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The Real Nature of Mystical Experience
The Real Nature of Mystical Experience
The Real Nature of Mystical Experience
Audiobook1 hour

The Real Nature of Mystical Experience

Written by Gopi Krishna

Narrated by William G. Davis

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

What is it really like to be ‘Illuminated’ or ‘Enlightened’? Gopi Krishna writes: “I literally live in a world of light. It is as if a light were burning in my interior, filling me with a luster so beautiful and so ravishing that my attention is again and again drawn towards it.” This book provides one of the clearest and most graphic descriptions of what it is like to live permanently in this amazing state.

 It also provides a clear, concise and logical exposition of the physiological mechanism responsible for Illumination, genius, inspired creativity and paranormal phenomena. It clarifies the role of mystical experience as the common thread running through and uniting all religions, and is the key to the unification of faith and science. It explains how this new faculty of perception, the next step in human evolution, will eventually become a permanent feature of the human race as a whole.

Release dateDec 19, 2019

Gopi Krishna

Gopi Krishna was born in 1903 to parents of Kashmiri Brahmin extraction. His birthplace was a small village about twenty miles from the city of Srinagar, the summer capital of the Jammu and Kashmir State in northern India. He spent the first eleven years of his life growing up in this beautiful Himalayan valley.In 1914, his family moved to the city of Lahore in the Punjab which, at that time, was a part of British India. Gopi Krishna passed the next nine years completing his public school education. Illness forced him to leave the torrid plains of the Punjab and he returned to the cooler climate of the Kashmir Valley. During the succeeding years, he secured a post in the Public Works Department of the state, married and raised a family.In 1946 he founded a social organization and with the help of a few friends tried to bring about reforms in some of the outmoded customs of his people. Their goals included the abolition of the dowry system, which subjected the families of brides to severe and even ruinous financial obligations, and the strictures against the remarriage of widows. After a few years, Gopi Krishna was granted premature retirement from his position in the government and devoted himself almost exclusively to service work in the community.In 1967, he published his first major book in India: Kundalini — The Evolutionary Energy in Man. Shortly thereafter it was published in Great Britain and the United States and has since appeared in eleven major languages. The book presented to the Western world for the first time a clear and concise autobiographical account of the phenomenon of the awakening of Kundalini, which he had experienced in 1937. This work, and the sixteen other published books by Gopi Krishna have generated a steadily growing interest in the subjects of consciousness and the evolution of the brain. He also traveled extensively in Europe and North America, energetically presenting his theories to scientists, scholars, researchers and others.Gopi Krishna’s experiences led him to hypothesize that there is a biological mechanism in the human body which is responsible for creativity, genius, psychic abilities, religious and mystical experiences, as well as some aberrant mental states. He asserted that ignorance of the working of this evolutionary mechanism was the main reason for the present dangerous state of world affairs. He called for a full scientific investigation of his hypothesis and believed that such an objective analysis would uncover the secrets of human evolution. It is this knowledge, he believed, that would give mankind the means to progress in peace and harmony.Gopi Krishna passed away in July 1984 of a severe lung infection and is survived by his three children and seven grandchildren. The work that he began is currently being carried forward through the efforts of a number of affiliated foundations, organizations and individuals around the world.

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