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Online Dating: Master The Art of Internet Dating: Create The Best Profile, Choose The Right Pictures, Communication Advice, Finding What You Are Looking For And Finding Love
Online Dating: Master The Art of Internet Dating: Create The Best Profile, Choose The Right Pictures, Communication Advice, Finding What You Are Looking For And Finding Love
Online Dating: Master The Art of Internet Dating: Create The Best Profile, Choose The Right Pictures, Communication Advice, Finding What You Are Looking For And Finding Love
Audiobook1 hour

Online Dating: Master The Art of Internet Dating: Create The Best Profile, Choose The Right Pictures, Communication Advice, Finding What You Are Looking For And Finding Love

Written by Ace McCloud

Narrated by Joshua Mackey

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Are you tired of being lonely and alone?
Do you wish you had someone to enjoy the weekends with?
Whether you want to (1) create the perfect online dating profile, (2) craft messages that get enthusiastic responses, or (3) find the love of your life, this audiobook will teach you everything you need to know.
Learn how to safely and successfully navigate the world of online dating.
No, you do not have to reveal everything about yourself on your profile, but you want to present yourself truthfully. I can help with that. In this audiobook I will walk you through the process of developing a profile that sets you up to meet people most likely to appreciate you for who you are.
Discover how to keep your foot out of your mouth.
Because men and women respond differently, I've been careful throughout this audiobook to include both male and female perspectives, while warning you away from instinctive choices that would not further your cause.
Hugely increase your chances of success!
I will walk you through what to do and what not to do in your first face-to-face encounter and will discuss how to conduct yourself on the first three dates, both for your safety and to help you make a great first impression.
Discover how to progress to a more serious relationship.
I have saved some my best advice for this part of the audiobook; it is my desire that all your relationships will flourish and grow strong and healthy.
Start having fun with online dating.
Find your match: Buy it now!
Release dateNov 13, 2020

Ace McCloud

Ace McCloud is a full time professional Author dedicated to studying and executing in peak performance strategies, with a specialty in business, health and the world's best success strategies. Ace has become a master at focusing his energy to deliver world class content that is helpful, easy to understand and enjoyable to read. He was born in 1973 and graduated from Salisbury University with degrees in Business and English. Ace has been studying and implementing in self development strategies for the last twenty years, spending thousands of dollars and tremendous amounts of time and energy in this endeavor. His two favorite role models are Tony Robbins and Arnold Schwarzenegger. "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Tony Robbins “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger "The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins Ace is a fitness enthusiast, long time body builder, an avid reader and passionate writer. He enjoys writing on subjects that will truly be helpful to thousands of people. Ace has been very successful throughout his life in competitive situations, such as in sales, track and field, games, strength training, running businesses and anything else that he is currently focusing his attention on. Ace has led many teams to victory over the years and during that time has acquired a powerful set of motivational and leadership skills. Ace Attributes his success to his ability to focus his time, energy and strategic thinking skills to a particular goal in a relentless manner until it has been accomplished. Ace makes a strong effort every day to expand his knowledge so that he can bring you world class content each and every time. You can contact Ace at his website to provide your valuable feedback or to check out his incredible books and products at: Thanks for reading!

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good advice in the hour long listen, especially if you're like me; shy, an educated loner and having some of the traits he specifically addresses. There are some good references to other free materials as well. I'm 55, divorced and retired and believe me have made several of the very mistake this book warned against. No wonder I've had just the kind of luck predicted! A great read, in fact, it's worth taking notes.