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The Study of Seduction
The Study of Seduction
The Study of Seduction
Audiobook9 hours

The Study of Seduction

Written by Sabrina Jeffries

Narrated by Beverley A. Crick

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

When Edwin Barlow, the Earl of Blakeborough, agrees to help his best friend's impetuous ward, Lady Clarissa Lindsey, in her time of need, he knows that he's in for trouble. He's been hunting for someone to wed, and she'll just get in the way. Although captivated by the witty, free-spirited beauty, he fears that she'd be all wrong as a wife . . . if she would even take such a gruff cynic for her husband. Yet he wants nothing more than to have her for his own.

Clarissa has no intention of marrying anyone-not Edwin, whom she's sure would be an overbearing husband, and certainly not the powerful French diplomat stalking her. But when matters escalate with the diplomat, she chooses Edwin's gallant offer of a marriage between friends in hopes that it will deter her stalker. She expects nothing more than an amiable union, but their increasingly tempestuous kisses prove more than she bargained for. When her stalker's vow to expose the lovers' deepest secrets threatens to destroy their blossoming attraction, will their tenuous bond withstand public ruin, or will Edwin lose all that's important to him to protect his bride?Contains mature themes.
Release dateMar 22, 2016

Sabrina Jeffries

At the tender age of twelve, Sabrina Jeffries decided she wanted to be a romance writer. It took her eighteen more years and a boring stint in graduate school before she sold her first book, but now her sexy and humorous historical romances routinely land on the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists and have won several awards. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and son, where she writes full-time and is working on her next novel.

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Reviews for The Study of Seduction

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A misunderstanding went on a little longer than any reasonable believability I thought If someone repeatedly enjoys making out with you but then continually panics at a certain point (and you recognize the look of terror in their eyes and acknowledge it to yourself, (not to mention have seen the very same look in the eyes of a woman who was sexually assaulted!)), obviously the issue is something to do with the act and not your own sexual appeal... It really takes some mental convoluting to confuse someone's extreme fear with repulsion (even if they didn't keep moaning/melting in your arms up to that point!) , but, after it was cleared up, the character at least admits that it should have been obvious and gives a pretty decent excuse for projecting. Also, when it came down to a hard truth for the guy, he was a total gem. So nice to see! =)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    "Besides," he added, "we're engaged."
    His gaze locked with hers in the mirror as he stroked one finger along the edge of her bodice. "We could be."
    She was so intent on what he was doing with his finger that his words didn't quite resister. "We could be what?"
    "Really engaged. To each other." His finger dipped just beneath the edge to skim over the rise of her breasts in a slow caress. Watching him do it in the mirror made it so erotic that she had to plant one hand on the dressing table just to keep steady. "Why... Why would that?" she choked out.

    I never fully warmed up to our main characters Edwin and Clarissa, although I thought they were less high and mighty in their thinking they were witty and better than everyone else later in the story. Their marriage of convenience hampered the natural romance feelings and a lot of resolution was left until the last 20% or so of the story, again missing a feeling of natural progression. The villain was a little over-the-top and it's resolution was also rushed at the end. I've read a few other books by this author and not had a problem but this particular one, had a style that felt more dry to me.
    And like I said in a reading update, love the hero's thoughts and feelings on a woman's right to say no in any circumstance but there were times where their conversations made me feel like I was reading a pamphlet on teaching women's rights and explaining rape. The word natural again comes to mind and how it didn't feel like this aspect flowed naturally so much as I felt lectured to. However, since some people still don't get it, these statements/ideals can never be said or printed enough.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good book. By the end of The Art of Sinning (Book 1), I had a pretty good idea that Edwin and Clarissa were going to be the next couple. The sparks flying between them were too obvious not to be acted on. At the beginning of this book, Clarissa's guardian and cousin, Warren, has to go on a trip and asks his best friend Edwin to keep an eye on Clarissa. There's a French diplomat that has been pursuing her and won't take no for an answer. Clarissa is extremely independent and is not happy with the idea of someone watching over her - especially Edwin.Edwin and Clarissa have known each other for a long time. Their families' estates are next door to each other, and Clarissa has been best friends with Edwin's sister Yvette for years. Whenever they come in contact sparks fly. Edwin is a bit on the serious and stuffy side and tends to look askance at some of Clarissa's antics, while Clarissa, who is more lighthearted and enjoys having fun, seems to enjoy poking at Edwin's stuffiness. It really ratchets up a notch when it becomes necessary for her to accept his presence as protection. The scene that sets this up was fun to read as Clarissa's objections get shot down every time.I really liked Edwin. He's been there in other books, usually in the background. He's a bit stiff and stuffy, but he's steady and reliable and there when his friends need him. He's very protective of those he cares for, such as his sister and his friends. He is haunted by something that happened when he was a child, something that has caused him to keep his emotions tightly controlled. He also doesn't like to ask for help from anyone, a quirk that creates some difficulty for him later on. He knows it's time for him to look for a wife, so he'll watch over Clarissa while he does his searching. He knows that he wants a quiet, sensible woman who will give him a peaceful home life. He tells himself he doesn't want someone as lively and flighty and irritating as Clarissa.I also liked Clarissa. She's enthusiastic, loves dancing and opera and parties. She's a bit of a flirt, enjoying the attentions of men, but never letting them get too close. She has made no secret of the fact that she doesn't want to marry, but doesn't say why. She too is protective of those she loves, such as her mother and brother and her friends. She gets a great deal of enjoyment out of teasing Edwin and shaking up what she sees as his boring life.As Edwin takes on the challenge of protecting Clarissa, he quickly realizes that he's in far more trouble than he expected. He finally has to admit to himself that he's attracted to her, even though he feels that they are all wrong for each other. I loved seeing the development of their relationship, as two people who believe that they already know each other very well discover that there are still some surprises to be had. I loved seeing Edwin begin to enjoy some of Clarissa's antics, finding that they brightened up his life. I also loved how Clarissa came to appreciate Edwin's sometimes blunt straightforward comments, as they were honest. The attraction between them continues to grow stronger, but there is frustration also, because Clarissa seems to blow hot and cold over his advances.When the only way to ensure Clarissa's safety is for them to marry, Edwin makes his case with his typical pragmatic logic. Clarissa accepts the necessity, but has conditions of her own, ones that only add to Edwin's frustration. I ached for him because he was certain that there was something about him that made it impossible for her to handle his touch. It isn't until that frustration comes to a head, and he tells her about the traumatic event of his childhood that Clarissa is finally able to open up about the reasons for her own actions. Edwin finished winning my heart at this point because of his reaction. I loved his sensitivity and patience as they worked together to overcome her fears. These were truly some amazingly sweet and sexy scenes.The problem of Clarissa's stalker ran throughout the book. The more I saw of him, the creepier he was, and I completely understood Clarissa's fear of him. It didn't take long for Edwin to understand just how dangerous he was too. There were some of his actions that made no sense to Edwin and Clarissa, especially once they were married. He should have given up by then, but seemed more determined than ever. An attack on Clarissa had Edwin challenging him to a duel, which terrified Clarissa. News brought back to England by Clarissa's cousin shed light on Durand's reasons, but still left Edwin determined to stay the course. I loved seeing Warren practically force Edwin to ask for help from his friends, which ended up being a very good thing. I was not at all surprised by the results of that help nor by the final confrontation. It also made Clarissa and Edwin realize the full truth of their feelings for each other. The epilogue was an excellent finish to the story, with a surprise arrival and a hint of things yet to come.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What happens when circumstances bring together a curmudgeon and a beautiful independent woman? Sit back and watch the sparks fly between old friends. Edwin and Clarissa may think that they don't suit, but as the story unfolds in The Sinful Suitors series second novel, The Study of Seduction, we discover that where there's smoke there's fire. The story begins at St George's Club. Three men--Warren Corry, the Marquess of Knightford, Edwin Barlow, the Earl of Blakeborough, and Jeremy Keane, Edwin's brother-in-law--started the gentlemen's club as a way for men to share information about their peers with the purpose being to protect the women in their lives from fortune hunters, rakes, and other scoundrels. Warren has asked Edwin to watch over his cousin Clarissa during the upcoming season while he goes to Portugal to check on Clarissa's brother who had to flee England because of the results of a dual. Edwin doesn't think Clarissa will agree. She is too independent, but a stalker with diplomatic immunity changes things. They come to an agreement. He will accompany her to societal events to placate her cousin, and she will give him tips on how to navigate society more effectively in his search for a wife. Circumstances change when her stalker forces the issue and she and Edwin end up engaged. Things escalate and Edwin proposes marriage by special license. Will this stop the stalker? Will they overcome their reluctance and succumb to their mutual attraction and make this a real marriage? Can they seduce each other into a happy ever after?This is a delightful followup in Sabrina Jeffries' The Sinful Suitor series, which started with The Art of Sinning (Jeremy and Edwin's sister's story) and continues with The Study of Seduction (Edwin and Clarissa's story). I look forward to the upcoming The Danger of Desire (Warren's story).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book in a new spin-off series (The Duke's Men). It isn't necessary to read the other series before this one, but why wouldn't you? It's Sabrina Jeffries after all.A seriously devoted suitor, a duel from the past, a little blackmail, and a man looking for a wife. How is this going to be anything but good? Edwin is searching for a wife that he can check all the boxes on. Quiet, compatible, meek, willing to give him an heir, and happy to let him manage everything. Thankfully, Clarissa is the complete opposite of what he thinks he wants in a wife. She bold, brass, interesting, and speaks her mind. When they get together it's always to some really good banter. Their marriage of convenience turns into more, but are they prepared for the consequences? Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A marriage of convenience, one of my favourites tropes, is the basis for the storyline in the second book in the Sinful Suitors series.Lady Clarissa is being constantly pursued by a French diplomat, he wants to marry her, she has turned him down several times but he still keeps coming back, but Clarissa has no intention of marring the diplomat or any man for that matter. Her guardian has decided enough is enough and asks his friend Edwin the Earl of Blakeborough who happens to be an old family friend of Clarissa's, to look out for her and scare this Frenchie off, but when things become desperate with the diplomat Clarissa has to change her mind about marriage and marries Edwin to deter her stalker.The marriage is not all that it should be though, there's a rocky road a head for Clarissa and Edwin.I loved this story. It's a must read. 5/5
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    *An ARC was given in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Netgallery and Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books for the opportunity to read this*Yet another winAgain Sabrina Jeffries never disappoints, she writes books in such a way that you cant do anything else until you finish reading it. I absolutely loved this book. After reading the first book i had wanted Clarissa and Edwin to be an item so i was really glad when that happened. The H and h just seemed to go so well that even their bickering was entertaining and not the tedious spats other authors portray. Yvette and Keane made an appearance in this book, it was so nice seeing them, im already regarding the characters as write on.I really hope Niall's book is next, i'm already getting the tortured hero vibe from him and its so perfect, i cant wait to read his book.