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The Girl They Left Behind: A Novel
The Girl They Left Behind: A Novel
The Girl They Left Behind: A Novel
Audiobook10 hours

The Girl They Left Behind: A Novel

Written by Roxanne Veletzos

Narrated by Cassandra Campbell

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook


A sweeping family saga and love story that offers a vivid and unique portrayal of life in war-torn 1941 Bucharest and life behind the Iron Curtain during the Soviet Union occupation—perfect for fans of Lilac Girls and Sarah’s Key.

On a freezing night in January 1941, a little Jewish girl is found on the steps of an apartment building in Bucharest. With Romania recently allied with the Nazis, the Jewish population is in grave danger, undergoing increasingly violent persecution. The girl is placed in an orphanage and eventually adopted by a wealthy childless couple who name her Natalia. As she assimilates into her new life, she all but forgets the parents who were forced to leave her behind. They are even further from her mind when Romania falls under Soviet occupation.

Yet, as Natalia comes of age in a bleak and hopeless world, traces of her identity pierce the surface of her everyday life, leading gradually to a discovery that will change her destiny. She has a secret crush on Victor, an intense young man who as an impoverished student befriended her family long ago. Years later, when Natalia is in her early twenties and working at a warehouse packing fruit, she and Victor, now an important official in the Communist regime, cross paths again. This time they are fatefully drawn into a passionate affair despite the obstacles swirling around them and Victor’s dark secrets.

When Natalia is suddenly offered a one-time chance at freedom, Victor is determined to help her escape, even if it means losing her. Natalia must make an agonizing decision: remain in Bucharest with her beloved adoptive parents and the man she has come to love, or seize the chance to finally live life on her own terms, and to confront the painful enigma of her past.
Release dateOct 9, 2018

Roxanne Veletzos

Roxanne Veletzos was born in Bucharest, Romania, and moved to California with her family as a young teen. Already fluent in English and French, she began writing short stories about growing up in her native Eastern Europe, at first as a cathartic experience as she transitioned to a new culture. With a bachelor’s degree in journalism, she has worked as an editor, content writer, and marketing manager for a number of Fortune 500 companies. Her debut novel, published in multiple languages, is an international bestseller. Roxanne lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Reviews for The Girl They Left Behind

Rating: 4.37707182596685 out of 5 stars

362 ratings30 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a beautifully written and gripping story that explores the struggles of occupied Romania during WWII and the implications of communism. The characters are well-developed and memorable, and the narration is exceptional. The book provides a history lesson that is both eye-opening and moving, shedding light on the tragic circumstances faced by the Romanian people during this time. It is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction and those interested in learning about lesser-known aspects of WWII history.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Because it was based on truth. May we never forget!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a wonderful, well crafted story based on historical facts. The characters are well developed and memorable. Most of all, it is a history lesson that we all need to know about. Though I took the required history courses in high school and college, I missed learning about Romania and it's struggles through World War II and the closing of the iron curtain. We need to know this history lest we ever allow it to be repeated.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Too long but in the end it's good enough. Worth be read.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it!! WWII stories & novels are fear to my heart. I was unaware that after the war was over that already devastated Romania was immediately overrun by Russia. The
    People who had been terrorized by Germany, were now persecuted under the strong arm of Russia. Thus we’re now behind the Iron Curtain. This book portrays a people who still loved their country and showed strength of a family who were forced to live on the edge of death. Very uplifting!! Beautifully written! Wonderful narration!!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a beautiful story. I learned a lot about Romania under nazi occupation and the implications of communism. From start to finish I’ve been invested, I loved it.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Incredibly moving! The author described the characters, settings, and events in such a detailed way that you felt like you were there as an observer. My heart aches for so many as I know there are many many more stories like this locked in peoples’ hearts that endured this historic period.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A book worthy of reading. Also well narrated. Well done!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A moving story that reached in and touched my soul.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good story... fantastic voice actor... just slow quite a bit.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Beautifully written, gripping story and an exceptional narrator. Learning about the struggle in occupied Romania during WWII has made me wanting to know more about this time and place in history!
    Can't wait to read more about this author!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lives rise and fall with the politics of war. Left behind during a pogram, and adopted, a child grows up in priveledge and then the reversals caused by Romania's changing politics through the 1940's and 50's.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I felt it dragged a bit although interesting story of this time in history.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What an emotional roller coaster to read. The author knew the story she was writing and it shows.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This novel, a fictionalization account of the author’s own mother, is unique. THE GIRL LEFT BEHIND explores the fascinating history of Bucharest, Romania during WWII and Soviet occupation following the war. The tragic circumstances are eye-opening as I knew little of atrocities thrust upon the Romanian people during this time. The “Gentlemen’s Agreement” between Israel and the Romanian government to retrieve Jews who survived Hitler’s Progrom from behind the “Iron Curtain” is not widely known. The beautiful, heartbreaking story and the perfect narration from one of my favorite readers created a tender and moving experience, and I highly recommend it to lovers of historical fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this audiobook. I liked how the person read it, it kept it enjoyable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Based on a real life story of the author’s mother, Natalia is left behind during the Romanian progrom. She us adopted and fiercely loved during the war years when Romss as Mia is a Nazi ally and then taken over by the Soviets. An interesting read of a time in WWII I have not read about
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Just when I thought I’d never read another WWII novel, this one comes along and steals my heart. A story inspired by true events in the author’s family history, this one will draw you in and won’t let go until you turn that final page in the wee hours of the morning. And even then, it keeps a firm hold on your senses.

    Meet Anton and Despina, desperate for a family of their own, who can’t believe their luck when they have an opportunity to adopt an abandoned four-year-old girl, who was found on the steps of a nearby apartment building. Although disturbed at first, Natalia soon settles into a very happy life with her new parents, going to school, learning to play the piano. Natalia’s father Anton is charming and charismatic, and mother Despina is a beautiful and lively jewel, and they dote on Natalia, seeing to her every need.

    However, darkness lurks on multiple fronts. The political climate is dangerous at best, as Poland supports first Germany and then switches its allegiances to the Soviet Union. As Anton has built up a successful chain of stores, the family finds their circumstances slowly but drastically changing, since the social winds are now blowing firmly against those seen as wealthy. In addition, Natalia’s birth parents are still looking for her, which leaves Anton and Despina, and eventually Natalia, with a weighty decision to deal with.

    Unlike many stories of this era, this one is set in the Paris of the East, the beautiful city of Bucharest, in the Eastern Bloc country of Romania. While many of us Cold War babies are familiar with the mid-Century hardships of the Balkans, it seems in more recent years these have been largely overshadowed by tales of Germany and western Europe; it is heartening to see an author shedding light on this part of history again.

    Grab a box of tissues, gird your heart, and after consuming all 340 pages, take a few minutes to delight in the photos of the real Anton and Despina in the novel’s notes.

    Thank you, Ms. Veletzos, for a sweeping, engaging, and heart-warming story.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this book and the characters. I've read many WWII books and this one will stay with me for a long time. I could not put it down. It is beautifully written and I love that the book is inspired by the author's family history during WWII. The author paints such a vivid picture of each character and scene that you can't help to get drawn in and travel back in time and space.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    n mid-1940, Romania decided to ally itself with Nazi Germany. Shortly thereafter, the Romanian Iron Guard began a pogram rounding up Jewish citizens targeting them and their businesses with violence. The novel's protagonist and narrator, Natalia Goza as a young girl is abandoned by her parents with a note attached to her pocket for someone to take care of her. Her parents believing that if all stayed together, all would die, believed that the child would be the one most likely to survive. She is taken to an orphanage but quickly adopted by a childless couple seeking a child. The remainder of the novel is primarily about the Natalia and her adoptive family as WWII Romania gives way to a Communistic Romania behind the Iron Curtain.Although the novel is fictional, it is based upon the experiences of the author's mother who also found herself abandoned as a child. As her mother became a young adult, she was able to emigrate through the Iron Curtain to the United States. If anyone is interested in reading about life under Nazi Germany influence or under socialistic control by Russia, I would recommend this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing story - based on the author's grand parent's and mother's life. Such a GREAT READ!!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not just another Holocaust historical fiction. This combines the author's family story and what happened in WWII and after in Romania to many families.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    As they were fleeing from the Nazi's, a young couple leaves their 4 year old daughter on the steps of an apartment building. The child is sent to an orphanage, and then adopted by a wealthy couple who is unable to have children. As the war ends, Romania is taken over by the Soviet's and the wealthy family is now at the bottom of the economic and social ladder.I thought Natalia's story was interesting but I did not enjoy the writing style. The book had a large number of time transitions, that were handled poorly. Every once in a while a paragraph or two was completely confusing, which made me wonder if this is a translation. Overall, a bust.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really wanted to enjoy this book (I find that I have said that a lot recently!), but I just didn't. I fully admit that I only read about 35-40% of the book (to part two) before calling it quits, because life is too short to read books you aren't loving.I didn't connect with any of the characters at all, and the continual descriptions over how Natalia's adoptive parents are wealthy and rolling around in money were bordering on ridiculous. It also set up some problematic situations that may or may not have happened later in the book (like I said, I bailed on this and didn't even care enough to skim ahead) about how the adoptive parents are "better suited" because they're rich. The writing style felt rather simplistic and wasn't engaging to me, either.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The fact that this book is based on a true story made it even more fascinating to read. A Jewish couple has to flee to avoid persecution and decide to leave behind their young daughter to give her a fighting chance at a better life. This story pulls at your hearts strings and really makes you think about how much some people have to go through. Someone else reviewed this book saying it can be slow at times, but is never boring. True!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the story of Natalia, found abandoned in Bucharest during World War 2, loosely based on a true story. This is also the story of her parents and what it was like to live in Romania during and after World War 2. One of my favourite books for 2018.. Review based on an ARC received from NetGalley.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Natalia was not yet four when the Bucharest Pogroms began, the killing of Jewish families in the streets. Natalia's parents are on the run when they make the heartbreaking decision that will keep both Natalia and themselves alive, they leave Talia on the steps of an apartment building while they escape to a friends attic and then Switzerland. Talia is quickly found and brought to an orphanage where she was adopted into the Goza family. Talia's wealthy adoptive parents, Despina and Anton give her everything she could hope for, they make it through the war only to have the Iron Curtain come crashing down on them. While the Goza's are doing their best to survive with the help of their friend Victor who works for the Party, Talia's birth parents are still searching for her and they might be the answer to Talia's survival once again.The Girl They Left Behind is an astounding story of hope and courage based on the life of the author's mother. From the beginning when Talia's parents made the heartbreaking decision to leave her on the doorstep, I knew I had to find out the rest of her story. This book explored a part of World War II that I did not know a lot about including the Pogroms and life in Romania during the War. Talia's character showed amazing growth throughout the story, from a scared orphan to a woman taking risks for her survival. I could not imagine being either Talia's birth parents or adoptive parents and having to leave or send away their child for her own safety. I could also not imagine being Talia and knowing that two sets of parents sacrificed everything for my safety. More than anything, I was amazed that the author so very closely followed the story that her own mother had lived through, seeing the pictures at the end of the book really solidified the honesty of the story. Overall, a heartfelt account of remarkable people during World War II and the Soviet Occupation.This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a wonderful well-researched novel about an area not often discussed in current WWII fiction - Romania. Plus it is based on the author's mother and her life as the girl that was left behind. The story was not only about WWII when Romania was an ally of Germany but later in the war, they sided with the Allies so they went from being bombed by the British to being bombed by the Germans. When Russia invaded them at the end of the war, they took over control of the government and Romania existed as part of the USSR. The novel covered the beginning of the war as well as the bleak life of the people under Russian rule.In 1941, a young Jewish couple leaves their 3 year old daughter behind as they flea from the police. They are heartbroken to leave her behind but they feel that their lives are in imminent danger and that leaving their daughter is her only chance of survival. Natalie is found and sent to an orphanage where she is soon adopted by a loving couple who raise her in a home of love and affluence. At the end of the war when their country was controlled by the communist regime, their lives became unbearable due to the deprivation and lack of jobs and living spaces. The bottom line for both parents is what they did to help their only child survive and have a better life.This is an intense novel written with love and care by the author in honor of her mother. It's a debut and I look forward to her future books.Thanks the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a perfect example of how real life experience can enhance a story. This book is kind of modeled off of the author's real life. Thus you could feel the labor of love by reading this book. The characters came alive as did the story. Natalia was a strong woman. Which I imagined was not an easy thing to come by during that time period. Yet, on the other hand, I can see a lot of women showing strength in adversity. I have read a lot of books during the WWI and WWII era. I am a fan of these types of books. Instantly, from the beginning, I felt like I was in Romania. Victor was another shining light in this book. His and Natalia's relationship was true. He risked a lot to help save her. While, the focal point of this book may have been on Natalia and Victor; the other characters were not muted or downplayed in roles. The story really picks up in the last half of the book. If you are a fan of historical fiction, memoirs, WWI, WWII, or on the look out for a wonderful book to read; you need to pick up a copy of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    During WWII, Natalia is left at an orphanage when she is just a small child. She is adopted by an amazing set of parents. They truly want the best for her. When the Iron Curtain fell on Bucharest, their whole lives changed for the worst.
There is so much packed into this read. With the daily struggles just to survive, it is hard to read in places. Natalia is a talented pianist, but she ends up working in a warehouse just to support herself and her parents. Her parents lost everything during the Russian occupation. Their home, their business, their dignity, is all gone!
Victor is a rising star under the communist rule. He became a friend of this family back when he was a starving student. This friendship is Natalia's saving grace in more ways than one. She is in love with Victor. And he loves her enough to set her free!
I fluctuated between 4 and 5 stars while I was reading this book. But the ending rolled it on up to 5. Talk about emotional whirlwind. I am not much of a cryer during books...but this one ALMOST succeeded in making me cry. Any author who can achieve that deserves 5 stars! And to is based on the author's family. Superbly done!
I received this novel from Atria Books via Netgalley.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read this book.The Girl They Left Behind by Roxanne Veletzos was such an amazing read, I didn't want to stop until I finished it. Thank you Roxanne for sharing a bit of your life story with us. Living here we never know what it would be like to have to make the decisions that some do, just to survive. Learning about the history makes you thankful for the freedoms that we share.