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Audiobook7 hours


Written by J. B. Turner

Narrated by Jeffrey Kafer

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

A sister kidnapped. A journalist in danger. A killer out for revenge.

After taking out a covert facility run by the Commission, a deep-state syndicate, Nathan Stone has made powerful enemies. He’s a black-ops asset—and he’s gone rogue.

But the organization wants payback. Kidnapping Stone’s sister from a Florida psychiatric hospital, the Commission have their asset exactly where they want him. They instruct him to neutralize journalist Mark Mahoney, to whom Stone had previously leaked documents about the Commission and their deadly conspiracy. Now, Nathan Stone has a choice: neutralize Mahoney and kill the story for good, or lose the only family he has left.

Stone knows that these men will stop at nothing to get what they want. Killing Mahoney is just the beginning. And when Stone learns the identity of their final target, he knows he has to stop the Commission once and for all—no matter the cost.

Release dateAug 2, 2018

J. B. Turner

J. B. Turner is the author of the Jon Reznick series of conspiracy action thrillers (Hard Road, Hard Kill, Hard Wired, Hard Way, and Hard Fall), as well as the Deborah Jones political thrillers (Miami Requiem and Dark Waters). He loves music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and watching good films, from Manhattan to The Deer Hunter. He has a keen interest in geopolitics. He lives in Scotland with his wife and two children.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    To the public, he's a hero: a killer who targets convicted paedophiles. Two men are dead already - tortured to death.Even the police don't regard the cases as a priority. Most feel that two dead paedophiles is a step in the right direction. But to DC Maeve Kerrigan, no one should be allowed to take the law into their own hands. Young and inexperienced, Kerrigan wants to believe that murder is murder no matter what the sins of the victim. Only, as the killer's violence begins to escalate, she is forced to confront exactly how far she's prepared to go to ensure justice is served...My Thoughts: There are a lot of thrillers out there and when reading them they do remind me of others that I have read. In this one I felt it had the grittiness like what I would find in a Mo Hayder or S J Bolton. There was a love interest but it wasn’t slushy and the sex wasn’t full blown descriptive like what you find in a Karen Rose or Sandra Brown. The story had enough about it and kept my interest and I did feel that had I read the other book I would have connected with the characters better. As with any books that have a series I find that the characters develop more and I get to know them as the books progress.As with all thrillers it has plenty of twists and turns and kept me guessing. The story was ok and I didn’t feel that there was anything to make it stand out from other thrillers which I enjoy. I don’t think I would back track and read the one I have missed, but I enjoyed it enough to perhaps look out for more with these characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Jane Casey is a talented writer and Maeve Kerrigan is an exciting character to follow. She is determined to prove she has what it takes as a female in the London police force. A brutal killer is targeting sex offenders and Maeve soon finds someone targeting her too. Her partner, DC Josh Derwent is sarcastic, egotistical and not easy to work with. The book also focuses on Maeve's personal relationships with her family and DC Rob Langton. It is filled with unique characters with a suspenseful twisting plot and keeps you interested until the very end. Casey's writing makes you want to read the next installment as soon as you finish reading the book. I highly recommend this series to those who love police procedurals.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This author is new to me love his style and his stories.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This turned out to be a very complex, and rather slow read. Told mainly by Maeve, but also through a second character. The complexity of the plot was nearly its undoing.Someone is targeting paedophiles within a fairly confined geographic area, trying to get the truth out of them as they are slowly tortured and eventually killed. But what is the truth that the person is looking for? Is it about revenge or personal justice, or is he looking for someone? Eventually the killer makes a mistake and is caught, but then the second part of the hunt begins. A race against time to find at least two missing girls.Maeve Kerrigan is assigned to a new DI who seems to regard her as decoration, not required to comment or use her brain. It goes right against how Maeve sees herself.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    ***spoilers alert***The book is interesting and I wish I knew before that not only one crime would be solved but more than one! It took me a while to pick up the book and actually read because I had no wish to read about pedophiles.It is well written, intriguing and although the topic isn't exciting, but gross, the book was complex and unexpected turns would make the plot interesting, like a chain action - one by one, one plus one - it is more than the synopsis ever tells... It is written from two characters view points - Rob's and Maeve's, both detectives.At the times I would be thinking - I am watching a movie...and the author has written that, she has picked up certain things for my attention, but yeah, most of the time I was so much into the story...glad I had the whole weekend for reading in few attempts.I like the main character, Maeve Kerrigan, a detective constable, although, sometimes she acts first before thinking it through, there is smart, sharp tongue, lonely and this was the book where she had to fight her mind against her feelings....not an easy choice. This is the book where we get to know more of her private life outside work and how much she is annoyed by her mother and her family.The book started with serial killer slaying down convicted pedos, the details of their death is awful but not more awful than their convicted crimes. someone is taking fast actions with each of next victim showing up within days time, the police starts to notice there is a leak within their team and it's a long go for finding "who" - I had couple of people I suspected, but none turned the exact one. Plus finding the killer...I can say it is a promising good read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this one a little less than the first in the series. Maeve starts off investigating the deaths of three convicted paedophiles and the descriptions of the violence meted out to them were hard to read. Then later the focus shifts to other gruesome cruelty inflicted on women, which was well... gruesome. On the other hand, I enjoyed Maeve's relationship with her new immediate superior, Josh, and her friendship with Liv and romance with Rob.I found this to be the case with the previous book too, but the very ending just seemed unnecessarily drawn out. I do like loose ends to be tied up, but somehow it needs to be done in a punchier manner.Still, very readable and convincing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent book in the Maeve Kerrigan series. I liked that the author is able to keep you guessing, and the story took several unexpected turns. The main characters are unique and interesting, and even the supporting cast is well-drawn and believable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    DC Maeve Kerrigan is dealing with working with the irascible Derwent on a case involving paedophiles tortured to death, something that most people aren't very upset about (though the author does slip in some explanations for some of the "offences" that bring them slightly into question, cleverly). Maeve has also moved house and this is causing problems, her neighbours are interesting but there's some undercurrents there. Her relationship with DC Rob Langton is also causing her to question what's happening with her life.It all made for an interesting read, I like Maeve and her rich brackground...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have become a serious fan of Jane Casey and her Maeve Kerrigan police procedural series.Maeve is 28, and a Detective Constable for the London Police Murder Squad. She adores her boss, Superintendent Charles Godley, but he pairs her with a brash newcomer to the squad, Josh Derwent, insensitive and sexist. In fact, this is how most of the squad fellows are except for Rob Langton, with whom Maeve has been having a surreptitious on-and-off relationship. Members of the same squad shouldn’t date, and moreover, Maeve is terrified of commitment; afraid of getting hurt. Rob is a sweetheart though: diplomatic, clever, tough when he needs to be, and patient and understanding about Maeve. The Crime Squad gets involved in solving a complicated set of murders – someone is killing pedophiles who have been released from prison, and the police struggle with the unwelcome task of working on behalf of very unsavory victims. Amidst it all, Maeve tries to sort out her personal and professional relationships. She also becomes endangered herself of course, but this gets resolved in a most felicitous manner.Discussion: Unlike many police procedurals, the crime is as intriguing as the characters. The characters are more interesting than most as well, because rather than the usual protagonist problem of alcoholism or corruption, you have a fairly attractive female trying to deal with a squad full of “good old boys.” Additionally, Maeve is Irish (though English-born), and the English and Irish still have plenty of unresolved tensions between them. The criminals are nuanced, or explainable if not, and their deeds do not seem unimaginable (as with so many crime novels). Evaluation: I think Casey has done a great job of creating a book with a compelling plot and a cast full of characters I care about and want to see again. This is a series worth checking out! (The Burning is the first book in this series. This is book two. It is not essential to have read the first, but it too is a good book, and will fill you in on how Maeve and Rob got together.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Overall, I loved this mystery and all of the richly textured characters. While each character had their flaws, it only made them more human and easy to understand. The story line centers around Maeve, a detective who is chasing a serial killer of pedophiles as well as some other bad guys. She is tough, yet vulnerable and a great heroine for a story. While the book can stand alone, it is part of a series. After reading this story I want to go back and read book one!Recommend this one for the mystery lover. Reader received a complimentary copy from Good Reads First Reads.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is Jane Casey's second outing for DC Maeve Kerrigan. In this one, Maeve and the team are involved in a hunt for the sadistic killer of paedophiles, which leads on to a search for a missing girl. I love the character of Maeve. She's funny and fiesty, and I really enjoy reading her story, which is told in the first person. The story in this book all takes place within a very short space of time, and I think the author builds up tension and intrigue very well.Jane Casey gets better with each book, and I'm eagerly awaiting the third instalment of the Maeve Kerrigan series, out in the next few months. I'm looking forward to finding out how things develop with Maeve's colleague, DC Rob Langton, and what is in store for her next. She always seems to end up getting injured, but she's a very human and real character, and cares very much about doing the right thing and bringing criminals to justice. The other members of the team are great too. Some are stereotypical male coppers, but there are others who are much more likeable, like the new character of Liv Bowen.All in all, an excellent and riveting read, which kept me interested all the way through. This was the sort of book where I wanted to be picking it up at every available opportunity to find out what would happen next.