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Audiobook8 hours


Written by Carrie Jones

Narrated by Julia Whelan

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In the third book in a series that began with the New York Times bestselling Need and Captivate, Zara must find her way to the underworld if she wants to save the boy she loves.

Zara and Nick are soulmates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out. For starters, well, Nick is dead. Supposedly, he's been taken to a mythic place for warriors known as Valhalla, so Zara and her friends might be able to get him back.

But it's taking time, and meanwhile a group of evil pixies is devastating Zara's hometown, with more teens going missing every day. An all-out war seems imminent, and the good guys need all the warriors they can find.

But how to get to Valhalla? And even if Zara and her friends discover the way, there's that other small problem: Zara's been pixie kissed. When she finds Nick, will he even want to go with her? Especially since she hasn't turned into just any pixie. . . She's Astley's queen.

Don't miss the all of the books in the Need series:


Release dateDec 7, 2010

Carrie Jones

CARRIE JONES is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the Need series, as well as After Obsession with Steven E. Wedel. She is a distinguished alum of Vermont College's MFA Program, and a part-time police dispatcher in Maine because she likes cop stories. Really. She blogs about her dogs, cops, and a bit about writing, too.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a sequel to Captivate and Need. It's pretty captivating for a fairy book. The fairies are killers. Literally. Not a lot of romance or starts-out-good-then-turns, these fairies just lure humans into dark corners to kill them. Then Zara finds out that her father is not only one of them, but a king. Which makes her a princess, just waiting for a king to make her a queen. This is bad, bad news because a strong fairy will stop at nothing to possess a queen in order to control power and consolidate territory. In addition to dealing with this threat to her life and independence Zara must also deal with the fact that fairies in her new hometown in Maine are kidnapping teenage boys and . . . killing them? Torturing them? No one knows. They just keep disappearing.Which, I must say, is one of the most entertaining twists in this book. Having the fairies prefer young *boys* makes an interesting dichotomy where the boys are vulnerable and the girls are more viable as fighters because they have more resistance. The romances are not bad, either. The plot is the best, though, surprising without being totally out of left field. This book is a great continuation of the plot, with Zara dealing with the downside of being a ruler: people die for you, and you can't do a thing about it but watch them die. Very compelling, and I am absolutely putting the fourth book on my want list :D
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have absolutely LOVED listening to this series ? ❤ ? ?.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So spoiler alerts...Anyway, I totally thought Zara couldn't handle that sword fight and she'd have an out or something. Also Nick's reaction in Valhalla is so different from his later reaction. How is Zara still doing any school with all this going on, though? She's away or incapacitated about half the time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Still hate Nick. Never liked him. He deserves what he gets. The jerk.

    I'm team Astley all the way!

    Can't wait for the next book. gah!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pixie life is not what Zara wanted but it was necessary to save Nick. Queen Zara, as she is now titled has many new responsibilities and dangers. Astley her King, tries to help her find her wolf, suffering but giving all he can. They travel together, grow to know each other, and save each others lives. Slowly she learns that Pixies, now that she is one perhaps aren't all bad. Their quest has them meet assassins, gods and traitors. Can the get to Valhalla and save Nick before time runs out ?
    It has an ending that is satisfying but still leave much up in the air. I hope for her to take a different path in the next book. I saw something sweet and strong building there.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Team Nick versus Team Astley? The first two books swayed me towards Nick but, after reading "Entice" and reading about sweet and kind Astley, I couldn't help but sway right on over to Team Astley. Zara is now Queen of the Pixies, with Astley as her King, but has the same goal in mind: to bring Nick back from Valhalla to help fight the war against the evil pixies. She will stop at nothing, despite murder, traitors and mayhem breaking out everywhere in the small town of Bedford. With the deadline to rescue him rapidly approaching, will Zara get to Nick on time? Read on to see what happens.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The introduction of Norse Mythology is intriguing. The writing is a bit better but not stellar.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What's with the Carrie Jones overload lately, you may ask? Well, I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in a blog tour for Endure, which comes out on May 8, and I had not had the opportunity to read the previous three books in the series. Obviously, I could not do a review if I had not read all of the books, so I decided to check them all out from the library and hurry through them. Luckily, I enjoy each book more than the last, and Entice is no exception. I cannot wait to start reading Endure!Entice picks up, literally, Captivate left off. Zara and company are attending the school dance when things get even uglier. Pixies, pixies, everywhere. It's not safe for anyone to be in Bedford anymore. Zara knows that she has to get Nick back in order to make the town safe again. While I felt that Zara was extremely selfish in wanting Nick back so badly that she didn't care who died in order for him to come back, I also understand that she, and the others, seemed to feel that the town could not be safe without him. If that's what it takes in order to defeat these evil pixies, then I guess sacrificing a few for the greater good is okay, right? I'll hold out judgement until the end of Endure as to whether I thought this was a good idea or not. Zara grows a lot as a character during this novel, and a lot of the awkward clumsy wording is gone, which is good. Either Jones got a new editor, or she realized that the sentences she was writing before weren't quite English. Zara still explains things differently than most, but it's in coherent sentences, at least. I love Astley even more in this novel than I did in the last one. He's just fantastic. I really hope Zara ends up with him. We also got to see a new side of Betty, which is interesting. I can't wait to see what happens with that. Zara's mom got on my nerves because she was such a bigot. Issie grew up quite a bit, too, and I really like Cassidy. I'm glad she's a permanent addition. Some new characters were introduced in this novel, but we don't really get to know any of them. The plot is pretty suspenseful, and I was kept on the edge of my seat until the very last page. I couldn't put the book down. The pacing was quick, and nothing felt rushed to me. I would have liked some more details on a few things, but overall, I felt that the pacing was good. This book ended on another cliffhanger, but that's to be expected. A lot of questions were answered throughout the novel, but there is still a big, "what's going to happen next?" at the end. At least we know that Endure will answer all of the questions and not end on a cliffhanger since it's the last book of the series. Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who's a fan of the supernatural/paranormal/faerie/pixie/shifter type books. I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure you will too! Remember to visit my blog on May 8 for my release date tour, complete with a guest post from Ms. Jones herself as well as my review of Endure, the series finale!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Entice again reminds me why I love this series. I love the world Carrie Jones has created that’s inhabited by all kinds of exotic “weres” (all kinds of were-animals!) and, most importantly, evil pixies. But are all of these evil pixies really evil? I hope not, since Zara (the heroine and main character) is now a pixie queen!In my previous review of Captivate, I mentioned my biggest irritation with Zara, but luckily this irritating character trait didn’t play a very big part in Entice, and I was relieved!Nick is missing and Zara is doing everything in her power to save him. She even accepted getting turned into an evil pixie at the end of Entice (the one thing she was most terrified to become) in hopes this will help save him. I loved how, in the beginning of the book, Zara is still not quite comfortable in her new pixie skin, so when she’s put in a situation where she must fight another pixie, she still has trouble being comfortable with committing violence. But throughout Entice, she grows into a strong and confident pixie queen while still holding on to her human personality and goodness. There is one especially kick-butt scene that had me dumbfounded…because Zara, the ultra-dependent girl who always had to be protected and rescued in Need, has now become this super, kick-butt heroine in Entice!There’s a lot of destruction, war and death in this book. Because of this, Zara has some pretty devastating and heartbreaking losses. I caught myself several times getting all choked up!A lot of the characters in this book have to learn to accept Zara as a pixie. They have always feared and hated pixies, so accepting Zara as a pixie is hard for all of them! In particularly, it’s Zara’s mother who pisses me off the most. I wanted to reach through the book and slap her silly for treating her own daughter the way she’s now treating her in Entice. I think I will have a hard time liking her mother in future books. Hmm…but I guess she wasn’t really all that great of a mom anyway, since she just pawned Zara off to her mother-in-law. Zara is better off with her grandma and her friends!And then there is Astley! Ahhhhh…I love Astley! This is one of those dang books where I’m totally torn between what “Team” I’m on. I’ve always had love and the hots for Lucas, but now I have this totally hotpixie king (Astley) to choose from?! Grrrrr! I think I will be sad if she chooses either! I want her to have them both!Each book in the Need series is a quick read, with action, suspense and very likable characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Full, non-spoiler review courtesy at Book & Movie Dimension a BlogWhile the other books in the Need series were overall good reads, Entice, is even more captivating. Now in Entice Zara finds herself closer to getting Nick back from where she lost him in Valhalla when he was injured. Zara has found a way to save Nick the boy she loves. In Captivate closer to the ending , Astley a pixie king has given Zara a way to save Nick at the price of her being his pixie queen. Zara who's now a queen at first doesn't like the idea of turning pixie though as days go by she does see that Astley is correct: Pixies don't have to be strictly evil. They can choose to be good. Zara and Astley team up to find Nick. Along the way, Astley is willing to go the distance to prove to Zara how pixies can really be good. Zara and Astley start to get closer than they ever imagined.Entice is just as good as ever in terms of excitement. The adventure this time is centered around Zara and Astley. For that reason Astley figured into the story more and you'll get to see more of who he is and his past as a pixie prince. As always the Need series is ground in danger and ignited romance. The danger of uncontrolled pixies is still at large bringing further intrigue. The romance between Zara and Astley is felt much more in this latest novel which is new territory. Astley sure is a charming pixie guy who's a really nice addition. Really hard not like the guy!Yes, Entice is a very much an enticing read in the paranormal romance. Carrie Jones keeps on writing some better installments each time. So expect the next novel in the series, Endure, to be hopefully just as good or better than Entice.Overall: Amazing read!Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Pixies, Shapeshifters
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Zara is now a pixie…she accepted her lineage and allowed Astley to turn her because only the Fae can enter Valhalla which is where Nick is. Devyn is having trouble accepting the fact that Zara is a pixie and that she won’t try to kill him. But does eventually let it go to help Zara and Astley find the way to Valhalla…which they finally do find, but the road is not a smooth one and some friends do lose their lives.This story was a bit gut-wrenching because Zara is single-minded in her focus to get Nick. To the point where she almost dies. To say that her family and friends get frustrated with her is an understatement. And all the while Astley is there supporting her, being her friend, and not pushing any other agenda.When Astley first came on the scene, I like many, couldn’t really get a read on him. I was afraid he was going to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I am happy to think that he is as good as he seems. Although his rule as King is not an easy life and a couple of times he does let it get him, it just endears us to him all the more. I think I may be changing from “Team Nick” to “Team Astley”…I may have to wait for the final book, “Endure” to fully decide whose side I am on.Zara has a really rough road ahead of her. She is focused on getting Nick back but all the while she is afraid that when he finds out she had to turn, that he will hate her. Nick has made it clear from the beginning that he hates pixies above all else. What’s a girl to do? In Zara’s case she keeps plodding ahead and hoping for the best.I have a lot of questions after Entice and the galley for the final book, “Endure”. I hope to know how this series wraps up sometime today. Time will tell, I guess.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Synopsis:Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out.For starters, well, Nick is dead. Supposedly, he's been taken to a mythic place for warriors known as Valhalla, so Zara and her friends might be able to get him back. But it's taking time, and meanwhile a group of evil pixies is devastating Bedford, with more teens going missing every day. An all-out war seems imminent, and the good guys need all the warriors they can find. But how to get to Valhalla?And even if Zara and her friends discover the way, there's that other small problem: Zara's been pixie kissed. When she finds Nick, will he even want to go with her? Especially since she hasn't just turned...she's Astley's queenReview:This one, the third in the series, was fantastic! There are so many character developments in the story. Most importantly is Zara. Aside from the obvious, she grows in her persona to a true warrior and I loved her for it.And then there's Astley whom I adored from 'Captivate'. He really shows a depth of character in this one and Zara is wonderful with him.There are a few more surprises for all the side-kicks but generally this book is about meeting your enemy face on, not being afraid to do anythng even if it means some will not make it to the other side.Again, there's love, there's loss, there's wierd initiations and the bond of friendship. Plus we finally have Odin and Thor.I can't tell you how much more I enjoyed this book, you will simply have to read it yourselves!!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I felt like this book was the worst one of the series. I was extremely disappointed because I did really enjoy both Need and Captivate but this book fell completely short. The story moved really slow and it took forever to build up in the first place. I could barely force myself to finish and when I did I was disappointed that I had even wasted my time. I should have just stopped.The character development was poor...that's to say there was barely any at all in this book. And Zara throughout the whole book just annoyed the crap out of me. In the first two books, she stands up for herself and what she believes in but in this book she's a whiny heartsick girl, not solid in what she believes in. It was frustrating to see her so well developed in the first two and then resort back to a stereotypical annoying wimp of a girl. As for Astley, his development was somewhat better with learning about his mother and his previous queen but I still felt like I didn't even know who he was. He was just there. I would have liked more of a development in the "relationship" between the two of them but something doesn't even occur until the end of the book and Zara is confused about if she likes him for a second and then she's right back to "oh, I'm in love with Nick." Honestly, I like Astley more than Nick but that's just me.I doubt I'll read the next book. This is probably another series I'm going to drop. Maybe if I hear good things about it, I'll try it but as of right now, with the result of this book, it doesn't look like it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Zara's pretty sure that she and Nick are soul mates. Thing is, Nick is dead now and has been transported to Valhalla, a place for fallen warriors. She's now turned pixie, which she did in hopes of saving Nick. She is now Astley's queen and has a slew of pixie-followers, but this will not deter her from trying to save Nick.War looms closer each and every day as more evil pixies arive and begin terrorizing the town of Bedford. More kids are disappearing each day. The clash of good vs. evil is coming to a head and Zara and her friends need Nick back, they need more warriors.As time begins running out, Zara starts losing people that are close to her. No matter how many times she fails, she will not give up on getting to Nick. But even if she succeeds in getting to Valhalla, will Nick even want her anymore with his obvious vehemence towards pixies?While I did enjoy this book more than Need and Captivate, I couldn't quite put it up there with the books that I REALLY enjoyed and gave a solid 4 star rating to.Out of all three covers so far, Entice is the most eye-catching one to me.In Entice, we follow Zara through her struggles in attempting to reach Valhalla. With the help of her friends (Issie, Devyn, Cassidy, Grandma Betty) and Astley, Zara has a few failed attempts in hunting down Valhalla. These parts of the books were a little boring and drawn out for me. I felt like there was a lot of recapping going on during this story.For most of the characters, there wasn't much development for any of them in this book. Zara did begin growing into her pixie side, while still trying to maintain her humanity. That aside, this book was all about the development of Astley. Oh my goodness, I just fell in love with him. I've been all about Astley since he was introduced in Captivate, but this book was full of Astley-goodness! I was always so annoyed with Nick and his machoness. Astley is such a wonderful character, and we get to see him and Zara grow closer in this book with Nick out of the way. He is so caring, devout and considerate. He's always there for Zara, no matter what she wants. He's even willing to help her rescue her werewolf boyfriend! How amazing is he? Even if under all that glamour he has blue skin and creepy sharp teeth, he is still so wonderful. *sigh*I was unaware of there being a fourth book in this series, which obviously there is after that ending. I'm excited to read the fourth installment from Ms. Jones, which is yet untitled. I look forward to reading more about Astley (and cheering him and Zara on) and seeing how Nick deals with Zara's new pixie life.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    ENTICE, by Carrie Jones, continues the story of Zara, newly-turned Pixie Queen, and her quest to save her supposedly-dead boyfriend.I was extremely excited to get this book. I really like this series and I could not wait to see if Astley fulfilled his promise to Zara to get Nick back for her. But after reading it, I have to say I was disappointed. If it wasn't for me liking the first two books, I would have probably stopped reading the whole series. But, alas since there is another book to come, I finished it and I'm actually glad I did. I felt this book just filled the gap between books until the final conclusion can be reached. There was a lot of fluff and general wandering around to avoid getting to where Zara needed to be. Also, I thought Issie was off my annoying radar, but at this point she is back on. Her ramblings just aren't cute to me and I really could do without. But besides that, there were things I did enjoy. Astley for one. I adore Astley. He consistently puts Zara's needs above all others and he has a good heart. He only wants his Queen to be happy and if that means putting his pixies or anyone else in danger, so be it. The last 1/4 of the book was where the meat of the story was and that made it extremely worth it for me. There was heart-pumping action and the story really stepped it up. All of that lead to a pretty awesome cliffhanger and I am definitely looking forward to the next book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nick may be dead, carried off by a Valkyrie to the mythical halls of Valhalla, but that doesn't mean that Zara is going to let him go. Zara will give anything to get him back, already she has given up her humanity but if her quest is to succeed more will be lost, lives will be sacrificed. Selfishly she risks all to get back her protector, her warrior, her boyfriend, but will he want her now that she has been kissed by a pixie?What started out as a way for her to gain access to Valhalla and retrieve her soul mate Nick has for Zara become more then she anticipated. Zara had thought it would be simple, kiss Astley, become a pixie, rescue Nick. But now things are more complicated. Zara is a Queen with responsibilities to her pixies as well as Astley, her King. Astley has given all to see Zara's needs filled, even at the expense of his own heart. However, whether she admits to it or not Zara is also loosing a little of her heart to Astley.Entice is a Pixie Queen turning others to her need, a blind desire to get back what was taken, despite the cost. For Zara, Nick's death was the excuse needed to turn her to her destiny, towards Astley and her future as a Pixie. Zara and Astley have a bond that is undeniable so even if she succeeds in finding Valhahha and rescuing her beloved Nick things can never be the same. The next instalment in this teen romance is a roller-coaster ride of danger, myth and magic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book better than the 2nd book. I loved how the two characters of Zara and Astley grew more together. I do think that she should of given up on Nick and just stuck with Astley.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Well knock me over with a feather- I really liked Entice. Pretty big surprise considering that I was lukewarm about Need and Captivate. Maybe it's because Zara finally grew a backbone once she turned pixie. There I go with my whole 'I must have a strong female lead or I won't like the book' theme. The only thing that really irks me is Zara's obsession with getting Nick back. It's so selfish to risk the lives of the very people you're intent on keeping safe just to get back one guy. He's a warrior, and is needed to fight the 'war' looming on the horizon. That's why he was taken away to begin with so pony up and accept it. In other words, Zara, he's dead dude. Get over it.Here's another surprise: even though Entice comes with another of my favorite book features **a LOVE TRIANGLE** I'm not strongly Team Nick or Team Astley. Honestly, Nick is kinda a jerk and Astley can be a tad bit over the top. But if I had to get my pom-poms out, I'd be cheering for Astley.Two quotes this time:"I want you to want me because you want me, not because of grief, not because he is not here. I want you to love me for me. I want you to kiss me first and not because you need me to help you, but because you need to kiss me." (Astley)"That's not very pacifist of me. I used to be a pacifist. I used to be human. I used to be a lot of things." (Zara)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    ***May contain spoilers***Almost 100% of the time I am glad when my favourite book becomes a series because who doesn't love to see more of their favourite characters and learn of all of the crazy adventures they get into since the last time you saw them? As such, stand-alone books typically frustrate me. For days after finishing a stand-alone book I will try to think of everything that could happen to the characters and then I get all depressed since whatever I am thinking is clearly not going to happen. However, that is not the case for this series at all. I wish that "Need" had been a stand-alone book. I really, really, REALLY liked it (I rated it 5/5) and I feel like "Captivate" (which I rated 3/5) and "Entice" are such let-downs and in all honesty they kinda wreck the entire series for me. There is just such a mishmash of stuff going on in this later books, almost like the author thought "Let's have pixies, and shifters! And let the shifters shift into whatever animal they feel like! And Good pixies and bad pixies! And queen pixies and king pixies! And sparkles- lots and lots of sparkles! Then let's have some Norse gods, FBI agents, paramedics, and terrorist attacks- The more the merrier right?" Wrong. I feel like all of these recent additions are really retracting from the original storyline, which is a shame because it was really great and had the potential to become even better. I feel like more than a bit of editing was needed. And I know that stories where everything works out in favour or the hero/ heroine are kinda boring and predictable, but I kinda wish that this story was a bit more like those. I mean, can Zara not catch a break (I rambled about this a bit in my review of "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins when Katniss was forever being hurt)? She was constantly being beat up, threatened, or on death's door in this book.I think that the only saving grace of this book for me was Astley (which I found somewhat surprising since in the last book I didn't really know how I felt about him at all). Though he wasn't the most honest person (Er.... pixie) ever and kept some pretty monumental stuff from Zora, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I mean, the girl that he wants to be with wants to be with another boy and he just wants to see her be happy and is willing to make her happy by saving the other boy, his competition. I just thought that it was really nice to get to know more about him. Though I also did think that Valhalla, the land of the gods, was really intriguing. I want to know more about it and I think it would be interesting if there was a separate story/ series told about it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is terribly sad on how Nick is taken away from Zara at the time she needed him most. She shouldn't have killed the Pixies, even though they were bad.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Entice is the latest book in bestselling author Carrie Jones' series about pixies, werewolves, mystical gods, soul mates and most importantly...need.Starting shortly after Captivate left off, Entice continues the story of young Zara. After the events in Captivate, Zara has become the very thing she believes to be evil: a pixie. And not just a regular pixie, but a pixie queen. Zara's soul mate, Nick, is dead, but instead of disappearing forever, he has been taken to a place where warriors' souls go after they die called Valhalla. Yes, the mythical Valhalla, complete with Odin and other Norse gods. With help from her pixie king Astley (you know, every time I read that name wondered if he would ever give her up, ever let her down, ever run around and hurt her), Zara journeys to Valhalla to bring back her beloved Nick while trying to cope with her new-found pixiness. The journey, of course, is an action-packed ride infused with magic and romance.The world of Need expands in Entice, and it's even more fascinating than before. The universe of evil pixies and god-like characters is really well-drawn and incredibly engrossing to read about. While at times I found the characters to be a tad on the annoying side, the lush beauty of the world always managed to save me from getting too upset at the book. Though the characters do have these negative moments, there are plenty of positives that help balance it out.Zara's struggles in Entice do seem a little over-the-top or cliche at times, but the novel offers a compelling, easy and overall enjoyable read. While I admit I've read better teen paranormal romance out there, Entice continues the Need series in a satisfying way that will keep fans coming back for more. Fans of Twilight and other teen paranormal romances should also enjoy it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Why must authors torture me so? Because they like to do it. They like to see us readers squirm in our seat as we anxiously read their wonderful work of literature. This series is one that I have been following since the very beginning. I was hooked from book one, and have not been able to put this series down.Poor Zara. Crushed by the fact that her love is gone, she is searching for anyway to get Nick back. As she does this, her fears begin to speak louder in her mind as her search for Nick closes. Zara has lost so many people she is unsure of who she will lose next.Zara is weak in this book. Only because her search for Nick makes her lose herself. Zara has no one left and is using Astley as her crutch. And Astley allows its. He is so sweet in helping Zara look for Nick even when his heart is at stake. But in a way, I think he knows what he is doing. I think he believes that there is a possibility that they may not be able to get Nick back. And by being there for Zara, it leaves way for love to happen. IDK, just saying'. Plus she is his queen.The journey itself was great to read. We see Zara going to every length that she could to save Nick. We also see her fight herself. Will she be lost and become evil? Zara is constantly on edge and is always questioning herself. It is only in Astley that she finds peace and knows that not everything is evil.I was rooting for Zara to find herself and her love Nick.The Need series just gets better and better. I loved reading this book and totally lost myself in it. If you have not pick up this series you should. Definitely a must read!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Quick & Dirty: Unfortunately, there is little depth to most of the characters, and not enough tension and action in this installment.Opening Sentence: “Am I really not allowed to complain about being here?”The Review:Entice continues right where Captivate ended. A dying and/or dead Nick has been taken to Valhalla. A mystical place that Zara knows little about. Desperate to get her boyfriend back, Zara sacrificed her humanity. When Astley, the pixie king, kissed Zara, her world changed forever. Zara has become the very thing that she fought against – a pixie. She is now Astley’s queen. With help from Astley, Zara and her friends try to keep Bedford’s denizens safe from rogue pixies and bring Nick back from Valhalla.Entice is the third installment in the Need series by Carrie Jones. While I really enjoyed the first two books in the series, Need and Captivate, I can’t say the same about Entice. The pacing was slow and the plot lacked depth. Ms. Jones is a talented writer, but Entice isn’t as well written as the previous books in the series. The characters weren’t as interesting as they once were, the plot meanders, and the overall story arc seems to have been prolonged for the sake of continuing the series, and not the integrity of the story.I was also a bit disappointed by Zara’s character in this book. Zara doesn’t have the character depth and development that should come with her recent experiences; her discovery of otherworldly creatures and her transformation into a pixie. It’s not that I always need Zara to be a strong character. It’s understandable that she’s still grappling with being a pixie queen and losing her identity, but her maturity and common sense are seriously lacking. Zara comes off as selfish, stubborn, immature and misguided. Her priorities seem to have completely shifted onto a single track – finding Nick. She often treats Astley poorly, and I’m starting to question why he believes that Zara was “meant” to be his queen.Astley’s character has a lot of potential. I do have some concerns that he will not be a fully fleshed out character. For a pixie king, he’s not very powerful or regal. He plays the role of the selfless and affable king keeping his word to help Zara find Nick, with little regard for his needs, his people and the impending war. This aspect makes his desperate need and reasons to take Zara as his queen dubious.This book lacks the excitement, intensity, suspense and atmospheric vibe that were once a staple of the series. Although the story doesn’t quite live up to my expectations, it has a few worth-while moments. Overall, Entice just isn’t that enticing.Notable Scene:I run up the bridge fueled by hope, ignoring the worry and the pain in my chest as the sound of fighting echoes beneath me, growing fainter and fainter the father I go. The muscles in my quads tense and flex and release as I sprint as fast as I can. I’ve always been a good runner, but this – this is insane. It’s like running on a steeply sloping sand beach. Colored dust flies behind me with every footfall.Yes, I am running on a rainbow and, yes, I am no longer human, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting to Nick. A white bird circles in the sky over my head, leading my way as I leave behind the world of humans, leave behind the world of questions and wiggly lines between good and evil, leave behind all the mistakes I’ve made.To my left are mounds of earth that look like fairy tombs; to my right is a meadow on a hill where suddenly it is spring. The air is warm and amazing, smelling of lilacs and thawing ground. On top of the hill wait large standing stones like at Stonehenge. They are in a circle reaching toward the sun.The Need Series:1. Need2. Captivate3. EnticeFTC Advisory: Bloomsbury provided me with a copy of Entice. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Summary: When her shape-shifter boyfriend Nick was killed by an evil pixie king and taken to Valhalla by a Valkyrie, Zara White did the unthinkable: she let a pixie kiss her, so that she would have the powers to bring Nick back. But that one kiss changed everything: she's now feared and untrusted by her friends and family, she's suddenly being treated as the queen to Astley, the pixie king who turned her, and the evil pixies still have the upper hand in her small Maine town, killing her friends and classmates. What's worse, Zara has no idea to get to Valhalla to save Nick - or whether or not he'll even want to be saved by her, now that she's become the very thing he's sworn to hate. Review: These books have all of the ingredients needed to be a perfect fluffy read: YA paranormal romance with a hint of a love triangle, plenty of action, a decent sense of humor, creepy bad guys, and a sweeping mythic scope (I mean, Asgard, for crying out loud.) But somehow I never find them quite as absorbing as I think I should. I also can't quite put my finger on why.Part of it was certainly the plot. I liked Nick well enough in the first two books, but I certainly didn't like him enough to think that he merited an entire book of "I have to save my boyfriend and I'm going to do so in the most rash and reckless way possible, because OMG MY ONE TRUE LOVE and it doesn't matter if a bunch of other people get hurt because of it even though he's more or less in heaven and probably doesn't really need or even want to be saved but I want him back, and I want him back now, so let's do this thing." (Can you tell that I was a little fed-up with Zara by the end of the book?)Actually, just about the only character I found interesting and sympathetic this time around was Astley, and I do wonder how the pseudo-love triangle is going to pan out. I would have also liked Zara's other friends to be a little more involved in the story, but in this installment, they were mostly relegated to minor supporting roles. (As a side note to authors: if you're going to have a character named Issie, please spell that character's nickname Iz or Iss. Reading sentences like "Is sips hot chocolate." yanked me out of the story every time while I tried to figure out if Jones meant the verb or the person.) Still, the book was definitely action-packed and fast-moving, and I always appreciate the blending of mythology into my fiction. I didn't love it, and it didn't grab my attention the way I wanted it to, but it did keep me interested enough to keep reading. 3 out of 5 stars.Recommendation: These books aren't stand-alones, but the series as a whole should definitely appeal to paranormal romance fans that are tired of vampires and are looking for a quick, light read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In a few words: dragged out**spoiler IF you haven't read the previous books**I first have to say that I ADORE this series. The characters and plot are excellent. The twists and turns unseen and surprising. That said, this book of the series seemed to drag on about nothing much. I honestly think I could have read the first few chapters and final two chapters and not missed a thing. The middle was completely dispensable, unfortunately. My guess is that this series was supposed to be a three book deal, then someone had the bright idea to drag it out further. I think it was a mistake. This book could have ended here. I am not giving up on the series because I still love the characters and want to know how it all will end, but this book was disappointing on several levels.Entice starts where 'Captivate' ended. Children are missing, a school bus full of teens has been attacked by evil pixies and the main characters are going to a school dance. That just rubs me all wrong. The town is in chaos, the police can't figure out why so many kids are missing. The FBI is moving in and they aren't any closer to figuring things out either. But that is not heroine Zara's biggest problem. Her problem is she kissed the Pixie King Astley and with that kiss she has turned into the Pixie Queen. She's blue with vicious shark-like teeth in her mouth. She must keep up a glamour so she doesn't scare people away, even her own friends- who are trying to figure out if she can be trusted or not. You see pixies feed off humans- males mostly but any human blood with do in a pinch. Zara's other problem...her were-wolf boyfriend died and was taken up to Valhalla and she is determined to find a way to bring him back- even at the cost of other lives. This didn't sit well with me either.Zara is so pigheadedly stubborn that she is willing to jeopardize her life and her friends lives in order to just find a clue as to how to get into Valhalla and retrieve Nick her boyfriend. People are injured, people die and still Zara is determined to go after Nick. I get that she loves the guy, it was first love. They were only dating a matter of weeks and now she's willing to risk her life and the lives of everyone around her, to bring back a dead boyfriend. I didn't get that. It would be one thing to martyr herself, but she continually put everyone else at risk. I didn't like that.My opinion, while I really liked Nick, he died. Let him go. There are other more important things happening in this story. I just never saw Nick as vital to the story. He was great, but the Pixie King Astley is far more interesting and he's in love with Zara. Zara just can't see anything beyond Nick. (Remind anyone of Bella Swan? But Bella was all about protecting people and Zara is all about risking people to get what she wants.) I lost some respect for Zara in this book, I hope to get it back in the next one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of All Things Urban FantasyENTICE picks up almost immediately after the events in CAPTIVATE: Nick is dead and trapped in Valhalla, Zara and her friends are determined to find a way to bring him back, and Zara herself has become a pixie for that chance. For a story with so much built in drama and opportunity for huge character developments, ENTICE still failed to live up to the magic of NEED.That may be overly harsh, since ENTICE still does have a number of things going for it. Notably, the love triangle between Zara, her werewolf boyfriend Nash, and Astley the pixie king who turned her and made her his queen. In Nash’s absence, Zara and Astley grow much closer and she begins to consider all the ramifications of her decision to become his queen (anyone else picking up on the WICKED LOVELY similarities?). With Nash largely absent in ENTICE, it was easy to forget about him, especially since Astley, selfless almost to a fault, brings out a much more mature side of Zara that I hadn’t seen since NEED. Unfortunately, the shortcomings I observed in CAPTIVATE are still present in ENTICE. Much of the dialogue is still vapid and immature (nearly all of Zara’s friends spoke like rejects from the Hannah Montana show. I wanted to throw each of them off a cliff at one point). And Zara still doesn’t live up to the excellent impression she made on me in NEED. And the promise of learning more about Valhalla is never really kept. The coming war is alluded to again, but apparently relegated to a future book.I loved NEED with it’s tortured but hopeful romance and it’s unflinching portrayal of loss and the character arc of Zara. I rode the high of NEED through it’s slightly shallower sequel in CAPTIVATE which offered the welcome addition of a love triangle and a fun new inclusion of Norse mythology. But ENTICE, like CAPTIVATE before it, failed to match the impact of NEED. The Wicked Lovely series is by far the best YA fairy series right now, Wings is another good one, and I’ll give the Need series the edge on The Iron Fey series, but I’m still hoping that the next book in this series will regain the sheer splendor of NEED. ENTICE gets a good but not great review from me. Sexual Content: Kissing
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Entice is one of my favorites in the Need Series. This book is definitely heartbreaking and exhilarating.Zara and the Gang go through everything...grief, love, redemption.Zara is constantly trying to prove to herself and to everyone that pixies can do good. She’s witnessed it, in their sacrifices. With Bedford turning into the Hell Mouth itself, trust and good pixies are pretty much needed. Zara is surrounded by good friends, family, and a wonderful King. With them Zara can do anything. Now i know who Zara and here friends remind me of! Buffy and her friends Xander and Willow...all of them in their own funny and witty way lol and lets not forget the kicking some bad pixie butt!With Nick gone...and Astley around, it I think I’m switching teams! I mean gosh who wouldn’t be swept away by Astley. He’s so cute when he tries to be perfect and he clearly has feeling for Zara. He wants her to be happy so he helps her find Nick. I think that's a Bonus, bonus bonus, we have a winner, TEAM ASTlEY!Carrie Jones is one of my favorite authors...i can’t tell you how many times I’ve converted “vamp lovers” into “pixie lovers” lol. I can’t wait for the 4th book!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book in Carrie Jones’ Need series. At the end of Captivate, we are left with a semi-cliffhanger and Entice picks up right where the last book left off. Zara is in search of Nick and she will do anything possible to get him back from Valhalla. Her devotion to him seems to be unwavering, but Astley is quietly trying to do a little persuading of his own. No matter what, Zara is bound to Astley now that he has changed her into a Pixie and that connection is leaving Zoe questioning many aspects of her life. Personally I am a fan of Nick, so that is the direction I want Zara to lean towards, but him being in Valhalla is complicating things quite a bit.Zara’s love life is not the only situation taking hits though. Boys continue to go missing in Bedford and the “evil pixies” are starting to overrun the small town. I think it is necessary to make that distinction, the evil pixies are taking over, I still think it is possible for some of them to be good. I do not think they are born inherently evil. I do find it interesting though to see all the different strands of prejudice weave through this series. Every species in this book has their own preconceptions about people that are not like them. If they would all take a step back and get to know one another on a person to person basis, they might find they could get along. Of course, that is not going to happen easily, prejudice is all around us and old habits die hard.Zara makes a comment on her life that I think sums up the feel of this book We drive through the darkness on crazy roads, bumping from potholes and frost heaves. Roads are meant to be smooth paths, straight lanes to destinations, but they aren’t like that at all, are they? Life isn’t like that either.Zara faces many obstacles in this book and lives are lost along the way. Life is not always easy and she is discovering that fighting for those you love can also mean losing them.There are a couple of points in the book where I think things were a little choppy. A thought or idea was started and then the subject would change abruptly making me feel like I missed a couple of sentences of text. This is not really a negative for the book, it was just a little confusing at times. I also need to keep in mind though that I have a copy of the ARC so all of this can easily change when the final copy comes out. I would also not let this deter you from reading the book, because the storyline is great!Entice is an emotionally charged story that rocks the small town of Bedford to its core, especially Zara. She is forced to question who she trusts and where her heart truly belongs. My heart broke for her at points because she has lost so much already and I fear the worst is not yet over for her. Entice is a wonderful addition to the series, I look forward to future books and seeing where Zara’s story will go.