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One Realm Beyond
One Realm Beyond
One Realm Beyond
Audiobook11 hours

One Realm Beyond

Written by Donita K. Paul

Narrated by Maxwell Glick

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Cantor D’Ahma waited his whole life for this day. Born with a gift to walk between worlds, the young realm walker is finally ready to leave his elderly mentor and accept his role as protector and defender of the realms.

But mere hours after he steps through his first portal, Cantor discovers that his job will be more dangerous and difficult than he ever imagined. The realms are plagued with crime and cruelty, and even members of the once-noble Realm Walkers Guild can no longer be trusted. To make matters worse, his first assignment — finding a dragon to assist him on his quest — has led him to Bridger, who is clearly inept and won’t leave him alone.

With the help of his new friends, Bixby and Dukmee, Cantor must uncover the secrets of the corrupt guild before they become too powerful to be stopped. But his skills aren’t progressing as fast as he would like, and as he finds himself deeper and deeper in the guild’s layers of deceit, Cantor struggles to determine where his true allegiance lies.

PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateJan 28, 2014

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by fantasy stories of all types. I ate through and devoured series after series as that sat on my table. Since then, I have moved on past some of those old childhood series and onto newer and more mature books. However, One Realm Beyond, the first book the the Realm Walkers series by Donita K. Paul, was a return to those past memories, albeit a short one.Being the first book in what seems to be a much larger series, Paul laid the foundations of her world for the rest of the books to follow. Everything takes place in a universe sort of like the one in Marvel comic books or the Pendragon series: you have individual worlds, or planes in this book, with their own inhabitants and lives. Yet there are portals and gateways between the worlds that allow for travel from one place to another. The Realm Walkers are a special set of people who have the talent to see the portals and travel between worlds. On top of this, dragons and magic inhabit certain worlds, adding another layer on fantasy. This combination of magic, dragons, and multiple worlds will be perfect for younger readers getting in on the fantasy genre. It's not too crazy, yet it combines many of the interesting pieces from other series and creates its own feeling.The plot itself is also something that I found very, very interesting. Cantor, a young and budding Realm Walker has just started out on his new life traveling between worlds. He immediately runs into a dragon, named Bridger, who determines that they will be partners in their journey. Now, despite Bridger's amazing gifts of shape-shifting, the two do not get along to well and things actually get pretty funny. Later, the pair run into a girl named Bixby, who has her own mysterious talents and is beginning her own journey as a prospective Realm Walker. The rest of the book follows the three of them, and some new companions, as they try to unravel the corruption within the governing body of Realm Walkers.Whats I found interesting was the key role that corruption the officials played in story. For the most part, younger fantasy books, you find very black-and-white stories: a clear battle between the "good" guys and the "evil" bad guys. The evil witch, the tyrannical leader, etc. are often the main antagonists in these stories. But the idea of corruption is something I've never seen and that has really intrigued me.I did have a problem with "picturing" some of the scenes and the characters, especially the dragons, but this problem could stem from being a much older reader than the intended audience, but I still feel like Paul could have done a little bit better job. There was a lack of clear description at some points and a sort of vague picture of what the dragons look like. It often felt like the dragons in the book were more like humans, and I often had trouble trying to understand how they actually look like. For younger kids, I see this as a good way to give them the ability to create their own personal interpretation further than the stereotypical dragon.One Realm Beyond is a really good introductory series for young readers getting into fantasy. It mashes up some of the most interesting concepts that I loved in my favorite series and a kid. Paul has done a good job creating an interesting world that is full of potential. But it will need a little more work on the part of the reader to really get the full experience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    (Reposted from my regional library website, original date Mar 08, 2017)As an avid fantasy reader I find it easy to bump into things that I've seen before, but I enjoyed this read. I picked it up by chance (February's "Blind Date With a Book") and found the characters to be enjoyably quirky, and what might normally come off to me as juvenile (I am an adult reading this) or silly, was pulled off rather well. My only gripe is that as a part of a trilogy, it sort of assumes that I'm going to read the rest of them so the story does not progress as far as I suspect it could, but there is a sort of resolution and it does end at a point where an end seems suitable. (Personally, I would like to see more single book fantasies but this seems to be the formula now).On a side note, if I put my academic hat on there are some religious and possibly Christian parallels in the story. I suppose some people might be annoyed by that but I personally didn't find it obtrusive or anything, and it fits with the story this far.I didn't intend to read more than the one book from the start, but might continue later when the mood strikes me. I would recommend it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    What was the most compelling part?

    When Cantor and Bridger meet, I automatically adored Bridger. He was funny, clever, and unique from the other dragons. When Cantor balked against him I was a little upset, so one of the aspects that kept me going in this book was watching Cantor warm up to Bridger. I really wanted to know if he would officially name Bridger as his constant, which means they're together forever.

    Were you disappointed at all?

    Not really. I thought I was going to be upset at one point when a random guy came up and said "oh if you need a place to hide here's this inn and the guy hates the guard so you're good." All I could think was really Donita? you couldn't make that any more subtle? But in the end it was just a piece of fluff or something because they never go to the inn.

    Rate it 1-5, 5 being the best
    Additional comments
    Religion Rant:
    I liked this book enough. It wasn't a huge page turner for me, I'm just a really fast reader most of the time. I've read other books by Donita K. Paul and I liked them a lot when I was younger so I knew this book would be decent. However, I got hit right in the childhood with this book and something I saw on the back.
    I was reading the back, and it was all cool. Dragons, different planes, evil guild of wizards and lots of magic. What more could you want? I was skimming the useless (At least for me) information on the bottom and saw what genres it was listed under. When I saw religion and Christian I was a little confused. This didn't seem like it had anything to do with religion. I became a little hesitant but decided I'd read it either way anyway so I might as well wait and see for myself.
    The book itself has nothing to do with Christianity directly. There is no reference to Jesus, God or the 12 disciples. The religious theme is actually quite subtle and honestly if I hadn't seen it on the back of the book I never would have thought about it. I've read plenty of books with a God like character, someone the characters look to for guidance and help. I never give this much thought though because, unlike God, they usually show up in a corporeal form of some sort. The same is true of this novel, with a man, probably equivalent to an angel in Christianity, sent to help the adventurers fight against evil.
    The evil is in the form of the Realm Walker Guild. Only 3 of the 99 members still walk in the light and with Primen, the God character of this book. The evil Realm Walkers are corrupting people every way they turn and are fighting in Primen's name but are not following His ideals, in reality. This is akin to terrorists, fighting in their God's name. I never thought I could relate a fantasy book to real life. It's crazy.
    Being only marginally religious, I'm happy to say the presence of religion in books does not bother me, even after I realized the books were allowing me to agree with Christian ideals in a way that I thought was cool and rateable. Which is weird considering they almost always have dragons in them, and who can relate to dragons?
    The whole religion thing hit me right in the childhood because I'm forced to reanalyze all of the books I've read in my youth with religion in it, especially the monotheistic ones. Paul did this in another series I read by her, as well. I understand it and accept it, but I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out. I actually like it. I think it's cool. Especially when there is some God smiting happening, which hasn't happened in this series yet, but I'll get my hopes up.
    Everything Else:
    The book had lots of action in it, but I have a few problems with the progression of the book. There are some places where it seems like whole sections of the plot just magically happened and they don't talk about it. One paragraph: Hey let's go to the barn. End of chapter. Beginning of chapter: So we went to the barn.... and I'm just like what? You did? And I didn't get to go? Oh so now you're going to fill me in. I think this is just a stupid writing style. I would have much rather been there in the barn. There wasn't actually a barn..I just made that up.
    I thought the transitions between characters, mainly Bixby and Cantor, were decent except for a few places where I was reading and I didn't even realize it had switched to a new character until about a paragraph in. This might have been because I was distracted for a moment by the TV or my mother, but still it was kind of weird.
    My predictions for this series is that:
    1. Cantor and Bixby hook up
    B. Cantor and Bridger become permanent constants
    3. There's some serious prophecy junk going on
    4. Cantor is the boy who lived...wait that's Harry Potter. He's the one to rule them all? I think that's LOTR. Anyway I think he's going to become king or lead wizard of the guild. It'll be great.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received this through the BookLook Bloggers Program in exchange for a fair and honest review.

    First, let me say that for a book published by a Christian Imprint, I was thoroughly impressed with the fact that the religious aspects in this book were so subtle that, if you did not know to look for them, you would have believed it to be mainstream young adult fantasy fiction. For a lot of people, that is really a good thing.

    I was impressed with how well thought out and well written this novel was. I had never heard of the author before but the cover art sucked me in and the description was enough to catch my attention. I mean, really, look at that cover. Isn't that just an awesome cover that makes you want to know what is in the pages?

    Cantor's Journey was one that if you think about it enough, can be mirrored in each of our own hearts. The journey to find our way, to learn who we are as we grow up and become the people we are supposed to be. It is a journey that each and every one of us makes, young and old alike, to becoming the people we are intended to be and live the life that the universe has in store for us. I don't think we ever finish that journey until the day we stop breathing.

    If you want to know more, pick up the book and give it a read. I really cannot pinpoint much negative about it, except that it was a little slow starting and took me 3 days to finish completely because the beginning just didn't seem to catch on fast enough. Overall, though it was enjoyable and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for our friends.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Synopsis:

    “Cantor D’Ahma waited his whole life for this day. Born with a gift to jump between worlds, the young realm walker is finally ready to leave his elderly mentor and accept his role as protector and defender of the realms. But mere hours after he steps through his first portal, Cantor discovers that his job will be more dangerous and difficult than he ever imagined. The realms are plagued with crime and cruelty, and even members of the once-noble Realm Walkers Guild can no longer be trusted. To make matters worse, his first assignment—finding a dragon to assist him on his quest—has led him to Bridger, who is clearly inept and won’t leave him alone. With the help of his new friends Bixby and Dukmee, Cantor must uncover the secrets of the corrupt guild before they become too powerful to be stopped. But his skills aren’t progressing as fast as he would like, and as he finds himself deeper and deeper in the guild’s layers of deceit, Cantor struggles to determine where his true allegiance lies.”

    My Review:

    Before I write what I thought about the content of this book, I will say that the cover is gorgeous! The cover is actually what hooked me into reading it, I had decided I was going to review it before I read the synopsis…..

    Okay, now that this has been said, the book itself was kind of slow in my opinion. It took almost half the book before anything “bad” happened. Yes, there were some challenging dilemmas in the beginning, but nothing of consequence happened, making everything look really easy. Everything also happened really fast (I don’t know how I can say the book was too slow and too fast, but I just did, so, hopefully you know what I mean….). I also didn’t like that I would be reading one chapter and then the next chapter was taking place over a month later without any warning, that left a lot of confusion on my part.

    However, the characters made up for the loss of conflict. I loved each and every one of the characters, as well as their personalities. The detail was also great and I could easily picture what was going on. Even though the book is kind of slow, it is a good story, and I will most likely read book 2 when it comes out. I do recommend it to fantasy lovers, as well as my friends.

    Thanks for reading!

    “I received this book from Book Look Bloggers for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are my own.”
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 Stars

    One Realm Beyond is not the normal kind of book I read. I have never been one to read Fantasy. I haven't even read Throne of Glass, which has been on my TBR pile forever. The cover of this novel is what made me want to request this book. I think that is just a BEAUTIFUL cover.

    I have been putting One Realm Beyond off for a while now. It's hard to read a book when your going in with "it's fantasy I'm not going to like it" So one day I pulled my big girl pants on and decided to open this book up..

    WOW, Why Hadn't I done this sooner???? This book is so fun and action packed I didn't even have time to wrap my head around everything going on! I am so picky when it comes to world building and character development, but Donita K. Paul nailed it all!

    So we have two Realms, in these realms we have people who can realm jump. Not everyone is a realm jumper let me just get that out there. Well they realm jump for the greater good (helping people out etc). Cantor has been studying his WHOLE life to be a realm walker. When he is finally done and passes everything he is sent off to find his Dragon.

    OMG Bridger.... This Dragon here. Guys this dragon is unlike any creature you will have ever read about. I swear if I could have a pet dragon it would be Bridger. This Dragon (Yes seriously A Dragon) almost had me pee my pants from all the laughing I was doing. I loved it!

    This book like I said before is unlike anything I have read. If you are into High Fantasy or want to check some fantasy out, I highly recommend it
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One Realm Beyond (Realm Walkers) by Donita K. PaulCantor D Ahma was born with the gift to walk between worlds. He has been training his whole life and is finally on his first Realm Walker assignment alone to find his dragon. While on his mission, Cantor discovers that the Realm Walkers Guild has become corrupt. With the help of new friends, they need to discover a way to uncover the deceit.I love Donita K. Paul DragonKeeper Series. When I saw that she had a book out to a new series, I had to read it. Once again, she is off to a successful start. One Realm Beyond was a delightful fantasy for all ages. I can see this book in school libraries and having many book reports written about it.I really like the dragon, Bridger. He is good comic relief throughout the novel. His quirky personality makes him very likable. I also, enjoy Bixby. It will be interesting to see how her relationship with Cantor progresses in the Realm Walkers Series.If you love fantasies and dragons, One Realm Beyond is for you. Complimentary copy provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received an ARC from publisher via Netgallery.Most of the books I have read from Netgallery have been my first experience with those Authors.This is not one of those times.I was a very happy person when I got approved for this book.As you can see from my rating I enjoyed it.I enjoyed most of the characters except Cantor D'Ahma.I just found him to be very boring to be honest.I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a good fantasy book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Although ostensibly teen fiction, One Realm Beyond read, in both writing style and subject matter, more like a mid grade YA novel. The characters were genial and probably easy to relate to, but their personalities had little depth.In fact, lack of depth is the way I would characterize the book in general. Clocking in at more than 400 pages, the book certainly had the real estate for some solid world building and characterization. But beyond the initial concept of the realms and planes, and a bit of information on the Realm Walkers Guild, there was nothing to really distinguish this book from any other cookie-cutter fantasy universe.Dialogue was stilted and unrealistic. Far too much was told instead of shown, most egregiously the Evil of some of the characters. We learn that the current Guild is Evil, that they have strayed from the true path, but rarely are we shown why that is the case... outside of the climaxes clumsy, mustache-twirling villainy.The Christian theology behind the book is readily apparent. The characters occasionally digress into preachiness, and there are a few scenes that make it apparent that "Primen Worship" is a simple reskin of Christianity. There is a clear emphasis on the idea of a personal relationship with God, and government (here in the form of the Realm Walkers Guild) is held up as prone to corruption, excess and vice. The characters are essentially being encouraged to rebel against the government in the name of God, which makes me wonder what the author believes about our current government.On the whole this was not a bad little book, but the writing style and lack of development do not encourage me to pick up the other two volumes when they are released.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book will be on my classroom shelf! I have also recommended it to my school's media specialist. The action and adventure of this book was topped of with a positive message. I will be looking for the second [Realm Walker] book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book a little confusing at first. But once it got into the 2nd chapter. It was amazing full of action, and the way the book was wondered made me feel like I was there taking part of the adventure as a realm walker.