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Bedtime Sleep Meditation Stories For Kids
Bedtime Sleep Meditation Stories For Kids
Bedtime Sleep Meditation Stories For Kids
Audiobook55 minutes

Bedtime Sleep Meditation Stories For Kids

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Bedtime Sleep Mediation Stories for kids is a series of short 17-20 minute Sleep Mediation stories to help young children drift off to a deep sleep.Soothing sounds of a human voice narrating bedtime stories along with natural sounds of nature mixed with relaxing ambient music have all been scientifically shown to help induce sleep in Young Children.Bedtime meditation stories for Kids was originally created to help my own kids unwind and relax at bedtime by using meditation stories to help them fall asleep.My eldest son suffered from sleep conditions and we tried everything we could think of for several years to help him with his sleep. After years of research, we discovered certain sounds seemed to really help so we decided to create our own sleep meditation stories with a mixture of pink noise found in nature and special ambient music. We found that this combination has worked wonders for both of our children and really helps them relax at bedtime and fall asleep much faster.During the lockdown, we shared our sleep meditation stories with several online groups of parents who also had children that struggled with sleep due to different anxieties.The feedback has been amazing and many parents have commented on how well our sleep meditation stories have helped children relax and fall asleep.We have decided to publish our first 3 sleep mediation stories for kids so parents everywhere can hopefully benefit from our sleep meditation stories and help children everywhere fall asleep much more comfortably.We have many more stories to publish if parents find our sleep stories useful.Please let us know how you get on.

Release dateOct 20, 2021
Bedtime Sleep Meditation Stories For Kids

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