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Change of Heart: A Novel
Change of Heart: A Novel
Change of Heart: A Novel
Audiobook15 hours

Change of Heart: A Novel

Written by Jodi Picoult

Narrated by Jim Frangione, Stafford Clark-Price, Nicole Poole and

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author and “master of the craft of storytelling” (Associated Press) weaves a spellbinding tale of a mother’s tragic loss and one man’s chance at salvation.

One moment June Nealon is happily looking forward to years of love and laughter with her family. The next, she is facing a future as empty as her heart as she waits for a miracle.

For Shay Bourne, life has no more surprises, and he has nothing to offer the world. In a heartbeat, though, his life is changed by one last chance for redemption through June’s young daughter, Claire. But between June and Shay lies an ocean of bitter regrets and a mother’s rage.

Would you give up revenge against someone you hate if it meant saving someone you love? Would you want your dreams to come true if it meant granting your enemy’s dying wish?

Soul-stirring and haunting, Change of Heart is “another ripped-from-the-zeitgeist winner” (Publishers Weekly) from Jodi Picoult.
Release dateMar 29, 2016

Jodi Picoult

JODI PICOULT is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of twenty-six novels. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the New England Bookseller Award for Fiction, the ALA’s Alex Award, the New Hampshire Literary Award for Outstanding Literary Merit, and the prestigious Sarah Josepha Hale Award in recognition of her distinguished body of written work. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband. They have three children. You can visit her website at  

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Reviews for Change of Heart

Rating: 3.8609893745773327 out of 5 stars

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What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some reviewers struggled to finish the book, finding it stale and a waste of time. However, others found it thought-provoking, with themes of religion, faith, and justice. Many readers enjoyed the book, finding it engaging and filled with tears and laughter. The story is not easy, but it contains wisdom and interesting philosophical concepts. Overall, the book has received positive reviews, with some negative opinions as well.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a reread for me.
    I can reread almost all of Jodis books numerous amounts of times.
    I love how we see characters from other books in her stories. Every time I reread one of her stories I also laugh, cry, & feel happy or sad in all the right places even if I know what is coming.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book!!! Kept me engaged the whole time! I love this book!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Did everyone know? This was too predictable. I knew too soon , I did not find this to be believable on so many levels.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Mediocre Retelling of The Green Mile: I understand that the stories aren't similar enough to make this plagiarism, and there are some cute Stephen King Easter eggs that let the reader know Picoult is deliberately paying homage to his story, but it just feels too stale. Bottom line, I preferred John Coffey to this novel's miracle worker and I don't think TGM is *quite* old enough to need a reworking yet.... in 2 decades, I think this is the only Jodi Picoult book that I've ever struggled to finish.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My absolute favorite Jodi Picoult book so far! Just like the speeches I write, I find that if there are tears and laughter, then it’s a success!! Had lots of both in this book!!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Absurd! That is all I can say about this book. A complete waste of time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So thought provoking about religion, faith , our justice system , & what it means to truly care about each other. Someone who finished reading it before me, told me it was sad & while many things about it made you feel sad and angry at the injustices , I believe ultimately it left me with a feeling of hope and and a stronger faith.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    So predictable and boring. I couldn't bond with any of the characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A wonderful book, the story is not easy, contains wisdom, interesting philosophical concepts and infinite sensitivity to people. The narators did an outstanding job.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Jodi Picoult never runs away from difficult subjects and this time my own confusion reached new depth. My grandmother was Catholic. We never talked about religion but I wish we had. After her divorce, she never returned to the Church. But she went on a search for a religion instead. When she passed. I inherited a small library of religious texts including the Koran and A Book of the Lost Books of the Bible. That book concentrated on the books that were left out of the Old Testament.I was surprised to learn there were more books called the Gnostic Gospels that not accepted for the New Testament. Quotes from them in this book left me even more confused than ever!The main characters were Shay Bourne, June, Michael, Lucius and Maggie. The story is narrated through all of them except Shay Bourne, the accu sed murderer of June's second husband and her daughter. I identified most with Maggie, the ACLU attorney who was terrified of her weight and loved to read and argue. June had lost her daughter and second husband but found herself pregnant with her second daughter. Her second daughter desparately needed a heart transplant. Michael, the priest was tormented by a secret. Lucius was one of the miracles that Shay Bourne was credited by his fellow inmates.But it was Maggie who I loved. For me, this book was difficult when it delved deep into the Gnostic Gospels but I had Maggie who cared a lot about people, had a poor self image but she made me comfortable in this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Shay is hired as a handyman around June’s house. When she comes home one day to find her young daughter and her husband murdered, Shay is charged, found guilty, and is the first person to be put on death row in the state in decades. In prison, it is noticed that he seems to be able to “do” things, magical sorts of things. He would also like to make amends the only way he can think of and donate his heart to June’s other daughter, who is in need of a transplant. Lawyer Maggie comes in to try to help grant Shay his wish, while priest Michael (who has a secret of his own in regards to Shay), comes in to counsel Shay.There is a lot going on in this book, primarily religion and the death penalty. The story is told from four different points of view: June, Michael, Maggie and another prisoner, Lucius. I’m not religious myself, but did find some of the religion “debates” interesting; these mostly focused on the Gnostic Gospels, which I’d heard of, but didn’t know anything about. The “magic” portions reminded me a bit of “The Green Mile”, and in fact, one of the prisoners at one point nicknamed Shay “Green Mile”, which I did think was kind of a fun way to address that (not that it needed to be addressed, but…). At the same time, these events made the book less realistic for me. I still quite enjoyed it, though.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Picked the twist about 20 pages in, but otherwise a good read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is my second Picoult book, and it really wasn't what I had expected, which is a good thing! I enjoy books that weave characters and time-events throughout the plot, and this book does that very nicely. Picoult has a gift for making you think about social issues/policies/laws without being too heavy handed.

    I found myself caring about most of the characters in this book, and it was a true page-turner. The basic plot was easy to guess, but the characters' life events kept me reading.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another great book by a great author. Very heart warming/breaking book about the death penalty.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have read most of Jodi Piccoult's books, and generally really, really like them. I liked this one, but not as much as I have liked some of the others. The one thing I did like about it was Maggie's struggle with her weight and self-image. I had a difficult time believing that June had absolutely no idea what was happening to Elizabeth.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not one of my favourites by this author. She has certainly written better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This read was quite a ride. I LOVED it, but at the end decided I "really liked" it. I cried, I yelled, I had to put the book down and think, rehash, debate, predict and argue with my poor mother who had read the book first but was unable to respond fully due to the fact that I hadn't finished it yet. The multiple meanings of "Change of Heart" (both literal and figurative) was impressive and enjoyable to decipher...I do so enjoy her writing.

    I learned about the Gnostics for the first time, which is something I take away from this book, and I spent many an hour contemplating what Shay may truly represent. But of course, I was blown away by the ending (as I usually am with Piccoult novels) but with this surprise ending, I really didn't know what was true---but wasn't this the point? I guess I didn't enjoy the not knowing at end, but like I said, I do see the point of that. I have more questions than answers.... Bravo, Piccoult.

    I feel that I really need a discussion group for this one.

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I keep going back to this author and find that I am hot and cold on her books on an individual basis. This is the story of a death row inmate who brutally murdered a police officer and his daughter. Now, facing death, he wants redemption by donating his heart to the sister of the little girl he murdered. That plot line in itself would have been more than enough to sustain the book. Personally, I could have done without the “second coming of the Messiah” sidebar to the story.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    the was too difficult for me to read - from the very beginning I was uncomfortable. Stopped reading very soon - so didn't get more than a chapter or two read. May give it another go one day.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved everything about this book starting with the play on words in the title. So many controversial topics have been dealt with in this book - capital punishment, Organ donation and transplants, homosexuality, pedophilia, and the biggest of all of them religion and spirituality. Each topic has been dealt with so sensitively that one is not offended no matter what one's stand is on the subject. I just could not put this book down till I'd finished reading it and now I'm telling every book lover I come across that they should read it too.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    was not as typical as most of Picoult's books
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    Not a good read. Hated the ending.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book by Jodi Picoult. Change of Heart deals with religion, capital punishment and some much more.The characters are Shay Bourne, Maggie Bloom, Father Michael and many others. Those are the 3 main characters. Shay Bourne murders 2 people and is put on death row. Maggie Bloom is an ACLU lawyer and Father Michael is a priest who had served on Shay's trial 11 years ago.The storyline centers around Shay and his death. He will be killed for committing 2 murders and he wants to donate his heart to one of the victims sister. The topic is so intriguing and for front in the real world. I just loved the different religious messages and just learning and reading about the many different gospels that we don't usually hear about.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The story tackles the controversial subject of capital punishment. Convicted of a double murder, a man awaits execution. In a macabre twist, he wants to donate his heart to the daughter of a woman, whose first child, he was convicted of murdering. As can be expected, she vehemently opposes this once she finds out who the intended donor is. While he waits on death row, miracles happen in and around him. Is he an innocent sacrificial lamb or a wily charlatan? Can one woman see past the death of one child and accept such a 'gift' so that her other child may live? The plot is rather reminiscent of 'The Green Mile', and perhaps, because of that, makes this my most favorite of all of Picoult's books that I have read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked was the first by Jodi Picoult, and I will read more of hers..! I didnt start it on sept 14th..I finished and started it last year.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Als Mörder eines Polizisten und dessen kleiner Stieftochter zum Tode verurteilt, verfällt Shay Bourne auf die Idee, sein Herz jenem jungen Mädchen zu geben, das ihrem Vater - eben jenen Polizisten - nie begegnet ist. Jodi Picoult stellt in ihrem Roman ebenso alltägliche wie ungelöste Fragen unserer Gesellschaft: Ist die Todesstrafe gerechtfertigt? Welchen Stellenwert soll/darf Religion im privaten und im öffentlichen Raum haben? Welches Recht zur Selbstbestimmung haben Mörder? Wie viel darf/muss eine Mutter für ihre Tochter entscheiden, vor allem, wenn es darum geht, sich das Herz eines Kinderschänders einsetzen zu lassen. Die dem Roman zugrunde liegende Kriminalgeschichte ist vielleicht etwas zu leicht durchschaubar, die aufgegriffenen sozialkritischen Themen aber sind bestens recherchiert und dargestellt. Eine klare Empfehlung für alle, die sich möglichst wertfrei Gedanken über Glaube, Gerechtigkeit und Rechtssystem machen möchten.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jodi Picoult has a real knack for tackling controversial issues and illuminating multiple perspectives to consider. This time around she tackles the death penalty and organized religion, with a touch of medical ethics. No small feat! The story was thought provoking and the characters were memorable. Well done!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's what the new John Grisham (The Appeal) book should of been.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I had read another book in between but finished this book yesterday. Overall a good read. Typical Picoult. I liked it that we could see issues from different perspectives. Very interesting. I also wrote while reading that this book reminded me of another book by Jodi Picoult. I think it is Keeping Faith? It was nice to see a little bit of that book, one persona coming back. Reminds me of Stephen King. ;)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One moment June Nealon was happily looking forward to spending many years filled with laughter and adventure with her family, and the next, she was staring into a future that was as barren and empty as her heart. Now her life is a waiting game. Waiting for her wounds to heal, waiting for justice. In short, waiting for an impossible miracle.For Shay Bourne, life holds no more surprises. The world has given him nothing, and he has nothing to offer the world. In a heartbeat, though, something happens that changes everything for him. Now, he has one last chance at salvation, and it lies with June's eleven-year-old daughter, Claire. But between Shay and Claire stretches an ocean of bitter regrets, past crimes, and the rage of a mother who has lost her child.Would you give up your desire for vengeance against someone you hate if it meant saving someone you love? Would you want your dreams to come true even if it meant granting your enemy's dying wish? I really enjoyed this book. I found it to be incredibly thought-provoking and I give this book an A+!Jodi Picoult is a new author for me although I have seen the television adaptation of The Tenth Circle, which is another of Jodi Picoult's books that was made into a movie about two years ago. I have three more of Jodi Picoult's books on my bookshelf - Handle With Care, House Rules and My Sister's Keeper - all four books by Jodi Picoult, I picked up from this most recent Library Book Sale that Mareena and I went to on Saturday.