absolutely little-no dialogue, I'd totally recommend Transcendence. And I hope that there will be a book that will better help us understand the "noises that Beh makes"!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This caught me by surprise. I thought this would be in present time with a super alpha hero cave type man, if that makes any sense….No, totally wrong. Try a super loveable, so so so sweet young man from back in mammoth spear hunting with your hands times…again, if that makes sense. I love that this was from his pov. I loved how sweet he was with rubbing his nose across hers and just ug, everything. It was so sweet but macho. He could catch fish with this hands, and everything he did was for her, his mate. After glancing at her for not even 2 seconds, it was decided, she was to be his mate and they would live in his cave, hunt, eat, cook, make fire and have babies. But it wasn’t just that, there was an actual sweet heartwarming story that I will be reading again. I’ve found a new fav author and I’m so excited about it. The end leads me to believe there may be another book with this, maybe in her POV. I’m hoping so…