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The Night She Disappeared
The Night She Disappeared
The Night She Disappeared
Audiobook5 hours

The Night She Disappeared

Written by April Henry

Narrated by Kate Rudd

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Gabie drives a Mini Cooper. She also delivers pizzas part-time. One night, Kayla, another delivery girl at Pete’s Pizza, goes out with an order and never comes back. To Gabie's horror, she learns that the man who called in the fake pizza order had asked if the girl in the Mini Cooper was working that night. Was Kayla’s fate really meant for Gabie? Obsessed with finding Kayla, Gabie teams up with Drew, who also works at Pete’s. Together they set out to prove Kayla isn’t dead - and to find her before she is.

Release dateMar 5, 2013

April Henry

April Henry writes mysteries and thrillers for teens and adults. Her 14th and 15th books will be out in 2013.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    April Henry's novels are, in a word, addicting. The mystery and foreshadowing are so well done that it's near impossible for the reader to walk away... even for a few hours. Henry is one of those rare authors that keep the reader guessing and add just the right amount of creepiness and fear that you can't help but stare, transfixed. I enjoyed Henry's last offering, Girl, Stolen, but, to me, it was nothing compared to the intensity of The Night She Disappeared. Everyone knows to be wary of strangers, but I sometimes forget that working in customer service puts you directly in front of strangers every day. I'm a hostess and, honestly, after reading this book, I now look at customers in a whole different light. That's what's so powerful about The Night She Disappeared... the events in the novel don't seem all that far-fetched. In my opinion, the aspect of this novel that makes it most unique is the fact that the story isn't from the kidnapped girl's point of view, but Gabie's - the girl who got away. Gabie's fear was palpable and her unease reached from the pages and gripped me as I read. I was, admittedly, a bit jumpy. When would the creep be back for Gabie?Also present in the novel is a small romantic plot line. It may seem out of place, considering the seriousness of the novel, but Henry integrated it well. For me, it didn't seem misplaced, as traumatic, high-stress events often cause people to come together in unexpected ways. Thankfully, Gabie's romance didn't seem false or forced.Readers looking for a high-intensity mystery at a fast pace should consider April Henry's The Night She Disappeared - you won't be disappointed!

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. It’s an engrossing mystery that I easily tore through in a few hours. I really enjoyed the writing style. The story isn’t just straight narrative from a single point of view. Viewpoints alternate between multiple characters, most from the first-person perspective, and spattered between the chapters are 9-1-1 calls, police reports and other transcripts which help illustrate the story.While the story does switch viewpoints, the main focus is on Gabie and Drew. Gabie is obsessed with finding Kayla, even though the authorities are convinced she’s dead. She feels partly responsible for Kayla’s disappearance. The kidnapper obviously wanted Gabie, and she’s terrified that he’s going to come for her next unless they can find Kayla and, hopefully, catch him before he strikes again. She enlists the help of Drew, a co-worker, to help her. I loved both of these characters. They were both very different and very likable.Ms. Henry’s writing style is brisk and fluid — she definitely knows how to pace a good thriller. She gets straight to the point, tells her story and lets you go without wasting any of your time. While the book is well-written and I did enjoy it, it didn’t offer any real surprises. I guess I was holding out for a twist at the end, and that just didn’t come. Still, it’s a great read, and if you like a good thriller, I would recommend checking this one out.(Review based on an Advanced Reader’s Copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I feel like the mystery genre in YA is kind of lacking. In fact, I don't remember the last time that I read a true crime mystery in YA. I'm not saying that there isn't any around, but not many. And that's exactly what The Night She Disappeared is: a crime mystery. It unfolds like a poisonous flower, and little by little we get to know more about Kayla's kidnapper. Let's just say he isn't the nicest guy around.The characters in this are amazing. Drew is probably my favorite; he has had really hard time and doesn't try to pretend it hasn't affected him, but he tries to be a good person in spite of what he's been through. He is so muti-layered. It's amazing. And he's gorgeous.Gabie is going through so much through the course of this novel, I'm not surprised with the emotional conflicts that come up. It's all very believable. She isn't the heroine that shows no fear; she's the one who shows it but still manages to push through it. That makes her even more enviable in my eyes.As for the plot of the mystery, not much is left to be desired. Henry weaves a great story that I know I will want to read again and again, even if I do now know who the criminal is.My only complaint (the thing that caused this to be a four star review instead of a five star) is the length of the book. It's just little short for me. I feel like the story could have built up a little more tension before the resolution. Or maybe that's just me wanting more of these characters. Who knows.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Using police interviews, letters and newspaper clippings along with multiple points of view April Henry delivers a first rate thriller. When Kayla Cutler is abducted while making a pizza delivery everyone fears the worst except for her coworkers, Gabie and Drew, who work together to prove she is still alive. This story was well written packing a solid punch in under 300 pages. The only cons to the story were that that its length didn't allow for more character building. The reader only gets a brief snapshot of all the people involved. I liked most of the main characters but thought Gabie was overly whiny at times. I thought she and Drew were a good team though and would like to see more of these characters in the future. I would recommend this book to fans of The Forensic Mystery Series or anyone looking for a good thriller.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After their coworker Kayla never comes back from a pizza delivery order, Drew and Gabie are drawn together by common guilt (Drew was the only other one working that night, and Gabie traded nights with Kayla) and confusion. Alongside their budding relationship, a police investigation ensues, unfolding in the pages via interviews, newspaper clippings, and other assorted pieces that make the text more interesting. The plot races to its somewhat unbelievable but satisfying conclusion. If you liked the Face on the Milk Carton series (Caroline B. Cooney) or Jaycee Dugard's autobiography, A Stolen Life, try The Night She Disappeared.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    GoodReads Synopsis: Gabie drives a Mini Cooper. She also works part time as a delivery girl at Pete’s Pizza. One night, Kayla—another delivery girl—goes missing. To her horror, Gabie learns that the supposed kidnapper had asked if the girl in the Mini Cooper was working that night. Gabie can’t move beyond the fact that Kayla’s fate was really meant for her, and she becomes obsessed with finding Kayla. She teams up with Drew, who also works at Pete’s. Together, they set out to prove that Kayla isn’t dead—and to find her before she is.My Thoughts: This one really grabbed me, right from the first chapter. In the first chapter we are hearing Drew’s version of the events leading up to Kayla’s disappearance. The delivery order that was called in, and Drew’s call to 911 to report Kayla missing. The story progresses from there. It read like a very detailed time line. The story included transcripts from interviews, news reports, missing posters, including viewpoints from Drew, Gabie, Kayla, and the kidnapper. There wasn’t a ton of character development because we are reading a snapshot in time, which was very different. But what we did learn about Drew and Gabie was realistic to today’s teens. There wasn’t any instant love although the circumstances did seem to draw Drew and Gabie together…but this was not a romance novel.The pace of the story is fast. You feel the urgency in the race against time in the hopes that Kayla can be found in time. I did read it in one sitting because I had to find out if Kayla was going to be found and if so, would she still be alive.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Gabie, Kayla, and Drew work in a pizza store. One night Kayla and Gabie switch shifts and Kayla disappears while delivering an order of pizzas. We know who kidnapped her and that she is being held but since Kayla's car was found by the rive, it is assumed that she was attacked and dumped in the rushing water. This is not a who-dun-it but a will-she-be-rescued-in-time story. The chapters change point of view between the teens and the kidnapper as the police are stumped and Kayla's parents resort to the services of a psychic.Drew and Gabie are the only ones who realize that Gabie was the intended target which no one believes because Kayla is the beauty and Gabie is a smart but plain girl, not the typical kidnapping victim. Gabie has a deep feeling, however, that Kayla is not dead and she teams up with Drew to try and discover where she is. Will they find her in time or will the kidnapper get Gabie first?There are no surprises in this story except for what happens to Kayla's ex boyfriend, an event that cements the police's decision on her fate. The alternating chapters interspersed with notes, newspaper articles, and other ephemera help to create a suspense filled story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great listen, even thought you know the situation you get sucked in with each character.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is another book I've read this week that really caught me off guard. It was so entertaining from the first page.What I like most about this book is the plot line. Super engaging and easy to get into, Ms. Henry write an amazing plot line. I really enjoyed the point of view switches between the main characters. It flowed nicely between chapters and really gave the reader a much better insight on what is happening from all sides. I like the mystery that is behind the whole disappearance. Even see the angle from the kidnappers point of view raised the hair on my neck!The characters of this book are what really glue this book together. I liked seeing them struggle with "What if" questions and going through, "Who is it?" mode. I like that both characters are from two different sides of the street. Reading about them coming together to save their friend and their selves, is very gripping. There was a bit of romance that really caught me off guard. I always enjoy that peace the characters can get from each other when some thing really bad is happening. The love interest gives the right balance for the book.The Night She Disappeared is a tense and thrilling story. Your eyes will be glued to the book with many unexpected plot twist and turns. Excitingly suspenseful, The Night She Disappeared is incredible!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    April Henry's young adult thriller is exciting and will have you sitting at the edge of your seat until the very last page!Gabie, Drew and Kayla all work together at a pizzeria. When Kayla goes missing one night, Drew tells Gabie that the kidnapper let it slip that Gabie was his first choice and her world is turned upside down. While the rest of the town thinks that Kayla is dead, Drew and Gabie fight to find clues to prove that she is still alive. This book had me hooked from the opening line. The plot was rather straight forward but it moved at a rapid pace with clues and revelations happening in almost every chapter. Nothing ever dragged, it seems that April Henry has perfected the art of giving the readers just enough information to have them begging for more. All of the characters were central to the plot. The book follows the perspective of a different character each chapter so it's easy to get into his or her head and follow how this character can aid in Kayla's recovery. Drew, the last person to see Kayla before her disappearance, was an admirable character and Gabie's loyalty to Kayla was touching. I loved all of the characters, their interactions, and how they played a role in the plot. Henry also adds tidbits of information to make the characters more interesting, like the scuba diver explains his process and his history as a diver, and Drew explains how pizzas are made and what the ingredients are like. Little things like that made the novel seem more real and inviting. The writing style is what made me give this book such a high rating, not only is writing absolutely flawless, the style captures the reader's attention. Like I stated earlier, each chapter follows the actions or thoughts of another central character which makes the novel more interesting than just following one character throughout the novel. Also, Henry includes fun tidbits like Kayla's latest fortune cookie, transcripts between the police and suspects, and evidence lists. Henry's ability to play with the format of the book and how she revealed some information made the book more fun to read!The Night She Disappeared is extremely fun novel that will keep you on your toes until the mystery is solved. I dare you to NOT devour this book in one sitting!Recommended: I recommend this book for fans of thriller mystery novels told from various perspectives.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent. I enjoyed the way that Henry added the newspaper clippings, question and answer sections, and pictures. It really added to the story. I must admit I thought I knew who took her, but I was wrong. This novel had just the right amount of suspense, mystery, and a little love thrown in. I would certainly read more by April Henry.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Kayla is kidnapped one night delivering pizzas, but it should have been Gabie. At least that's who the kidnapper asked for when he called to place his order. But Kayla and Gabie had traded shifts. Now Gabie feels responsible, as does Drew, who took the pizza order. Told from the perspectives of each teen, as Kayla recounts her experiences at the hands of the kidnappers and Drew and Gabie try to figure out who took her.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Kayla needs Friday night off, so she switched pizza delivery shifts with Gabie--which means Kayla was the one delivering pizza when the man called. Kayla didn't come back, but she wasn't the one the killer wanted. Gabie knows it should have been her, and she and their coworker Drew are the only ones who still believe that Kayla might be alive.

    A murder mystery where we see the killer periodically, along with some other people along the way. Could have used fewer POV characters, but still creepy and compulsively readable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Night She Disappeared by April Henry is a mystery but not a mystery. Kayla works for Pete's Pizza, behind the counter and making deliveries. One night she goes out on a delivery and doesn't return.In chapters told from various characters' points of view, the story unfolds. Drew and Gabie are her co-workers and most of the chapters revolve around them. Drew took the order. Gabie switched shifts at Kayla's request; otherwise she would have been making deliveries.There are also chapters devoted to Kayla and her kidnapper and Kayla's parents.I say it's a mystery and it's not a mystery because, obviously we all wonder what will happen to Kayla. But it's more than that. Henry has weaved a story of hope and fear, certainty and uncertainty. Kayla's parents hire a psychic in hopes that she can solve the puzzle. Drew and Gabie fear the unknown, the being alone both at work and at home. Gabie is certain that Kayla's alive, yet everyone else is uncertain.I like the way April Henry writes. It's direct. You'll know how each person feels, how they cope with their world, what's going on in their heads. I can swear I've read other books by Ms. Henry, I can't for the life of me recall which ones. But now she's on my radar and I'll be looking forward her future stories.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reminded me a bit of Wish You Were Dead. This page-turning thriller hooked me in. Kayla is kidnapped during a pizza delivery and her coworkers, Drew and Gabie, are trying to make sense of her loss while both feeling guilty. The reader has insight into the big picture, and it is just a matter of getting on the wild, enjoyable ride to see what will happen as the main players make their decisions. The chapters alternate narrators and documents are incorporated throughout the text as well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Gabbie’s co-worker, Kayla, goes missing one night on a pizza delivery. From what the cops say, it looks like Kayla knew her abductor. From what Drew (a co-worker) says, Kayla’s abductor asked for the delivery girl who drives the Mini Cooper but Kayla doesn’t own a Mini Cooper, Gabbie does. With Kayla missing and Gabbie knowing that she was supposed to be making that delivery that night, Gabbie’s world starts to crumble down. Why did Kayla ask Gabbie to switch shifts? Why does this person want Kayla? Why did this person originally intend to abduct Gabbie? But most importantly, is Kayla still alive?I was excited to start this book. From the review I read before starting it, it was pretty well like and they weren’t wrong. “The Night She Disappeared” takes off running on the first page and doesn’t stop until the very last. It felt like I just started the book and in seconds I was finished with it. Also, it was a complete mystery to me who the abductor was which kept me intrigued until the very last page.I liked how the author writes each chapter from another person’s point of view but does it so well to where the story doesn’t get muddled. Instead of being introduced to a character from the main character’s perspective, you get to know each character that plays a main role in the plot and what they are thinking and how they feel. Check the book out and I really think you won’t be disappointed.