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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Audiobook2 hours

Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Jay Sekulow, one of America’s most influential attorneys, closely examines the rise of the terrorist groups ISIS and Hamas, explains their objectives and capabilities and how, if left undefeated, their existence could unleash a genocide of historic proportions.

Recently, the world has been shaken by gruesome photos and videos that have introduced us to the now infamous terrorist group known as ISIS. The world’s wealthiest and most powerful jihadists, ISIS originated within Al Qaeda with the goal of creating an Islamic state across Iraq and Syria and unrelenting jihad on Christians. Separate from ISIS, the terrorist group Hamas has waged an equally brutal war against Israel. Both groups, if left undefeated, have the potential to unleash a catastrophic genocide.

Rise of ISIS gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror,andprovides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures.

The authors’ firsthand experience, including multiple appearances before the Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court at The Hague, along with direct contact battling jihadists during operation Iraqi Freedom lends insight into this important geopolitical issue.

A must-have for anyone who wants to better understand the conflict that exists in the middle east, this well-researched and fully annotated volume is invaluable in revealing how this new brand of terrorism poses a very real threat to Americans and the world at large. It also serves as a guide to what we as individuals—and as a nation—can do to stop this escalating violence, prevent jihad, and protect Israel and America from this imminent threat.

In this expanded edition, Jay tracks the most recent events in the war against ISIS, exposes new dangers, and provides a detailed plan to defeat ISIS and prevent genocide against Christians in the Middle East. ISIS is still growing, and its reach—as Jay predicted in the first edition—is extending across the globe.

Includes a link to an exclusive track from the Jay Sekulow Band, "Where I Stand," a moving tribute to the persecuted Christians in Iraq.
Release dateSep 30, 2014

Jay Sekulow

Jay Sekulow is widely regarded as one of the foremost free speech and religious liberties litigators in the United States, having argued twelve times before the US Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. As chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), he is a renowned constitutional attorney, an international expert on religious liberty, and an acclaimed and distinguished broadcaster. Jay is a passionate advocate for protecting religious and constitutional freedoms with an impressive track record of success. His steadfast determination and commitment to protecting these freedoms is expansive with his work resulting in a lasting impact across America and around the world. He is a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, and he is also a popular talk radio host and regularly appears on major media, including Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and other outlets.

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Reviews for Rise of ISIS

Rating: 3.199999991111111 out of 5 stars

45 ratings8 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title intense and full of exaggeration, stereotyping, and scaremongering. It is seen as a propaganda book with grand, sweeping claims based on US exceptionalism. However, there are some positive reviews that find it tremendous. Overall, the book is divisive and sensationalist, but some readers still enjoy it.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One of the least objective books I have ever read. Is actually more about Hamas or the bad guys and Israel aka the nice ones.

    Also, "in the United States, thankfully, we don't have a history of genocide", like, seriously?!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    hysterical garbage
    .. not worth time or money. move on.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Full of exaggeration, stereotyping, scaremongering; Muslim-bashing and unreasonably favouring Israel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    . Its tremendous :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A lot of information packed into 2 hours. Will have to re-listen to catch what I've missed. This book is good, but intense.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is a propaganda book. Other reviews have said it, the author makes grand, sweeping claims based on US exceptionalism, with atrocities committed by ISIS as the justification. This divides the argument into strict polarities: in that US intervention is the only way, and if you don't agree wholeheartedly, you are part of the problem. This is an extremely reductionist view of international relations and the importance of sovereignty in international law. This book is sensationalist. Invest your time elsewhere.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is Informative, interesting, easy to understand and scary.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    There's nothing definitive about this.

    Lacking in substantial information of ISIS' organizational structure, goals, means, and recent history, this work brushes over ISIS as AQI and goes at length on the potential threat to Israel. While this threat is real, not nearly enough attention is given to other nearby locales - particularly Iraq and Syria, surprisingly.

    This is a book of propaganda. Not of fact. There's enough hard evidence to damn ISIS through discussion of its own actions and aspirations - why ignore that and pontificate on something tangentially related?