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Midnight Alley
Midnight Alley
Midnight Alley
Audiobook9 hours

Midnight Alley

Written by Miles Corwin

Narrated by Stephen Bel Davies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Ash Levine, the top detective in the LAPD's elite Felony Special Squad, is called out to solve the murder of two young black men found shot to death in a Venice alley. The case is a high priority because one of the victims is the son of City Councilman Isaac Pinkney, a frequent critic of the LAPD. Searching for the killer throws Levine into the world of Los Angeles's Russian Mafia, Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, and Middle Eastern archaeologists.

Ash's history as a child of a Holocaust survivor gives him a unique perspective on murder, redemption, and justice. His background as a paratrooper in the Israel Defense Forces, and his relentless, single-minded focus on his investigations make him a thoroughly absorbing character. As Ash closes in on the killer, the investigation becomes increasingly complex-and personal. Ash soon discovers that he is not just an investigator, but a target.
Release dateAug 28, 2018

Miles Corwin

Miles Corwin a former staff reporter at the Los Angeles Times, is the author of The Killing Season and And Still We Rise. He lives in Los Angeles.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love it!!! This series continues to get better and better. The mysteries that surround Morganville are being slowly revealed and the relationships between the main characters are growing stronger (yay for Claire/Shane romance)… Can’t wait for the next book to be published!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The continuity is lacking across the series, but it’s a nice one to sink into when you need a mental vacation for several days.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3,5 stars

    Claire has now pledged herself to Amelie, the founder of Morganville, but is scared to tell her friends knowing they will get mad. Something is happening to the vampires and Amelie needs Claire’s help to solve it. She sends Claire as a pupil to Myrnin, who is old and half-crazy with periods of lucidity.

    I have to say that I hate these evil cliffhangers! It’s so wrong to end every book like that…

    The book pretty much starts where the last one ended and now Claire is pledged to Amelie but is afraid to tell her friends because she knows they’ll get mad. Especially Shane who is still trying to come to terms with the fact that Michael is a vampire. Shane doesn’t trust Michael anymore and honestly it’s getting old very soon. I mean they’ve been best friends for ages and now that Michael is a vampire everything suddenly changes? It’s not like he wanted it and is killing half the city.
    But I like Shane and Claire together and it’s nice to see they move forward slowly.

    How Claire always manages to get herself into these situations where she need to be saved is beyond me. And once again she finds herself in party where everything doesn’t go as planned. I understand she’s polite and all but enough. Monica threw her down the stairs and what else and she’s still being polite to her. Enough is enough.

    We meet new vampire Myrnin to whom Amelie sends Claire. I liked Myrnin who’s half-crazy and only has periods of lucidity. His mood swings made him unpredictable and dangerous but he was nice between those.

    We also meet Eve’s brother Jason again who’s apparently killing girls but no one seems to do anything about it. I really want to learn what’s his deal and I think he is hiding something.

    Another enjoyable read from Caine. These are fairly quick reads but entertaining.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am really enjoying this series. All the aspects of living in a world with vampires is so different in this series than most of the others of its genre. We learn in this book that perhaps the vampires aren't so all powerful after all. Claire makes some mistakes again and her decision from the previous book comes into play quite a bit. I struggled a lot with Shane's attitude toward's not that I don't get why he might act like that, I think it's more than I've come to expect better from him. We still have to deal with Monica and we still have to deal with Oliver, although those dealings are different now, again because of the choice Claire made in the last book. And once again, in what's become the style of this series, we end with a cliffhanger that will either leave your mouth gaping, or having you screaming at an inanimate object! Be warned!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As I siad in my last review poor Claire can't just catch a freaking break. It keeps piling up, more and more crap for her to deal with. I feel so bad for her. Claire is like Anita Blake's less gun happy younger sister. Having to be best friends with the vampires even through they keep trying to kill her. I can't say I am to pleased with the deal she makes with the founder but, I can see the necessity, some people will go to any length to protect the people they love. Also, would someone just kill Eve's crazy brother already, jeeze, can't be that difficult, he is human (for the moment).

    I think the fact that the founder was going to give Claire off as food was also very uncool. I think she made a bad decision that will effect the dynamic between Claire and herself for books to come. I also with Oliver wasn't such a bad guy. I like his character and could totally add him as a fav if it weren't for the whole Micheal thing, of course. I don't know how much longer I will be able to take the action packed, never stopping, pace of this series but I will continue reading until I need a break. Pretty heart wrenching, shocking, and leaves you needing to know what will happen next!

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Claire, friends and a town full of vampires.

    This time Claire finds out a vampire secret even all the other vampires don't know!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great series, the books keep interest and I'm hoping book four will be just as great as the first 3!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    More vampire madness ensues in the third volume of the Morganville series. Claire is confronted with the reality of her deal with Amelie when she is sent a protection bracelet that she must wear. While she tries to hide her deal (and therefore the bracelet) from her friends, she is secretly pleased at a different change Amelie brings to her life - she has been moved to all advanced classes. In addition, Amelie signs her up for a most creative extracurricular study program. Claire is to work with Myrnin, a very old vampire who is going mad, on a secret project involving alchemy and science. Claire soon discovers that Myrnin is the spider in the alley, the highly dangerous vampire that lures people down the side alley from previous books. And she has to go to his house every week and enter his lair. Meanwhile, life isn't exactly smooth sailing for the other residents of the Glass House.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Caution: No spoilers for this book but prb some from the first 2. I wanted to read this one because I have enjoyed the Morganville Vampire series until now, and I had a bit of break in review schedule. Shane is very moody in this one. I understand he's hurt by Micheal's choices but he took it out on everyone. There are lots of surprises for Claire to especially with Monica and her change in behavior. .. it was suspicious in some ways and not in others. The romance is heating up this one a bit. I adored how Eve and Michael were together it was cute. Then there are just enough steamy moments without Shane crossing the line and had me kinda cursing his restraint, although I understand because of the minor thing. It was a pleasure to meet Myrnin he was so smart it kind of blew my mind and Clare's. He was sick and he's old and he's trying to find a way to cure the vampires and himself from the madness. He is like an old man with dementia though, except he is one with fangs, and Claire can one minute be a friend and another be a tempting and tasty snack that he can barely restrain himself from. But he is so eccentric and passionate, and yes, okay, pity worthy how he changes without control. This one as usual left us at a place where I didn't really want to stop reading, but since these aren't review books, I knew that I had to put them to the side for now. But I can't wait for the next one to see what will unfold as a result of this books' events and ending.Bottom Line: Great addition to an addictive series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read the first two books in this series in paperback then got a huge ass iBooks collection of books 1 to 8 which I'm working my way through however, I'm adding each one separately rather than in a bundle because the bundle is taking me forever to get through and I'm going to have different views on different books. Where as I loved the first two, this one was only an okay one.

    I liked the story, there are characters I love, characters I hate and things about the plot I liked and didn't like but since it was a while ago when I read it I can't remember off the to of my head. I remember reading it pretty quickly in about a week and going immediately into the next one as it had a pretty good cliffhangery ending.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Myrnin's first appearance, that says it all, greatest vampire character ever.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Now Claire has to deal with the fact that she's pledged to Amelie, the most powerful vampire in town, who has plans for her that involve Myrnin, a dangerous vampire who is working on a cure for a disease that is infecting vampires. She's also dealing with her boyfriend, Shane, people politics and the fact that their housemate, Michael, is a vampire now.It read like an episode or two of Buffy. Not terrible but not really moving me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is my favorite book in the series so far because the plot FINALLY focuses on Claire's schooling. When her schedule got replaced with harder classes, I went just a bit green with envy - I'm a nerd at heart, even though I haven't been to school in years. I also love that we get more background information about the town of Morganville, such as its purpose and an explanation of the more mystical aspects of the town. Myrnin was quite a fascinating character, and I would not have minded if the text spent more time on Claire's studies with him, as well as her advanced class studies. (And yes, my favorite parts of the Harry Potter series was the classroom stuff.)
    I didn't like that this book did not have Eve's journal entries at the end like previous books have done. Those previously gave me clues into her mind and her relationship with Michael, as well as a taste of what happens in the next book, so I was rather disappointed when I realized it was missing.
    I'm hoping that future books go into more detail about what the journals cover as well as what exactly the red crystals are and how they affected Claire. I'm hoping that the drama with Eve's brother Jason gets resolved quickly as I find him just plain annoying and obnoxious. The ending had me exclaiming out loud, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book in the series, Feast of Fools (Morganville Vampires, Book 4).

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book felt like a transition novel. Like if it wasn't YA it would have been a 100 pages longer and delved into the power struggle and Myrin a bit more. I woul like to see the characters grow a bit more, Claire started sensing danger but still has a tendency to be like, "hmm that path is really dark and dangerous looking. Oh well, what's the worst that could happen?"
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. I hated every time I had to put it down. Unlike the first two, I found this one to be captivating from the first page. Every page felt important, and the characters are developing very nicely. It was a very action packed book, and a lot of things happened in it. As usual, this one left off on a cliff hanger and it's impossible to not want to read the next one. This is an excellent series and I can't wait to read the rest.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    these books are so cheesy but i can't help but be entertained!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book in the morganville vampire series. I was a bit disappointed with the plot and the character development in the installment. The purpose was to bring the main character Claire in more contact with the vampires in the town and to become more involved in the culture that surrounds her. My favorite part of the book was the cliff hanger at the end! It made me want to continue with the next book in the series!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The only thing I really dislike about this one are the multiple reappearances of Claire's parents. They are the most annoying people on the face of the earth.Of course, there's also the Shane issue. He's pretty annoying in this book too.But aside from that, this is one of my favorites because Myrnin, my favorite character, finally shows up.All in all, it's another great Morganville Vampires book that's still keeping the story interesting and action-packed (and, as expected, is still keeping those cliffhangers coming).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read books 1 and 2 in this series out of guilt because they were a gift from a student. Midnight Alley, however, was no guilt trip at all. This is the first book I truly enjoyed in the series, and it left me wanting more. The book begins with Claire who has accepted Amelie's protection. Now, we see what Amelie demands in return. She wants Claire to study with an aging (pysically and mentally) vampire who knows deep, dark secrets that could destroy the vampires in Morganville. They need Claire's help to survive, and she's torn. On one hand, how can she help monsters like Oliver and Brandon? On the other hand, she cannot allow Michael and Sam to be harmed. The more she learns about vampires and ancient sciences (including alchemy), the more confused Claire becomes. Myrnin is the most exciting character so far. One minute, he's a brilliant instructor, and the next he's a crazed madman. Claire never knows what to expect, and neither does the reader. Myrnin keeps you on your toes and demands that you continue reading until the last page. I hope to see more of him in the other books. He's a keeper!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Same as every other review I have written for this series, Rachel Caine's characters and plot in this series never cease to amaze me. Book four is coming out soon and I can hardly wait yo grab it off the shelves! Simply irresistible and fully enveloping!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So I know this book has been out for a while and there have been another 7 books published in this series since this one but I am now just started reading the series so wanted to post my thoughts. What I really like about this instalment in the Morganville Vampires series is that that we start to get a bigger and more in depth of the workings of Morganville itself and some of how it came to be which really adds to the story that Ms Caine is telling.We also get to see the consequences of some of the actions that both Claire and Michael took in the last book The Dead Girls Dance and Ms Caine does well to show the effects of these decisions on not only Claire and Michael but how it affects their relationships with all the other characters - Eve and Shane especially.Action and story wise there is still a lot happening in every chapter and while this book took me a little longer to read than the other two I suspect that had more to do with me than the book because once again Ms Caine delivers on a story you can get your teeth into - pun not intended :-P, characters who can identify with both good and bad, widening of our understanding of the town of Morganville and all that living in the town entails. Lastly, the twists that are constantly being thrown in mean you can never quite tell what is coming next and this instalment is no different. No sooner do you think nothing else can go wrong for the main characters of Claire, Michael, Shane and Eve then Ms Caine throws in yet another couple of twists and a cliff hanger meaning that you will be heading for the book store or library for the next instalments as soon as you manage to put this one down.All in all an enjoyable read and yes i am already reading book 4 : Feast of Fools. I definitely recommend this whole series :-)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am addicted to these books. Rachel Caine is a really good writer, she keeps you entertained and the books are very suspenseful all the way through. Claire doesn't make the smartest decisions about keeping herself safe from vampires, but I guess that is the only way to keep the books entertaining.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire gets into the town secrets even more in the book. A great new character - Myrnin - is introduced. I loved the scientific element that really comes into play in this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is incredible. The series just gets better and better. Eve is amazing. I have loved her from the beginning and Michael and Shane are wicked too. I don't like Claire too much just because she is supposed to be incredibly smart but does a lot of really dumb things. I know, she's only human, but serious, you just want to smack her for some of the stuff she does. I did really enjoy this book and I can't wait to read the next one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A lot of great new twists in this one, and the storyline takes a big step forward as a large number of additional pieces are added. Definitely a great addition to the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Midnight AlleyBy Rachel CaineMorganville Vampires…Book 3There is just no stopping now…Rachel Caine ends each book…so far…in such a way as to ensure that you will be moving on to the next book. And I am. I truly believe that Book 3 is the best one so far. In this book, Claire has signed herself over to Amelie…the queen, empress, whatever of all of the vampires in Morganville. Claire does not realize the effect of what she has done until she is required to take extra classes with a demented insane yet sometimes appealing vampire named Myrnin…who has worked his way through about 6 assistants so far with not a one living to tell the tale. I sort of still yearned for an Edward kind of vampire but the author supplies a similar character by providing us with Michael. He is awesomely beautiful and so far kind and gentle. Oliver the meanie vampire remains the meanie vampire in this book. I can just imagine various villainous actors who might play this role…just in case there is a movie.I digress…the book is action packed and fun and exciting and I love staying with each of these characters for the duration of these books. The characters are undergoing changes and growing and I am very happy reading about every frightening scary and life threatening ordeal that they go through.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claire is now under the protection of the head vampire, Amelie. She has to take more classes, and work as an assistant (and okay, kinda, babysitter) to Myrinn, a crazy but awesomely smart (like Claire) vampire. He's slowly losing his mind. And, oh yeah, his last assisants? He ate them. Or drank them, I guess, but saying he ate them is more fun.This wasn't my favorite in the series by far, but it is a good read. Cliffhanger!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Warning: If you have not read the first two books in this series, this review might contain spoilers.My Review~ Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This book was awesome. I loved this book from the first sentence. I so admire the author for writing this book. I can’t believe that Michael got turned into a vampire!!! And it’s about time Shane and Claire became boyfriend and girlfriend. What shocked me was the ending. But of I won’t tell you what the ending was. So instead, I will just describe it in three words “Oh my god!!!”. There is also more of Jason (Eve’s little brother) in this book.Plot: 5/5Characters: 5/5Ending: 5/5Cover Art: 5/5Pages in novel: 245Link to Buy Book: Borders, Amazon, Barnes & NobleOther Books in the Series: Glass Houses, The Dead Girls’ Dance, Feast of Fools, Lord of Misrule, Carpe Corpus, Fade Out
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow I seem to be giving out Maura's Choice a lot. That's sort of funny, but really I haven't read any books so far that I haven't enjoy thoroughly. But if I have to give a 4 stars to any books in the Morganville Vampire Series, it would have to be Feast of Fools. Anyways for anyone who knows me, you'll know that my favorite book series of all time is Morganville Vampire Series. I just love all the action, sarcasm, and Rachel Caine's clever writing. What can I say the whole book series is fast paced and has wonderful description. My best friend, who hates reading and vampires, somehow adores this series as well. Also what I love about the main protagonist is she isn't your damsel in distress and when she's in trouble she figures it out by herself.The storyline is very appealing and different then most vampire books out there right now, and in this story the human doesn't fall in love with the vampires because most of the vampires in Morganville are evil. Very few are good. My favorite character besides Shane and Claire is Myrinn. He is so darn funny and unpredictable. Also the romance portion of the book between Shane and Claire is nicely developed throughout the series, as well as Eve's and Micheal's romance. The only bad thing about this series is it always leaves you off with a cliffhanger which if you don't have the next book in your hands you'll go crazy trying to figure out whats going to happen next. Also the only book that was slow paced out of all of them was the fourth book, Feast Of Fools but it does pick up by the ending. My favorite ending of all time of a book was in Midnight Alley and my favorite book so far in the series is Dead girls Dance. I highly reccomend this series as it's well done and I gaurentee you'll like it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    " Claire has pledged herself to Amelie, the most powerful vampire in town. The protection her contract secures does little to reassure those closest to Claire. All of a sudden, people are turning up dead, a stalker resurfaces from her past, and an ancient bloodsucker extends a chilling invitation for private lessons in his secluded home. To what end, Claire soon discover - and it will give a terrifying new meaning to night school " - Book Cover.At the end of Dead girls dance, Claire receives an invite to be Amelie's latest puppet, and has the book cover confirms, she signs the contract thinking it will protect her friends, her first mistake. Amelie the owner of Morganville as very little to care for Claire's friends, she has her own agenda and Claire's security doesn't really matter.In the third round of this series, Claire will discover a terrible vampire secret and she will have to take some very important decisions, will Michael, Eve and Shane help her? No, 'cause they can't know!This book was as action packed as the previous one, Jason (Eve's brother) is running Havoc in town, Dead girls and dead vampires are found at the glass house. Is it Shane's fault? Michael's signature?Not everyone is what they seem in this book, and your best ally might turn out to be your worst enemy.Another great book by Rachel Caine, she puts her characters in so many dead ends to push them as far as possible. Michael and Shane's relation is really nice to watch evolved and Claire is growing really fast with all the responsibilities on her shoulders.I really liked how alliance and trust are put at stake in this book, to a certain extend we face this dilemma on a daily basis, of course we won't end up as a vampire lunch in the end, which ease up our decisions hehe.True to herself, Caine drops a pretty impressive bomb at the very end of the book, I'm glad I have the Feast of Fools right next to me, I won't have to suffer very long!