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Written by Gail McHugh

Narrated by Mary Kowal

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Her mind tried to fight a bloody battle against what her body already knew. She wanted him, and she wanted him badly.

On the heels of her college graduation and the unexpected death of her mother, Emily Cooper moves to New York City to join her boyfriend for a fresh start. Dillon Parker has been sweet, thoughtful, and generous through Emily’s loss, and she can’t imagine her life without him—even as her inner voice tells her to go slow.

Then she meets Gavin Blake. A rich and notorious playboy, Gavin is dangerously sexy and charming as hell. Their first encounter is brief, but it’s enough to inflame Emily’s senses. When their paths cross again through an unexpected mutual acquaintance, she tries to deny the connection she feels, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome won’t let go so easily.

As she discovers Gavin’s pain-filled past, and Dillon’s true nature begins to surface, Emily knows she must take action or risk destroying everyone—including herself. But how can she choose when she can’t trust her own heart?

Release dateAug 13, 2013

Gail McHugh

Gail McHugh is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Collide and Pulse. She is the mother of three beautiful children and has been married to her husband for fifteen years.

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Reviews for Collide

Rating: 3.859223276699029 out of 5 stars

206 ratings16 reviews

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Readers find this title to have a great story, but some were disappointed with the narrator's accent and the different voices used. However, the actress doing the VO is praised as amazing. Overall, the book itself is fine."

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Great story, but the narrator's accent really ruined it for me

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    If a random burglar came and accidentally shot them all putting us out of our misery, starting with that whiny bitch Emily. On the plus side, I kept waiting for her to grow a spine.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The book itself was fine but the narrator was awful. The different voices were just painful to listen to.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The actress doing the VO is AMAZING! You should listen.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Ugh. Where to begin. When I started this book, I initially liked it. However, as it went on and on, and on and on, I got quite tired of it and actually had to force myself to finish it. It is the first book that I ever remember skipping whole pages of just in an effort to move on through it. I really thought that after I had finished it, I would feel that it had been worth the extra reading. I was wrong. It ends with a total cliff-hanger for book 2.

    First of all, the bad language is pretty constant. If it the "extra" words were all removed, it would probably cut the book by at least 30 pages. I did read reviews before reading this and there were many women who were saying how "hot" Gavin was and how he was the most perfect "boyfriend" material they had read in a long time. I have now determined that those reviews had to have been written by very young women who have never actually been treated respectfully by a true gentleman. The immature behavior of the main characters just took me back to pretty much everything that was bad about my early 20's though thankfully, my experiences were nothing like these character's lives. Dillon was a total loser. Emily just had no backbone...with either male. Gavin spent most of the book wanting her because he wanted her. There really was not much said in the way of him caring about her as a person until later and even then it was not sufficient. And as far as the romance (OK, sex) just seemed trashy to me.

    Disappointed. Have read a number of "young adult" romances recently that I really enjoyed but sadly this was not one of them.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    “Doll, you’re going to get me out of your system as much as I’m to get you out of mine. It’s impossible.”

    That is for sure! I don’t think I will be able to get this book out of my head for a while! I have been waiting for a book that really hit me hard! I sure did “collide” with this one!

    Emily….. I wanted to smack her for denying herself what she deserved! She has the typical low self-esteem issue when it comes to men. Instead of going for the one her heart desires, she chooses the one who doesn’t know what she is worth. Dillon is a controlling, lying, womanizer. Emily refuses to wake up and see him for who he really is. Gavin is the sweet and loving man who would do anything to have her. She denies him to be with Dillon, the one she feels obligated to. Even though she finds herself weak when it comes to Gavin, knowing he is who her heart desires; she isn’t strong enough to walk away from Dillon. It’s a constant battle within herself to follow her desires and to fulfill the obligations she thinks she has to fill. My heart was ripped out so many times. My mind couldn’t handle anymore, but yet it wanted more and then some more!

    “Every part of you was made for me. Your lips were made to kiss mine, your eyes were made to wake up to me looking at you in my bed every morning, and your fucking tongue was made to roll my name off of it. I am more certain of us than I’m certain that I require oxygen to breathe.”
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Just as good the second time around. Actually, it's better because THIS time I the follow-up book, Pulse, and am not hung up by the cliffy ending!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was great , it was fun, sexy , with great characters .Collide is the debut novel by indie author Gail McHugh.
    Although I truly dislike Cliffhangers this was a great read .

    A missed first encounter…

    Colliding with a second chance…

    On the heels of graduating college and trying to cope with her mother’s death, Emily Cooper moves to New York City for a fresh start.

    While harboring secrets of his own, Dillon Parker takes care of Emily through her grief. Knowing he can’t live without her by his side, he’s sweet, thoughtful, and everything Emily has ever wanted in a man.

    Until she meets Gavin Blake—a rich and notorious playboy who is dangerously sexy and charming as hell. Emily tries to deny the instant connection she feels, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is not inclined to let go so easily. Recovering from his own painful past, Gavin will stop at nothing to win Emily over.

    This unexpected encounter compels Emily to question her decisions, forcing her to make a choice that will destroy friendships, shatter hearts, and forever change her life.

    “Every part of you was made for me. Your lips were made to kiss mine, your eyes were made to wake up to me looking at you in my bed every morning, and your f***ing tongue was made to roll my name off of it. I am more certain of us than I'm certain that I require oxygen to breathe.”

    I loved Emily , but I also think she needs a major backbone . She needs to stop and breathe ... Jumping from one person to the next and vice versa drove me crazy , but I guess I kinda understand the whole "safety Net" she was playing on . then again she drove the story to continue with the way she was .

    “Sometimes bad choices bring us to the right people, Emily.”

    Dillon ... man ohh man I just DO NOT LIKE him at all , doucheness at it's best with him ... thats all I got to say about him ....

    “I’ve never felt so heartbroken and so in love at the same time. If you would’ve told me the day we met that you were going to break my heart— and that days, months, or even years would pass, that I would still be hurting like this—it wouldn’t have stopped me from falling in love with you.”

    Gavin is the Man. He is “Mr. Tall, Dark and F*ckable handsome”. his love, his passion, the fact that he would not step on toes in the beginning and start something with Emily while she was with Dillon was awesome. The heart and body can only say no for so long though and I am so Happy he finally spoke his truth , and laid it all out for Emily ..

    “Then go after her, Gavin. When you want something this badly, you don’t just give up. You fight and fight until you absolutely can’t fight anymore. It’s in the Blake bloodline, so it should be easy enough for you. Besides, I’ve never known a more stubborn little bastard in my entire life.”

    “Here's to bottle caps,the Yankees, and 'birds', and most of all"...he paused and lowered his voice to a whisper.." and,most of all to a beautiful girl named Molly who refuses to believe the man-the man who loves her more than she'll ever know”

    Major Cliffhanger , and man I dislike Cliffhangers ... so I truly can not wait to see what happens with this whole story . If you do not like cliffhangers then I would suggest wait until book 2 comes out so your not left hanging and waiting , wondering like I am right now ...

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Loved the first book. Cannot wait for the second in this series.
    The author's writing style is easy and allows the reader to mentally picture what is happening in the story like a movie.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There are things I liked about this book and things that didn't. I didn't like, at all, the third person POV, not the MC. God! I wanted to strangle her by the end of the book! But the plot is good, the pacing is great. After I got used to the writing style of McHugh, I enjoyed the book. It was definitely swoony and angsty.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's super hard to like Emily when she keeps taking Dillon back. He's horrible. It is to make us sympathetic to Gavin but no one with any self respect would put up with his overbearing, controlling and mean personality. It's also hard to read and not question all of the unprotected sex- especially when Dillon has been sleazing around on the side. The pill does not keep away STDs. So a bit cringe inducing there. Having said all of that... Gavin is a serious sexpert. He's so passionate and when they do finally get together it's hot. Not too poetic but Gavin comes across VERY nicely. Not the best written new adult erotic but entertaining enough.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm not quite sure what to say about this, i'm still kinda in shock.

    I enjoyed it. I liked Gavin from the start and that bit at the end--To a beautiful girl named Molly who refuses to believe the man who loves her--the man who loves her more than she'll ever know--I was in tears by that bit.

    Dillon, even from the beginning, I was not a big fan of, and he just seemed to get worse the more I read. I have no idea what Emily saw in him.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was absolutely delectable!!...freaking delicious!..Seriously now...I've been on #TEAMGAVIN from the first pages of the book...even from the first time we got to read about him especially by his POV...He is sweet but passionate,sensitive but determined..In other words, he is a hard-core ,sexy as sin and yet playful swoon-worthy man..Dillon..Don't get me started on him..What a -- jerk..Never ceases to amaze me how people see themselves..He's officially catalogued as an arrogant pig..And now we have sweet Emily..How doesn't she see the reality is beyond me and it was a bit annoying..But she is very cute and well Gavin's love..Anyway,I loved the book, maybe mainly due to Gavin's character..What can I say?!I'm a sucker for this type of men..Can't Wait for #Pulse !!!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I read the first half and then the last chapter, this book was a whole lot of nothing for me. Absolutely nothing happened, no character development, no build up, no other storylines of any interest. Just NOTHING!

    It could have been saved if it had been reduced, a decent parallel story was introduced early and there was some resolution at the end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. I can't wait for the 2nd one to come out.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this book. It had everything i enjoy in a book; Romance and passion. This is a new author and i'm exited to see where she takes Emily and Gavin in the next novel, Pulse. Summer 2013 can't come soon enough!!!