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Audiobook8 hours


Written by Mila Young

Narrated by Lauren Sweet

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Beauty and the Four Beasts. A Deadly Curse. A Fallen Kingdom.

With magic banned in the human realm, Bee, a powerful witch, has had to offer her services in secret. When a request to break a curse comes from the dangerous mountains and royal bear shifters, Bee is hesitant, but winter is coming and funds are tight.

At the castle, Bee finds things are not quite what she was led to believe. The curse Bee is meant to break has reached its zenith, siphoning off the Prince's life while preventing him from controlling his shifting abilities. He is volatile, angry, and far stronger than she had imagined. His brothers, who commissioned her, present her with a challenge-fix it, or lose everything.

Soon the curse is spreading throughout the castle, taking brother alike. It's a race against the clock, buffeted by dark magic, intrigue, and a strange attraction that has her looking at the four brothers in a new light.

Contains mature themes.
Release dateSep 4, 2018

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Book takes place in a world that overlays Manhattan, but isn't on any map. It is filled with magic, fae and demons. Rio, the heroine, of the book is about to turn 25 and all kind of strange things begin to happen in her life. She sees a kidnapping while out on a job as a bike messenger. This is the start of the strange things soon an oversized trio of mythological hitman are on her tail. She seeks the help of local magician, Luke. With his help she finds the little girl who was kidnapped who in fact is the niece of the queen of the fae. We learn that both the fae and demons have an interest in Rio. It all comes to a climax at midnight on her birthday.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.Quick & Dirty: Magician and human struggle against competing paranormal forces to win love and acceptance of their past.Opening Sentence: Getting stabbed is hell on the dry-cleaning bill.The Review:I don’t normally do this, but I’m 100 pages into this book and I’m already frantic for book 2. After the first chapter I knew I was in trouble. Following the first five chapters, I realized that I had skipped lunch. Finally, after the first ten chapters I thought I’d take a breather and write my first impressions. This book is mind-blowing, stupendous, darn I love my review job and this book is a must read for any fan of romance, paranormal romance or just an amazing story. Off to finish this delightfully written book and will finish this review later.Usually with reviews, I give myself a few hours or even sleep on it before I write my review. Well, that is definitely not the case with this book. It has only been 10 minutes since I finished this book and I want book 2 STAT! This book reminds me of my favorite dessert — Dark Chocolate Godiva and Coffee Cheesecake. Rich, Creamy and Irresistible!The story of Luke and Rio is an engrossing read. It is not often that I will allow myself to just sit down and consume a book in one sitting or that I will feel compelled to sit and consume a book. This book left me with no ability to put it down. Every time I was dragged out of the world by my barking dog, it was sheer misery. Every time I heard a timer go off or one of my mobile devices ding, I was only dimly conscious of it. This book is better than anything I have read this whole year and that is saying a lot.The story was rich and rewarding. There were no plot holes that I even glimpsed. This world was everything that a reader dreams a world should be and then some. We are given a huge world to play in with magicians, demons, fae, mountain trolls, magical fox, grendels, poisoning, sleeping beauty, goblins and that is just the start. The research that went into this book must fill a large notebook. You can see that Ms. Day took care and joy in creating this world and all the creatures that reside within. Even some of the hideous creatures are just fascinating.The depth of this thought also includes a gigantic duck and its egg. Luke and Rio are called in to find the duck’s lost egg (I know it is hilarious, but wait there is more!). Ms Day’s wicked sense of humor thrums through this book. Here is a perfect example. “Guess it’s duck season,” Rio said and grinned. ‘“Wabbit season,” Luke corrected her….It took a rare person to appreciate a good Elmer Fudd line.” That rare person was me. I laughed so hard my sides hurt for 10 minutes.The humor and wit abound in this book. When you flip the page don’t be surprised when something magical or just plain odd happens because the world of Bordertown could have been named Looney Toons City.If I haven’t convinced you to place your hard earned cash down for this book then shame on you, but if you don’t and hear others talking about the wonder of Luke and Rio’s story, then you have well and truly been warned. While I wait not so patiently for book 2, I’m going to catch up with the rest of Ms. Day’s books. I’m glad to find another author to add the the favorite list.Finally, if a Smart TV executive reads this book or this review then option this series NOW! This is a show I would gladly watch once a week and it would fill the gaping hole that is found in the magical and romantic television void. You can thank me and all the rest of the viewers later.Notable Scene:A shudder snaked its way through Rio at the thought of Dalriata chaining Kit again, and Luke reached over and took her hand. The warmth of his fingers clasping hers sent a wave of reassurance to counter the fear.Rio stared at their joined hands, resting on the table, and wondered how long it had been since someone had held her hand. Just that simple, human bit of affection–so common and so ordinary–and she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d experienced it. She suddenly felt a little pathetic, so she pulled her hand away and put it in her lap, out of his reach.FTC Advisory: Berkley/Penguin provided me with a copy of The Cursed. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Associate Reviewer - Shawnie:*eBook gifted by LITERAL ADDICTION in exchange for an honest review--Actual rating 4.5 SkullsThe Cursed is set in a backdrop of New York City, Manhattan to be precise, but nothing is as it seems. Welcome to Bordertown.Luke Oliver is Bordertown's resident 'dark and mysterious wizard;, and has been trying to keep a low profile. Nobody can hide forever though, and the past has a way of catching up you; no matter who you are. After having an interesting conversation with Maestro, an active member of the Order, in which he's given an envelope that contains a photograph of a young woman and nothing else, Luke is shaken; he knows the woman. He's seen her around his office building when she stops in to deliver packages, and he wants her like nothing else. Even though he's been trying to stay away from her and keep his feelings under wraps - for reasons he can never explain to her - he still feels like he knows her and things just don't add up. The burning question of the hour... Why does the League want the woman? And why do they want Luke, of all people, involved?Rio Jones - just one of the many names she uses as a shield to keep people at a distance - is an enigma. She's a 24 year old Bike Messenger in Bordertown, and her employer is a Siren. She didn't have an easy life, and from what Alyssa allows us to read in The Cursed, it's still not easy (sorry, no spoilers). After growing up in an orphanage run by a convent, Rio's got more scars and unanswered questions than she is willing to deal with, but it all comes out in the wash — or rather when she's twenty-four hours away from turning 25.The book starts out simmering, and then explodes into an all out rat race as Rio and Luke try to figure out exactly what's going on, and determine why everyone wants Rio. Turning twenty-five is significant in the supernatural world, but Rio doesn't think there is anything supernatural about her. Yeah, she can read minds, but that's nothing serious. Little does she know that things are about to get REAL serious, when two different factions basically start a war in their attempt to get her for themselves and keep her away from the other. I have to say, I was hesitant with this book, but I'm glad I got the chance to read it. I can totally see myself reading the next installments of the series. The love story that paralleled the main storyline was great. Luke and Rio had to come to terms with themselves and each other, but once they did, they were all in. My only complaint was that the book took awhile to get to where it was all going. All of the running around and the secrets/hints about who Rio really was, etc was annoying at times, yet hilarious at others.I give this 4 1/2 skulls, and absolutely recommend it.