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Flesh and Blood
Flesh and Blood
Flesh and Blood
Audiobook11 hours

Flesh and Blood

Written by Kristen Painter

Narrated by Abby Craden

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

With the ring of sorrows still missing, and the covenant between othernaturals and mortals broken, Chrysabelle and Malkolm's problems are just beginning. Chrysabelle still owes Malkolm for his help, but fulfilling that debt means returning to Corvinestri, the hidden vampire city neither of them is welcome in.The discovery that Chrysabelle has a brother could mean reneging on her promise to Malkolm, something that might make him angry enough to loose the beast living inside him. And fulfilling her vow could prove devastating for Chrysabelle-especially when you throw in power hungry witches, dead fringe vampires, and the Kubai Mata.
Release dateNov 19, 2012
Flesh and Blood

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chrysabelle, Malkom, Doc, Creek all great and interesting characters adding Creek to the mix makes things a little more intersting this book. With him falling for Chrysabelle as Malkom has and no one wanting to admit it. Definatley action packed and twists and turns with the little wars going on between everyone. I enjoyed this book in the series as much as the first and amd starting to read the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chrysabelle, Malkom, Doc, Creek all great and interesting characters adding Creek to the mix makes things a little more intersting this book. With him falling for Chrysabelle as Malkom has and no one wanting to admit it. Definatley action packed and twists and turns with the little wars going on between everyone. I enjoyed this book in the series as much as the first and amd starting to read the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This definitely needs you to read book 1 first to get a lot of what's going on with the characters. Chrysabelle is trying to find a role in live, still attracted to Malkolm but knowing that they can never have a real relationship, he would kill her. She also owes him a debt, a debt he's impatient for her to repay. Into the mix comes Creek, an erstwhile human who has been given supernatural power to fight supernaturals. Malkolms ex-wife is still on the scene, searching for the Ring of Sorrows and the power associated with it.It's a complicated plot and I'm wondering how everything is going to resolve.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful, delicious vampires and great story line!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    lesh and Blood is book 2 in the House of Comarré series by Kristen Painter and picks up two weeks from where the first book finished. If you haven’t read book 1 I strongly recommend that you do in order to get the most from this book. If you do intend to read book 1 you should look away now as there will be spoilers.Tatiana (Malkom’s ex wife from when they were both human) is still searching for the Ring Of Sorrows that Chrysabelle (the Comarré) has. Tatiana will stop at nothing until she has the ring and has killed that ‘Comarré whore’. Things are strained between Chrysabelle and Malkolm as Chrysabelle still hasn’t approached the Aurelian for a cure to Mal’s curse, and they haven’t spoken or seen each other for two weeks and Doc is grieving over Fi. Plus the covenant has been broken and humans are starting to find out that othernaturals exist.I liked this book a little bit more than the first in the series, but it still just didn’t quite hit the mark for me from turning it from a good read into an amazing one. Everything is there to make it such a book, a great female protagonist, a handsome bad boy vampire, baddies, fighting and an interesting plot but I still found it lacking. I think that this is because there isn’t enough chemistry between the characters. There are a couple of scenes, one in particular is between Chrysabelle and Mal at her pool side that really notched up the tension but then it is lost by switching to other characters and a different part of the story. l don’t like all the different points of view and the constant switching between them, that is where I think this book is let down. There are more POVs in this book as well as we are introduced to more characters. I didn’t want to read from Tatiana’s POV in particular, I don’t like her as a character and I wished somebody would stake her. A new character called Creek is brought into Chrysabelles world which gives us a love triangle. I normally don’t mind a love triangle in a story but I didn’t feel it was necessary in this instance. Chrysabelle is portrayed in a certain way she is a 115 year old virgin, now I understand that she wants to discover a new life away from that of Commaré but having two guys as a possible love interest just seemed wrong. There is another scene at her pool but this time with Creek that was just not in keeping with how Chrysabelle had been written. It may seem like I only have negative comments about this book and that I have been quite harsh but it is because I am frustrated that we have an ok read when it has such huge potential to be so much more. On a more positive note I do like the world building and the idea of a Comarré and I really like Chrysabelle and Mal. In fact it was because of these two characters that I read book 2 and it is because of these characters plus the massive cliff hanger that I will be reading book 3 too. I would like to give this book 3 and a half stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book in the House of Comarre series by Painter. This book tells the story from multiple viewpoints, while this broadens the story some it also takes away from time with the main characters. I enjoyed this book, it was about on par with the first one in my opinion.Chrysabelle still owes Malkolm for his help in the first book, but is having trouble fulfilling that debt since she is not at all welcome in her home city. Meanwhile the villainous, Titania is trying to hunt down the Ring of Sorrows, and will stop at nothing to get this back. Thrown into the mix is Doc trying to help out his ghostly girlfriend and the appearance of a mysterious man named Creek who belongs to some strange secret society. I enjoyed this book. I enjoy Chrysabelle and Malkolm as leads but was a bit disappointed that their characters didn't make more progress as a couple. Also in this book Painter throws in the mysterious Creek to create a sort of love triangle between Chrys, Mal, and Creek. I thought the love triangle was unnecessary and can only hope there was some greater reason behind this that will be revealed in later books.The story in this book is a lot more fractured than the previous book. We hear from many different viewpoints: mainly from Chrysabelle's, Malkolm's, Doc's, and Titania's points of view. While I enjoyed that way that this broadened the story and allowed us to see into these characters' heads; it resulted in a storyline that was more fractured and moved forward much more slowly than the previous book. I constantly found myself skimming the parts from Titania or Doc's POV so that I could get back to reading more about Chrys and Mal.Overall I liked the writing style and found it very readable. This was a book that's easy to read and engaging.I enjoyed the action scenes, although again there weren't as many as in the first book. I also enjoyed the expansion of the world. The plot moved slower than I would have liked and I was surprised that there wasn't much resolution around the whole Ring of Sorrows plot. The book ends on a pretty big cliffhanger and doesn't have much resolution, so just a look out for people who hate that.Overall this was an enjoyable read. I like Chrys and Mal as characters and there are some interesting side characters as well. The world is broadened in this book and some interesting twists happen in the story. Chrys and Mal don't make as much progress as a couple as I had hoped for though, and I thought that throwing in the mysterious Creed to create a love triangle between Chrys, Mal, and Creed was unnecessary and obnoxious. I also thought the constant switching of viewpoints caused the plot to move slower than it should have and fractured the story some; although it was interesting to hear from other characters in the story. I really enjoyed the writing style and the action scenes; but did not enjoy the cliffhanger ending. I will definitely be reading the third book because I need to know how everything ends! I recommend this book for fans of urban fantasy or paranormal romance types book; it falls somewhere between the two genres.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read for FunOverall Rating 4.50Story Rating 4.50Character Rating 4.50NOTE: I read this shortly after reading Blood Rights! While I liked this one slightly more where the story was concerned, it took a bit to get used to the number of POVs used. Once I got settled in, this was a Kick *ss roller coaster ride.What I Loved: The introduction of the Kubai Mata was fantastic. They are another layer in this already complicated House of Comarre world. However, I think they are a needed layer and well there is Creek (whom I just adored). I also loved seeing more of Mal and Chrys' very complicated relationship. Mal, Creek, and Chrys are an awesome force to be reckoned with and I am very curious to see how it plays out over the next 3 books. Right now though I am really loving Doc and what he will do for love. I do hope we get more of him in the next 3 books.What I Liked: I really liked getting to explore the club more and all of the characters involved. I think the Fringe and how they relate to both the expelled and current nobles is going to get very interesting. Also, I am waiting to see more of the K.M. and how they fit in overall with Comarre.Complaints: Small cliffhangerWhy I gave it a 4.5: This was slightly more action packed than Blood Rights. I am really enjoying House of Comarre series.Author:Kristen PainterBooks:Blood Rights (House of Comarré, #1)Flesh and Blood (House of Comarré #2)Bad Blood (House of Comarré, #3)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Read the full review here.An interesting and action packed book, Flesh and Blood is a good follow up to Blood Rights. The story is engaging and I liked the growth of the main character, Chrysabelle. I also enjoyed seeing her and Malkolm deal with the effects of the breaking of the covenant. There are also mysterious forces killing off fringe vampires, and Tatiana is out for revenge since losing the Ring of Sorrows. The stakes (ha!) are higher in this book and the sense of danger was clear on every page.I think the introduction of the Kubai Mata (vampire hunters) is only there to allow for a new male love interest for Chrysabelle. I found this very annoying because I don’t believe the man in question actually added anything to the story - he was just there to cause tension in Chrysabelle and Malkolm’s already unstable relationship. While it is valid to explore Chrysabelle’s choice between a living, breathing human with supernatural powers, and a vampire, it reminded me too much of Twilight. Like the last book, the plot in this book seems very formulaic - in this case, adding a love triangle simply because most other YA trilogies have them too. The growth of the minor characters in the book is illuminating as their pasts were finally revealed. We find out how Maddoc was turned into a shape-shifter and his subsequent connection to Dominic. As usual, Tatiana is wonderfully ruthless and a wonderful villain, it is hard not to admire her tenacity. The characters have developed significantly since the first book, and with three more to go, I expect that a lot of depth will be added to them throughout the series.Another impressive Gothic urban fantasy by Kristen Painter, Flesh and Blood will be enjoyed by those who like paranormal fantasy and vampire stories. It’s a light read, and I look forward to reading about Chrysabelle and Malkolm’s adventures in the next three books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love that these books are being released back to back. Book 1 BLOOD RIGHTS was released Oct 1, and Book 3 BAD BLOOD is scheduled to release Dec 1. I would recommend reading BLOOD RIGHTS before you pick up FLESH AND BLOOD so that you don't miss out on some important back story.FLESH AND BLOOD picks up shortly after the events of BLOOD RIGHTS. Chrysabelle is back at home and trying to get over the loss of her mom. She has a promise to keep to Malkolm and is finally ready to help him. There is a lot that happens and a lot is introduced in FLESH AND BLOOD your mind will be all over the place taking it all in. The storyline is still very interesting and I really like the world that Painter has written (I almost said painted but thought you might laugh at me). All of the main supporting characters are easy to like and follow. I can not stand Tatiana, she is beyond ridiculous and I can not wait until she gets what she deserves. There are quite a bit of different POVs involved in the book and it can get a little disappointing at times as you will really want to see what someone is thinking and it will switch to someone else. My biggest dislike? The love triangle. I mean WHY? What is the point of it? I think it is completely unnecessary. I really like Chrysabelle and Malkolm and they really like each other, there is a ton of lead up to their relationship so why bring in Creek? Now don't get me wrong I do LIKE Creek I just think the whole love triangle 3 way (yes they agree to share Chrysabelle) relationship is silly. Maybe it will get better in BAD BLOOD? I don't know. Didn't care for it though. FLESH AND BLOOD ends on a gigantic cliffhanger so there is no doubt that you must read BAD BLOOD when it comes out.