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Peer Gynt
Peer Gynt
Peer Gynt
Audiobook5 hours

Peer Gynt

Written by Henrik Ibsen

Narrated by Geoffrey Giuliano and The Ark

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Peer Gynt is a five-act play written by Henrik Ibsen, a renowned Norwegian playwright. First published in 1867, it tells the adventurous and introspective journey of the title character, Peer Gynt. The play follows Peer's exploits, starting from his youthful escapades in a small Norwegian village to his encounters with trolls, a seductive woman named Solveig, and various characters he meets along the way. Peer Gynt is known for its vivid imagery, symbolic language, and exploration of themes such as identity, self-discovery, and the nature of human existence.

At the heart of Peer Gynt is the character of Peer himself, a complex and multi-faceted individual. He is portrayed as a dreamer and a wanderer, constantly seeking meaning and purpose in life. Peer's journey is marked by his encounters with different aspects of himself and society, allowing the audience to reflect on the nature of human behavior and the consequences of one's actions. The play challenges conventional ideas of morality and societal norms, presenting Peer as a character who moves between selfishness and selflessness, illusion and reality, and ultimately learns the importance of personal responsibility and authenticity.

One of the notable aspects of Peer Gynt is its use of fantasy and folklore elements, particularly in Peer's encounters with trolls and other mythical creatures. These episodes provide a surreal and symbolic backdrop for Peer's psychological and spiritual journey. Through these encounters, Ibsen delves into themes of illusion versus reality, the human capacity for self-deception, and the consequences of chasing after superficial desires. The play also incorporates elements of Norwegian culture and folklore, adding a distinct national flavor to the story.

Release dateJun 1, 2023

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) was a Norwegian playwright who thrived during the late nineteenth century. He began his professional career at age 15 as a pharmacist’s apprentice. He would spend his free time writing plays, publishing his first work Catilina in 1850, followed by The Burial Mound that same year. He eventually earned a position as a theatre director and began producing his own material. Ibsen’s prolific catalogue is noted for depicting modern and real topics. His major titles include Brand, Peer Gynt and Hedda Gabler.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I don't know what to make of this play. It seems considerably different from the other Ibsen plays I have read, almost a fantasy mixed with a morality play... I liked the rhyming aspect and there were some funny parts but overall, I was just confused and it went on too long.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nogal chaotisch geordend verhaal van de jonge Peer Gynt die door zijn grootsprakerigheid in de problemen komt, gaat rondzwerven, allerlei avonturen beleeft en uiteindelijk thuis weer zijn bestemming vindt, namelijk zichzelf. Mengeling van schelmenroman, elementen uit Voltaire’s verhalen en de Faust van Goethe. Niet helemaal geslaagd, en in elk geval voor toneel niet meer uitvoerbaar.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Music made me read this play. Have you ever heard these songs? * In the Hall of the Mountain King * Morning MoodThey were written by Grieg, along with many other songs as the incidental music for Ibsen’s play. It’s a great experience to read the words that inspired those famous melodies.Aside from the music, the play is brilliant on its own. It’s the story of a wholly self-centered anti-hero who is not good enough for heaven, nor bad enough for hell. (Ironically, Peer’s flaw—for all his selfishness—is not being himself!) Aside from the underlying Pelagianism, the scenes at the end with the Button-Molder are incredibly poignant. Listen to the Button-Molder: But, my friend, that precisely is your offense. You aren’t a sinner in the larger sense; That’s why you’re let off the fiery griddle And go, like the rest, in the casting ladle.I scanned in my own copy of the book cover, the Signet Classic edition from 1964, because I love the painting. The Amazon link points to an in-stock version of the same translation.