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Tempt the Stars
Tempt the Stars
Tempt the Stars
Audiobook13 hours

Tempt the Stars

Written by Karen Chance

Narrated by Allyson Ryan

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Being a goddess is a lot less fun than you might think. Especially when you're only a half goddess, you only found out about it recently, and you still don't know what you're doing half the time. And when you've just used your not-so-reliable powers to burglarize the booby-trapped office of a vampire mob boss.

Yeah, that part sucks.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg for Cassandra Palmer, aka the Pythia, the freshly minted chief seer of the supernatural world. After all, Cassie still has to save a friend from a fate worse than death, deal with an increasingly possessive master vampire, and prevent a party of her own acolytes from unleashing a storm of fury upon the world. Totally just your average day at the office, right?
Release dateOct 1, 2013
Tempt the Stars

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Rating: 4.030201369127517 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm only reading these for the Pritkin parts now - the action in this series has gotten way too chaotic for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm at that place with this series where I'm just really fond of everyone. They're my old friends now, and I love to see what they're up to.

    This book felt like it flew by, with non-stop action. Poor Cassie, never getting a chance to eat and having all her showers and baths rudely interrupted. You'd think the Pythia would get more respect. But since everyone seems to want to use her for their own ends she's not getting any respect at all.

    And, Cassie, honey, you love him. You LOVE him. Admit it, embrace it, get on with it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a wild ride these books are. Somehow it all works but I'm totally surprised at how much gets thrown into Cassie's already convoluted life and love life. The wibbly wibbly time-y wimey bits -- still not a huge fan but not too overdone in this series entry.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cassie's suspenseful and humorous adventures continue as she travels to the underworld in an attempt to rescue Pritkin from the demon's life his father wants for him, and discovers more about her own past and her Pythian abilities in the process. I didn't want this one to end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Diese und weitere Rezensionen findet ihr auf meinem Blog Anima Libri - Buchseele

    Schon bei dem vor drei Jahren veröffentlichten fünften Band von Karen Chance Serie um Cassie Palmer, „Verlockend Untot“, (drei Jahre?! Kein Wunder, dass ich mich erstmal an nichts mehr aus der Geschichte erinnern konnte :o ) ist mir der verbesserte Stil der Autorin aufgefallen, durch den sich die Geschichte flüssiger und zusammenhängender lesen lies. Dieser Trend hat sich erfreulicherweise auch in „Bezaubernd untot“ fortgesetzt, zumindest dann, wenn man es einmal in die Geschichte geschafft hat, denn das ist, wie schon gesagt, für mich nicht ganz einfach, denn nach drei Jahren ist einem vieles doch nicht mehr so ganz bewusst. Allerdings macht Karen Chance hier einen guten Job was die Zusammenfassung der bisherigen Geschehnisse angeht, sodass man doch recht zügig wieder hinein findet und mit Cassie mitfiebern kann ;)

    Und mitfiebern wird man, denn wie immer ist Cassies anhaltendes Abenteuer und damit der gesamte Roman einfach nur spannend. Actionreich, mit romantischem Knistern und der einen oder anderen teils auch recht fiesen Überraschung vermag es Autorin Karen Chance ihre Leser immer wieder in ihren Bann zu ziehen und mit ihrer Protagonistin durch die Hölle zu schicken – wortwörtlich, denn die frisch gekrönte Pythia macht sich auf ihren Lieblingsmagier, Pritkin, vor der ewigen Verdammnis zu retten. Damit geht die Autorin der von mir im letzten Band nicht ganz so kritisch bemängelten Dreiecksbeziehung übrigens gekonnt aus dem Weg: Denn während Pritkin ganz offensichtlich im Fokus der Geschichte und von Cassies Aufmerksamkeit steht, ist Mircea auffällig abwesend.

    Es geht rasant zu, die Geschichte fliegt nur so dahin und als Leser muss man aufpassen, dass man in all dem Chaos, das Cassie umgibt, nicht völlig hilflos untergeht – gleichzeitig kann man das Buch vor lauter Spannung aber auch kaum aus der Hand legen, ich zumindest habe die halbe Nacht gelesen, nur um am Ende wieder vor einem fiesen, bösen Cliffhanger zu stehen… Okay, es gibt sicherlich fiesere Cliffhanger, aber da die Geschichte um Cassie im Endeffekt ein anhaltendes Abenteuer ist, ist das Ende jedes Buchs wieder ein Cliffhanger, weil immer nur ein kleines Teilproblem gelöst wurde auf dem Schritt zur großen, endgültigen Auflösung, die hoffentlich irgendwann kommen wird :D

    Meiner Meinung nach eine super Fortsetzung, mit der Karen Chance sicherlich alle Fans ihrer Serie begeistern können wird, besonders aber die, die sich mehr Pritkin wünschen, denn der steht hier ganz allein im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit ;) Und allen, die die Serie noch nicht kennen, aber auf einen wilden Mix aus allen möglichen Sub-Genres der Urban Fantasy stehen, in dem es auch mal etwas heißer zugeht, kann ich nur empfehlen sich den ersten Band „Untot mit Biss“ oder den Doppelband „Blutrot“, der direkt den ersten und zweiten Band enthält, zuzulegen! :)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    When I finished Hunt the Moon, I thought the conclusion was good so I immediately began Tempt the Stars. And feeling optimistic, I also preordered Reap the Wind. I now regret that decision because I think I’m done with Cassie.Repetitiveness has become the defining trait of the series now. Cassie chases around in time at break neck speed and there is so much “action” it gives the illusion of a plot - for a while anyway. This book has all the usual: Cassie complains no one takes her seriously even though she can’t control her power; Cassie gets dirty, hungry, sleep-deprived and nearly killed ad; Cassie will worry over her relationship with Mircea (“he never tells me anything!”*) Cassie manifests some new amazing aspect of her power just in time to save the day, but using it leaves her weak and/or unconscious. Mix and repeat. *sigh* The sad part is, Chance throws in just enough character development and interesting ideas that you’re lured in by the potential of the story. Potential that, after six books, still hasn’t panned out. I finally realize it probably never will. The blurb for Reap the Wind tells readers that Cassie has to jump around through time to save Pritkin. I can safely assume that she’ll be attacked repeatedly, whine a lot, develop a new power, and somehow save the day while still ending on a cliffhanger.It’s almost incomprehensible that this series is written by the same author as Dorina Basarab; that is an amazing series. Dory’s a complex heroine with serious flaws, but who uses intelligence and skill to work through her problems. Her supporting cast is given more to do than just glare at her in disapproval. She still has things to learn about herself, but she doesn’t just fumble around with her powers. Everything that Cassie isn’t, and should be by now. I can only guess that the publisher/editor is seriously letting both the author and readers down by not pushing for more substance at this point. Maybe Chance needs a break from Cassie to break out the rut.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: After all that Cassie Palmer has been through lately, you’d think she’d get a chance to relax. A trip to hell to rescue Pritkin doesn’t really qualify as a vacation though. Oh well…Opening Sentence: “You gots big.”The Review:When I first found out I was going to be able to read and review Tempt the Stars, my reaction was something along the lines of “Woohoo! I can’t believe it! Oh my God! Pritkin! Yay!” Eventually, I calmed down enough to be able to actually read the book. Thankfully, my enthusiasm was not misplaced. This is an excellent addition to the Cassie Palmer series. The action never lets up, and I was left with an incredibly excited feeling about the next book.Cassie’s life is anything but boring. It’s been a week since the disaster that was her coronation. She’s spent practically every waking moment trying to figure out how to retrieve Pritkin from hell. So far, she’s come up with nothing. She’s running low on energy, barely eating, and not sleeping. On top of all that, she’s being inundated with people wanting to petition the new Pythia with requests, Mircea is off on senate business, and her vampire bodyguards don’t want her going anywhere, let alone jumping back in time to try and find her mother so she can ask her about Pritkin’s situation. Will Cassie be able to figure out how to get Pritkin out of hell, or has he disappeared from her life forever?This is the sixth book in the Cassie Palmer series, and as such, it definitely should not be read by those unfamiliar with the series, as each book builds upon the events of the previous ones. I’ve read all the books, and even I had to play a little bit of catch up as I tried to recall everything that’s happened. Karen Chance does do a good job though of recapping everything, so it wasn’t long before I was totally caught up in the action of the story. And action-packed it was. From the moment the first chapter starts, there’s always something going on. The phrase “out of the frying pan and into the fire” is very apropos for Cassie’s life in this novel. She hardly ever gets a chance to just take a breath, and the reader is pulled right along with her.If I had ever written any reviews for the previous books in the series, they would be filled with statements saying that I adore Pritkin and really do not care for Mircea. This book is definitely for Pritkin fans, as Mircea is largely absent. Pritkin is the main focus of this book, and I must say, my love for him as a character has only grown. I love series that expand and grow beyond what we learn in the first book, and for this series, Pritkin largely embodies what I’m talking about. When I read the first book, I never would have thought Pritkin would end up being my favorite character, and yet, here we are many books later, and that is indeed the case. He’s grown to be far more than just an angry war mage.One complaint about Tempt the Stars that I could see some people making is that in terms of plot, not much actually happens. The book is full of action scenes, but the characters don’t advance much. This honestly did not bother me, as I was thoroughly entertained, and that’s really all I can ask for in a book. There is yet another cliffhanger here, although in my opinion, not as bad as the one from Hunt the Moon. The premise of the next book already has me eagerly anticipating what’s going to happen.Suffice to say, I really loved this book. It’s full of action. There is plenty of humor to be found as well, and the characters practically leap off the page. If you haven’t started the Cassie Palmer series yet, you definitely need to!Notable Scene:“Just get back here—now.”“You don’t get it, Cass. When I said problem, I meant—““I got it. Just do it.” I stood up.“Cassandra?” Jonas was watching me narrowly. “What is it?”“Um,” I said brilliantly, since explaining this sort of thing usually didn’t go well. But it didn’t matter because I didn’t have time anyway. A second later, a horrible wail cut through the air, making the shrieking wards sound like a melody in comparison.I whipped my head around, but there was nothing to see. And Jonas didn’t look like he’d noticed anything. Until the air suddenly became thick and cold and hard to breathe, and the hallway started to shake perceptibly, and the light fixtures overhead blew out, one after the other in a long line.“Cassandra?” Jonas said, a little more forcefully this time.“I think it’s time for the midnight express,” I said, hoping I hadn’t just made a really big mistake.FTC Advisory: Signet/Penguin provided me with a copy of Tempt the Stars. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series never fails to keep me coming back. It has been a while since the last book in the series but I had no problem jumping right back in with TEMPT THE STARS. I love the person that Cassandra has grown into, I love the position she now holds and I love the allies she has at her back. Emotions are pretty high in TEMPT THE STARS and I don't see the emotions dying down in the next book. Cassandra continues to learn what she can do and the All in all, a great addition to the series. REAP THE WIND comes out in 2014 and I am excited to see where it will bring some of my favorite characters.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'm going to be brutally blunt here: instead of the high-quality work of past releases, "Tempt The Stars" is the kind of book that teaches readers to borrow or pirate books before deciding whether to buy them. There were a few really funny moments, that's about the only positive thing I can say.The entire book relies on Mircea & Pritkin behaving so severely out of character that I assumed Cass would discover an evil spell had been cast on them. Cassie also wasn't herself, but it was more subtle: her witty commentary/descriptions were largely missing, she was very angsty/needy regarding her parents, plus obsessive about Pritkin yet in deep denial about her feelings.Structurally, there were also big problems with the story. A few chapters ended during important events, with the next beginning with Cassie waking up with a vague summary. The pacing is problematic from the start, then worsens as the book goes on until action scenes are along the lines of "we ran across a roof, then we ran across another, then we were on the ground." The penultimate chapter alternates confusingly every page or so between two different sets of unconnected events.The overall writing quality is a cross between "self-published by a talented author in need of an editor" and "author signed a contract for n books in the series 3-4 releases ago, but is burning out." To refrain from spoiling the end, I will say only that it's a horrible, incredibly frustrating cliffhanger -- I strongly recommend most people wait to read Tempt the Stars until *after* the sequel comes out.FYI: I read in another review that "Tempt the Stars" was originally 800-900 pages long, but the publisher demanded that it be cut into two books. If the author was given a hard page limit or saw only one decent place for the split, it could explain the structural problems, at least. Hopefully this means Part II will either come out quickly, or that the author will have time to edit it adequately.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I waited a long time for this one to come out. I was really looking forward to it. However, being firmly ensconced in Team Mircea, I have to say I was disappointed. If you love Mircea and like to see lots of him in this series, this is definitely not the book for you. Team Pritkin fans will no doubt rejoice. This time, the over-the-top, non-stop action (translation: Cassie constantly getting her butt kicked, most of the time due to her own inability to string two thoughts together on her own) grated on my nerves. Yes, I know she had an awful upbringing and it's mostly not her fault that she was kept in the dark about her powers, but don't you think that as soon as you started finding out all this stuff that you might want to look into things a little bit more? Everyone has to keep bailing her out from her attempts to bail everyone out, creating a vicious cycle. Enough, already! I am really hoping in the next installment that Cassie gets a breather and is able to take some time to actually think for 5 minutes at least and get herself together. It's time to see some maturity and character growth here. There was still a lot of the Karen Chance humor that I've come to love in this one, but I do hope the next one is better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've had a a bit of a mixed relationship with the Cassandra Palmer series. I enjoy the way Karen Chance writes, her sense of humor and the crazed pace of these books but Cassandra often gets on my nerves. It helps to remember that despite this being the sixth book, it has only been a few weeks in Cassandra's timeline since her life imploded and she became the world's chief seer without the years of preparation and training usually afforded to those who are named Pythia.Tempt the Stars picks up shortly after the events of Hunt The Moon which ended with an epic battle and the loss of Pritkin, who sacrificed himself to save Cassandra, thus being dragged back to hell to serve his father. Cassandra isn't willing to abandon Pritkin though and despite the risks of manipulating time is determined to find a way to rescue the half demon, even if it means descending into hell itself.The pace of Tempt the Stars is as frenzied as ever, over a period of just two days (I think - it gets a little confusing with the addition of several shifts back and forth along the timeline) - Cassie breaks into Tony's house, confronts her parents and crazed ghosts, sneaks into hell, faces down the Demon council and its guards, and rescues dozens of young initiates after a bomb destroys her court, and that's not even the half of it. It's a breathless action packed thrill ride but not entirely without moments of reflection as Cassandra is forced to contemplate the loss of Pritkin, her relationship with Mircea and exactly how much she doesn't know - about everything.And OMG the single sex scene - so hot!Fast paced and action packed this is an entertaining installment and despite its length, a quick read. Tempt the Stars ends on the inevitable cliff hanger and the fact that it will likely be another year before we find out what happens next may tip some fans over the edge, so be prepared.