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The Final Piece
The Final Piece
The Final Piece
Audiobook7 hours

The Final Piece

Written by Maggi Myers

Narrated by Amy McFadden

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Life shouldn’t be about picking up the pieces. Beth Bradshaw has spent her life hiding from her tragic past. From the moment a trusted family friend steals her innocence until the moment another rescues her, she struggles to just survive. Surrounded by the comfort and protection of her extended family, Beth embarks on a journey of healing far from the horrors of her home. In her darkest moments, she meets a boy named Ryan. For one incredible summer, Ryan shows Beth what it’s like to act her own age. To feel free and let go. If only for a while. Years later, another tragedy threatens to shatter the life Beth has carefully crafted. When faced, yet again, with more pieces to pick up, Beth begins to question what her choices have cost her. Leaving her old life behind, she sets forth on a pilgrimage that will bring her back to the boy she could never forget. He wants to help her pick up the pieces of her life, but is she willing to do what it takes to become whole again? Can she trust him with a piece of herself?

Release dateDec 3, 2013
The Final Piece

Maggi Myers

Maggi was born in West Des Moines, Iowa and raised in Miami, Florida. She has a deep love for The Heartland and really good Cuban food. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading or singing into the end of her hairbrush in front of the mirror. Currently, she resides in Greensbsoro, NC with her remarkable husband and sons. For more information on Maggi and future works, you can follow her on Facebook or Twitter @Magnolia_B_My

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Reviews for The Final Piece

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love how the author pulls you in to Beth’s world. I had so much hope for her, she had the strength that only I wish I could have and the outlook on life that was wonderful love the way it ends
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is real, that is the best way I can think of to put it. There are a million words floating around in my head right now, it's so hard to form coherent thoughts. Amazing, gut-wrenching, fantastically written, down to earth, full of love and adoration, redemption, honest. The character of Beth just exudes strength and confidence. To have endured everything she did, and to come out of it like she did. I know the fact that she had people she could trust and lean on, but for the most part, it was all her. Everyone should have a Tommy in their life, and especially a Ryan. I cannot wait to see what this author puts out next, as I will be first in line to devour it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    AWESOME , AWESOME STORY ... there is alot of emotions in this book , Be prepared . It does touch on Sexual Abuse as well .

    Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.

    Book Blurb :

    Life shouldn’t be about picking up the pieces.

    Beth Bradshaw has spent her life hiding from her tragic past. From the moment a trusted family friend steals her innocence until the moment another rescues her, she struggles to just survive.

    Surrounded by the comfort and protection of her extended family, Beth embarks on a journey of healing far from the horrors of her home. In her darkest moments, she meets a boy named Ryan. For one incredible summer, Ryan shows Beth what it’s like to act her own age.

    To feel free and let go.
    If only for a while.

    Years later, another tragedy threatens to shatter the life Beth has carefully crafted. When faced, yet again, with more pieces to pick up, Beth begins to question what her choices have cost her.
    Leaving her old life behind, she sets forth on a pilgrimage that will bring her back to the boy she could never forget. He wants to help her pick up the pieces of her life, but is she willing to do what it takes to become whole again?

    Can she trust him with a piece of herself?

    “Hell bent and beautiful, you're my heart.”

    I LOVED the characters in this book ...

    “I am the kind of broken they can't fix. I am no longer the same little girl they loved.”

    Beth ,A strong child , who grew into an amazing woman . She had not had a great childhood, Her parents are not the greatest and don't see things very clearly or notice things happening right under their roof .

    Tommy , Friend of her Uncles ,Protector. Everyone should have a Tommy in their life . He has been in her family since she was born and considered Beth a daughter of his and ALWAYS looked out for her . She was his baby girl ... Something happens to Beth one day and Tommy see's it happening and he goes off on her offender , and then packs her up to take her home to her Gran and Pops .... where she stays for the next 8 yrs ... while her parents get their act together ...

    Ryan, Cute boy, Nephew to Tommy, he grew up with Beth and always teased her while growing up , Until one day he looks at her differently and realizes he can't live her life without her.

    As Beth and Ryan finally Discover that there might be something there between them ,Beth's Parents come back into the picture 8 yrs after and scoop her up to go back home to Florida and tears her away from Ryan.


    It is a LONG 10 yrs with alot of trying to move on and forget each other , neither one is happy but they continue on their lives paths separated .

    Until one day Tragedy strikes and puts Beth and Ryan back into each other's arms . Can the last 10 yrs of not seeing each other make a difference on where they are now ? Will Beth finally Tell Ryan ALL her secrets of her past ???

    “..."he's the only thing that ever made me forget what it felt like to forget.”

    Great story , I would recommend it to anyone
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A fair warning - this is not a YA read. There are very explicit scenes of sexual abuse (I still shudder at the thought of one particular scene. Brutal.), and a graphic sex scene or two.

    I was surprised at how good this was. It's a beautiful, heartbreaking story about a young woman trying to piece her life back together and get over her tragic past.

    I teared up more than once reading this. Maggi Myers clearly writes for some major emotional impact, throughout the book I was crying from outrage, heartbreak, relief and happiness in turns. I just finished it and I still can't get my emotions back in check. I am so glad I picked it up (purely by mistake, I must add, but it was a good mistake!).

    Beth is such a wonderful character, so thought out and developed. Despite the things that happened to her she is strong and determined to not let it destroy her life. I felt everything she felt and at times it was just too much. It's been a while since I sympathized with a heroine so much.
    And Ryan is one of those silent heroes. The romance is so sweet, the chemistry between them was great without being over the top - realistic, and you just know they were meant to be. I loved the way that even though they were pining for each other they were realistic about their romantic prospects and both tried to move on with their lives. It's sad that such a tragic event brought them back together, but who knows if they would have ever found their way back to each other without it.

    And Tommy. I can't talk about him without crying. Whatever she needed - he was it. His story broke my heart, even if we are not told much you can tell he is somewhat of a loner, and this little girl holds a special place in his heart and he was just generally radiating goodness.

    Like I said, Maggi Myers did a great job writing this, it keeps you engaged the whole time and has the perfect pace - it's slow when it needs to be and fast when it needs to be. All the characters somehow feel real, even if their appearance is brief the author has you get to know them. She gives us glimpses into Ryan's life and I loved that because I wondered about him.

    I loved the ending. There was this huge teary grin on my face and everything was right with the world. It ended just the way it should have.

    Everyone needs to check this out, I'm a fan of Maggi Myers for life! Oh, second-chance romance fans, you will absolutely love this! It's the perfect (and original) story of getting the timing right between the two people who are meant to be.