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Revealing Us
Revealing Us
Revealing Us
Audiobook7 hours

Revealing Us

Written by Lisa Renee Jones

Narrated by Grace Grant

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones takes readers on the ultimate journey of sensual discovery in Revealing Us, the third installment in the sexy Inside Out series.

No in-between…

He has become her life, her heart, her very soul. But he is dark and damaged, and his secrets are many. Sara will risk everything for him. He, in turn, will dare to expose his deepest needs, his most erotic desires. And in the fury of passion he will reveal all that torments him, all that he can never escape. To love him, Sara must embrace the darkest part of him, and become his shelter in a storm that will be his ultimate salvation.
Release dateSep 10, 2013

Lisa Renee Jones

Prior to realizing her dream of becoming a writer, Lisa Renee Jones owned and operated a multistate staffing agency with sales as high as sixteen million a year. She was recognized by many publications including the prestigious Entrepreneur magazine. In 2003, she sold her business to focus full-time on her writing. Since then, she has sold books to four major publishing houses in multiple genres. You can find out more about her busy release schedule by visiting her website.

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Reviews for Revealing Us

Rating: 4.2732556976744185 out of 5 stars

86 ratings11 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a favorite series with a great narrator. The story picks up where the previous book left off, with the main character facing a difficult decision. Some readers found the delay in revealing a secret frustrating, but overall, the book was enjoyable."

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely love the series, quickly becoming one of my favorite authors
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There are 11 books in this series

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Audiobook: Narrator - Grace Grant

    Ms. Grant takes this narration up a notch beyond her performances in the previous books as some of these characters have a French accent. While I have to admit they did tend to all sound like the same person speaking, the accent was not so heavy that I couldn’t understand what was being said. I enjoyed listening to this one very much.

    This picks up immediately where Being Me ended. Sara is at a crossroads and must make a decision about Chris. Of course, she chooses him - there would be no book had she not done so - but in choosing him, she is also choosing to learn his darkest secrets.

    I grew a bit frustrated with Chris through part of this as he continued to put off revealing his secret and doing so was causing all kinds of drama - serious drama. When it’s finally revealed, I didn’t think it was all that dark. Nevertheless, this character struggled because of it and I’m not one to tell people, be they real or fictional, how they should process their feelings.

    While this ends with Chris and Sara in a good place, it does leave you wondering if they will truly have their happy ever after. There’s a whole host of books following this one so I’m thinking it’s not going to be all that easy. It also leaves us wondering about Ella but I know this author went on to write a trilogy to cover her story so I’m okay with that.

    I enjoyed this book very much. It’s extremely steamy, there’s a bit of angst throughout, and secondary characters were developed enough to make me either love or hate them exactly as the author intended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars. This one seemed a little dragged out to me and very repetitive. Not as much resolved (or revealed) as I would like. But the ending left me curious for more.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Would you follow the man you love no matter where he went in order to discover his secrets? Our hero Sara says YES! She is All In. I love that our hero has survived and grown regardless of all the tragedies in this series. She has become an independent woman willing to take risks for a chance at happiness. There is no doubt now that Chris is in love with Sara. He is such a tortured soul. It is obvious he is seeking redemption just has not found the right person to give it to him. I love how the author depicts his reactions. It shows a soul in turmoil and confusion, which serves the story well.

    In summary, if you have been following this series, you will not be disappointed. We have been given enough information to continue hoping Rebecca may still be alive, while hoping Ella will be found. Chris and Sara’s love evolves to an all-encompassing level. I would definitely buy this book and read it over and over again. There is so much going on; I am still hoping to discover additional clues as to the fate of these characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I love this series. I like Chris and Sara. The biggest issue I had with this book was that it just seemed pointless. It was really boring compared to the rest of the series and didn't seem to resolve anything.Sara was pretty annoying in this book, which is something I have never felt toward her before. She's always been very intrigued by mysteries, but she's never seemed so destructive about her relationship. Any chance she gets to mess it up, she takes that chance. Why would you follow someone to Paris, on an ultimatum, then try to destroy it? And Chris seemed a lot less passionate in this book. He would get really anger, but he mainly just came across as very defeatist.I'm still bothered that Ella's missing status is kind of ignored. Yes, she tried to find out something regarding her friend in this book, but she should have been trying more and sooner. I'm also bothered by the portrayals of the BDSM lifestyle. Every character interested in it seems to have some kind of traumatic background. It's like people don't realize that BDSM can be enjoyed by "normal" people.This book just didn't leave me feeling very satisfied.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    OK, One more chance! Blossom series I beg of you! Learn, grow and prosper!Like the first novel, this book has an exciting beginning. No one would argue that first class travel to a romantic European destination isn't a thrilling fantasy. Paris is a lovely backdrop for the fragile lovers' misadventures and adds a lighter, exotic dimension to their otherwise dark romance.And there’s plenty of hottish sex, except this time around it’s riddled with vocalized insecurities and redundant chatter. In the heat of the moment and with every thrust, one lover is reassuring the other with incessant spouting: “I will never leave you” or “I know you would never leave me.” Eventually this talk predictably turns into “I’m leaving” and “Don’t leave me”. It’s all seriously arousal killing. Less talk, more action!And where is Mark! I missed the (deflated as it was) power struggle between Mark and Chris. Plus, and especially after reading- and liking!!- A MASTER UNDONE, I was truly looking forward to an entertaining conclusion. Forget Chris and Sara, I was excited to continue Mark’s recent romantic and very sexy re-awakening. Only, Mark is basically absent the entire time. What an epic disappointment! But, unfortunately this was not surprising nor uncharacteristic for this mediocre series.ARC courtesy of Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm a huge fan of this series! It's sexy, alluring, and suspenseful! I liked Revealing Us for the drama aspect but would've liked more smexy-ness from Chris and Sara. I felt like there were some unanswered questions, but am hopeful that they have hit their plateau as a couple. I don't think that Chris' secrets were as bad as they were portrayed but understood where he came from!

    The new characters Amber and Isabel, grrr.. so annoying! Tristan is another new character and I would like to read a novella from his POV. It was a bit disappointing that we don't get more Mark. We get attached to him over Rebecca's journals and the novellas in this series, yet he has no presence in this book. I am DIEING to know Ella's story, especially with that little snip at the end!

    Overall, I highly recommend this series, it is a roller-coaster you don't want to get off of! I love Chris!

    ARC Provided in exchange for honest review!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Many of you know I have been.. not so patiently awaiting Revealing Us :) Well my anticipation was greatly rewarded. Revealing Us is everything I hoped it would be. We get our answers to some questions, and some circumstances create new unanswered questions. According to Lisa Renee Jones they will not be forever unanswered, she plans for a spin-off series and there will be a book 4 & 5*Happy Dance*. Back to Revealing Us, we left off with a huge cliffhanger for Chris and Sara in Being Me. He wants her to decide if she can handle the truth of his tortured past, and come to Paris with him. For Sara, Paris will be the final step for her and Chris, if they can make it through this they can face anything together, and it gives her an opportunity to find her best friend Ella."And everything else fades way but him, and everything in my world is right." ~SaraWith most series I am so excited to see what happens next, but with Revealing Us I was so immersed and enthralled with Chris and Sara that I lived completely in the moment. These two have come so far from who they were at the beginning of If I Were You. Sara is used to being an independent person, but with Chris' dominant personality she has learned when to push and when to retreat. Being back in Paris draws out insecurities in Chris that we don't normally see, while he isn't ready to divulge his secret to Sara yet there are people at every turn that could easily ruin the future he pictures for the two of them. I feel like tables turn in Revealing Us, Chris starts drawing the parallels between him and Sara and Mark and Rebecca. Whereas, Sara is more levelheaded about what she wants and steers their relationship for the most part. Sara actually becomes aware of the differences between and Chris and Mark and really comes into her own person where Rebecca's experiences aren't constantly hanging over her."Hungry for him, I want his passion, I want his pain. I want it all." ~SaraParis is a flood gate for Sara and Chris, he thought he was letting her in an inch and she ends up taking the whole damn mile. She understands him more than he understands himself and she tries to balance out the responsibility he has put upon himself. They came together as a broken couple; Sara, with her troublesome family/relationship history and upending her life when she delved too closely into Rebecca's and Chris with his dark soul. They had to overcome so many obstacles that other couples don't, and they finally understand that they needed to learn to heal together before they could thrive in their relationship. Paris definitely brings a multitude of suspense: Ella's disappearance, Chris' secret, Rebecca's death, and there are a few extra plot twists that will keep your mind reeling. And yes, for those wondering there are still journal entries and I was so grateful for them, at this point the Revealing Us would not have been complete without them :)"If you were going to leave me alone, you should have walked away before now, when I still knew how to breathe without you." ~SaraRevealing Us really gave me what I wanted as a reader. I got the thrill, the love, the suspense, and the hot connection between Sara and Chris. True to the series standard, I could not put this one down, there are no lulls and I read it all too quickly. If you pay attention to my ratings you'll notice that Revealing Us is the first for a 5+ rating. Yes, it was that good that I had to extend my rating system. "And this, right now, is me savoring every second of making love to you. And in case you didn't know, you're the only reason I know what that means." ~ChrisNow for some author love. Lisa Renee Jones is such an incredible writer, the voice and passion she puts into her books is definitely felt by her readers. She isn't one of those authors that try to impress by overly embellishing their work, she has just the right amount of flair. She writes in a way that made me feel everything the characters felt and the maturity in her writing made Revealing Us more deep and raw. Revealing is just as captivating as the previous books in the Inside Out series, readers will not be disappointed. I for one cannot wait for certain story arcs to get their time in the spotlight :)Happy Reading!*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Revealing Us takes place a day after Being Me is over. Before I start I just want to say how much I enjoyed reading the previous books in a series, If I Were You and Being Me were such an amazing reads. Revealing Us is set in Paris where Sara goes with Chris to escape the last days and what happened and to finally find out all of the Chris's darkest secrets. To tell you the truth after finishing the book I was a little bit disappointed, maybe because I set a very high hopes for this book after reading and loving the first two books, but this one just didn't do it for me. Before you boo me I do have to say that there were some parts that I loved and I never even thought of giving up on this book. I liked it, I liked how it tied up a lot of things about Chris and Sara, and how we finally get to see other parts of Chris, his passion and pain. Chris is probably one of my favorite book males. He is just so amazing, even if he does tend to hide how he feels from Sara, but that is what makes him even more sexier, is his mystery. I mean how can you not like Chris?"And this, right now, is me savoring every second of making love to you. And in case you didn't know, you're the only reason I know what that means."~~~“I don’t know how to love you and not protect you,” he says, and my eyes lift at his soft confession. My heart thunders as he adds, “And I don’t know how to protect you and not overwhelm you. I’m always going to be on edge. I’m always going to think… too much.The chemistry between Sarah and Chris...well you just can't deny it, because it was definitely there. Strong and passionate chemistry. From book one you can feel their attraction and in Revealing Us you can feel their strong feeling for each other, their love. The way they cared for each other was just heartwarming. Also the way they showed their ownership of each other, that was really hot and steamy!"...If you were going to leave me alone, you should have walked away before now, when I still knew how to breathe without you."~~~“Do it.” His fingers stroke into the silky wet V of my body, and I am panting, barely able to speak, but I swallow and somehow finish my challenge. “The more you push me, the more I push back, Chris.”The reason why I was disappointed by this book was because of Sara. I really didn't like her that much as I liked her in previous books. She kept saying how she loved Chris and than when something bad happens or she sees something that might look like a different situation, she either quickly comes to a conclusion or she runs. That really made me mad....I just wanted to slap her at times. It felt like she had no trust in Chris and she wants to run from him, even though its her who would always say that Chris is trying to run from her or trying to push her way, but for me at times it felt like it was more of Sara. Chris was the one who hold them together and tried to explain to her the truth. I was just annoyed with her. In book two, Being Me, she was a little bit like that too, but not as much. In Being Me it was to an understanding point but in Revealing Us it was just to a ridiculous point. I also felt like in the end the book was rushed. I feel like it took way to much time to reveal Chris's secret.In conclusion I was a little bit disappointing by Revealing Us. But it doesn't mean that I wouldn't recommend this book! This series is definitely worth reading because even though for me this book wasn't as great as the first two, it was still good. This book really tied up some knots and we see more of Sara's and Chris's feeling for each other. We also get to meet some of Chris's old "lovers", that was interesting! I'm glad that there is going to be more books in a series and that we will finally have more of Mark (I miss Mark) and the spin-off about Ella!I can't wait!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    After reading IF I WERE YOU and BEING ME, we were still left with a few questions. Most of our questions were answered in this book. We are introduced to Chris’s life in Paris, where he takes Sara. Chris tries to take her away from the pain of the recent events, but they are just thrown into more danger. As Sara steps off the airplane, she is robbed of her passport and wallet, her identity.We meet Amber and Isabel, two women that were in Chris’s past, or so Sara hopes only his past. Both women are very much into his lifestyle and she can understand why he would have known them, but hoping the relationships between them are over. My favorite characters is Chantal. I enjoy the relationship between Chantal and Sara. The book need a strong woman that will not take anyone’s garbage and that girl is Chantal. She is hired to help Sara learn the language, but becomes a great friend to both. We are also told of Chris’s dark secrets in this book. All during this time Sara is still looking for Ella, her friend and neighbor, who first introduced Sara to Rebecca and her journals.I loved the haunting journal entries throughout the book, and felt pain for Rebecca. I do not want to spoil the book, so I am trying not to put spoilers in this review. This is a great book and the ending leaves you satisfied, but with room for a few more books. I hope this is not the last time we hear about these characters. A great read!!Rating: 4.5Heat Rating: HotReviewed By: RaeCourtesy Of My Book Addiction And More