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Audiobook7 hours


Written by Carrie Jones

Narrated by Julia Whelan

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In this sequel to Carrie Jones' New York Times bestselling Need, Zara discovers the fight to save her hometown from a brewing war isn't quite over . . .

Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people gets weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town.

A turf war is imminent, since the new pixie king, Astley, is moving in quickly. Nick nearly killed him in the woods on day one, but Zara came to his rescue. Astley swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Nick isn't buying it, though Zara isn't as sure—despite herself, she wants to trust the new king. But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life—and his.

Don't miss the all of the books in the Need series:


Release dateJan 30, 2010

Carrie Jones

CARRIE JONES is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the Need series, as well as After Obsession with Steven E. Wedel. She is a distinguished alum of Vermont College's MFA Program, and a part-time police dispatcher in Maine because she likes cop stories. Really. She blogs about her dogs, cops, and a bit about writing, too.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really am enjoying this storyline, and I hope that our characters make it out ok in the next book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's not often that I have to force myself to finish a book. But I had to do just that with this one. The poor writing is only minimally better than it was in Need. But a whole new distraction has popped up. Zara's word choice is just too convoluted. This is a huge problem because the entire book is written from Zara's perspective. I know she's quirky, but her "lingo" became annoying after a very short time. How many variations of "awesome sauce" and "made of awesome" can a book have before I throw it across the room? I think this may be because Carrie Jones speaks this way herself. After looking at her personal website, I am confident in my assessment. It is unfortunate because it doesn't come off as cool or original as she intended. "Awesomesauce" and "made of awesome" are in my opinion, wannabe quirky word choices. It's like when someone is trying really hard to be cool, they aren't. The entire novel is line after line of Carrie Jones thinking, "How can I make Zara sound quirky?" It's just too disingenuous. Aside from that very big annoyance, there were innumerable other roadblocks I met when trying to get through this novel. The characters start making stupid choices in order to further the plot. I no longer cared about Nick in this novel. In fact, I hope she ends up with Astley. More specifically, I hope Astley locks her up in a dungeon and tortures her. The actual story telling was confusing again. Sometimes she switches scenes or activities without warning and it isn't until halfway through the second scene that you realize what's happening. Between this issue and wading through Zara's teen-speak, the novel was just too much work to read. I did finish it because I wanted to know what happened, but now I'm not really thinking it was worth it.Anyway, if you are like me and can't help but finish a series once you've begun... tough luck. You're in for an annoying ride.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So we found the thing that Zara's willing to sacrifice her humanity for, and it adds a whole new dimension. Suddenly we've got a love triangle- because of course we do (the thing with Ian was just a false flag). Zara and Astley both kind of think the other one is just using them, and they're both kind of right, but Astley is so nice and Zara is so obsessed with Nick. Ashley didn't have Nick's immediate appeal, but Zara obviously saved him for a reason, and I think it went beyond just being nice.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I like Astley. He better stick around.
    I don't like Nick. He's a freakin jerk.

    Stupid Nick.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Zara hasa few pixie problems, she is half pixie, her father a pixie king is locked up in a prison house with other pixies who want to kill her and other king pixies want to turn her to make her their queen. There seems to be a parade of them coming to town to eat (murder),rule and have her. Her love Nick, the wolf has some competition when a Pixie King Astley behaves honorably toward Zara. He shows her a side of the pixies she did not believe existed. Everything goes wrong, her life is in extreme danger and Astley may be the one she has to turn to. Her friends and her family all warn her, but she has to make her own choices.
    I really liked Need, the first book, and I enjoyed continuation even more. It is a wonderful fairytale with a well detailed world and strongly developed characters. My only complaint is that it is too short, I wanted more. It is a YA book but it never had the teen angst feel that many books have.
    *Cliffhanger ending*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The excitement continues, as more pixie kings invade the town seeking to make Zara their Queen. Good pixies versus bad pixies, and whether or not to believe any pixie are thoughts that fill Zara's head. Zara has to make the hardest decision she has ever had to make in her life when the worst that she can imagine happens to Nick. I was captivated, and couldn't stop turning the pages as I devoured the words eagerly waiting to see what would happen. I'm really glad there's a part three.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Better than the first. The mythology is intriguing, the characters are strong, and the story engaging with thankfully far fewer phobia lists.(Note: The narrator for the audiobook was atrocious, throwing in random Boston accents, I couldn't even finish the first chapter.)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book captivated my attention I couldn't put it down. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved every minute of it. I can't wait for book 3!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a nice follow up to the first book in this: Need.Background: Zara and her friends have trapped the pixies, including her pixie king father, in a house surrounded by iron and other metals (which they cannot touch for fear of being hurt). However, other kings are converging on the small town in Maine to try and gain the control that her father cannot seem to possess of himself or the pixies he rules. During the story Zara meets Astley, a new pixie king, who seemingly has all good intentions. He wants to make her his queen and does so under only her conditions: that they find Vallhala and saver her were boyfriend, Nick.This was a nice story, but moved a little slow for me. As with most books such as this, the action was really more towards the end of the book.The first person writing actually annoyed me in this particular book. The author did a fairly decent job at projecting Zara as a teenager but some of the other characters were not as believable.I like the introduction of Astley, as Zara's pixie king, and Cassidy, their new friend who seemingly has a crush on Devyn. We do come to find out that Cassidy is part elf, although not until the end, so she is much of a mystery throughout the book.I am interested to see how the group goes about saving Nick and also how the relationship between Zara and Astley turns out (since there is bound to be a love triangle between Zara, Astley and Nick).Overall it was an enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Captivate picks up where Need left off with Zara having locked up all of the evil pixies in their house in the woods. Zara made a big mistake by not killing them, and the pixies are growing angrier each day they're trapped. This book was enjoyable, and I really loved the new character additions. The plot kept me reading, and I was invested in the story. Jones' writing was still a bit clumsy, though. I think some of the weird wording is supposed to be just how Zara talks, but some of it is just obnoxious. It pulls me out of the story. I kind of wonder what editor they could possibly be using in order to have phrases like the ones that are in this book. That aside, though, this is an excellent story. Zara and Nick's relationship has developed quickly, and they're kind of sickly sweet. I don't really like Nick in this book, and he seems to have forgotten Zara's name because he only calls her "baby." He's kind of obnoxious. Devyn isn't half as interesting as he was in the last book either, but he does play a bigger role in this story. Issie is still one of my favorites, and I still love Betty. We didn't get to see much of Betty, though. I'd like to know more about Mrs. Nix, but she remains a minor character. I LOVE the two new additions to the series, though, Cassidy and Astley. Astley is amazing! He's my favorite character in the entire series. Cassidy is also interesting, and I really like her. I have a feeling she's going to play a big part in the next book. The plot is pretty action-packed, and there is enough suspense to keep you interested. It's a bit of a roller coaster ride, and some parts are really sad. However, the book ends with hope, and that's all you can ask for. The pacing is spot on, and I wasn't bored at all. I never felt like the story dragged. As I mentioned, the wording was a bit clumsy, and I felt that many phrases were too wordy. That caused me to stumble over some phrases, but it still didn't slow down the pace of the story. The ending ties up a lot of loose ends, but still leaves some questions open for Endure. I didn't feel like it was a cliffhanger, but I am ready to see what happens next. Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of faeries, pixies, and shifters. Things are getting really interesting up in Maine, and you do not want to miss out on the action!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Synopsis:Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people gets weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town.A turf war is imminent, since the new pixie king, Astley, is moving in quickly. Nick nearly killed him in the woods on day one, but Zara came to his rescue. Astley swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Nick isn't buying it, though Zara isn't as sure -- despite herself, she wants to trust the new king. But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life -- and his. Review:This book is so much better than the first! I read it in a day and would not put it down. For me, the new character of Astley absolutely blew me away. He's a new King in town, kind, sensitive with an eye always on Zara in case she gets into trouble. He understands her dilemmas in the world, that she hates killing and wants to see the best in people. He acts selflessly every time and he made me root for him from near the beginning.Again, this is a story of Pixies, leadership, trying to solve hidden clues, getting rid of the bad guys, love for friends, family, people in need but most of all this is a story about prejudiceZara discovers that her prejudices towards Pixies is based on ignorance. Everyone tells her that Pixies are evil, except Astley isn't. He is the exception to the rule and Zara wants to believe him because she believes that not everyone is born evil.When one of her friends is badly injured Zara feels his loss so great that she's willing to go against all the rules to save him. She sheds her prejudices and does the unthinkable.This is definitely a great sequel and overshadows all the shortcomings of the first. A must read!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I needed to read the first was enticed by the second book and captivated by the third and i dont know how long i will be able to endure waiting for the 4th book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book "Captivate" by Carrie Jones was just as great as the first book in the series, "Need". Zara finds out that the pixie king is her father, her real father. This means that he wants her as a pixie the way she should be. She obviously doesn't think so until her skin starts turning a tint of blue. She figures out a way to capture a giant group f pixies in a house protected by pixie glamour, making the house hidden to everyone that pixies don't want to see it. It was only a matter of time that the pixies thought of a master plan and broke out and now after her. They are needing blood and because zara and her friends are the ones who trapped them, they are wanting their blood. Zara escapes until a Valkyrie pixie warrior form Valhalla takes Nick, her too-good-to-be-true-boyfriend. Will Zara get nick back or will Valkyrie take the life of her soul mate?This book was just what I expected. The supernatural world continued right of the last page of "Need", the first book in the series. I thought, again, that the characters personalities were just amazing and they really caught your perspective on what Zara and her friends and family are going through. It is amazing how Carrie Jones brought the characters to life as they played through the book. The way the plot flowed was just beautiful, like one of Beethoven's pieces, music to my ears. The though that Carrie Jones put into this book was unbelievable and it was very well written.I enjoyed the role of Betty, Zara's grandma, in this book more than anyone else. I love the fact that Zara's grandmother is a furious tiger that thurts to end the life of a pixie realted to pixie king, Zara's father. It humors me that this fragile old lady on the outside is now this tough grandmother that wants what she says to be done. She kills pixies as easily as ripping a piece of paper in half, and that's how simple it is for her. She comes off so nice and inocent but she is kind of on the crazy side. Even the pixies, towards the end of the book, are frightened to face her in a bloody battle to the death. The details put into not only Betty but the whole book left me dumbfounded and astound. Carrie Jones really did bring her characters alive and to have the talent is amazing. I think that this book deserves a solid four stars. There wasn't much I could pick out that was more towards the worse side of things besides the problems I found in "Need". I agree that again the plot was very similar to "Twilight" and, don't get me wrong, was an amazing idea but i do like having surprises come up when it was more predictable having read "Twilight". I think that she could have followed the guidelines f "Twilight" but added more twists and turns along the way. Without those small problems it could have been a four and a half to a five star rating but because it had those bumps in the road i am giving my final answer as a four star book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The evil pixies--including Zara's biological father--might be locked up and barricaded in the house in the middle of the woods, but Zara and her friends know this isn't likely to be the end of their pixie troubles.Of course, they're right, too. Soon a new pixie is in town--Astley. A new king who wants Zara as his own, Astley claims to be one of the good guys, but his arrival brings even more trouble to Zara, Nick and their friends. And to Zara and Nick's relationship.Once again Zara and Nick are fighting to keep both themselves and their relationship alive.Like Need, Captivate is a quick read that grabs you from the beginning and pulls you in until the amazing end. This series has, possibly, my favorite cast of characters of any YA series out there; Devyn, Nick, Issie (who has my undying love for her Buffy referencing), and Betty really add to the story and are lovable, quirky, well developed characters that I can't live without.Things really expand in Captivate --more characters are added, the setting isn't as limited to the school and Zara's house as I remember Need being. It was fun to get more of the pixie world (and it seems there's going to be even more in Entice) while not forgetting about the original characters and their lives.Captivate does leave you hanging like crazy with its ending, though. Be thankful that Entice is already out and consider buying it whenever you buy Captivate!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After imprisoning her father and his pixie subjects, Zara and her friends try to go on with their lives as normal, but Zara's interactions with pixies are far from over. Stray pixies begin appearing in Bedford and Zara, Nick, Devyn and Issie must capture them as they show up and trap them in the house with the others. They're unaware of why more pixies are showing up, but they are determined to find out.When Zara comes across an injured pixie that Nick did not have time to dispatch, Zara finds out why the pixies have come. Two other pixie kings know of Zara's father's imprisonment, and they are determined to kill him in his weakened state and take his followers and his territory. Astley, the handsome injured pixie, happens to be one of those kings. After saving him from a Valkyrie, Zara begins to wonder if all pixies really are bad.In the turf war between the kings, Zara's come to realize that she's not so safe. And because of their relationship, neither is Nick.As with Need, this cover is the first thing that catches my eye. Very beautiful.While I did enjoy this book slightly more than Need, it was still rather dull. I was hoping for a little more action, a little more depth to Zara's world. The first half of Captivate was focused on Zara and Nick's growing relationship. While it was a little too mushy "lovey-dovey", it is done so the reader will come to understand Zara's choices and decisions in the second portion of the book.We also get some new types of creatures in this book. While pixies as a main character was somewhat of a new thing for me, the Valkyrie was definitely a first. The Valkyrie's presence in this book was to take fallen heroes to the halls of Valhalla. This figure was a little creepy at first, but I was intrigued to know what true piece they would play in the story. I'm curious as to find out whether they are good or evil.There was one character I really began to enjoy in Captivate. Astley is the newcomer king on the scene. While all pixies are supposedly completely evil, Astley was a breath of fresh air and a cause for dilemma within Zara (and her relationship with Nick). He was very understanding, caring and sweet with Zara. I believe I like him more than Nick, and I look forward to his continued presence in Entice and hope to see more develop between he and Zara.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    CAPTIVATE, by Carrie Jones, continues the story of half-pixie, Zara, and battle against the pixies inhabiting Bedford, Maine. In the previous book, Need, Zara and her friends locked her pixie father and his followers in a iron-protected house, but now they are starving with Need and will do anything to satiate their hunger.This book was definitely a step up from the first. The tension ran high with the pixies trying to escape from their iron prison, other pixie kings trying to gain followers, and the appearance of Astley who threatened to tear Zara and Nick apart. Jones created a heart-pumping sequel that captivates you from the start.I felt this was a better storyline than Need. I liked Need but it was more of the background story for the series. Captivate dealt with the consequences of locking up Zara's father's pixies and the beginning of a war bigger than Bedford. The book was full of action and suspense that I listened to it as much as humanly possible. Jones raised the bar when she introduced Astley and the possibility for Zara to become a pixie. I loved the Astley/Zara dynamic actually more than the Nick/Zara dynamic. I felt that she needed to become a pixie because it was her birthright, but Nick's distain for pixies kept Zara prejudiced against them. Zara's character progression was fantastic in this book. I liked when she stripped her non-violent self and really let go, she was actually pretty badass.In terms of the audiobook, I was less annoyed this time around with the accents. Whelan did a great job portraying Astley's smoking Irish accent, and I applaud her for her ability to keep the accents and voices separate and clear.I loved the cover for this book. The addition of the gold keeps each book linked and absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait for the continuation of the series in, Entice.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This continuation of the series about Zara and her pixie problem was appealing to me for its Maine setting, but needed editing to cut out some of the repetitive angst and whining. The ending, while not exactly a cliff hanger, felt like a dirty trick without any real resolution, clearly setting the stage for the next installment. Seems like this could have been tightened up and combined with whatever is coming next, all in one work. In the audio version, if a Maine accent was attempted, failed miserably.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had really liked the originality of "Need" and while "Captivate" still continued with the original story line, the first hundred and fifty pages were so weighed down with fluff, I almost didn't continue.After the first 150 pages, there were about a hundred pages that were actually very good, and it was almost enough for me to give the book four stars, despite it's sloppy start. Unfortunately, the last ten pages were filled with the same fluff, and pretentious dialogue. I will be reading the next one because I am curious as to what happens, but in all honesty, it’s not very high on my to read list.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First of all… how beautiful is that cover? I mean come, on. You can’t go wrong with fairy dust.I really loved the first book of this trilogy and was hoping for the same from Jones’ second book, Captivate. It just didn’t have the same appeal as Need. It didn’t captivate me. (See what I did there? Hah.)I love Zara as a character. She’s quirky and tough, but still vulnerable. There are so many things going wrong in her life, but she brings the humor. Captivate finds us just after Need ends and Zara is trying to decide between 2 equally sucky choices that she is facing. Enter…cute fairy boy. (Not that type of fairy boy. A REAL fairy.) Zara is forced to take action into her own hands and come up with the best compromise that she can offer, given the tense situation.I also loved the appearance of this new and interesting character. For me, he made the book. I knew I wasn’t supposed to like him, but I couldn’t help it. It was definitely a great addition, since a few of the characters that I really enjoyed in Need were rather flat this time around. The biggest thing that bothered me in Captivate was the pacing. I feel like it was rushed and we didn’t get a good feel for how epic the decisions Zara makes are. A good portion of the book was spent building up the relationships (which IS important, but it may have gone too far) and not enough on the actual plot.I’m really looking forward to Entice, to see whether or not Jones was able to up the ante and pull me back into the story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't read Need, this review may contain spoilers.I didn't think it was possible but I may have enjoyed reading Captivate even more than I did Need. It hooked me from page one and I was up late into the night finishing it. I couldn't stop reading!Captivate starts where Need left off. Zara and her friends are trapping pixies but what they don't know is that more are coming and that they are all in even greater danger, especially Zara. If Zara thought her own father was bad, just wait until she meets the other kings, who want her for their queen.Captivate was so wonderfully well-written. It flowed really well for me and it made the book even better. Carrie Jones already had me hooked with the story but her writing was the icing on the cake.I guess the thing that bugs me the most is that there is going to be another book. I don't want to wait to find out what happens to everybody. I want to know now! Then again, if I wasn't complaining about that it would mean that I just didn't care about the next book so maybe this isn't so much complaint as compliment to Carrie Jones! =]Overall, if you've read Need, go get this and read it as soon as you can. And if you haven't read Need go get that one because both of these are books that I can't praise enough.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    i quite enjoyed the 1st book (need) but this 1 just annoyed me and i couldnae finish it
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    ** spoiler alert ** I really like this series. To read about pixies and the battle Zara has to choose if someone is good or evil is a nice change for me. My problem with the book is Zara's personality. I don't mind the obsession with phobias but her obsession with Amnesty International and spending all her free time writing letters to protest for prisoners really bugs me. Doesn't she have other things to worry about? I mean really! #1 - She has a crazy father that is determined to turn her mother into the pixie queen. #2 - There are 2 kings that are after HER to turn her into the new pixie queen. #3 - She is half pixie so she turns blue whenever she is near a pixie king but she does not want to be a pixie she wants to be full human. #4 - The pixies she trapped in a house are pissed off at her and they are determined to make her pay. (OH and she is still thinking..."isn't it the same that I have trapped pixies in a home when they haven't proven that they are all guilty of evil?" OH PLEASE! #5 - Her boyfriend is in danger because he is a threat to the 2 pixie kings. #6 - Her boyfriend is a were-wolf, her grandma is a were-tiger and her friend is a were-eagle...OH AND DID I MENTION that she is half pixie? (LOL) #7 - Her father is in NEED so the pixies are going to run wild and go after teen boys for blood. #8 - All pixies are gathering together in her town to start a war. All that and she is still giving herself carpal tunnel writing for Amnesty International and creating her own Amnesty International at her school! GAG! Please leave politics out of UF books!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    There is a house deep in the woods hidden by glamour, fenced by iron and full of pixies. Everyday as more and more pixies show up in Bedford, Zara, Nick and her friends round up these pixies and trap them in this house. Everyday as more pixies are rounded up the house becomes more volatile, its occupants more deranged and it is only a matter of time till something gives.Anyone can see how much in love Zara and Nick are, they are devoted to each other and nothing and no one will ever get in the way of that. Then Zara meets Astley, a pixie king. Astley is not like other pixies, at least Zara is hoping very much that he isn't because Zara is about to make a choice to step into her destiny and her only hope of survival, and of saving the one she loves, is put her trust in Astley. But you should never trust a pixie.Captivate is a pair of green eyes that are really silver, it is a kiss that is filled with need and desire and pain. Zara has long been a normal human girl, a pacifist and strongly against all pixies, now however all that is changing. All hell is about to break lose and Zara has some life changing decisions to make, however an act of love may yet turn against her. A teen story of pixies, weres and romance that is filled with blood, danger and mythology.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was ok! It's not my favorite but its not a bad book
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is sad on how Zara must become a Pixie to get Nick back. I honestly don't think Nick should have been taken in the first place.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book takes place right after Need did. Zara and Nick are so in love now. But there are pixies all over coming to their town. They are trying to find them all and trap them. Then a new Pixie King comes to town and he has his eyes set on making Zara his queen. He seems nice though and not like the other Pixies. He keeps popping up in her life and even saves her life. He doesn't try to force her to be with him though. He says he will only kiss her if she asks. Zara thinks she is pretty safe then. But when the Pixies they trapped break free and Nick is taken and her only chance to help rescue him is to turn into a Pixie, will she ask?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So the other day I read and reviewed "Need" by Carrie Jones. I just picked the book up at the store mainly for the fact that it was in the bargain bin for $5.99 in hardcover (shame on them! It was worth more than the $5.99 price tag) and I had seen it here and there in the blog world, so I figured that it if other bloggers were reading it, well then there must be something good there. And was there ever! I loved the book so much and it easily became one of the best books that I have read in some time. I thought that the plotline was very unique, combining pixies and weres, and that the characters were totally relatable/ likable/ people I would be proud to call my friends in real life. So obviously when I finished it I knew that I had to get my hands on the second book in the series, "Captivate". I was positive that this story was going to blow me out of the water like "Need" did, however, I am quite disappointed/ let-down by it, and I am even more disappointed because I read quite a few Amazon reviews and every single one of them was positive and every single one of them rated the book as 5 stars out of 5 stars, so I just feel like I should have liked the book since everyone else did- but in all honesty, I didn't.When I first read Nick refer to Zara as "baby" I "awwww"ed, I thought it was cute and found myself thinking, "Look y'all! They are so in love!" But 5 minutes later I just wanted to pull my hair out- it became very old very quickly. Do people in love really talk like that? Tacking "baby","sweetheart", and other equally lovey-dovey/ barf-tastic (to all those surrounding them) pet-names to the end of every sentence? All I can say is thank goodness that I am destined to be a lonely cat lady for all of my days!On a serious note though, I just felt like there were too many important plot elements in this book that were either introduced in the last minute or just casually mentioned, with little to no explanation- kind of like they were an afterthought. For instance, "The story Nick told you about his parents? Total fabrication! Sucks that he didn't trust you, his girlfriend/ the girl he supposedly loves with the truth!", "Your pixie dad forgot to mention that you would turn blue when you are in the presence of a pixie king that you are attracted to? Oops! You are going to need a lot of foundation to fix that floosy!", or my favourite (er... least favourite), "So there is this mythical place, called Valhalla, that even the mythical creatures like pixies don't believe in! I mean, they are all fantastically-like and they don't even believe in it? Well best of luck trying to find it so that you can retrieve what it stole from you/ what means most to you!" Right. Great. UGH!As for the characters in this book? Well the majority of them just grated on my nerves- even Nick who I professed my love for in my review of "Need"! Nick was just so gosh darn macho in this book, his hero complex? Yeah, it skyrocketed past the "Oh he is just so gosh darn sexy protecting me" to "Oh my gosh, my boyfriend is utterly possessive, who will not let me (the mere fragile mortal) do anything dangerous, while he jumps in ready to fight at the first sign of danger". And Devyn? What the flip are you doing with Cassidy, when you and Is are clearly in love and watching you two together is breaking her heart, piece by piece?!? As for Zara? Well I applaud her for taking the bull by the horns and making her own decision on whether or not to become a fairy, without any outside influence from any of the battling pixie kings, I just didn't like her methods (ie. running out on her family and keeping her decision to herself). As for Betty? Well, she is always a riot and therefore I am always more than happy to read about her and her escapades and I really liked Is in this book. It was nice to see her experience more emotions than her usual happy-go-lucky/I-can't-do-anything-without-tripping-over-my-feet self.The one good thing that I can say about this book? Well, the humorous parts were quite humorous and I did find myself giggling every now and again, like from this little snippet off of page 17 [context: Zara had just been yelling at Nick, her boyfriend, that he wasn't to go off looking for dangerous situations/ pixies without informing anyone (via text or call) and she promises to do the same] , "Hey, Nick. It's me," I whisper, turning slowly in a circle, looking for predators. "I'm near BSS by the tracks, running. I think... I hear something. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to check it out. If I don't call again, I'm probably dead or something. Yeah. Right. Bye." Or Betty's little notes [Betty being Zara's grandmother who she lives with], "Early Shift. Take you pain medicine. Do not sell it at school. JUST KIDDING! Sort of. :) " I lived for the funny parts since they were really the other parts of the story that I enjoyed...All in all? Well if you have just read "Need" and are intending to read this book next... DON'T! "Need" can work perfectly as a stand alone novel- and you in no way, shape, or form, need to subject yourself to this book (well, except in reading my fantabulous review ;) ). However, I will admit, despite all of my grumblings... I am still going to read the third book in the series, "Entice", but mainly because I am one of those obsessive readers who cannot not finish reading a series, despite the fact that I may hate every moment of the series- but who knows? Maybe the third book will restore my faith in this series *fingers crossed*!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After reading this book, I was left wondering what the heck happened. The writing went down a notch, the characters morphed into one-dimensional fillers, and the romance was not that believable. There was a drastic change from Need to Captivate, one I absolutely didn’t like.Captivate picks up a few months after where we’re left off with Need. Captivate didn’t transition well from its predecessor – we’re pretty much thrust back into the story without character descriptions or at least a little synopsis of what happened before. I couldn’t even remember how Zara’s, Devyn’s, or Issie’s appearances looked like.The writing style was just atrocious. Sentences were short and fragmented, and there were barely any worthwhile descriptions. Sometimes even mundane aspects would be written into the book – do we really need to know that Devyn grabs a drink of water, or that Zara goes pee? What does that really bring to the storyline other than filler? All of the characters sounded the same – if there hadn’t been “Zara said” or “Issie said”, etc, I wouldn’t have even been able to tell who was talking. Even their personalities were inconsistent – Astley has a certain way of talking, and after a while Zara started talking the same way. Uhh, I was pretty sure she had never spoken the way Astley did throughout any of the novels.I think Carrie was trying to portray “out-casts” and minorities in this novel. Everyone had dreadlocks or cornrow’s or hair dyed green in Mohawks. Okay, I get that she wants diversity in her town, but it was never like that in the previous novel. I had to roll my eyes after yet another person was introduced that had dreadlocks.Zara pissed me off this time. Every time she spoke, I wanted to either strangle her or throw the book across the room. I mentioned this in my review of Need, but good GOD is she stupid. She gets so many warnings from the pixie kings but she ignores them. If she had only paid heed to them, none of the stuff that happened would have happened, and a bunch of people wouldn’t have gotten killed just because of her sheer stupidity. The best part? She has the gall to blame the pixies for what happened, but hot damn was it her fault. She’s so dang self-absorbed and whiny; if she could have sacrificed one person or herself, none of the innocents would have died. She’s all about protecting people from the pixies, but what she did endangered them. She never thinks about her actions. All she does is “research” that comes up inconclusive or just gets solved by Devyn. I couldn’t even feel sorry for her after what happened to Nick. And her reaction to losing Nick? Oh, I’ll just grab a sword and try to take out as many pixies as I can, but get swarmed in the process and only really inflict ONE minor injury and then have to get rescued. URGH.The other characters pissed me off too. It was like Carrie had a list: Nick – protective, “macho”; Devyn – “nerdy guy who researches a lot”; Issie – “eccentric who loves bunnies but is clumsy and weak”. They were so one-dimensional this time. What happened to my vivacious Issie from Need? The only two characters I liked were new: Cassidy and Astley. I couldn’t not like Astley, but if I say why I might spoil something. Same with Cassidy. But in both cases, they were refreshing next to the gang of four.I was definitely not emotionally connected to any of the characters this time around, aside from Astley.The plot was okay, but sort of dull. Nothing too twisty this time – the only “twist” happened with Cassidy. Need was suspenseful – Captivate just wasn’t. Pacing was alright – not too action-packed, and only lagged in the beginning. I have to admit that the read got better after Zara finally agrees to Astley’s suggestions, so I’m still holding on to hope that the third novel will be better than this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Since I've read Need, I've been dying to read the next book in the series to see what happens to Zara and her friends. I don't read a lot of young adult and urban fantasy books, but when I do I love getting lost in a completely different world and this book was perfect to do just that.The story starts off a few months after Zara and her friends solve the problems they were facing with the pixies, however they are all aware that this was only a temporary solution. The group are always on the lookout for stray pixies and do their best to keep everyone else safe, but now a new king is around, one that is much younger and stronger, and he believes that Zara is meant to be his queen. Astley is trying hard to convince Zara that contrary to her belief, not all pixies are bad but like humans, there call also be good pixies and he happens to be one of them. As Zara becomes more concerned for the safety of her friends, she starts to believe that maybe Astley is being honest and things take an interesting turn. How far will Zara go for her loved ones?I found the second book in the Need series to be so much more intense than the first book. The pixies and weres plot starts to thicken and I thought that this made the books a lot more interesting. Zara still annoys me a little at times and she makes me want to scream at her for her choices, but I like how her character is developed and in the end she is much stronger. The mushy teenage love is much more frequent in this book and if there was one thing I could complain about is that these could have been reduced, but to make things worse Zara has two guys to swoon over, so that's to be expected. I was able to get over that part though and it didn't hinder me from enjoying the book. The ending is definitely a cliffhanger and left me with so many questions. When I finished this book I just had to know what happens next, where is Nick, will Zara remain the same, aaaa this is not fair!Overall I like how Carrie Jones is developing the story, and now I have the next book to look forward - Entince which will be released later this year. I have to get hold of that one as soon as I can.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Captivate is book 2 in the Need series. It has been a while since I read Need, but it was not hard at all to remember the characters and storyline and catch up with the story. Captivate continues right where Need left off. Zara, Nick, Issie and Devyn are still hunting pixies. These are mostly evil, killer pixies, not the nice, cute kind. Nick and Zara are a couple, she is half pixie and he is a werewolf/ shifter. Nick and Zara have more encounters with the pixies, and there is a war developing in the town between the weres and pixies. Sides will need to be chosen. Zara meets a pixie named Astley, who claims that not all pixies are killers, and some want to live peacefully. Zara works on coming to terms with her pixie side. That is all I can say before we get into spoiler territory!I really enjoyed this book, it was easy to get into and fast paced. There is lots of action, and some romance as well. I really hope there is another book in this series! The ending left me hanging, looking forward to the next book.