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Koko Takes a Holiday
Koko Takes a Holiday
Koko Takes a Holiday
Audiobook8 hours

Koko Takes a Holiday

Written by Kieran Shea

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Five hundred years from now, ex-corporate mercenary Koko Martstellar is swaggering through an early retirement as a brothel owner on The Sixty Islands, a manufactured tropical resort archipelago known for its sex and simulated violence. Surrounded by slang-drooling boywhores and synthetic komodo dragons, the most challenging part of Koko’s day is deciding on her next drink. That is, until her old comrade Portia Delacompte sends a squad of security personnel to murder her.

Release dateJun 10, 2014
Koko Takes a Holiday

Kieran Shea

Kieran is a sailor, chef, and crime writer -- Koko is his debut novel, but his crime and mystery short fiction has been published widely online and in journals like Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.

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Rating: 3.5277778888888887 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a fun space adventure and narrator has excellent voice acting skills. kept me entertained from start to finish!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The book takes place 500 years in the future. The world is pretty messed up by now. And one place is sure in the front running. Sixty islands; the place where you can watch a massacre and then take part in an orgy. Brothels and killings. Aww what a wonderful resort!

    Our ex mercenary heroine Koko owns a brothel. Life is good. But then BOOM! Her former wants her dead. But Koko can kick ass and taking her down wont be easy. She was cool. No nonsense from her.

    The book is actionfilled, since people are trying to kill her after all. I liked the glimpses of this futuristic society. The action parts were good. And the light humour hidden there.

    Ohh, when I think of it, then this would make a great action movie. Oh that would be so kick-ass! Well they might skip that one scene that was all ewww, no way! When you are killing you can't be delicate ;)

    I enjoyed the fast ride.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is perfect for what it is - nothing deep, fast moving, lots of violence, all of it over the top. If you want a book that has a bit more purpose - stay away from this. Also stay away from it if you are bit squeamish, both in language and in very graphic violence. The plot is tight, the characters are a bit stereotypical, but thats okay. This world is actually well put together - run by corporations, gore, violence, sex, all sell. But - its equal opportunity. Nobody judges you on your sex or color (unless you are a degenerate mutant). Koko could be written as a guy, and nobody would notice, mostly. The choices that people make in this world might be limited at times, but they are free. My only really concern is how a certain disease is handled.Recommended if you need a pointless, action filled, fast paced book, however, not for everyone.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm giving this novel a bit higher rating than it probably deserves but it really hit the spot at the time. What you see is what you get; a post-apocalyptic caper novel where bad people do bad things to (mostly) other bad people. One gets the impression that the author (who comes out of a "true crime" fiction background) has spent a lot of time playing post-apocalyptic/first-person shooter video games and this has fed into the style of the novel. What does lift this thriller above the status of throwaway entertainment is that Shea does have a knack for setting and character.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Don’t let my middling rating fool you, because I really did enjoy this book. It was like eating a big bowl of popcorn for lunch; sure, you didn’t really get much out of it, but boy, it filled you up nicely and gobbling it down felt so wickedly good and yummy. Like a B-action movie, I don’t think Koko Takes a Holiday will stay with me for any significant length of time, but it was some great pulpy fun while it lasted.The book takes place five hundred years from now, starring ex-merc Koko Martstellar who has retired from the hired soldier gig to run a brothel at the tropical archipelago resort known as The Sixty Islands. A place for tourists to indulge in their sexual simulated violent fantasies, the SI is rather like a playground for adults and Koko’s taking full advantage of the decadent life, surrounded by her boytoys and booze. She figures, what the hell, she’s having a good time and she’s earned her rest.But then an old comrade-in-arms had to show up and ruin it all. Portia Delacompte, former-mercenary-turned-corporate-bigwig, blazes into town with a mind to see Koko dead. With her bar and brothel utterly destroyed by Portia’s deadly hired goons, so ends the good times for Koko, who is forced to take a holiday from her holiday to escape being hunted by her ex-buddy. But Koko, the very picture of a kickass heroine, hasn’t forgotten the tricks of her old trade – and she isn’t going to go down without a fight.A lot of people have said this book reminds them of a graphic novel, for good reason, and not just because of the eye-catching art style on that fantastic cover. More likely it’s due to the story itself being very fast-paced, action-filled, and quite heavy on the dialogue. However, Shea’s descriptions of the various extraordinary and outlandish places also make it easy for the reader to picture his world in their mind’s eye. The very nature of the novel’s futuristic setting lends itself to this; it’s a high-tech dystopia with rampant corruption and depravity, and it’s also disturbingly vivid.As you would expect, there’s nothing deep here. Koko Takes a Holiday goes for fast, shameless fun and it achieves that marvelously. You won’t be able to stop yourself from turning those pages. Delightfully unrestrained and bombastic, the book is heavy on violence and explosions but light on plot and characters, but hey, sometimes that’s exactly what you need.I had a good time with this book, but admittedly the experience is already fading fast. We’re already at the tail-end of summer and heading into fall, but I would recommend this if you’re in need of a good beach read, or just something like this to pick you up on a crappy day. It’s hard to go wrong with something this high-energy and entertaining.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really don't like futuristic or science fiction books because they are usually the exact opposite of this book. There are no slow parts in this book, it is a non stop action story, with likable characters. Can't wait for this authors next book.