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Audiobook13 hours


Written by Amy A. Bartol

Narrated by Emily Woo Zeller

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Soon-to-be college freshman Evie Claremont had hoped that once she'd arrived on Crestwood's campus, the nightmare that she'd been having would go away. It hasn't.

She may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but she's grounded . . . sane. She looks for rational explanations to even the strangest circumstances. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he's near, she feels an attraction to him-a magnetic kind of force pulling her towards him. Unfortunately, Reed acts as if Evie's the worst thing that has ever happened to Crestwood . . . or him. But for some reason every time she turns around he's there, barging into her life.

What is the secret that he's keeping from her? Evie's hoping that it's anything but what she suspects: that he's not exactly normal . . . and neither is she. So, maybe Crestwood won't be the making of her, but it could be the breaking of her. Evie's now left to wonder if the dark future her dream is foretelling is . . . inescapable.
Release dateJul 22, 2013

Amy A. Bartol

Amy A. Bartol is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of the Kricket series, the Premonition series, and the two previous novels in the Secondborn series: Traitor Born and Secondborn. She has won numerous awards for her writing and been nominated for several more. She lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons. For more on Amy and her work, visit her website,

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having just finished Brodi Ashton's Everneath, I started in on Bartol's Inescapable. Bartol has a clear voice for her narrative and doesn't waste any time to draw the reader in. She excels in the first person narrative and guides the reader easily to see the world through the protagonist's eyes. Bartol is slightly clumsy in her character-to-character conversation style and relies too heavily on slang for my taste, but for me this was easy to overlook as the story had me hooked. There will be people who say this is a Twilight rip off. And let me just say that there was a point when I almost walked away from the book because I, too, felt this way for about a chapter. To those who suffer the same, let me advise you to finish the story. Evie is no Bella. Evie has backbone, character, personality, wit and charm. She may be socially awkward and totally in love, but the comparison ends there. Further, this is not a story about a love triangle. Yes, there is one present, but it is not the purpose or motivation of the book. For me, this was an interesting take on the ideas of fate vs. free will. I'm looking forward to picking up the second in Mrs. Bartol's series and hope that it doesn't disappoint.This is definitely an author to watch.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I never know what to expect when I decide to read a book. I know that I always hope that I will be able to get through it. And oh did get through Inescapable. It was one of those books that surprised me how much I liked it. Wasn't sure at first if I would enjoy it but not too far in did the book had me laughing, it was surprisingly funny. I think that was one of the aspects that made this such an intriguing story, interesting characters with personality. I also liked the angel concept, I'm beginning to really like the angel genre, haven't read much in that area and have been lucky to have liked the few I did read.

    On Genevieve Claremont's first day at Crestwood College she realizes that her college experience is not going to be a normal one after a run-in with Reed Wellington. Reed warns her to leave campus now and go somewhere else but she is confused why he wants her to leave and why does she feels so drawn to him. Every time she gets near him she feels butterflies in her stomach. I liked Evie, she was smart and think quick on her feet. Even though Reed was a big bully, and completely had her scared she didn't let him intimidate her. She wanted answers for why he wants her to leave so badly and what about his strange abilities. Evie seemed to go with the flow of things, she was open to what might be happening to her or who or what Reed might be. Even though she didn't take the dangers to her life seriously at first.

    Oh I thought Reed was a jerk but I just knew he would come around once he realized how clueless Evie about who she is. And Evie is also a very convincing talker. She clearly had all the guys in her life wrapped around her finger. It was shocking and sweet to see stoic Reed become putty in her hands.

    I would really love it if I could just hear Russel's twang out loud in real life. Russel had me right away, he was the ultimate gentleman, real southern charm and all. He and Evie seem to bond immediately, which I later found out there was a reason for that.

    As for Alfred, or Freddie, as Evie nicknamed him, I pictured him through her eyes as a shy, geeky, excited kid. That was the impression I got about him at first. As their friendship grew, Evie saw him as her twin brother because they are so similar in their ideas. Later on Freddie starts to come through as kinda of a cool laid back guy, and perhaps a looker and no geek whatsoever. I should have took more notice how Evie saw him cause I would have probably seen that coming. And that is the secrets to Freddie's true personality. He was a shocker, really didn't see that coming.

    I like the female power and support in this story, Evie was very lucky in the friend department. Her girlfriends, Buns, and Brownie were so cool and supportive, and maybe a little too peppy. Don't ask me their real names, I would have to go back through the book to find that. Nicknames were very popular in this story.

    At first I though the writing felt geared toward a younger reader but as the book progressed the dialogue for the characters seemed age appropriate for them. I wasn't expecting to have some many laugh out loud moments, the dialogue was quick witted and amusing. Amy A. Bartol wrote a very intriguing story with real characters that jumps off the page. Really great storytelling.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is just okay. Some parts didn’t really add up to me and there seemed to be a lot of extraneous info that didn’t really add to the story. I found the ending a bit rushed as we’ve spent so many chapters with a slow build, I think the ending could have given us more.

    One thing that really bothered me was how the dialogue was written. Overuse of dialogue tags disrupted the flow a bit but sometimes the dialogue itself was unnecessary.

    Overall I didn’t hate the story and I found the premise interesting enough to continue.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I never know what to expect when I decide to read a book. I know that I always hope that I will be able to get through it. And oh did get through Inescapable. It was one of those books that surprised me how much I liked it. Wasn't sure at first if I would enjoy it but not too far in did the book had me laughing, it was surprisingly funny. I think that was one of the aspects that made this such an intriguing story, interesting characters with personality. I also liked the angel concept, I'm beginning to really like the angel genre, haven't read much in that area and have been lucky to have liked the few I did read.

    On Genevieve Claremont's first day at Crestwood College she realizes that her college experience is not going to be a normal one after a run-in with Reed Wellington. Reed warns her to leave campus now and go somewhere else but she is confused why he wants her to leave and why does she feels so drawn to him. Every time she gets near him she feels butterflies in her stomach. I liked Evie, she was smart and think quick on her feet. Even though Reed was a big bully, and completely had her scared she didn't let him intimidate her. She wanted answers for why he wants her to leave so badly and what about his strange abilities. Evie seemed to go with the flow of things, she was open to what might be happening to her or who or what Reed might be. Even though she didn't take the dangers to her life seriously at first.

    Oh I thought Reed was a jerk but I just knew he would come around once he realized how clueless Evie about who she is. And Evie is also a very convincing talker. She clearly had all the guys in her life wrapped around her finger. It was shocking and sweet to see stoic Reed become putty in her hands.

    I would really love it if I could just hear Russel's twang out loud in real life. Russel had me right away, he was the ultimate gentleman, real southern charm and all. He and Evie seem to bond immediately, which I later found out there was a reason for that.

    As for Alfred, or Freddie, as Evie nicknamed him, I pictured him through her eyes as a shy, geeky, excited kid. That was the impression I got about him at first. As their friendship grew, Evie saw him as her twin brother because they are so similar in their ideas. Later on Freddie starts to come through as kinda of a cool laid back guy, and perhaps a looker and no geek whatsoever. I should have took more notice how Evie saw him cause I would have probably seen that coming. And that is the secrets to Freddie's true personality. He was a shocker, really didn't see that coming.

    I like the female power and support in this story, Evie was very lucky in the friend department. Her girlfriends, Buns, and Brownie were so cool and supportive, and maybe a little too peppy. Don't ask me their real names, I would have to go back through the book to find that. Nicknames were very popular in this story.

    At first I though the writing felt geared toward a younger reader but as the book progressed the dialogue for the characters seemed age appropriate for them. I wasn't expecting to have some many laugh out loud moments, the dialogue was quick witted and amusing. Amy A. Bartol wrote a very intriguing story with real characters that jumps off the page. Really great storytelling.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It is very, very rare that I give up reading a book. Even more rare to actually write out a review that I know will be bad, but I was fooled by all of the high reviews, and even more baffled at them.Three things made this story impossible for me. The first would be the flow. It was awful. Hi, nice to meet you, lets hold hands, now we are a couple, all within a few hours of meeting each other? I felt the relationship evolution was based on elementary children's idea of relationships. It was mind boggling. The entire flow was choppy. Too fast and then dragging forever and then way too fast again. Secondly, the dialogue was absolutely horrifying. If the author is indeed a college student, I really hope she is taking some extra literature classes. I am from the south, now live in Georgia, and I have friends from Asheville, NC. No one that I know, even any of my very backwoods, redneck, old timey family, speaks as horribly as the character Russel. The author is unable to write in dialect and his dialogue was so bad that I had to either skip it or at most skim it. I almost stopped reading earlier because of how annoying and frustrating it was to read his dailogue. On top of his every word, and another character saying "sweetie" five hundred times, she uses every slang word she can think of since the 90s and forces it into conversation. Even worse, she writes in slang and text talk! A high schooler could tolerate this, maybe. I almost screamed aloud. What is not spelled wut and people do not use words in reference to themselves or others like "playa" and "pimpin" one minute and then "stylin" and whatever else another. It really is every high school English teacher's nightmare student. Thirdly, and least annoyingly (as it was somewhat, and begrudgingly expected) the ridiculous love triangle. It was unnecessary, childish, and more annoying than productive. In all, I am mad I even spent $2 on this. I could have fared better helping pay this girl's tuition.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'm so glad I'm done with this. I've been reading it on and off for almost twenty days, and it's come to the point where I just wanted to be done with it so it doesn't hang over me.

    I'm giving the book two stars because there was a saving element to it, I'll talk about that later.

    There were many things I liked about this book. I liked Russell, when he wasn't speaking.
    There are authors that can pull off dialects and accents in dialogue. This one, not so much. It was just plain annoying to read his lines. You know it's bad when you have to stop and translate what the character is trying to say even if he's talking in plain English.
    Other than that, Russell might be my favorite character in this book (actually, the only one I liked).

    I liked it when Evie and Reed "broke up". Yes, that brought me immense joy because they were so cheesy with their you're-my-air-I-haven't-lived-before-I-met-you-I-will-die-without-you-et-cetera-et-cetera.

    I loved the story, and the mythology. I think, had the main characters been different (and when I say different, I mean, not-Evie-and-Reed), I would have loved this book.

    Unfortunately, they were carbon copies of every naive heroine and controlling hero out there. She is constantly belittling herself, saying she's not worthy, so she lets him get away with saying things like:
    "...Now explain what happened before I lose my temper.”
    I'm sorry, Reed, was that... a threat? This happens in chapter 9 (Foreign Language), and it was a turning point in cementing my dislike towards these two characters. See, Evie annoyed me all throughout the book, but this is where she loses my respect. Reed was mysterious and yes, annoying with his glaring and rudeness (so cliche), but this is where I think he's not really a knight in shining armor. I was this ( ) close to DNF-ing the book here. However, I didn't, for whatever reason I kept going.

    And what did I get? Some more of the same thing - Evie apologizing, promising to follow the "rules", fearing Reed will be mad at her, asking him why doesn't he shout at her... He locks her up in his house, he keeps making comments like "...before I lose it."

    What will happen, Reed, if you lose it, I thought to myself. (Sidenote: another thing I hated about this book, every other line is "Italics italics italics, I think to myself.")

    I was explaining to a friend while reading this that I'm trying to put it in this supernatural/paranormal setting and understand, because you know, maybe things are different when the bordering-on-abusive boyfriend is an angel and he's not the biggest threat to your well-being, but nope, still wasn't okay to me.

    The saving grace of the book is the ending. There was some good action in it, some fallen angels, a major twist I didn't expect, a couple of heart stopping moments - and *drumroll please* NO REED.

    The writing was nothing special. I didn't care much about the characters - as you might have noticed, apart from Russell and sometimes Freddie. You are constantly relying on Reed to explain to you what's going on, which I hated because I hated having him in the scene. The dialogue is... okay, I guess. There's no chemistry between Reed and Evie, but there was great chemistry between Russell and... Reed! Weird as it may sound.

    Evie is so indecisive about the boys it made me want to punch her, repeatedly. I love these stories where everything centers on heroine and how everything and everyone depends on her and how everyone wants her and how everything revolves around her. NOT.
    And then, of course, the author tells you she's smart and stuff, but judging by her actions, she was just plain stupid and childish. Bringing herself in harm's way all the time, even if she knows what's out there. Acting childish when Reed reasons with her that she needs to be more careful about her safety. I was kind of hoping she dies, but there are three more books, so I didn't hold my breath for it to happen.

    I could mention all the Twilight similarities, there are lines taken out of that book, but enough people have done that already.

    Now, will I read the other books? At this moment, NO. The book ends in such a way that if you really cared you have to continue right away. Lucky for me. I hear there are Irish guys in the second book, and normally I would be stoked about this, but honestly, I'm dreading their probably exaggerated Irish accent in dialogue. They are also something else, and I hate it when authors bring new mythological creatures into a story, so there.
    But most of all, I can't subject myself to Evie and Reed again.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "Slowly, he pulls me to him, brushing his lips gently against mine, and for the first time in weeks, I feel completely safe."—EvieInescapable told us about Genevieve Claremont, also known as Evie, as she tried to adjust with her new life at Crestwood College, away from her home and her only family, Uncle Jim. At first glance, Evie's life seemed fine and normal, with some new friends she had made, and a bunch of new things she had never done before.But that's until Reed Wellington came and showed her that life may not be as sweet as it looked, and what she had believed this whole time might not be so true . . . including her own life.The plot of Inescapable was actually quite great, with many twist that will keep the readers entertained and craving for more. The ending was built nicely too, with a lot of tense, and ended in such a happy way. I also love how the world of Inescapable seemed pretty real to me, with lots of details that made it easy for readers to imagine what happened exactly in the story. The pacing, however, was not so great. It was sagging at some parts, or being too fast at the other parts.Evie Claremont, as our main character, was actually quite two dimensional, and I found it hard to root for her, although I found that she had a strong voice in narration. Her biggest flaw that I had noticed was : She was a bit Mary Sue. She looked perfect, which was understandable, considering her bloodlines. She had amazing grade, which was also understandable, seeing how hard (she said) she had studied. She played hockey nicely, despite never playing one before, which was not understandable. Every person seemed to needed her, so not understandable. Every clothes looked nice on her, not understandable.Which led to a conclusion : Mary Sue.Reed, Evie's counterpart, played a major role at revealing who Evie and him and the world around the truly was. I actually found his personality quite flat. He was protective, he was charming, he was nice. That's okay, not too weird but not too unique either. And he didn't have a noticeable thing that made him different from any other person, which made it hard for him to stood out among the other characters. But although his personality was flat, I think his relationship with Evie, as well as the problem that came with it, was very interesting and seemed pretty much unsolvable.Russell, another important character of this story, as well as Evie's so-called soul mates, was a different case. He was hand down interesting. He was funny, had an unique way of talking (But sometimes it tended to get annoying when he said it to much), and his personality was great too. I love how he understand Evie very well and stood for her. And one more point for Russell, he didn't just stand there like a hopeless person when life get hard on him. He fought it back, and I think that was made him very believable.One thing I'm not quite fond of this book was mostly Evie's Mary Sue-ness, really. But that was redeemed by the interesting plot, interesting concept, believable world, and intriguing twists at so many parts of this book.Overall, if you love reading urban-fantasy with a touch of sweet romance, or if you're craving for another angel book, you could give this book a try.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The dialogue is distracting - Russell's accent seems stereotypical, and the "teenager speak" is really overdone to the point of annoyance.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Indie gem! That. Is. All. I was up into the wee hours of the night reading Inescapable. Anyone that knows my favorite genre of books to read knows it is angels, so already I was excited to read this before I even got to the first page. The novel opens with Evie starting college, which she hopes will be a fresh start to end the very vivid nightmares she has been having. On her first day at Crestwood she crosses paths with gorgeous, but cold Reed Wellington. He seems to hate her for no reason, and she fears him, but at the same time she feels a pull towards him, and wants to jump into his arms and love him for reasons she can’t explain.

    The romance was off the charts for me. The chemistry was electric and I may have been fanning myself several times as Ms. Bartol described how dark and brooding and gorgeous and chiseled Reed was, with dark hair that sometimes fell in his green eyes…ahem, ok, back to the review. Reed clearly knew things but would not share them with Evie. All the reader knows is what Evie knows, as the story is told in the first person (my favorite). Evie soon starts to make a few other friends to help distract her though: Alfred (Freddie), Russel, Buns and Brownie, and even Zee later on. I really liked all the secondary characters, they were all different and made me laugh.

    Reed finally starts to warm up to Evie and the romance is intense…..but with all the danger Evie seems to be in, plus a soul mate “situation” the romance is over as fast as it began. :( The almost love triangle never happens though, to my relief, but the heartbreak is awful. Reed could be so cold and emotionless. I might have cried along with Evie. I was almost wanting the “bad guys” to attack Evie so there would be a reaction out of Reed.

    There were some fabulous moments of humor too. I loved the total honesty that all the guys had about Evie’s beauty, it was done in a way that would make your heart flutter and at the same time giggle too. Oooh, and when she wore the dress to the formal…. even Reed couldn’t help touching her a little bit. True YA slow burning love at its best.

    I was SHOCKED at how the story started to end and for that this books gets 5 stars. Ok, well, just for the angsty romance I was giving it 5 stars but this absolutley solidified it for me. I love when I am totally surprised. I had a different theory that I thought the author was hinting towards, but I was wrong and I LOVE IT.

    Should you read this? YES!!! The book ends in a nice place where things tie up, but I’m so glad the second one is already out, Intuition, because I’m starting it tonight. Book 3, Indebted is due out this spring, and Book 4 sometime summer 2012.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. I like that it had an original story. It is definitely a book that makes you want to finish it to find out what happens. I ended up reading the book in one day. The only negative I have about the book is Russell's use of ya for you. I understand that he is from the south. Being from the south the use of you is still used. Russell only used you one time. Yes, while reading I kept a look out for Russell's use of the actual you and not ya. While that drove me crazy I still liked the book and it's story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was confused and a little stand off-ish at the beginning of this book…but the book gets SO good in the middle. The ending leaves a little hint of a cliff hanger and the romantic triangle I walked into…mmmm. *hands up* I did so willingly.Evie is a girl whose parents had died when she was young. She was then raised by her Uncle (her mother’s brother) and is now an incoming freshman at college. She met a guy during the summer for college visitation named Alfred (whom she nicknames as Freddie) and more recently, during freshman orientation, meets a cute southern gentleman boy named Russell. She also has the fortunate opportunity to meed Reed…who unfortunately acts like a total jerk. He’s the strong, silent jerk type…but extremely hot.So like I mentioned above, I was a little stand off-ish in the beginning. Reed had been able to do a “Jedi mind trick” on Russell and it seemed like Evie was completely cool with the idea. Plus, accepting the fact that she wasn’t normal, even though she felt normal all her life. Then there’s the fact that Reed’s downright rude to her and tells her she needs to leave and go away immediately…but she still has these amazing feelings because he’s so hot. If the beginning was written a little different then I think I would have been a lot more accepting… enough about that though…let’s get to the good stuff!!After you get past the beginning though….the romance that blossoms and the love triangle that happens made me feel all giddy and girly. I love a good romance in my ya fiction!This book was good at balancing how she finds out about “the mystery”, while choosing between Russell and Reed, and making friends while being a freshman in college. Normally in ya fiction, it’s just about the girl ditching everyone she knows for the sake of her new boyfriend, but the author was able to help keep her character connected to her new friends while building the story.Evie has these nightmares that started once she got accepted to college…she doesn’t understand it, but it’s terrifying. I feel like I should write more about the story, but if I do…it gives away the secrets and when you read WHAT exactly is going on…*sigh. I can’t say anymore. Oooohhh…but I want to. No spoilers…it’s too good to spoil.So…I paid a total of $2.99 at for the book and it was such a great investment…I paid $3.99 for the next one Intuition. Just a forewarning…the second book…*giddy grin*…has some good romance to it. Remember…I did so willingly. I wrote the author and told her I felt like a junkie…dying for her second book and having the same reaction waiting for the third. …I probably shouldn’t have used that terminology huh?Just remember: “Friends don’t let friends get nekkid with professors.”