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Worth Every Drop: God's Relentless Pursuit to Prove YOU MATTER
Worth Every Drop: God's Relentless Pursuit to Prove YOU MATTER
Worth Every Drop: God's Relentless Pursuit to Prove YOU MATTER
Audiobook6 hours

Worth Every Drop: God's Relentless Pursuit to Prove YOU MATTER

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About this audiobook

I was raised to believe that there was a God and that He was a personal being. As a child, you don’t really question what your parents tell you. If they say there is a jolly, three-hundred-pound man who delivers all the Christmas toys in one night on the backs of flying reindeer with one red headlight, you believe them.

When I reached adolescence, however, I challenged the picture of God that emerged from the instructions given by my parents, teachers, and pastors. And these questions weren’t all of the trivial type, such as, “Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it?” Nope, they were: “Why do bad things happen to good people? Does everything happen for a reason, and according to God’s will? Everything? Including all the bad stuff?”

Then there were the highly polarizing views that never appeared to be questioned, such as, “Trust, love, worship, and serve God, or else He’ll send you to hell.” Views like that were terrifying. If God is supposed to be our caring and loving Father, how could He burn to death His disobedient children? I didn’t think the worst parent on earth would do something that ghastly. This picture was beyond toxic and left me in state of fear.

Even when I was told that God loved me, and because of that love sent His Son to earth to save us all, it still sounded fearsome and gruesome. Did God have to torture His Son on a cross, otherwise He couldn’t accept me for who I am? Why would God have to do that if He’s the most powerful being in the universe? If He wanted to save us from the “pitchfork guy,” then He should rescue us with His superpowers instead of some bloody, seemingly orchestrated, sacrificial ritual.

Worth Every Drop is a journey of faith—discovering a God who is consistent, friendly, and trustworthy. It is a deep dive into the Bible to make sense of who God is, and who we truly are to Him. 

Whether you are a boomer or a millennial, agnostic or a believer, this book is for you.

Release dateJul 5, 2022
Worth Every Drop: God's Relentless Pursuit to Prove YOU MATTER

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