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Dark Flame: A Novel
Dark Flame: A Novel
Dark Flame: A Novel
Audiobook8 hours

Dark Flame: A Novel

Written by Alyson Noël

Narrated by Katie Schorr

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In Alyson Noel's most darkly seductive Immortals novel yet, Ever fights for control of her body, her soul—and the timeless true love she's been chasing for centuries.

Ever is trying to help Haven transition into life as an immortal. But with Haven drunk on her new powers and acting recklessly, she poses the ultimate threat—exposing their secret world to the outside. As Ever struggles to keep the Immortals hidden, it only propels Haven closer to the enemy—Roman and his evil companions

At the same time, Ever delves deeper into dark magick to free Damen from Roman's power. But when her spell backfires, it binds her to the one guy who's hell-bent on her destruction. Now there's a strange, foreign pulse coursing through her, and no matter what she does, she can't stop thinking about Roman—and longing for his touch. As she struggles to resist the fiery attraction threatening to consume her, Roman is more than willing to take advantage of her weakened state…and Ever edges closer and closer to surrender.

Frantic to break the spell before its too late, Ever turns to Jude for help, risking everything she knows and loves to save herself—and her future with Damen …

Release dateJun 22, 2010
Dark Flame: A Novel

Alyson Noël

#1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noël has had 9 books on the NYT bestseller list and more than 8 million copies in print. Her books have been translated into 36 languages and have made numerous US and international bestseller lists. Born and raised in Orange County, California, she’s lived in both Mykonos and Manhattan and is now settled back in Southern California. You can learn more about her books at

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Noel remains consistent with the other three works in The Immortals series. These books remain entertaining for those interested in dark romance, but the writing style does leave something to be desired. Through each chapter, I tell myself to put the book down, but continue reading because I do want to know what happens next in the plotline. I'm not sure if I'm compelled to continue reading because it's truly entertaining or because I like to finish what I've started. These books are reminiscent of The Twilight Series, with the main male role being very elusive, and the main female character being a bit inexperienced and lacking confidence. I remain true to my previous reviews on this series - If you enjoyed The Twilight Series, you should stick with that!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Truly a wonderful book!!!! I already read this series about 4 times!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    loved it so much keeps u on the edge. amazing
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Haven and Miles you deserve a better best friend. That is what would make this book so much better. Why are YA single-narrator's not good friends to their best friends while lamenting how they are the best friends ever.

    I want books on Damen's life. And now Roman's. But not Ever's. *pout*
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think that this book is better than the last few in the series. I'm really looking forward to the next one.

    I'm really curious about:

    Is Haven going to get some crazy revenge?

    Will something more actually happen between Ever and Jude?

    Since Roman is now dead, and with him died the antidote, is there's going to ever be more than the energy veil between the two?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Still liking this series. Starting the next book now.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Another good one, but when will this series be over? Ready for closure!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So exciting! "The Immortals" series continues with Ever trying to figure out a way to get the antidote from evil Roman who is keeping it (and her) away from getting closer to her love - Damen. Ever does so many stupid actions on her way to trying to get the antidote that I keep screaming at her: "STOP! Figure it out already! Stop being so thick headed!" As usual, Alyson ends with a cliffhanger, which makes me anxiously await the next book in the series "Night Star."
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book Dark Flame is about how Damen gets a spell where Ever and Damen could never touch without Damen dying. Ever is very determined to get an antidote, but where would she get one? Roman ends up having the antidote to the spell Damen is under. Ever is willing to do anything to get that antidote, but Roman wont give it to her. Ever joins a store where she meets a guy named Jude, and finds out she has a past with him. In the end Jude loves Ever, and Ever is faced with the decision of choosing Damen or Jude. That is what this book is about. This book is probably one of my favorites out of the Whole Series. It is confusing at times, but is worth reading. I like how new people enter the story. This book is for young adults who like romance and mystery put together. I rate this book with a five out of five stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I can't believe how much I'm really enjoying this series. I think this one's been my favorite so far and I can't wait to read the rest. We get to see a lot more about what makes these characters who they are. We also get to see them learn from their mistakes. Ever became a totally different and stronger person over the course of dark flame. At the beginning of the book, I found Ever to be kind of annoying and depressing, but later on everything is explained and fits together very well. I really miss the old Haven, and I'm sure she's going to be a big part of the next book.I've drawn a few Buffy comparison's already with this series, but in this book, I realized that Roman is so much like Spike it's not even funny. Right down to the accent. :) Anyway, I'm really enjoying Alyson Noel's writing style and am definitely planning to read her spin off about Riley. There's a lot more I could probably say about this book, but I'm just too focused on where it's going next. I gotta get to the next book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    full review and casting couch available on talksupe.blogspot.comI'm annoyed with our heroine right now. I know her intentions are good but she just refuses to listen to good advise or at least consult with poeple who has more knowledge than she does. She is so blinded by her goal in getting that antidote from Roman that she alienates a lot of people including Damen.Another frustrating angle is her so-called friendship with Haven. Now that one is gone for good. It's difficult to reason with someone who is very volatile and just recently lost a lot and at the same time be gifted with a certain degree of invicibility. Haven is very insecure with Ever and since the latter is not doing a very good job in explaining things to Haven, things are sure to hit the fan in a very nasty way. As this book ends, Haven just declared war on Ever because of Roman
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was incredibly difficult to get through. Sadly, it was quite boring. You feel for Ever since her intentions are all good, but she just goes about getting her way all wrong. How much shit can she possibly get into? Even Damen was boring in this book and Haven, well what can I say other than what a psycho bitch, she ruined the book. Don't think I'm going to buy this book, not worth the $$$ ...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book from Alyson Noels Immortals series. This a great book for anyone who likes supernatural, dark romance and mystery. The style of writing used can make the reader addicted. This book can be related to the twilight Saga but in my opinion this series is much better, as it isn’t about vampires and all the usual things expected. It has many twists and turns to the story, which can confuse the reader, but makes the story less predictable. It details everything Ever does to acquire the cure to the curse that has been put upon her and Damen. Ever makes many mistakes in this book which leads me to dislike her character a little bit. For one she casts a spell that irrevocably binds her to Roman. She will only trust and listen to Roman no matter how much she hates him or so she says. Her love for Damen is strong but she has an addiction to roman that makes it hard for her to keep away. She is oblivious to the help that is offered to her by her friends. Her stubborn attitude results in her landing herself in problems that she can’t get out of without asking for help from her friends. Her best friend Haven is now an immortal and hates Ever, as she is Jealous of the growing relationship between Ever and Roman who is havens boyfriend. She will go to any lengths to find out her past with Roman, Damen and Drina (who is now dead). What she finds in Summerland (a place that Damen created for them), shocks her. She finds out that Jude is a lover from her past lives which suddenly gives the storyline another big twist. She has Jude and Damen competing for her love, but all goes wrong with Jude when he uses all the knowledge, Ever had imparted to him, to kill Roman, right when she had the chance to attain the antidote. The book is amazing none the less and is highly recommended to everyone. The down side to the book is the way the story ends. It isn’t anything that I expected to happen and was very frustrating. Ever’s attitude in this book disappoints me as she doesn’t want to believe the people who are trying to help her, she continuously blames Damen for things that wrong for her and believes that everyone is against her and only she can make things right. She does whatever she has only to attain the antidote. She accused others of doing things for only their benefit when the truth was she was doing the exact same thing. I did enjoy how through the book her life hits rock bottom while Havens starts improving (even though I despise her). Ever finally learns that trusting others was beneficial and after a while her life starts turning around, for the better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So Ever really annoyed me in this book. I couldn't believe how selfish she was is first doing spells and then not going to help to Damen. She finally got her crap together at the end of the book, only to not get what she wanted due to Jude.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Okay, I know Ever is a perpetual screw up, and she is a spoiled brat, but I can't help loving this series! My heart broke for Ever, even though most of her problems are her own doing. I loved the end, and was happy Ever did start the process of self redemption. I actually felt bad for Roman at one point! I still, however am up in the air about Jude. Anyway, if you like the series already, I am sure you will like this one too!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Noel remains consistent with the other three works in The Immortals series. These books remain entertaining for those interested in dark romance, but the writing style does leave something to be desired. Through each chapter, I tell myself to put the book down, but continue reading because I do want to know what happens next in the plotline. I'm not sure if I'm compelled to continue reading because it's truly entertaining or because I like to finish what I've started. These books are reminiscent of The Twilight Series, with the main male role being very elusive, and the main female character being a bit inexperienced and lacking confidence. I remain true to my previous reviews on this series - If you enjoyed The Twilight Series, you should stick with that!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I know I'm really late on getting around to reading this, so late that the next novel is already out: Night Star. The reason I waited so long to read this novel is because as a whole the series has been taking me on an up and down ride. It started out great for me, then the second novel killed me, the third was okay, and I'm happy to say that Dark Flame has brought hope for this series back to my life.The problems I've been having with the characters is that Ever wants to find a solution to her problems, but she's not really willing to listen to others. She wants to do her best to figure it out on her own, and now we see where it's gotten her, irrevocably tied to Roman, the one person she hates the most, the one keeping her from ever really being with Damen. And in this novel she doesn't really get better until the end when she finally allows herself to listen, and get help, from others. The thing is that Ever doesn't want is for others to know she's not perfect, that she makes mistakes. In doing so she continues to make even worse mistakes.Then there's Haven. She plays a pretty large role in this novel. And I'll be honest when I say I've never really liked Haven. I found her interesting in the first novel, and then slowly she just became a whiny character that doesn't seem to really want to help herself. To find a way to change herself, so when she become an immortal, she almost become more interesting. My problem is that she went from this girl who didn't know who she was, to a cocky self-entitled girl. She's rash, and doesn't really want to listen to anyone - she feels they're always wrong or are looking down upon her. I don't really like those types of personalities.I know it sounds like I really disliked this novel, but in the end I really did like it. The plot was more interesting for me. While I didn't really like Haven, I got to see her develop in another way, which was good. She became more real, even if I didn't like what she became. The other thing that I really enjoyed was the fact that Ever more or less hit rock bottom. Now, I know that sounds terrible, but honestly doesn't "rock bottom" mean it can only get better? And it does - sort of. She finally reaches for help, and through that her life begins to turn around. Finally.I won't go into too many details, because the revelation that her life doesn't have to suck is sort of the big thing in this novel - and it was a long time coming. Though, I will say I was super excited to see the Law of Attraction included. (If you don't know what that is, you will more or less by the end of the novel, it's an awesome concept that I do believe in. Ever heard of The Secret? Cause that's it more or less.)So in the end, while it's been a roller coater ride, this novel instilled some hope in me. I'll be finding the time to read Night Star sometime in the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Contrary to what most others are saying, I really enjoyed this installment. Am I the only one who has just once wanted the main character to choose the wrong side- to go dark? I just feel that we always know that as suspenseful as a decision is, the character will chose the right side- will choose light. With this book, you can’t be so sure. Something has taken over Ever, something more powerful then she’s thought possible. Something she cannot physically explain. She is trapped within her own body, her dark flame is taking over.Because this book treads on so much of the uncharted territory, I liked it a lot. Of course it is great when everything works out all well and dandy, but sometimes you just want something else. This book is definitely that something. It was suspenseful, intriguing, and somewhat maddening. Maybe this is just my good-girl persona acting out (I’m so B.A!), but the fact that Ever is doing what she shouldn’t immersed me in her world till the very end. Which, let me point out, was AMAZING. Roman! Ever! Jude! Haven! Damen! Whaaat? Yes, that was my reaction and I wouldn’t be surprised if a few others felt the same way.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There are parts in this book that make me want to scream at the top of my lungs at Ever, but in a good way... I'm pretty sure the author intends for that to happen. Before I began this book, I wasn't expecting much - mostly because the third book had been a disappointment. In this book, however, Mrs. Noel managed to recapture my attention and hold it. This book is much more exciting and fast-paced than Shadowland, and it also has more of Jude (who I like a lot more than Damen, if I'm being honest).SPOILERS: It's not enough that Ever suddenly has to chose between the two loves of her many lives. Now, against her will, she's being drawn to Roman by some foreign darkness she can feel inside her - controlling her. She begins pulling away from Damen as she finds her thoughts consumed by images of Roman. She tries to ask for help, but whatever the strange force inside her is, it's keeping her from reaching out to Damen. With noone to turn to, Ever seeks out Jude, who is a really key character in this book. Jude tries as hard as h can to help Ever, but after 2 failed attempts at unbinding herself and breaking the spell, Ever is worse off than she ever was before.Even if you gave up on this series, I still recommend you read this book. It redeemed the series for me, and I'm really glad I didn't give up on it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What technically is the definition of a dark flame…in my mind it is the opposite of a bright flame. It is not the flame that lightens the path but rather the flame that hides what should be hidden. This series by Alyson Noel has really been close to my heart. I know it is because of the death of my mom and dad so recent and so close to each other. The thought of the two of them walking hand in hand through a wonderful place like the Summerland of Alyson Noel’s imagination is most pleasant to me. The thought of actually being immortal is such a unique and amazing concept…it teases at my mind and my soul.I was totally enamored with the first three books in this series and I truly loved this fourth book…although I am not crazy about the “teaser” ending but that seems to be a part of all YA books of this nature.The premise of this book is that Ever…main immortal…is banned from truly being “together” with Damen…second main immortal because when she saved his life in the last book…she condemned them to never truly be together unless she is able to convince Roman…third sinister immortal…to give her an antidote…actually the only antidote…not written down but in Roman’s head and due to something that Ever did to Roman’s main immortal love interest…Drina…he refuses to give her the antidote but prefers that she and Damen suffer for as long as he wants them to…which seems like forever to Ever…Add into this mix a dreadlocked psychic store owner named Jude who pines after Ever. Then add some witchy twins Romy and Rain who love Damen but are not too fond of Ever. And also add Ava…a psychic whom Ever feels betrayed her into saving Damen but not enabling him to truly be with Ever…ever.Ever is a total mess in this book. Roman has stirred the dark flame within her so that she believes she wants Roman rather than Damen and she spends most of her time visiting Summerland…the beautiful place…and trying to rid herself of the dark flame and be the immortal she truly should be. Her best friend Haven also has to be thrown into the mix…in order to save her life…Ever also made her an Immortal…but Haven does not seem to be on the path to becoming a nice Immortal…she is more of a power hungry Roman worshipping Ever hating one.The path of this story is really one where Ever tries to get back to her core…she goes through some self discovery and angst and black magic and good magic until she finally realizes where her true power really lies.I have to say that I loved this book but I loved every book within this series. Alyson Noel’s description of Summerland…is what I wish Heaven would be. Anything you want can be manifested at any time. All questions are answered. And it is a happy place to escape to…on the opposite end of the spectrum is Shadowland…a place for souls who can not rest…the contrasts between the two lands are stark and scary…most likely my Catholic school girl education has me thinking of the gates of heaven and hell…so I am totally mesmerized as I read these books…sort of a religious experience for me. All in all a really lovely series…I will love reading the next one, too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I’ve been a big fan of the Immortal series in the past. However, I did not read Shadowland, the book just before this one in the series. I have to say that my favoritism is waning. I’m just not that into it anymore. Sorry Ms. Noel. It may have something to do with the constant gazing going on. If the characters looked at each other at all, they were gazing or averting their gaze or avoiding another’s gaze. It was like a gaze craze. At one point, it was there four times in the two pages I was reading. I’m also getting a little worn on Ever not feeling that she’s deserving of Damen’s love. I mean at some point, get a little self worth. If you don’t see yourself worthy of this guy, then he might start seeing you in that same light. I know this is fiction, but young women today have enough self esteem issues without fictional characters validating those feelings; it is okay to start out that way, but character growth is important too. I don’t particularly like Haven (Ever’s best friend) anymore either. She’s a brat, plain and simple.I will say that I did like the overall message of you as an individual being in control of what you give power to in your life. If you concentrate on something negative, even if it’s eradicating it from your life, you are still concentrating on it and drawing its negative energy to you. The message is to live the best life you know how, to surround yourself with positive energy and a feeling of acceptance in your life. By concentrating on the positive, you draw more positive energy into you and thusly improve your life as a whole. Like I said, I’m all down with that message. Not that I’m great at putting it into practice, but I do try. I just think that positive message is cloaked in some negative self talk by the main character. So, I would love to say that I’ll read the next in what now seems like a never-ending series. But, sadly I think my romance with the Immortal series has taken a final punch to my heart chakra. I will give this 2 ½ swaks.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I am so done with this series. It's boring and I hate the main character. Rarely do you meet a heroine in any book that you just want to stop doing anything. Every single decision that she makes is the wrong one. And really, all of the characters are horrible shallow people.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book follows Ever’s journey after the events of the previous book, Shadowland. Ever is faced with several problems such as Haven becoming an Immortal, the spell Ever did wrong and her past relationship towards Jude. I found that although this novel did resolve quite a few of the many, many complications presented in Shadowland, there were still elements that were left unresolved for the next book in the series.I really like the cover for Dark Flame, and it may possibly be my favourite of the Immortal series covers! The candle is so shiny and nice, and the shadowing looks really good on the cover model. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but this cover yells awesome to me. …Yeah, it’s better in person.The plot of Dark Flame felt a little drawn out for me. Basically, the entire first half of the novel (and quite a few bits after that) remained focused on Ever’s magical screw-up, which in itself wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t repetitive. I just felt like the novel was going in circles, and that Noël managed to resolve a few things this time round as I mentioned earlier, which was good, but there were still too many complications hanging in the air for my liking. I did, however, like Dark Flame (on the whole) more than Shadowland.The ending of the novel, similar to how I felt about Shadowland’s ending, was fabulous and I really couldn’t stop reading! I loved the suspense at the end and the interesting new perspective that was gained on Roman (I shall say no more! Read it to find out what I’m talking about…)It was, however the characters in this novel that drove me up the wall and possibly onto the ceiling too! Let’s start with Ever. WHY WHY WHY? Why does she continue to make these same mistakes over and over? It’s killing me, it really is! As much as I don’t mind her personality, the way she reacts to some situations is just plain silly. And Damen, whoa boy, sometimes, for someone as old as he is, he is just plain thick. Despite the numerous hints and pleads Ever throws at him, he refuses to listen. I wanted to slap him.And I don’t even want to get started on Haven. OK, so I never really liked Haven (she’s not exactly what I’d call friend material. I mean, friendship is a two-way thing, yet does she ever take the time to listen or do anything for Ever? Uh-uhhh. Fail whale right there) but she has just gotten worse. I wanted to bash my face against the wall reading about her. I mean, some of her reactions were very much warranted and fair, but there were times when she was just completely over the top!But Roman. Ah, Roman. Finally, we see something more than the outer asshole! I liked the way Roman was portrayed in Dark Flame, the way we saw more about his background and why he acted the way he was, and most especially, the way he was finally shown to be human. I loved the scenes with Roman in this book and I think Noël did a fantastic job in finally getting his character fleshed out – and he still makes me laugh, which is something I love in an antagonist!And I miss Riley. There are glimpses of her in this novel, but they’re fleeting and right now I’m pining for her return. She was such a cute and fun character too! Guess I’ll have to wait ’till ‘Radiance’ is out (This is the first book in Riley’s spin-off series).Overall, Dark Flame was ‘okay‘. There was nothing overly special about it, and I’m still waiting for the pick-me-up in this series, because it feels a little lacking right now. Maybe ‘Night Star’, the next book, will be different? Still, I need more resolutions and less complications to be fully satisfied. Being someone who almost always needs to finish a series, I’ll be reading Night Star, but at the moment I’m not loving this series.The next book, Night Star, will be released on November 23rd, 2010.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So, I could not put this book down, I just had to see what happens next, but with that said, this is definitely not my favorite in the series. Ever continues to make bad choices and keep Damen in the dark and it is frustrating, I know that is her weak chakra, but come on. Haven is also really annoying in this book and I have previously liked her as a friend to Ever, but she completely changed around and I am just hoping that something redeems her in the next books.Damen is still sexy and proves his love time and time again, but unfortunately we hear more about Roman and Jude than we do Damen.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Here we are again, back in the world of Ever and Damen and if you have read the previous books you will remember that the thin “veil” that separates the two in still firmly in place. The curse Roman put on them has been a constant since the end of Blue Moon and they are still suffering through it. And let me just say telling two people who are in love they can’t touch each other at all, or they will die is just cruel. I am just reading it and I am frustrated for them, I am not so sure if I was the two of them I could handle it as well as they are, especially because Ever is a teenager and things get a little crazy at that age so the restraint is quite amazing. But Ever is pressing forward and trying diligently to find a cure without outside help which is seriously hindering her progress. She needs to talk to Roman, but because of the magick that backfired on her she is strangely tied to him and cannot control her emotions when she gets around him. This of course is causing problems for Ever and her friend Haven; because Haven is convinced she is in love with Roman.While we are on the subject of Haven, let’s talk about her for a moment, I don’t like her. At all, sorry Haven fans. She has always rubbed me the wrong way in all three, well now four, books. I am actually not so sure why Ever hangs out with her so much. In the first book Haven was ok, but as the series has continued she has gotten just plain selfish and inconsiderate of Ever’s feelings. She is always putting herself first and never thinks about the people around her that she is hurting. Ever describes her very well in the book by saying:“(She) will fight to the absolute death to defend herself- even when she is dead wrong.”That pretty much sums it up for me, she acts before she gets all the facts and she rarely changes her mind. And now that she is immortal, it looks as though she is going to be a foe rather than a friend to Ever.Jude is also ever present in this novel and is fighting for Ever’s attention as well. At the beginning the two of them have a little confrontation that I don’t think is meant to be funny but I found it to be hilarious. I don’t want to ruin it so you will have to read it to find out about that one and see if you find it funny like I did. I am also still a little suspicious of him, he is not quite off my list of people to watch out for and his actions at the end of the book just move him further up that list for me. I am not really a fan of him, but only time will tell if my suspicions are warranted or not.On the positive side we do get to see quite a few happy moments between Ever and Damen that have been quite rare in the last couple of books. They are so cute together and have so many obstacles standing in their path so when we do get a rare glimpse into happy moments I soak them in.We are left at the end of the book with many questions left unanswered and Ever’s life is still crazy complicated, but I am loving watching the plot unfold. If you have not read any books in this series I highly suggest that you do because it is well worth it and you will fall in love with Ever just as I have.Language Love:"Our past may shape us, but it doesn't define who we become."I picked this one just because I totally agree with that statement. We are who we are because of our past, but it does not control what we become in the future.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Warning: If you have not yet read the first 3 books in the Immortals series, this book description will contain spoilers.About~ Ever is trying to help Haven make the transition into life as an immortal. But with Haven drunk on her new powers and acting recklessly, she poses the ultimate threat—exposing their secret world to the outside. But Ever’s struggle to keep the Immortals hidden only propels Haven closer to the enemy: Roman and his evil companions.At the same time, Ever delves deeper into dark magick to free Damen from Roman’s power. But when her spell backfires, it binds her to the one guy who’s hell-bent on her destruction. Now there’s a strange, foreign pulse coursing through her, and no matter what she does, she can’t stop thinking about Roman—and longing for his touch. As she struggles to resist the fiery attraction threatening to consume her, Roman is more then willing to take advantage of her weakened state…and Ever edges closer and closer to surrender. Frantic to break the spell before it’s too late, Ever turns to Jude for help, ricking everything she knows and loves to save herself—and her future with Damen…Warning: This review will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t read the book, look away now.My Review~ As much as I loved the last 3 books in this series, the forth book, Dark Flame, left me highly disappointed. The issues that Ever is dealing with, just keeps dragging on and on and on…I felt like Ever was a broken record, every time Ramon was near or in front of her. Non-stop of how she just craves for his touch, his lips, blah, blah, blah…I just wanted to grab Ever by the shoulders, shake her, and tell her to snap the hell out of it. If I had a dime for every time Ever describes how much she longs for Roman’s touch, I think I would be rich. And every time Ever went to The Book of Shadows to try to fix the spell she cast, I wanted to smack her. I could continue, but I think you get my point.I think this book could have been made better. The characters were still great except for one who really got on my nerve (cough*Ever*cough). I also wish there was more of Haven in the book. I kept wondering how she’s coping with becoming an Immortal and if she really will get revenge on Ever for what she thinks she did to Roman at the end of the novel.Speaking of what happen to Roman at the end of the novel, I am really mad at Jude. I can’t believe he killed Roman when Ever was thisclose to getting the antidote to the antidote. And since the very last chapter did not tell me much of anything that might happen next, I felt like we were left with a big cliffhanger. Add this book to your TBR pile, but not on top. Even though this book did kind of disappoint me, I’m still dying to read Night Star, which is the 5th and final book to The Immortals series.Plot: ♥♥♥♥Characters: ♥♥♥♥Ending: ♥♥♥♥Cover Art: ♥♥♥♥Pages in Novel: 320ISBN: 978-0-312-59097-0Other Books in the Series: Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This review is going to have spoilers for the earlier books in the series. I don't like doing it, but otherwise, I'd have nothing to say. :) So if you haven't read the other books, do that and then come back. :)So, when last we saw Ever and Damen, they were still trying to convince Roman to give them the antidote so that Damen and Ever could kiss and touch and be a normal couple. Plus, things are complicated by the fact that Ever chose to make Haven immortal so she wouldn't die. While this series tends to strain the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief, I love it. It's so fun and while Ever is kind of ridiculous sometimes, I love that about her. I love that she's so completely a teenage girl, even while she can do things like manifest cars and money and whatever she wants. And I love that she still misses her family, because it seems like sometimes in YA books, parents die and the loss disappears three chapters later. I think this is an unpopular decision, but I'm Team Jude. I like Damen, too, but if she miraculously ends up with Jude, I won't complain.Anyway, this is another roller coaster of a book, and I cannot wait to read the next offering (in November!). But I'm heartbroken that there are only two more left. :( (Please reconsider!)