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Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate
Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate
Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate
Audiobook10 hours

Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate

Written by Andrew Parker

Narrated by James Adams

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Consider this: Genesis recounts the story of creation, step-by-step: "Let there be light";"Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear";"Let the earth bring forth [vegetation]";"Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life";"God created the whales";"And God created ... every winged fowl." For thousands of years, Judeo-Christian belief has accepted this progression as truth. And now, thanks to recent scientific discoveries, the scientific community does too (though without mention of "God"). / In The Genesis Enigma, respected evolutionary biologist Andrew Parker explains each parallel betwee Genesis and science in detail--and the closer he looks, the more amazing the parallels become. But the Genesis account has no right to be correct. The author or authors could not have known these things happened in this order, and with the highlights science has come to recognize. Ultimately, Parker argues, it must be divine inspiration that guided the writing of the Bible. This startling conclusion will make The Genesis Enigma a must-read for believers and scientists alike.
Release dateAug 1, 2009
Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate

Andrew Parker

I love the intrigue of thrillers and conspiracy...I was born in 1966 then unfortunately back in October 1985 I had a serious car accident that left me wheelchair bound. I contemplated then, maybe I should write a book. But in Stoke Mandeville Hospital, I struggled to pick up a pen, never ever thinking I would write or type again.With the strong support of my family and friends I did manage to get stronger and believe in myself even returning to full time employment. Then in March 2001, I had the best day of my life, when I got married, it gave me the impetus to accomplish things, unfortunately it wasn’t to last and we were divorced in 2006.In 2005 I retired from full time employment to enjoy life, travel,even accomplishig Water skiing, dry slope skiing, even appearing on TV in my favourite cookery show ‘Ready Steady, Cook’ with Ainsley Harriot, the first disabled person they have had on the show!My passion now is writing so I am proud of this book and hopefully many more to come ...

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good read , as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ the book does pose some interesting questions.